testbuchengl testbuchengl


MEDORRHINUM Gonorrhoic nosode Most applied nosode IDEA: Rheumatism Complaints worsen from sunrise to sunset as opposed to Luesinum (worsens at night) As if hot blood boling in the vessels. Mucosae affected (eyes, bronchi), joints). Eyelids could be sticking together in the morning. Rheumatism throughout the body especially upper thighs. Bronchitis. Warts. Clonic spasms. (Legs would shoot up from bedding). Right abdominal pain.. Pain left ankle. Tendins of the thumbs affected. Bald headed and Favus. Tinea capitis. Medorrhinum is also a psoric remedy. Worsens in the morning at 3-4 a.m. as with all sycotic remedies.

MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA Buckbean IDEA: Twitching Feeling of stress and contraction; twitching when lying down. As soon as the patient lies down, there is twitching of the legs or other parts of the body. Chest and heart pain. Cannot be left alone. Very akin to Drosera. Hands and feet icecold


Buckbean<br />

IDEA: Twitching<br />

Feeling of stress and contraction; twitching when lying down. As soon as the patient lies<br />

down, there is twitching of the legs or other parts of the body. Chest and heart pain. Cannot be<br />

left alone. Very akin to Drosera.<br />

Hands and feet icecold

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