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SCILLA Squill IDEA: Water. Cardiac edema Cardiac and renal edema, ascites, congestive heart failure. Diuretic for heart diseases. Weakness of heart muscle, dilation of right ventricle, postoperative treatment of the heart. In combination with Digitalis, Adonis, or Convallaria, Effective for Digitalis resistent patients. Diuretic for bladder and kidney ailments (Cystitis, Nephritis, Incontinentia urinae). For ascites: Scilla X 3 as injection. Expectorans in chronic bronchitis. Cough, sneezing with lacrimation, and involentary loss of urin. Spleen tumors, diabetes, diabetes insipidus. Homeopathy up to X 3 . Phytotherapy Rp.: Bulb. Scillae pulv. 3 Fol. Digit. titr. pulv. 1 Mass. Pil. qu. s. ut f. Pil. Nr. XXX M.d.s.: Three times daily 2 to 3 pills.

SCIRRHINUM IDEA: Cancer nosode from Scirrhus Ca Scirrhinum is a homeopathic sub-remedy of Carcinosinum, used for treating cancer, enlarged glands, hemorrhages, varicose veins and worms. Breast, cancer. M. Hodgkin etc. Cancer diathesis: “There is no cancer case where Carcinosinum is not of advantage sooner or later,” R.M. Cooper Scirrhinum is typically given in 200c dosage that is "plussed," which means shaken and dissolved in water, alcohol or another liquid. Potency, or the strength of the dosage, is determined by how much it was diluted and plussed. Plussing Method The Plussing Method consists of diluting three pellets or globules of the remedy in eleven teaspoons of spring water. The patient sips one teaspoon every fifteen minutes. Between each dose, the water is gently stirred or, if in a bottle, shaken once. The patient takes ten teaspoonfuls over the course of approximately two and a half hours and reserves the last teaspoon for the next day. The next day ten teaspoons of fresh water are added to the original mixture (but not any fresh medicine) and the process is repeated. The procedure continues for seven days – after which the remedy is changed and the same procedure is repeated with the new medicine. In weeks 3 and 4 (and every subsequent week), the patient starts with a mixture of fresh water and fresh medicine. HISTORY - Burnett is the authority for this nosode. He proved it on himself and produced “a tremendous sinking at the navel,” which he regarded as a keynote for its use. Scirrh. has aided the cure of many cases of breast tumor in Burnett’s hands. With Scirrhinum, Burnett cured a man of hard glands which appeared on the left side of the neck after other glands had been removed by the patient’s brother, a surgeon. Hemorrhages and varicose veins of legs and feet with purple points, have also been cured by Burnett with Scirrh. COMMENTS - A patient to whom Burnett had given Scirrh. mentioned to him that it had caused the passage of an enormous number of thread worms. On this hint Burnett gave it with great success in many cases of this troublesome complaint. In inveterate cases where Cina and Teucr. have given little relief, Scirrh. has wrought a great change for the better. Try for Morgellons.


IDEA: Cancer nosode from Scirrhus Ca<br />

Scirrhinum is a homeopathic sub-remedy of Carcinosinum, used for treating cancer, enlarged<br />

glands, hemorrhages, varicose veins and worms.<br />

Breast, cancer. M. Hodgkin etc.<br />

Cancer diathesis: “There is no cancer case where Carcinosinum is not of advantage<br />

sooner or later,” R.M. Cooper<br />

Scirrhinum is typically given in 200c dosage that is "plussed," which means shaken and<br />

dissolved in water, alcohol or another liquid. Potency, or the strength of the dosage, is<br />

determined by how much it was diluted and plussed.<br />

Plussing Method<br />

The Plussing Method consists of diluting three pellets or globules of the remedy in eleven<br />

teaspoons of spring water. The patient sips one teaspoon every fifteen minutes. Between<br />

each dose, the water is gently stirred or, if in a bottle, shaken once. The patient takes ten<br />

teaspoonfuls over the course of approximately two and a half hours and reserves the last<br />

teaspoon for the next day.<br />

The next day ten teaspoons of fresh water are added to the original mixture (but not any<br />

fresh medicine) and the process is repeated. The procedure continues for seven days –<br />

after which the remedy is changed and the same procedure is repeated with the new<br />

medicine. In weeks 3 and 4 (and every subsequent week), the patient starts with a<br />

mixture of fresh water and fresh medicine.<br />

HISTORY - Burnett is the authority for this nosode. He proved it on himself and produced “a<br />

tremendous sinking at the navel,” which he regarded as a keynote for its use. Scirrh. has aided<br />

the cure of many cases of breast tumor in Burnett’s hands.<br />

With Scirrhinum, Burnett cured a man of hard glands which appeared on the left side of the<br />

neck after other glands had been removed by the patient’s brother, a surgeon. Hemorrhages<br />

and varicose veins of legs and feet with purple points, have also been cured by Burnett with<br />

Scirrh.<br />

COMMENTS - A patient to whom Burnett had given Scirrh. mentioned to him that it had<br />

caused the passage of an enormous number of thread worms. On this hint Burnett gave it with<br />

great success in many cases of this troublesome complaint. In inveterate cases where Cina and<br />

Teucr. have given little relief, Scirrh. has wrought a great change for the better.<br />

Try for Morgellons.

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