testbuchengl testbuchengl


CARBO VEGETABILIS Herbal coal Desinfectant and deoderant Blue tinge and putrefaction (Boger: Synoptic Key) IDEA: Capillary and venous stagnation. Coldness. Blue lips. Greatest weakness, loss of personality, hemorrhage, gingiva retreats, bloated abdomen. Capillary and venous stagnation: Blue and icecold. Face extremely pale. Cyanosis. Blue lips. Weakness: Weakness (Mur ac, Ars.alb) completely drained, apathetic, needs fresh air and oxygen, collapse, „awakens the dead“. Prostration after intense allopathic therapy (Sulf) Personality and physis: completely void. Great anxiety. Has never recovered from earlier ailment. Depression with total apathia. . Hemorrhage: Bleeding from every mucous membrane. Ecchymosis. Gingiva: Retreats, loose teeth for long periods. Parodontosis: Carbo vegetabilis, Phosphorus, Staphisagria, and Phosphor acidum Bloated abdomen upwards. (Jug r) Helps as interim when you treat somebody with Lycopodium. Closes the case after Kalium carbonicum. Diabetes mellitus (Syzygium tincture, Allox, Helon, Mur, Rhus arom). Erisipelas (Anac, Rhus tox), hair loss, occipital headache, typhus, yellow fever, cholera (Ver), collapse (head my be red and warm, body cold) ,

CARBOLICUM ACIDUM Carbolic acid IDEA: Foul exudation - gangrene Marked adynamia and tiredness. Pain burning and stinging. Stinging like a thousand needles all over the body. Cold hands and feet. Urine dark. Pneumonia unilatral or bilaterally. Cancer. Exhaustion. Stomach cancer. For cholera if Veratrum fails. Diabetes. Erysipelas of right hand and arm. Specific for influenza; Initially 3x and 30x for subsequent weakness (Cooper).


Carbolic acid<br />

IDEA: Foul exudation - gangrene<br />

Marked adynamia and tiredness. Pain burning and stinging. Stinging like a thousand needles<br />

all over the body. Cold hands and feet. Urine dark. Pneumonia unilatral or bilaterally. Cancer.<br />

Exhaustion. Stomach cancer. For cholera if Veratrum fails. Diabetes. Erysipelas of right hand<br />

and arm. Specific for influenza; Initially 3x and 30x for subsequent weakness (Cooper).

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