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Booklet : Analysis of the causes for school dropout<br />

Recreating career prospects for young people throughout training methodological<br />

approaches to the Pedagogie de chantier (learning by doing)<br />

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.<br />

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be<br />

made of the information contained therein

Preamble<br />

This booklet is an overview of 1st intellectual output of our project : Analysis of the causes for school<br />

dropout, risk groups and inventory of existing measures in the fight against early school leaving<br />

For detailed information you can acces the overall report on our website http://pedachantier.eu,<br />


I. Analysis of the causes for school dropout, risk groups and inventory of<br />

existing me asures in the fight against early school leaving<br />

L’objectif<br />

From the inventory of school dropout causes from partner countries (census of elements regarding<br />

legislatives, institutional, organizational, pedagogical contexts at the national, regional and local level),<br />

we carried out an overall assessment which identifies and diagnoses the causes of early school leaving.<br />

It also enables to grasp all the diversity, the complexity of situations linked to this phenomenon, the<br />

<strong>des</strong>cription of groups at risk as well as the identification of existing systems fighting against school<br />

dropout.<br />


Factors of school dropout<br />

A significant part of the overall report deals with the reasons of school dropout.<br />

The reasons why young people leave school early depend a lot on the individual. Nevertheless, we can<br />

identify some trends. Generally, we can note that there are multifactorial reasons: in each individual<br />

case, a number of various factors operate at the same time. The reasons of school dropout can be<br />

characterized, in accordance with national reports, through the following determinants:<br />

A) Factors internal to the educational system.<br />

Organizational and structural factors<br />

Pedagogical factors linked to interactions and relationships between the teachers and<br />

the students.<br />

B) Factors external to the educational system<br />

Familial and social factors<br />

Early school leavers intern factors<br />

C) Other factors influencing school dropout<br />


The reports from different partners also propose reasons for school dropout which cannot be classified<br />

in the previous categories:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Economic factors<br />

Geographic factors<br />

Legislative and politic factors<br />

The various factors of school dropping out represent an ensemble illustrated by the following chart 1 :<br />

1 In French, no English version available<br />


This schema enables to illustrate the complexity and<br />

the plurality of the factors leading to school dropping<br />

out. The distinction between moments (“Temps”) 1, 2<br />

and 3 corresponds to the apparition in a row of many<br />

factors, external to the educational system (in black in<br />

the chart) or internal to the educational system (n<br />

white in the chart). Remark: The choice of three<br />

moments is arbitrary, we could consider one, two or<br />

more than three. The rotation of the circles between<br />

each other, let you visualize the multiplicity of<br />

combinations and interactions between these factors.<br />


School dropout seen as a process<br />

In order to better understand early school leaving, we have to consider it not as an isolated act, but as<br />

a process including several successive steps.<br />

Considering school dropout as a process allows a<br />

better understanding of a student’s characteristics,<br />

the reasons of school dropping out, but firstly, the<br />

understanding of the steps before the act in itself which is<br />

very important in preventing. This perception of school<br />

dropping out allows a preventing work with risks of school dropout<br />

further<br />

upstream from the act itself.<br />

The overall process can be represented with a funnel which means that<br />

go through the following stages:<br />

fewer students<br />


Impacts of School dropout<br />

The school dropout has some consequences in different areas. The impacts are present at the level of<br />

the youngster himself, their family, but also at the regional level, even the society level.<br />

Personal (psychological)<br />

The impacts of school dropout are in the first place affecting the young himself. His insertion on the job<br />

market is considerably limited. The youngster who successfully graduated is more likely to find a job<br />

than the young without any diploma.<br />

The perspective of a future quality of living is declining for him and the risk of a social exclusion as well<br />

as the threat of the poverty increase.<br />

If the young gave up on school early because of a failure of learning, a sense of failure, disappointment,<br />

is occurring. The motivation to overcome difficulties related to unemployment and to a low<br />

educational background is declining. There is a risk that the young adapt himself and “put himself<br />

into the hand of <strong>des</strong>tiny”, the confidence on their own future weakens.<br />


