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STANNUM METALLICUM Tin IDEA: Prostration Consumption, Haematemesis, cramps, neuralgia, pain comes and goes slowly increasing.

STAPHISAGRIA IDEA: Suppression, throwing objects, knots Skin sensitive. Home countries of Staphisagria are Italy, Greece, and Asia. Today the plant can be found all over the Mediterranian and Canary Isles. Triple edged semen. The Romans called it Pedicularia (pediculus - louse). In order to highlight the use against lice. Very slimy. Kidney stones, urinary grits, parasites und ulcera of the eyes. The semen contain Diterpenalkaloids, Delphinin, Methylaconitin, Delphisin, Delphinoidin, Delcosin, Delsonin, Lycoctonin und Staphisagrin. At skin contact the body reacts with irritation and inflammation of the skin. Used as ointment against lice and bugs. Further use for stabbing wounds, cuts, and bites. Used after medical injury of the urethra (Urology). When ingested it causes inflammation of the pharynx and increased saliva. Impaired swollowing, itching of skin, urge to urinate, general muscle weakness, muscle paralysis. Stomach ache, and ultimately suffocation, collapse, and cardiac arrest. Chalazion, Hordeolum, arthritic finger knots. Healing for surgical trauma of the urethra and other injuries. Spermatorrhoea, in which disease it has proved of great value. Teeth will be affected and decay too fast. They crumble and turn black. Staphisagria heals toothache if it gets worse by touch, even touch by the tongue, by food and drinks. However, the pain does not occur during chewing and biting. Pain increases by inhaling cold air and cold fluids. The Staphisagria-Patient is capricious and easily offended. Strong impact on urinary and sexual functions. Trembling out of rage. Case: 58 year old female with Psoriasis, Choleystectomie, rheumatoid pain, duodenitis, food allergy for dairy, nephropathy. The issue “suppression” was confirmed. Staphisagria D12 1x5 glob. Daily until reation. Then sporadic (QUINT system).


Tin<br />

IDEA: Prostration<br />

Consumption, Haematemesis, cramps, neuralgia, pain comes and goes slowly increasing.

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