Returning to Goloka

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be the start of a new age for Mankind.

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will
cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the
world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is
overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong
to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and
prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of
this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be
the start of a new age for Mankind.


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kaler dasha-sahasrani<br />

madbhaktah santi bhu-tale<br />

ekavarna bhavishyanti<br />

madbhakteshu gateshu ca<br />

Translation:<br />

Then, for 10,000 years of kali, devotees of Mine will fill the whole<br />

planet. After the departure of My devotees there will only be one varna.<br />

Verse 60<br />

madbhaktashunya prithivi<br />

kaligrasta bhavishyati<br />

etasminnantare tatra<br />

krishnadehadvinirgatah<br />

Translation:<br />

Devoid of My devotees, the earth will be [again] shackled by kali.<br />

Saying this Krishna departed.<br />

From this we know that after about 5,000 years of Kali yuga (we have<br />

been in Kali yuga for 5,046 years as of 2015), we can expect a reset on earth <strong>to</strong><br />

a time when all people on earth will enjoy Krishna Realization; that is, everyone<br />

will know Krishna. Basically, during this time that is coming very soon, God<br />

will not be some mysterious, invisible Being that "lives in the sky and is always<br />

watching us but does not answer clearly when we try <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> Him" but<br />

instead will be known <strong>to</strong> everyone as a real Being who does answer clearly<br />

and with whom everyone can have a personal relationship. Such a time is<br />

found only during Satya yuga, so this 10,000-year period must be a time of<br />

Satya yuga. Maharishi said in 1970 (5,001 years in<strong>to</strong> Kali yuga) that He saw the<br />

dawning of the Age of Enlightenment, and this time of universal<br />

Enlightenment will last for 10,000 years. In 1975 Maharishi made a world <strong>to</strong>ur<br />


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