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JUNE 2011<br />


entrepreneurship. Schumpeter argued that the bank plays an important role in entrepreneurship<br />

and innovation in the society. As these financial institutions tend to mobilize the savings, this is a<br />

very crucial and important decision to which firm the credit should be given. If the financial<br />

institutions give credit to their relatives or cronies or near one means they are discouraging<br />

entrepreneurship, innovation and overall prosperity of the economy (Schumpeter, 1912). Same is<br />

the case with SMEs in Pakistan. Due to irregular and wrong credit financing entrepreneurship is<br />

being discouraged as it is validated by the above mentioned results. According to the results<br />

entrepreneurship is not contributing significantly towards sustainability and growth in the SMEs.<br />

The demographics (location and experience) in case of Pakistan are also significantly associated<br />

with the growth of the firm and it is justified by the above mentioned results.<br />

The location of the firm has an important effect on the productivity and growth of the firm. If the<br />

firm is located near the big cities, the firm has an easy access to the raw material and it will be<br />

easily available to the firm. If the firm is located in rural the raw material will not be timely<br />

available and hence growth rate will be retarded (Beck, 2005). Similarly experience of the<br />

worker too contributes towards the sustainable growth, innovation and competitiveness of the<br />

firm (Salojärvi, 2005). So from the above results we can conclude that human capital, social<br />

capital, external capital, organizational capital, technological capital, knowledge management<br />

awareness, firm size, innovation, demographics are positively associated with the sustainable<br />

growth of the SME’s of Pakistan. It means that if these variables are given space and implement<br />

in true letter and spirit, it can enhance the sustainability and can create competitive advantage for<br />

the SME’s.<br />

Mangerial and acadamic Implications<br />

Several interesting implications arise by the investigation of this study for academia, business,<br />

and research. This study is valuable from managerial or business point of view because<br />

practitioners can consider all these variables helpful not only for small industries but for the<br />

multinational organizations. Above all this study can be helpful for the management decisionmaking<br />

because this will play a significant role to enhance the sustainability and productivity of<br />

organization. This study besides its managerial worth has its academic implications too. For<br />

business education, case studies can be added up in the curriculum that raises the students’<br />

ability to investigate and learn more and more about the small and medium size enterprises. To<br />

enhance the aptitude of students, case studies can be given. To create awareness about<br />

knowledge management, the students should be given different tasks. On the other side there is<br />

some responsibility of institutions also that they must revise their academic programs and must<br />

add up some moral awareness courses like, knowledge management, social capital, human<br />

capital etc. This research study helps in knowing the factors that have some impact on<br />

sustainable growth and creating mutually beneficial decisions.<br />

Practical Limitations<br />

The study has several limitations as the research was limited to the small industries located in<br />

different cities all over Pakistan but the major issue was of the time and cost constraint. Hence<br />

the findings can be generalized. However this field requires further research to have a clear and<br />

broader picture of the relationship and factors that affect the knowledge management, innovation<br />

and sustainable growth in SME’s of Pakistan. The sample size was limited due to time and<br />

financial constraint however the response rate was good enough. It is believed that the nonresponse<br />

bias has not unsubstantiated the results of this study. However, generalizing the results<br />

to other Asian Countries may be not a wise idea as the economic and political situations are very<br />

much different among the third world countries.<br />

COPY RIGHT © 2011 Institute of Interdisciplinary Business Research 1124

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