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JUNE 2011<br />


Islam has to transform individual, family, community and state as the constituents of a Muslim<br />

society and social justice which promotes the ultimate goal of social wellbeing. Contributors and<br />

recipients for welfare in a Muslim society can be perceived as individual, family, community and<br />

state. Islam creates a sense of social responsibility in human beings and organizes them in a<br />

society and a state.<br />


An individual in Islamic terminology is interpreted as the vicegerent of its creator and bearer of<br />

this trust is conceived in terms of his accomplishment on earth. God created man of the best<br />

stature announcing him the best of many of His creations.<br />

“And recall when your Lord said to the Angels, I am about to place a vice-generate in the<br />

earth”. (Quraan 2:30)<br />

He is the best creation of God, who created him in his own image. Being God’s best creation he<br />

is endowed with inherent worth and dignity and is therefore worthy of respect as a human being,<br />

irrespective of considerations of color, creed, race, religion or social class. Within his appointed<br />

term of earthly bondage he must distinguish himself from other beings in his efforts of servitude<br />

as he is free to make options and choices in relation to other entities. Man is also viewed with<br />

reference to the social conditions. Virtue does not mean abandoning the value of life or seeking<br />

spiritual elevation of the self by isolating from the social milieu.<br />

Every idea externalized by him as an action is either moral or immoral. The patterns of<br />

interrelationships so formed must also transfer ethical implications to succeeding generations.<br />

They essentially commence from an individual and then extend to the family, eventually taking<br />

into their folds the future Muslim communities. Islam in this way emulates an individual as<br />

dynamic cosmos of integrity, capable of retaining its individuality as well as becoming a part of<br />

a greater corporate personality. An individual enjoys complete liberty of holding an opinion and<br />

that of action even adopting any religion and following way of life.<br />

In Qur’an, it is said:<br />

(say, “the truth is from your lord” : Let him who will believe and let him who will reject (it)<br />

(Quraan 18:29)<br />

The religion of Islam recognizes the worth and dignity of individual. Though it doesn’t believe<br />

in the individualism emphasizing collectivism. The five pillars of Islam are in conformity to this<br />

fact. However, it supports socialized individuals and it protects the rights of individuals as<br />

human beings. Yet, it values the significant role of individual in the process of development. It is<br />

believed that the individuals whose rights are protected and welfare is ensured are expected to<br />

contribute their full potential in the development and stability of the society. On the other hand,<br />

the deprivation from protection and welfare may result in the societal collapse and disintegration.<br />

In Islam, the first and foremost right of the citizen is the protection of their life, property and<br />

honor, together with the assurance that this right would not be interfered with, except on valid<br />

legal ground. The rights of the protection of personal freedom, liberty of opinion and beliefs and<br />

the provision of basic necessities of life are also emphasized in Islam.<br />

Islam also recognizes the individual’s right to private property and maintains the economic<br />

freedom. However it does not favour accumulation of wealth in a few hands. “In order that it<br />

may not (merely) make a circuit between the wealthy among you” (Quraan 59:7). Islam seeks to<br />

create a just and peaceful society based on moral principles. It strives that economic inequalities<br />

do not grow wider by discouraging the concentration of wealth in fewer hands. It takes necessary<br />

steps to stop this antisocial practice. The Holy Qura’an provides guidance in this regard:<br />

O you who believe! Verily, there are many of the (Jewish) rabbis and the (Christian) monks who<br />

devour the wealth of mankind in falsehood, and hinder (them) from the Way of Allah (i.e.<br />

Allah's Religion of Islamic Monotheism). (Quraan 9:34).<br />

COPY RIGHT © 2011 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1162

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