A young who left school early has a lack of knowledge and mandatory competences. The experience<br />

highlights that this lack tends to last a lifetime.<br />

There is a big probability that he just gets low-paid job on the labour market, which don’t ensure the<br />

guarantee to a social security or an overall health insurance. The youngster without corresponding<br />

qualification is fated to spend his whole life with a tough quality of living, whose aim would be the only<br />

effort of survival with many negatives phenomenon (lifetime, health, addictions, etc.).<br />

Societal<br />

Unemployment is a negative societal element, mostly the long-term unemployment. It is highly likely<br />

that the young people without any background takes a big part in the increase of the unemployment<br />

rate. Another negative impact is the non-exploitation of the potential of these youngsters. Young<br />

people without diploma have a lot of positive characteristics, which have to be supported, to make<br />

them contributing to the society. Through the prism of the non-sufficient educational background,<br />

their social insertion is tough and even their knowledge and competences which are their strongest<br />

assets are devastated.<br />


Young people without any training and then without an adequate professional and social insertion are<br />

threatened in a strong way to associate to different anti-societal and even criminal activities. This leads<br />

to delinquency and other non-expected societal phenomenon.<br />

In a society based on knowledge, the improvement of the competitiveness in a global context, with the<br />

creation of new technologies and the acquisition of new approaches of human resources management,<br />

the people who miss even a basic qualification are to be excluded from the labour market, whose<br />

requirements increase.<br />

Moreover, globalization causes the transfer of activities which require a lower educational background<br />

to the countries where wages are lower. This is the reason why the improvement of a qualified<br />

population becomes important to guarantee a corresponding quality of living to every citizen, and<br />

continue in the current economic development.<br />


Economic<br />

For the individual, the school dropout goes with a lower opportunity of having the income<br />

corresponding to the work and if he finds a job, his income is lower than other graduated people. Low<br />

income or insufficient income lead to a degradation of life quality and limits this individual.<br />

On the society side, school dropout increases the requirement in additional cost (unemployment<br />

indemnity, eventually about school reinsertion/ second chance/ or the indemnities offered to these<br />

people as part of a network (help in the shortage situation, for example).<br />


Synthesis of other results and information of the global report<br />

The global report suggests a lot of precious and detailed information taken from the national reports<br />

from the project partners.<br />

Educational obligation<br />

Compulsory education in every partner country of the project has its historical, cultural and political<br />

links, which are unique. What unifies every country is the fact that compulsory education is defined as<br />

an obligation given by the legislation to parents or any other person representing the child.<br />

Compulsory education is not defined in a uniform way in every country:<br />

12 years (from 6 to 18 years old) in Belgium, in two parts- a phase of 10 years full-time (from 6<br />

to 16 years old) and a phase of 2 years (from 16 to 18 years old) part-time;<br />

10 years (from 6 to 16 years old) in France, Italy, Slovakia.<br />

9 years (from 6 to 15 years old) in Greece.<br />


To compare every country from European Union, the dispersion of compulsory education duration is<br />

the same. The longest time is 12 years and the shortest 9 years.<br />

School systems<br />

These systems are in different partner countries. This difference is mostly concerning the<br />

denominations and partly also the duration of different steps (parts) of the school system. School<br />

denominations are also different.<br />

What unifies the partners is that every school system of the country taking part in the project, follow<br />

the international classification of formation at 7 levels, created by UNESCO in 1997, ISCED-International<br />

Standard Classification of Education- in a tight range ISCED 0- non formal education until ISCED6-<br />

second degree of tertiary education. The classification in itself allows a different length of the steps<br />

(levels) of training. Linking to this classification, the problematic of school dropout regards mostly the<br />

level ISCED 3 (secondary higher education, eventually professional training), eventually both the period<br />

between finished compulsory education and the end of the training at ISCED3 level.<br />


The competences to create, control and finance schools are also composed in a different way. From<br />

this difference also come the different constructions and competences of important actors in the field<br />

of teaching. Amongst all the main actors there are at the national level this is the ministries and at the<br />

regional level, this is the local or regional bodies of various form and entities which are irreplaceable.<br />

