testbuchengl testbuchengl


NATRIUM CARBONICUM Natriumcarbonate Deep sadness. It burns away the superficial layers of epidermis and leaves the skin dry and cracked. A remedy of comprehensive capacity and on the other hand the local irritation: cracked hands and chapped facial skin, dry skin, eczema, Herpes, warts, and scrofulous skin conditions. Marked irritation of mucosa of total intestinal tract from mouth, tongue (Hyp) to anus: blisters, ulcers, catarrh, eye irritation up to ceratitis and ulcers of the cornea. Nose swollen and ulcerous. Thick, yellow, greenish, bad smelling discharge. Thick, yellow, smelling fluor. agg. Mental or physical stress. Marked weakness caused by slightest strain. Insecure walk. , any unevenness could cause falling. Falling without explainable reason.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM Salt IDEA: Dehydration Ranks first among homeopathic remedies. Dry mucosa such as mouth and vagina. Thirst. Close correlation with Chin. The whiny Natm.-patient wants to be left alone. Any attempt to solace is rejected. Irritated, frostily but hotblooded with cold extremities and chilly feeling along the spine as opposed to Nat carb (frosty), craving for salt. Talent to write poetry or fantasy to compose tales (Vithoulkas) Specific tendency for catarrh with abundantly running nose and frequent sneezing (C30) . Sore nose especially the left ala. Herpes labialis on lips and nose. Loss of smell and taste in cases of acute colds. Simultaneous coryza and lacrimation. Lacrimation with coughing is Burnett’s keynote in whooping cough. Strabismus divergens. Headache or back pain with waking up in the morning. Has both, constipation and diarrhea. Unclean skin. Wan appearance. Sebaceous, fatty skin. Complaints after dehydration, loss of fluids. It reminds us of Chin. and it is its antidote. Both correlate with conditions after masturbation, bleedings, and loss of fluids. Both are remedies for ague, remittent fever, and malaria. Nat-m. is the main antidot against conditions after overdosing China and Chinin. Best antidote against intoxications with silver-nitrate (Arg nitr.) Children with retarded learning of speech. Averseness to coitus (at females) Averseness to males. Nat-m. matches many cases of anemia, leucocytosis. Irregular, flittering heartbeat. Feelings of contraction are eminent: heart, chest, scalp, throat, rectum, anus (feeling as if anus is closed) Uterine spasms. Vaginism. Contractions of knee tendines. Bending forward without problems but streching up straight is painful. Chest pain like inner tension. Irregular intermittent heartbeat. Causae: Disappointment, shock, rage, loss of fluids, masturbation, head injury, chinine, silver nitrate Arg-nitr., bread, fat, sour foods, salt.


Salt<br />

IDEA: Dehydration<br />

Ranks first among homeopathic remedies.<br />

Dry mucosa such as mouth and vagina. Thirst. Close correlation with Chin. The whiny Natm.-patient<br />

wants to be left alone. Any attempt to solace is rejected. Irritated, frostily but hotblooded<br />

with cold extremities and chilly feeling along the spine as opposed to Nat carb<br />

(frosty), craving for salt.<br />

Talent to write poetry or fantasy to compose tales (Vithoulkas) Specific tendency for<br />

catarrh with abundantly running nose and frequent sneezing (C30) . Sore nose especially the<br />

left ala. Herpes labialis on lips and nose. Loss of smell and taste in cases of acute colds.<br />

Simultaneous coryza and lacrimation. Lacrimation with coughing is Burnett’s keynote in<br />

whooping cough. Strabismus divergens.<br />

Headache or back pain with waking up in the morning.<br />

Has both, constipation and diarrhea. Unclean skin. Wan appearance. Sebaceous, fatty skin.<br />

Complaints after dehydration, loss of fluids. It reminds us of Chin. and it is its antidote. Both<br />

correlate with conditions after masturbation, bleedings, and loss of fluids. Both are remedies<br />

for ague, remittent fever, and malaria. Nat-m. is the main antidot against conditions after<br />

overdosing China and Chinin. Best antidote against intoxications with silver-nitrate (Arg nitr.)<br />

Children with retarded learning of speech. Averseness to coitus (at females) Averseness to<br />

males. Nat-m. matches many cases of anemia, leucocytosis. Irregular, flittering heartbeat.<br />

Feelings of contraction are eminent: heart, chest, scalp, throat, rectum, anus (feeling as if<br />

anus is closed) Uterine spasms. Vaginism. Contractions of knee tendines. Bending forward<br />

without problems but streching up straight is painful. Chest pain like inner tension. Irregular<br />

intermittent heartbeat.<br />

Causae: Disappointment, shock, rage, loss of fluids, masturbation, head injury, chinine,<br />

silver nitrate Arg-nitr., bread, fat, sour foods, salt.

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