Mission Statement - McDonell Area Catholic Schools

Mission Statement - McDonell Area Catholic Schools Mission Statement - McDonell Area Catholic Schools

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2007-2008 Administration<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> (CACS)<br />

Chippewa Falls,Wisconsin 54729<br />

w w w. ca c s. k 1 2 . w i . u s<br />

Kenith C. Britt PRESIDENT<br />

1316 Bel Air Boulevard<br />

CACS Central Office<br />

TEL (715) 723-0538 FAX (715) 723-1501<br />

St. Charles Childcare<br />

Christine Cook DIRECTOR<br />

429 W. Spruce Street<br />

TEL (715) 723-2161 FAX (715) 723-2109<br />

St. Charles Borromeo Primary,<br />

Pre-3, and BB4C<br />

Mary T. Selz PRINCIPAL<br />

429 W. Spruce Street<br />

TEL (715) 723-5827 FAX (715) 723-2109<br />

Holy Ghost Elementary<br />

Mary T. Selz PRINCIPAL<br />

436 S. Main Street<br />

TEL (715) 723-6478 FAX (715) 723-8990<br />

Notre Dame Middle<br />

Robert Vanderloop PRINCIPAL<br />

1316 Bel Air Boulevard<br />

TEL (715) 723-4777 FAX (715) 723-3353<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Central <strong>Catholic</strong> High<br />

Robert Vanderloop PRINCIPAL<br />

1316 Bel Air Boulevard<br />

TEL (715) 723-9126 FAX (715) 723-3024<br />

COVER AND BACK CO V E R : Ba c kg round is the sanct u a ry<br />

p a i nting at The Ch u rch of No t re Da m e. St u d e nts on<br />

the fro nt and back cover and on the inside of the<br />

re po rt are from Mc Donell Ce nt ral <strong>Catholic</strong> High, No t re<br />

Dame Mi d d l e, Holy Ghost El e m e nt a ry, and St . Ch a rl e s<br />

Bo rromeo Pri m a ry Schoo l s.<br />

When producing a doc u m e nt of this magnitude there<br />

is a chance we inadve rte ntly omitted info rm at i o n , m i ss<br />

pelled a name, or used inco rre ct figure s. We made<br />

eve ry effo rt to give you the most accurate info rm at i o n<br />

po s s i b l e. If you do find an error we apo l og i ze in<br />

a dva n ce and enco u rage you to co nt a c t the<br />

Deve l o p m e nt Of f i ce.<br />

This annual report has been produced by the<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>,<br />

Development and Alumni Relations Office.<br />

Alice Bohl, DEV E LO P M E N T SE C R E TA RY (Retired June 2007)<br />

Cathy Greenseth, PU B L I C RE LAT I O N S<br />

Des Sikowski-Nelson, RI V E RED G E DE S I G N<br />

Rusty Volk, DEV E LO P M E N T DI R E C TO R<br />

BE N<br />

F U T U R E<br />

SO C I A L W O R K E R<br />

K AY LA<br />

F U T U R E<br />

FA S H I O N<br />

ME RC H A N D I S E R<br />

AN N A B E L L E<br />

F U T U R E<br />

TE AC H E R<br />

<strong>Mission</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

Guided by our parishes, in partnership<br />

with families and community, we provide<br />

a quality learning environment in the<br />

best <strong>Catholic</strong> tradition to develop the moral,<br />

spiritual, intellectual, and physical<br />

DEVO N<br />

F U T U R E<br />

UN D E C I D E D<br />

potential of each student.<br />

Revised and adapted 2002<br />

SA M<br />

F U T U R E<br />

UN D E C I D E D<br />

SLOA N E<br />

F U T U R E<br />

ARC H I T E C T<br />

ZO E<br />

F U T U R E<br />

NU R S E<br />

NAT H A N<br />

JA R E D<br />

F U T U R E<br />

SM A L L BU S I N E S S<br />

MA N A G E R<br />

AS H L E Y<br />

F U T U R E<br />

PH YS I C A L<br />

TH E R A PI S T<br />

F U T U R E<br />


Vision <strong>Statement</strong><br />

We strive to be the school of choice for quality education in<br />

the Chippewa Valley. We achieve this through an innovative<br />

and faith-based <strong>Catholic</strong> education, family participation,<br />

stewardship, a safe environment, concern for the individual,<br />

a dedicated staff, student involvement, and first-rate facilities.<br />

Our values permeate everything we say and do. Adopted 2002<br />

Values <strong>Statement</strong><br />

This is what we, in the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>,<br />

are committed to:<br />


We believe in a <strong>Catholic</strong>-based education. All aspects of our school<br />

system have a <strong>Catholic</strong> foundation. Students and staff conduct<br />

themselves in a reverent and Christian manner, embracing the<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> traditions that form the basis of our faith-based education.<br />

