Appellant Brief - Turtle Talk

Appellant Brief - Turtle Talk

Appellant Brief - Turtle Talk


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(c) To indemnify the landowners against any liability for<br />

damages to life or property arising from the occupancy or use<br />

of the lands by the applicant.<br />

(d) To restore the lands as nearly as may be possible to their<br />

original condition upon the completion of construction.<br />

(e) That the applicant will not interfere with the use of the lands<br />

by or under the authority of the landowners for any purpose not<br />

inconsistent with the primary purpose for which the right-ofway<br />

was granted.<br />

JA0069 (emphasis added.)<br />

But the stipulation submitted by the Commissioner of Highways did not<br />

satisfy the requirement that it “expressly agree[]” to the conditions under § 256.7.<br />

The stipulation states:<br />

Pursuant to the application by the undersigned, as Commissioner of<br />

Highways of the State of Minnesota, dated April 7, 1955, for a public<br />

highway right of way across a portion of the Red Lake Indian<br />

Reservation, the undersigned agrees to conform and abide by all<br />

pertinent rules and regulations of the Department of the Interior with<br />

special reference to Departmental Regulations 25 CFR 256.7 (a), (b),<br />

and (e) published in the Federal Register of August 21, 1951, pursuant<br />

to the Act of Feb. 5, 1948 (62 Stat. 17).<br />

JA0062. 14 While the Commissioner expressly agreed to (a), (b), and (e), he<br />

omitted any direct reference to the remaining conditions (c) and (d). The omission<br />

14The copy of the stipulation submitted by the Nords is not clear, and the<br />

District Court read the “e” as “c”.<br />


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