1. Good Organic Gardening - January-February 2016

1. Good Organic Gardening - January-February 2016 1. Good Organic Gardening - January-February 2016


GARDEN DIARY | Late summer Things to do in February Enjoy the bounty of late summer by eating what you can while it’s fresh and preserving the rest for the cooler months ahead By Jennifer Stackhouse Vegetables COOL & TEMPERATE In addition to daily watering, liquid-feed leafy vegies each week with organic plant food to keep plants actively growing. Leafy crops such as lettuce and parsley may bolt (that is, begin to flower and seed) if allowed to dry out or become stressed. As hot days continue, shade crops to prevent sun damage and allow new plantings to establish. Seedlings are particularly vulnerable to sudden hot temperatures or drying winds. Continue to make the most of the cool of the morning and evening to tend crops. Stay on top of pests, diseases and weeds by inspecting plants daily and taking fast action when anything damaging is seen. Search for 28-spotted ladybirds and pumpkin beetles that skeletonise leaves on pumpkins, zucchini and eggplants — squash adults, larvae and eggs. TROPICAL Regularly remove spent crops or those badly affected by diseases such as powdery mildew. Bury diseased and pest-infested material — don’t put it into compost heaps. Keep a supply of leafy greens for salads and stirfries by planting Asian greens, kang kong, 1 silverbeet and amaranth, which thrive in the heat and humidity of summer. Pick small, tender leaves and edible shoots. Visit a local farmers’ market to look for new and unusual crops that grow well at this time of the year. Also plant cherry tomatoes for an autumn harvest. Fruit COOL & TEMPERATE In cool areas, watch for a recurrence of pear and cherry slug, which skeletonises foliage on pear, cherry and peach trees. Dust with lime, ash or a certified organic product. In fruit fly zones, continue to maintain protection by renewing fly baits and removing infested fruits (see box). After harvesting summer crops, remove and store bird exclusion nets and lightly prune trees. Feed citrus trees now using a citrus food or organic fertiliser. Water trees well after applying fertiliser. In dry areas where water is limited, grey water can be used to water fruit trees, but don’t store untreated grey water for longer than 24 hours and don’t use on leafy vegetable crops. TROPICAL Fertilise all citrus trees using an organic plant food formulated for citrus. Also feed other productive plants not already fed this summer, including passionfruit and pawpaw. Continue to bottle, freeze or dry excess crops and collect and dispose of spoiled fruits. Poultry can help clean up fallen fruits and reduce pest problems, so allow them to free range around established fruiting plants but keep them out of the vegie garden unless you want the entire area cleared. Compost & soil COOL & TEMPERATE If soils have become hard to wet, apply a soilwetting agent. Once soil is moistened, cover lightly with a fine layer of compost topped with a layer of coarse organic mulch. Don’t mulch too heavily as this can stop moisture from reaching the soil — a 5cm layer is sufficient. Use a spade to turn compost heaps to keep them working efficiently. TROPICAL This is the time to improve the moistureholding ability of your soil by adding organic mulch such as compost. Dig it into new areas to prepare for planting and also add it as surface mulch. Let the earthworms do the work of turning it into the soil. Chop up green and woody material before adding it to the compost to help it break down faster. 2 Kerry Boyne, Shutterstock 42 | Good Organic Gardening

Late summer | GARDEN DIARY Fruit fly in fruit Reduce fruit fly by rigorously finding and removing fruit fly-affected fruit. Left on the plant or lying on the ground, larvae can pupate in the soil, mature and start another generation. Look for fruit that shows signs of stings (small punctures) on the skin or fruit that’s rotting due to larvae inside. Pick up all fallen fruit. Destroy the larvae in the fruit by placing the damaged fruit in a clear plastic bag and leaving it to stew for a few days in the sun. It can then be buried (don’t put it in the compost). Allowing poultry to feed in orchards can help reduce fruit fly numbers. 3 4 1. Beware the 28 spotted ladybird (Epilachna vigintioctopunctata) — she is not your friend 2. Fertilise all citrus with an organic citrus food 3. Pick up fallen fruit to help control fruit fly 4. Kang kong — a good one to plant now for a supply of leafy greens 5. Change birdbath water regularly so mosquitoes can’t breed in it 5 Buzz off! Bloodsucking mosquitoes can spoil time in the garden. In addition to protecting yourself from bites, regularly empty water collected in containers. This removes mozzie breeding grounds and reduces their numbers. Even water put out for pets, poultry, native birds and bees should be replenished daily to prevent mosquitoes breeding in it. Around 60% of our rubbish in landfills can be composted CompostingHome.com.au for all you need to know and products that will help you produce compost. Good Organic Gardening | 43