ACA D E M I C S<br />

Every student is given the tools and opportunity to excel academically.<br />

We regularly evaluate, set, and maintain strong academic standards.<br />

R E S P E C T<br />

Every student and employee shows respect for others both inside and<br />

outside our school system.<br />

P R AY E R<br />

Everyone participates in prayer and the sacramental life as these are<br />

an integral part of the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith.<br />

M O R A L I T Y<br />

Everyone participating in daily and extracurricular school activities,<br />

be they student, staff, or parent, conducts themselves according to the<br />

highest moral standards.<br />

R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y<br />

Everyone shows responsibility by upholding the values of our school<br />

system, working together to ensure that our school is fundamentally<br />

strong for future generations.<br />

Adapted 2002<br />

Co nte nt s<br />

4 Very Rev. Donald Bauer,<br />

Dean<br />

5 Melvin ‘Skip’ August,<br />

President<br />

5 Kenith C. Britt,<br />

Named New President<br />

6 Kathy Dahl,<br />

Education Commission<br />

7 Rusty Volk,<br />

Director<br />

8 Student Achievement<br />

9 Financial Report<br />

10 Annual Giving<br />

16 Foundation & Endowment<br />

16 Sustaining Fund<br />

16 Matching Gifts<br />

16 Restricted Funds & Grants<br />

17 Fair Share<br />

17 Memorial Gifts<br />

17 In-kind Gifts<br />

18 Annual Volunteers<br />

20 SCRIP Program<br />

21 Faculty and Staff<br />

23 Remembering Notre Dame<br />

School, 1881-2007

4<br />

PA R I S H E S<br />

The Church of Notre Dame<br />

Rev. Brian Jazdzewski<br />

Holy Ghost<br />

Rev. Edmund Doerre<br />

St. Charles Borromeo<br />

Rev. William P. Felix<br />

OT H E R<br />


Holy Cross Co r n e l l<br />

Rev. Je remiah Cashman<br />

Sa c red He a rt of Jesus Jim Fa l l s<br />

Rev. Brian Jazd ze ws ki<br />

St. Paul Bl oo m e r<br />

Rev. James Art h u r<br />

St. B ridget Sp ri n gf i e l d<br />

Rev. Edmund Doe rre<br />

St. John the Baptist Cooks Va l l ey<br />

Rev. James Arthur<br />

St. Rose of Lima Ca d o t t<br />

Ve ry Rev. Donald Bauer<br />

The Ch u rch of St. Pe ter Ti l d e n<br />

Rev. William P. Fe l i x<br />


Dear Supporters of the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong><br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>,<br />

Much has happened since the<br />

2005-2006 Annual Re po rt . We have<br />

seen the retirement of Mr. Skip August<br />

as Pre s i d e nt of the Ch i p pe wa Are a<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> (CAC S ) . M r. Jo h n<br />

Flanagan, past principal at <strong>McDonell</strong> has<br />

sought a greater love in teaching at the<br />

3rd grade level. Filling these positions<br />

is not an easy task, e s pecially when<br />

these positions are so vital to the<br />

administration and order of the schools.<br />

Replacing Mr. August as President<br />

of Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> is<br />

Mr. Kenith C. Britt. Besides the varied<br />

experience, Mr. Britt is also working on a<br />

Ph.D. in <strong>Catholic</strong> Education Leadership.<br />

His experience and knowledge yet to<br />

be acquired through the spe c i a l i ze d<br />

Docto ral prog ram will provide our<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> schools in Chippewa Falls with<br />

current insights and solutions in order<br />

to face the future.<br />

The position of principal of Notre<br />

Dame Middle School/<strong>McDonell</strong> Central<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> High School has been filled by<br />

