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ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM IDEA: Fatigue, sweat, sleepyness Nausea. Best remedy for lumbago Lungs: too weak to expectorate rattling mucus, Dyspnea. 1) Respiratory problems, trachea, bronchi, lungs. Advanced pneumonia or bronchitis, rattling of mucus but little expectoration. No power to expectorate mucus. Suffocating situation. Very sleepy because of lack of oxygen. 2) Gastrointestinal system: nausea, specific for cholera (Nash) 3) Nervous system: head trembling, hands trembling, trembling of the body. Eyes: gouty, rheumatic ailment. Pustule dermatitis alike small pox. Antidote for Croton tiglium. Worse: warmth (Antinonium crudum), cold, and humidity. Often great drowsiness.

APIS MELLIFICA Honey bee IDEA: Edema sensitive to heat Edema of skin and mucous membranes. Stinging pains. Intolerance of heat. No thirst. Swelling in throat. Swelling after insect bites. Last drops of urine burn and smart. Inflammation of kidneys.


IDEA: Fatigue, sweat, sleepyness<br />

Nausea. Best remedy for lumbago<br />

Lungs: too weak to expectorate rattling mucus, Dyspnea.<br />

1) Respiratory problems, trachea, bronchi, lungs. Advanced pneumonia or bronchitis,<br />

rattling of mucus but little expectoration. No power to expectorate mucus. Suffocating<br />

situation. Very sleepy because of lack of oxygen.<br />

2) Gastrointestinal system: nausea, specific for cholera (Nash)<br />

3) Nervous system: head trembling, hands trembling, trembling of the body. Eyes: gouty,<br />

rheumatic ailment. Pustule dermatitis alike small pox. Antidote for Croton tiglium.<br />

Worse: warmth (Antinonium crudum), cold, and humidity. Often great drowsiness.

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