Returning to Goloka

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be the start of a new age for Mankind.

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will
cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the
world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is
overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong
to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and
prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of
this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be
the start of a new age for Mankind.


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infinitely interconnected, telepathy may merely be the accessing of the<br />

holographic level.<br />

It is obviously much easier <strong>to</strong> understand how information can travel<br />

from the mind of individual 'A' <strong>to</strong> that of individual 'B' at a far distance point<br />

and helps <strong>to</strong> understand a number of unsolved puzzles in psychology. In<br />

particular, Grof 2 feels the holographic paradigm offers a model for<br />

understanding many of the baffling phenomena experienced by individuals<br />

during altered states of consciousness.<br />

From the perspective of the universe being a 3-D holographic<br />

projection, we replace the laser light with a fragment of the consciousness of<br />

Krishna, and through the instrumentality of MahaVishnu (His Expansion),<br />

through the Crea<strong>to</strong>r, Lord Brahma, and in<strong>to</strong> the Prana Field (the gap), then the<br />

3-D projection of the universe (a replica of <strong>Goloka</strong> where Krishna resides)<br />

emerges.<br />

2<br />

This is Stanilov Grof, author of The Holotropic Mind. Grof was a former Freudian<br />

dissatisfied with traditional psychoanalysis and its inability <strong>to</strong> explain many psychological<br />

problems, is known as the father of transpersonal psychology - the idea that a person's<br />

psyche is not necessarily limited <strong>to</strong> his own brain. During meditation or in altered states<br />

of consciousness, a person can experience the thoughts of other people, past lives,<br />

receive impulses of intelligence from plants and animals, the planet itself, or even the<br />

entire cosmos.<br />


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