Mr. Robert Vanderloop. We are pleased<br />

to be able to utilize a diverse wo rk<br />

experience, which Mr. Vanderloop has to<br />

offer along with a Master’s Degree in<br />

Administrative Leadership.<br />

As was said in the last An n u a l<br />

Re po rt, “As with all schoo l s, we have<br />

m a ny challenges ahead, c h a l l e n g e s<br />

which will require innovative yet also<br />

difficult solutions.” We believe that with<br />

the addition of Mr. Britt and Mr.<br />

Vanderloop, along with the cooperation<br />

from all the staff, we have a good start at<br />

attending to the challenges ahead.<br />

As far as the physical structure of<br />

the layout of the schools, there have<br />

been changes in consolidation, which<br />

will help to streamline the schools and<br />

to provide greater efficiency. We have<br />

distributed grades 6th - 8th from Notre<br />

Dame School at the location next to<br />

Notre Dame Church to the schools of<br />

Holy Ghost Elementary and <strong>McDonell</strong><br />

Ce nt ral <strong>Catholic</strong> High Schoo l ,<br />

with the 3rd<br />

grade moving<br />

from Holy Ghost<br />

El e m e nt a ry to<br />

St. Charles Borromeo Primary. I think<br />

this change has been well received by<br />

both students and parents. The teachers<br />

ought to be commended for the flexibility<br />

they have shown in this transition.<br />

We co ntinue to improve on the<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> identity of the schools. It was<br />

encouraging to hear from many of the<br />

s t u d e nts who gra d u ated fro m<br />

Mc Do n e l l , h ow impo rt a nt it was fo r<br />

them to at tend a <strong>Catholic</strong> co l l e g e. I<br />

believe this new enthusiasm for living<br />

the faith in their lives is becoming more<br />

w i d e s p read throughout the Un i te d<br />

States. We are beginning to see more<br />

new <strong>Catholic</strong> co l l e g e s, which are<br />

o pening their doors and making the<br />

claim that they are truly orthodox, truly<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>. We hope and pray that we can<br />

instill this enthusiasm of faith in all our<br />

students, whatever the grade. Fr. James<br />

Weighner, ordained in the summer of<br />

2007, is the new chaplain at <strong>McDonell</strong><br />

Ce nt ral <strong>Catholic</strong> High Schoo l .<br />

Fr. Weighner’s presence of making the<br />

sacraments available to Notre Dame and<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> students is a great addition<br />

over last ye a r. The pastors of co u r s e<br />

continue to make their presence in the<br />

other schools.<br />

Eve ry week there are praye r s<br />

offered for all parents, supporters, and<br />

be n e f a ctors of the Ch i p pe wa Are a<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>.The pastors and staff of<br />

CACS are always greatly appreciative of<br />

the support the schools receive from<br />

their be n e f a cto r s. Please co nt i n u e<br />

your support of the schools, but more<br />

importantly, bring Christ in your lives<br />

t h rough the Ch u rch and then bri n g<br />

Christ to others.<br />

In Christ,<br />

Very Rev. Donald J. Bauer, Dean<br />

Chippewa Falls Deanery<br />

“Wh oever re ce i ves you re ce i ves me, and whoever re ce i ves me re ce i ves the one who sent me.” M a t t h ew 10:40

MELVIN ‘SKIP’ AUGUST President<br />

Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends,<br />

The 2006-2007 school year went by<br />

q u i c kly and was a ve ry eve ntful and<br />

successful year. The support structure<br />

for the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong><br />

( CACS) is strong and co m m i t ted to<br />

keeping CACS in the fo re f ro nt of<br />

a ca d e m i c s, religious fo rm at i o n , a n d<br />

s ocial pre p a re d n e s s. We we re ve ry<br />

blessed to have the Most Rev. Jerome E.<br />

Listecki, Bishop of our diocese, celebrate<br />

an all-school Mass during Cat h o l i c<br />

S c h ools Week at Mc Donell Ce nt ra l<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> High School with over 700<br />

attending.<br />

We started the 2007-2008 school<br />

year with some exciting changes. The<br />

largest is the consolidation into three<br />

b u i l d i n g s. We ex pe ct ve ry po s i t i ve<br />

results from moving our 7th and 8th<br />

grades to <strong>McDonell</strong>, 6th grade to Holy<br />

Gh o s t, and 3rd grade to St . Ch a rl e s<br />

and adding two - year-old childca re. I n<br />

addition, we totally updated our science<br />

labs and made numerous other changes<br />

to support the move.<br />

John Fl a n a g a n , our dedicate d<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> principal of 12 years, decided<br />

