Young Birders

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their impending doom, as they’ve usually been<br />

blown off course and have been left in a weakened<br />

state.<br />

Although the bird colonies and rarer finds are<br />

enough to whet the appetite of any birder,<br />

we mustn’t forget the likes of other wildlife that<br />

can be seen, too. Sightings of huge pods of<br />

Common Dolphin are a frequent encounter for us<br />

coming through the Little Minch, and Minke<br />

Whale, too. Basking Sharks also love to feed on the<br />

plankton bloom around the islands, and if you’re<br />

really lucky you may be graced with a rare sighting<br />

of Orcas!<br />

Whatever takes your fancy, St Kilda is no longer<br />

an unobtainable birders’ dream. Go To St Kilda<br />

(gotostkilda.co.uk) travels there from the Isle of<br />

Skye, and with the bridge from Skye to the<br />

mainland, it’s easier than ever to visit this unique,<br />

other-worldly location. I’m glad I did.<br />


St Kilda is a vital site for many of our<br />

amazing seabirds, including...<br />

é PUFFIN<br />

There are more of these charming<br />

characters on St Kilda than<br />

anywhere else in the UK<br />

KEY BIRD<br />

White-tailed Eagle was the bird<br />

that really kicked everything off<br />

for Nicola<br />

ê RUGGED<br />

It’s no wonder the virtually<br />

untouched St Kilda is home to so<br />

many birds<br />

ONE TO WATCH...<br />

ELLIS LUCAS, 12<br />

BW: What first got you<br />

interested in birds and wildlife?<br />

EL: Going out with my parents to<br />

the countryside/coast. I was<br />

absolutely amazed at the variety<br />

of wildlife we came across.<br />

BW: Which bird surveys/conservation projects<br />

are you involved in?<br />

EL: The Nest Record Scheme, bird ringing, Garden<br />

Birdwatch and the Breeding Bird Survey. I also help<br />

my Dad with a heronry census.<br />

BW: What was your most memorable birding<br />

moment?<br />

EL: After a year or so of having a very keen interest in<br />

birds, a flock of Waxwings took up residence on a<br />

Rowan tree right outside my house. The excitement<br />

of returning home from school and seeing them<br />

flocking on my doorstep was so exciting.<br />

BW: What would be the one piece of advice<br />

you’d give to other young birders?<br />

EL: Just enjoy it, and don’t be afraid to have different<br />

interests.<br />

Camillo Berenos / Alamy<br />

BW: If you could make one change to the UK’s<br />

environmental policies, what would it be?<br />

EL: To make environmental issues compulsory in<br />

schools, to help current and future generations<br />

understand the problems we face.<br />

@ellisethanfox and elliswildlife.blogspot.com<br />

birdwatching.co.uk 15

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