GARDEN DIARY | Late summer<br />

Things to do in<br />

<strong>February</strong><br />

Enjoy the bounty of late summer by eating what you can while it’s<br />

fresh and preserving the rest for the cooler months ahead<br />

By Jennifer Stackhouse<br />

Vegetables<br />


In addition to daily watering, liquid-feed<br />

leafy vegies each week with organic plant<br />

food to keep plants actively growing. Leafy<br />

crops such as lettuce and parsley may bolt<br />

(that is, begin to flower and seed) if allowed<br />

to dry out or become stressed. As hot<br />

days continue, shade crops to prevent sun<br />

damage and allow new plantings to establish.<br />

Seedlings are particularly vulnerable to<br />

sudden hot temperatures or drying winds.<br />

Continue to make the most of the cool of<br />

the morning and evening to tend crops.<br />

Stay on top of pests, diseases and weeds by<br />

inspecting plants daily and taking fast action<br />

when anything damaging is seen. Search for<br />

28-spotted ladybirds and pumpkin beetles<br />

that skeletonise leaves on pumpkins,<br />

zucchini and eggplants — squash adults,<br />

larvae and eggs.<br />


Regularly remove spent crops or those<br />

badly affected by diseases such as powdery<br />

mildew. Bury diseased and pest-infested<br />

material — don’t put it into compost heaps.<br />

Keep a supply of leafy greens for salads and<br />

stirfries by planting Asian greens, kang kong,<br />

1<br />

silverbeet and amaranth, which thrive in the<br />

heat and humidity of summer. Pick small,<br />

tender leaves and edible shoots. Visit a local<br />

farmers’ market to look for new and unusual<br />

crops that grow well at this time of the<br />

year. Also plant cherry tomatoes for an<br />

autumn harvest.<br />

Fruit<br />


In cool areas, watch for a recurrence of pear<br />

and cherry slug, which skeletonises foliage on<br />

pear, cherry and peach trees. Dust with lime,<br />

ash or a certified organic product. In fruit<br />

fly zones, continue to maintain protection<br />

by renewing fly baits and removing infested<br />

fruits (see box). After harvesting summer<br />

crops, remove and store bird exclusion nets<br />

and lightly prune trees. Feed citrus trees<br />

now using a citrus food or organic fertiliser.<br />

Water trees well after applying fertiliser. In dry<br />

areas where water is limited, grey water can<br />

be used to water fruit trees, but don’t store<br />

untreated grey water for longer than 24 hours<br />

and don’t use on leafy vegetable crops.<br />


Fertilise all citrus trees using an organic<br />

plant food formulated for citrus. Also feed<br />

other productive plants not already fed this<br />

summer, including passionfruit and pawpaw.<br />

Continue to bottle, freeze or dry excess crops<br />

and collect and dispose of spoiled fruits.<br />

Poultry can help clean up fallen fruits and<br />

reduce pest problems, so allow them to free<br />

range around established fruiting plants but<br />

keep them out of the vegie garden unless<br />

you want the entire area cleared.<br />

Compost & soil<br />


If soils have become hard to wet, apply a soilwetting<br />

agent. Once soil is moistened, cover<br />

lightly with a fine layer of compost topped<br />

with a layer of coarse organic mulch. Don’t<br />

mulch too heavily as this can stop moisture<br />

from reaching the soil — a 5cm layer is<br />

sufficient. Use a spade to turn compost<br />

heaps to keep them working efficiently.<br />


This is the time to improve the moistureholding<br />

ability of your soil by adding<br />

organic mulch such as compost. Dig it<br />

into new areas to prepare for planting<br />

and also add it as surface mulch. Let the<br />

earthworms do the work of turning it into<br />

the soil. Chop up green and woody material<br />

before adding it to the compost to help it<br />

break down faster.<br />

2<br />

Kerry Boyne, Shutterstock<br />

42 | <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Organic</strong> <strong>Gardening</strong>

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