to re t u rn to his passion of te a c h i n g<br />

young children and is teaching 3rd<br />

grade at St. Charles. He was replaced by<br />

Robert Vanderloop, who took charge of<br />

grades 7 through 12. We have a few new<br />

teachers that promise to be a true asset<br />

to our excellent staff, as well as a few<br />

who tra n s fe rred to other te a c h i n g<br />

positions. As I am moving on to other<br />

endeavors, Kenith Britt will take over as<br />

president of CACS. I have had the pleasure<br />

of working with both of these gentlemen<br />

and I have been very impressed<br />

with their kn owledge and leadership<br />

skills. I am sure they will make positive<br />

i m p a cts on our children and schoo l<br />

system. We are also very excited to have<br />

Fr. James Weighner joining us as<br />

chaplain and teacher along with the<br />

continued support from our Chippewa<br />

Falls Deanery priests and our Dean, the<br />

Very Rev. Donald Bauer.<br />

A few faculty and staff have retired<br />

after the 2006-07 school year. Carol Way<br />

who taught Art at <strong>McDonell</strong> for 26 years,<br />

decided to join<br />

her husband in<br />

r e t i r e m e n t ,<br />

although she will<br />

still be deeply involved with the school<br />

musical. Jan Yates, English teacher for 23<br />

years at <strong>McDonell</strong>, will be occasionally<br />

seen as a substitute teacher. After working<br />

closely with the alumni for 19 years,<br />

Alice Bohl has retired, but is willing to<br />

help whenever needed. Although we<br />

have very able replacements, these dedicated<br />

people will be missed very much.<br />

Due to restructuring costs associated<br />

with moving No t re Dame Mi d d l e<br />

S c h ool to Mc Donell Ce nt ral Cat h o l i c<br />

High School and thirteen months of<br />

health insurance premiums, we ended<br />

the year slightly in the re d. Due to<br />

previous years’ operations, we were able<br />

to utilize a small portion of the surplus to<br />

ensure that we didn’t have to go further<br />

in debt. This was achieved through careful<br />

planning by our committees, hard<br />

work by all to institute changes, and belt<br />

tightening by our staff.<br />

Our CACS Strategic Plan continues<br />

to progress. We concentrated on the top<br />

five prioritized objectives and now that<br />

t h ey are basically co m p l e te d, we are<br />

m oving down the pri o ri ty list of<br />

o b j e ct i ves to achieve our strate g i c<br />

planning goals. Our strategic plan will<br />

guide us in the right long-term direction.<br />

I feel confident that Mr. Britt will continue<br />

the process forward as we work on<br />

actions for the other objectives.<br />

Be assured that there is a dedicated<br />

staff of professional people training our<br />

children to be the best adults they can<br />

be. We have a common vision at our<br />

schools, focused on assuring that our<br />

s t u d e nts gra d u ate from our schoo l<br />

system as mature adults with an acute<br />

understanding of what it means to be<br />

truly <strong>Catholic</strong>.<br />

May God bless each and every one<br />

of you,<br />

Melvin ‘Skip’ August, President<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong><br />

“The diligent hand will gove r n , ...but the slothful will be enslave d.” Proverbs 12:24<br />

M R . KENITH C. B R I TT<br />

Named New Pre s i d e nt<br />

In Ju ly, the Ch i p pewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> School syste m<br />

we l comed Pi t t s b u rg h - a rea native, Kenith C. Britt as<br />

Pre s i d e n t.<br />

M r. Britt attended West Libe rty State Co l l e g e,<br />

West Libe rty, West Vi rginia where he re ce i ved a<br />

Bachelor of Arts De g ree in El e m e n t a ry Ed u ca t i o n<br />

with a minor in Mathematics. He then went on to<br />

re ce i ve a Master of Arts De g ree in Ed u ca t i o n a l<br />

Leadership from Marshall Unive r s i t y in Huntingto n ,<br />

West Vi rg i n i a . Cu r re n t ly, M r. Britt is enrolled at Th e<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Unive r s i ty of Am e ri ca in Wa s h i n g to n , D. C .<br />

w h e re he is wo r king towa rd a Docto ra te in Ca t h o l i c<br />

Ed u cation Le a d e r s h i p. M r. Britt along with his wife<br />

Je s s i ca and 2 ye a r-old daughte r, Julianna Ra e, a re<br />

pleased to be living and wo r king in a co m m u n i ty<br />

which suppo rts <strong>Catholic</strong> school educa t i o n .<br />

M E S S AG E F RO M K E N I T H B R I TT:<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> education in the 21st century United<br />

