Returning to Goloka

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be the start of a new age for Mankind.

The Earth is on course for an Extinction Level Event (ELE) that will
cause massive global destruction and loss of life for more than 90% of the
world’s population. The scientific and circumstantial evidence is
overwhelming that such an event is on the horizon, and we would be wrong
to ignore it when there is a viable solution for comfortable survival and
prosperity. This book is for those who are destined to reach the other side of
this disaster and be among the first generation of a world that will literally be
the start of a new age for Mankind.


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The essential nature of life is Bliss. We<br />

capitalize the word because this Bliss is the<br />

fundamental quality of the Divine, and we all<br />

have the experience of this Bliss as our<br />

birthright. Recall that we have five bodies:<br />

anamaya kosha, pranamaya kosha, manomaya<br />

kosha, vijñamaya kosha and Anandamaya Kosha.<br />

Here again we capitalize because this is our<br />

Divine body. Yes, we all share a single body<br />

of Bliss, which is the entire universe.<br />

The practice of Atmavedi Meditation develops all of our bodies and<br />

brings them in<strong>to</strong> our conscious awareness, including the Divine body,<br />

Anandamaya Kosha. This is the consciousness of our Crea<strong>to</strong>r, Lord Brahma and<br />

is directly supported by Lord Narayana, an expansion of Krishna. In Satya yuga,<br />

everyone has conscious access <strong>to</strong> all of their subtle bodies, including<br />

Anandamaya Kosha. But in Kali yuga, this ability has been lost.<br />

Atmavedi Meditation is the catalyst that enlivens Kundalini. Kundalini is<br />

the Divine aspect that promotes development of every life form from one<br />

stage <strong>to</strong> another. In human beings, Kundalini takes the sperm and ovum from<br />

a single cell <strong>to</strong> a multi-cell embryo, then Kundalini guides the development of<br />

the embryo in<strong>to</strong> a baby, then from baby <strong>to</strong> child, <strong>to</strong> adult. At this stage,<br />

Kundalini rests unless or until the individual is practicing Atmavedi Meditation.<br />

Then Kundalini continues the development of the individual by enlivening and<br />

connecting each subtle body <strong>to</strong> conscious awareness, culminating in Moksha.<br />


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