The regional composition as well as regional entities of State, public or local administration are very<br />

specific to each country. The important actors in the field of teaching and preventing from school<br />

dropout are schools themselves.<br />

School dropout<br />

The initial postulate of the elaboration of national reports and of the overall report considered school<br />

dropout was a young population who did not finish their school cursus, or leaving school early. We can<br />

define this group as young people who finished school without reaching the ISCED3 level.<br />


The aim of the project Pedagogie de chantier (learning by doing)2 is to target the youngsters of 16 to<br />

24 years old. National reports produced by the partners demonstrate that from the point of view of the<br />

prevention, normally, school dropping out is studied in a much wider dimension: we also have to<br />

consider the case of young not reaching the ISCED2 level of education, which is necessary to start the<br />

ISCED3 level of education. Prevention of school dropout seems easier and more efficient during the<br />

school time, which is characterized by two aims: answering to school compulsory (finishing the years of<br />

schooling) and finishing the ISCED 3 level.<br />

In a global way, we still note some gaps in the practical perception of school dropout according to<br />

different partner countries and their educational system.<br />

2 T.N. “Pedagogie de chantier”: a French appellation that we translated by an “learning by doing”. Its goal<br />

consists in getting a group of individuals to work collectively for general interest. Individuals improve themselves<br />

throughout territory development<br />


Statistical data about school dropping out<br />

In the national reports and also in the overall report about prevention of school dropout, we have been<br />

working with two groups of statistical data.<br />

1. The first group represents national data of students who did not finish school either before the<br />

educational compulsory either because they did not meet the requirements to get a diploma of<br />

ISCED3 level. The main record is held by different schools. This record and the publication of<br />

statistical data incorporated are handled in every country.<br />

2. A second group presents data counted by Eurostat- meaning the percentage of those who did<br />

not finish a training among the global youth population. It is a selective listing. These European<br />

data enable comparisons between different countries.<br />

The released data are identified thanks to two different ways. This way of census concerns the<br />

situation ex-post –meaning after school dropout. We can note that both methods of census statistical<br />

data are from a secondary prevention. From the point of view of prevention, it is more important to<br />

detect the symptoms from potential situations of dropping out before really giving up. This type of<br />


ecord can just be held by different schools or parents. None of the project partner suggested<br />

information of this type, we suppose that these data are not released and certainly need a certain level<br />

of intimacy. Regarding the efficiency measure of prevention from early school dropout, theoretically, it<br />

would be necessary to follow the number of students threatened by giving up and the number of those<br />

who have not left school thanks to preventing measures.<br />

Suggestions<br />

The main challenge of the project Pedagogie de chantier (learning by doing) is the priority defined by<br />

the European Commission to reduce the school drop-out rate to less than 10% within 2020, aim<br />

declined by the different member state.<br />

The prevention against school dropping out takes an important place in order to respond to national<br />

targets. In this prevention, every national and regional actor has a priceless place: originally these are<br />

the schools and educational institutions who plays a key role.<br />


The other educational organizations, or training or socio-professional insertion organization can bring a<br />

support to these actors. This is the willing of the partners of the current project. This is why the<br />

knowledge of both previous reports is important to understand the issues facing the school<br />

stakeholders<br />

The Educational working approach- Pedagogie de chantier (learning by doing), declined in this project<br />

targets firstly young school leavers, underprivileged younth on the job market who did not reach the<br />

initial educational level.<br />

When you follow the Pedagogie de chantier (learning by doing) project, please share the following<br />

information and knowledge:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The reasons for school drop-out, their interactions and the perception of it as a process with<br />

successive steps.<br />

The impacts of school dropout<br />

The differences, transnational and regional features<br />


Common characteristics and different educational systems and the legislation concerning<br />

school compulsory in different countries.<br />

Links between the current situation (see statistical data) and the target of the European Union<br />

to reduce school dropout within 2020.<br />


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