St ates takes a gre at deal of cre at i v i ty,<br />

dedication, and support of all involved in the<br />

education ministry of the Church. As we move<br />

forward in a new direction of <strong>Catholic</strong> education<br />

in Chippewa Falls, it is vital that we re-affirm our<br />

commitment to provide a quality education to<br />

every <strong>Catholic</strong> and non-<strong>Catholic</strong> student in our<br />

schools. Not only do we provide a financial<br />

savings to our local community by maintaining<br />

our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools, but more importantly, we<br />

are helping to shape our future that will give our<br />

wo rld a po s i t i ve fo u n d ation enabling us to<br />

respond with confidence in a dynamic society.<br />

May God continue to send His blessings upon<br />

our schools and parishes so that we are able<br />

to continue ministering to the young of our<br />

parishes and city for years to come.<br />

In Christ’s Love,<br />

M r. Kenith C. B r i t t<br />


2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8<br />


M E M B E R S<br />

The CACS Education Commission is a group<br />

of parish and sch ool re p re s e nt at i ves from the<br />

three main parishes (Holy Ghost, The Church of<br />

Notre Dame, and St. Charles Borromeo) and the<br />

a f f i l i ated schools of St . Pe te r, in Tilden and St .<br />

Joseph, in Cadott. This commission is a consultative<br />

body to the CACS administrator who reports to the<br />

Dean of the Chippewa Falls Deanery.<br />

Principals, other CACS staff, and occasionally<br />

other committee chairpersons attend the meetings<br />

to communicate and/or report information.<br />

Ma ry Huffc u t t<br />

Vi ce - c h a i r per son & Re p re s e n t a t i ve, Ho ly Gh o s t<br />

Dan Hunt<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, Ho ly Gh o s t<br />

Ma ry Ja co b s o n<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, S t. Ch a rles Bo r r o m e o<br />

Diane Ko s s<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, S t. Ch a rles Bo r r o m e o<br />

Pe ter & Brenda Me i n e n<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve s, S t. Pe ter Pa ri s h<br />

William Ri c h l e n<br />

Ch a i r per son & Re p re s e n t a t i ve, The Ch u rch of No t re Da m e<br />

To ny Th o rnto n<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, The Ch u rch of No t re Da m e<br />

Lois We ave r<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, S t. Ch a rles Bo r r o m e o<br />

Te resa We n a a s<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, Ho ly Gh o s t<br />

Lo ri Zu m b roc k<br />

Re p re s e n t a t i ve, The Ch u rch of No t re Da m e<br />


6<br />

(Ve ry) Rev. Donald Ba u e r<br />

De a n , Ch i p p ewa Falls De a n e r y<br />

Kenith C. B ri t t<br />

Pre s i d e n t, Ch i p p ewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Schoo l s<br />

R ev. Edmund Doe rre<br />

Pa s to r, Ho ly Ghost Pa ri s h<br />

R ev. William P. Fe l i x<br />

Pa s to r, S t. Ch a rles Bo r romeo Pa ri s h<br />

R ev. B rian Ja zd zews ki<br />

Pa s to r, The Ch u rch of No t re Da m e<br />

Ma ry T. Se l z<br />

Pri n c i p a l , S t. Ch a rles Bo r rom eo Pri m a r y Schoo l ,<br />

Pre - 3 , B B 4 C , and Ch i l d ca re<br />

Pri n c i p a l , Ho ly Ghost El e m e n t a ry Schoo l<br />

R o be rt Va n d e rl oo p<br />

Pri n c i p a l , M c Donell Ce n t ral <strong>Catholic</strong> High<br />

Pri n c i p a l , No t re Dame Middle Schoo l<br />

KATHY DAHL * Education Commission<br />

*Kathy’s term was completed this past September. She was replaced by William Richlen.<br />

Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends of the<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>,<br />

