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ADHATODA VASICA Malabar Nut IDEA: Allergy Hay fever, pollinosis: D2 (X2) 3x daily This plant has been used for tuberculosis for 3000 years. asthma. The ingrediens dilate the bronchi dissolving mucus. Modern medicine is using it for hay fever and pollinosis. It acts like a broad spectre anti-allergic. Heavy bleedings (i.g. nose bleeding) hepatitis, fever and eye inflammations. Homeopathy uses the leaves for hay fever.

AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM Common horse chestnut IDEA: Venous blood stagnation – Haemorrhoids Haemorrhoids with backache affecting sacrum and hips. Arthritic spinal pain and pelvic girdle. Sciatica. Dry and swollen mucous membranes. Tongue thickly coated; feels as if scalded, as if burnt (Hydr, Sanguinaria, Phys). Tongue pain (Cit.ac) Burning of anus after stool. Spine feels weak. Heart’s action full and heavy, can feel pulsations all over.


Common horse chestnut<br />

IDEA: Venous blood stagnation – Haemorrhoids<br />

Haemorrhoids with backache affecting sacrum and hips. Arthritic spinal pain and pelvic<br />

girdle. Sciatica. Dry and swollen mucous membranes. Tongue thickly coated; feels as if<br />

scalded, as if burnt (Hydr, Sanguinaria, Phys). Tongue pain (Cit.ac) Burning of anus after<br />

stool. Spine feels weak. Heart’s action full and heavy, can feel pulsations all over.

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