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PETROLEUM IDEA: Skin diseases Skin, mucosae, goiter. Marked skin symptoms. Sweat glands affected. Talgdrüsen betroffen. Skin extremely sensitive to textiles , MCS syndrome (Kessler), skin sensitive to touching, to scratching. Urticaria. Eczema. Eczema of the palm of the hand. Day dreaming, absent minded. Headache. Occiput heavy as lead. Best antidote for lead intoxication. Motion sickness, car. Adducted knees are soothing. Hair loss. Worse in winter. Ongoing stomach and lung ailments. Chronic diarrhea. Ongoing health complaints after mental problems. Fear. Chlorosis of young females with or without stomach ulcera. Struma diathesis especially for dark types, who suffer from catarrh of the mucosae. Hyperacidity and skin eruptions. Plantar fasciitis. Warts. Leading antipsoric remedy. Akin to Graphites. Craving for sweets. Lacerated nose with the flu. Skin contraced, fissured, and leather like. For burns: mixture of Petroleum and olive oil ana partes. Better: warm air, dry weather, knees adducted, head high positioned when lying down. Worse: humidity, warm bed, before and during a thunderstorm. Motion on a ship, car, eating, mental problems. Compare: Graph.; Sulph.; Phos. Complementaryr: Sepia. Antidote: Nux; Coccul.

PHELLANDRIUM Water fennel IDEA: Lung, colon, eye, female breast Cold and warmth symptoms Affinity to the lungs. Tuberculosis of the middle lobe. Respiratory symptoms are most important, dry cough, frequently clearing one’s throat. Viscous cough. Breast: pain in milk ducts. Pain right breast. Vertigo, dizzy when lying down. Weight on vertex. hectic and colliquative diarrhoea. Eyes: ciliary neuralgia; headache which involves the nerves going to the eye. Vibrational vascular sensation. Mouth cold as after mint chewing gum.

PHELLAN<strong>DR</strong>IUM<br />

Water fennel<br />

IDEA: Lung, colon, eye, female breast<br />

Cold and warmth symptoms<br />

Affinity to the lungs. Tuberculosis of the middle lobe. Respiratory symptoms are most<br />

important, dry cough, frequently clearing one’s throat. Viscous cough.<br />

Breast: pain in milk ducts. Pain right breast.<br />

Vertigo, dizzy when lying down. Weight on vertex. hectic and colliquative diarrhoea.<br />

Eyes: ciliary neuralgia; headache which involves the nerves going to the eye.<br />

Vibrational vascular sensation. Mouth cold as after mint chewing gum.

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