Returning to Goloka

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be the start of a new age for Mankind.

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will
cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the
world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is
overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong
to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and
prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of
this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be
the start of a new age for Mankind.


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perhaps we have a clue that the flyby could<br />

begin during the winter solstice, when the sun<br />

will be in the constellation of Ophiuchus.<br />

Ophiuchus is a recurring element in Nibiru<br />

research.<br />

On July 22, 2008 the second part of the<br />

crop circle appears (image below), which<br />

consists of an overlay of the first part plus a symmetrical, big empty ring<br />

(image from Planet X Forecast by Marshall Masters 11 , where he goes in<strong>to</strong><br />

much greater detail about this crop circle).<br />

11<br />

Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide by Jacco van der Worp, Marshall Masters<br />

and Janice Manning, ISBN 1-59772-075-5, Your Own World Books. This is a wellwritten<br />

and well thought out book about the subject of the imminent return of Planet X.<br />

It portrays a terrifying vista of death, destruction and social breakdown as a direct result<br />

of increased solar activity as Planet X draws near. The three researchers who have cowritten<br />

this book bring <strong>to</strong>gether a cohesive framework of material from diverse interest<br />

areas. There is scientific data <strong>to</strong> examine, cynical and political debate and gritty<br />

survivalist training.<br />


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