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MERCURIUS JODATUS FLAVUS Yellow mercury iodide IDEA: Tonsillitis right side, constant swollowing, tumors of the mamma, sweat Yellow, dirty tongue on the root Mamma tumor X100

MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS Mercurius oxydulatus niger IDEA: Mouth: swollen tooth indented tongue and gums (sometimes bleeding), tonsillitis, weakness Salivation, stinging pain in throat and tonsills, foul breath and great thirst despite of salivation. Shivering sensation running over skin in beginning infection (X12). Night and day sweats without relief, erethism of mercury (extreme sensitivity) agg. by heat and cold. Agg. at night (especially bone pain) Based on abundant sweat without relief agg. at night I healed many cases of rheumatic fever with Mercurius vivus X12 without any other remedy (Clarke). Cachexia, Balanitis, M. Parkinson, Tremor. Mouth cancer, dizziness (Meniere) while sitting at the desk, nightly toothache, Agg. by slightest strain. If Mercurius solubilis is indicated and fails take Mercurius vivus. It often helps. Almost any skin eruption, crusts, syphilitic, pustules, soggy, watery eruption, eczema with bad smell, shingles, small pox. All of them agg. by warmth and cold and at night. Marked affections of the eyes.


Yellow mercury iodide<br />

IDEA: Tonsillitis right side, constant swollowing, tumors of the mamma, sweat<br />

Yellow, dirty tongue on the root<br />

Mamma tumor X100

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