The theme for the 2006-2007<br />

s c h ool year was Fa i t h , Family and<br />

Future. The Strategic Plan that has been<br />

d eve l o ped for our Ch i p pe wa Are a<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> School (CACS) Sys te m<br />

addresses the need to look to the future,<br />

with focuses on increasing our faith life<br />

and stressing the importance of family.<br />

FA I T H : The <strong>Catholic</strong> Ident i ty<br />

Group has been formally added as a<br />

s u bco m m i t tee to the Ed u cat i o n<br />

Commission. With the guidance of our<br />

Dean, the Very Rev. Donald Bauer, the<br />

m e m bers of this group have be e n<br />

offering ideas and assisting in activities<br />

that promote the faith-based aspect of<br />

the education that is provided by<br />

CACS. I have personally observed an<br />

increased demonstration of reverence,<br />

faithfulness and a willingness to serve in<br />

our student s. This has also be e n<br />

enhanced by the Ambassador Program,<br />

which continues to grow and flourish<br />

under the direction of Mary Jacobson.<br />

FA M I LY: In my ten years as a<br />

member of the Education Commission,<br />

my main concern has always been the<br />

kids, and also their families. We have<br />

great students and our system has the<br />

wo n d e rful suppo rt of many pare nt s<br />

who donate co u ntless hours as<br />

vo l u nte e r s. The Public Re l ations (PR)<br />

committee, chaired by Michele Kressin,<br />

co ntinues to offer many act i v i t i e s<br />

t h at provide oppo rtunities for the<br />

s t u d e nts and their families to wo rk<br />

together. We are striving to portray a<br />

positive image to the general public via<br />

community service activities including<br />

leaf raking, Irvine Park spring clean-up,<br />

and observing Respect for Life month. A<br />

birthday card program for children from<br />

birth to five has been started to assist in<br />

the effort to increase enrollment. We<br />

also try to cre ate a we l co m i n g<br />

at m o s p h e re with the Family Me nto r<br />

p rog ram and hosting CACS Fa m i l y<br />

Night.<br />

FUTURE: This is my final year as a<br />

re p re s e nt at i ve on the Co m m i s s i o n .<br />

As I look back at the CACS Sys te m ,<br />

I see that we have<br />

undergone many<br />

changes and will<br />

co ntinue to do<br />

so. We cannot grow without change.<br />

I am excited about the future of our<br />

system. Mary Rose Willi, chairperson of<br />

our finance co m m i t tee stated that,<br />

“For several years, CACS had not been<br />

able to reduce debt to the Diocese but<br />

now due to the generosity of parishioners<br />

in cooperation with the pastors,<br />

the CACS debt will be eliminated at the<br />

conclusion of the pledge period of the<br />

“We Belong to Christ Campaign”. This<br />

has been a tremendous benefit to CACS<br />

as we look to the future. O u r<br />

Development Office, led by Rusty Volk,<br />

co ntinues to pursue funding fro m<br />

s ponsors and be n e f a cto r s, m a ny of<br />

whom have donated so generously in<br />

the past. Mary Huffcutt has put much<br />

time and effort into educating the staff<br />

on gra nt applications to furt h e r<br />

improve our financial situation. I want<br />

to thank Skip August for his leadership<br />

for the past couple years and welcome<br />

Kenith Britt as our new president. Also,<br />

thank you to John Flanagan for his<br />

dedication and service, and we wish him<br />

the best in his new po s i t i o n . Ro be rt<br />

Vanderloop is now the principal for the<br />

newly combined Notre Dame Middle<br />

School and <strong>McDonell</strong> Central <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

High School for the 2007-08 school year.<br />

Our new leaders will guide us into the<br />

future with a fresh perspective. I also<br />

want to acknowledge our faculty and<br />

support staff who consistently strive to<br />

develop the moral, spiritual, intellectual,<br />

and physical potential of each student.<br />

We are very grateful for your past,<br />

present, and future support and prayers.<br />

Please join me in asking for God’s<br />

blessings in our endeavors to provide a<br />

s t rong <strong>Catholic</strong> education for our<br />

students, who are our future.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Kathy Dahl<br />

CACS Education Commission<br />

“He who gives to the poor suffers no wa n t, ...but he who ignores them gets many a curse.” Proverbs 28:27

RUSTY VOLK Development<br />

Dear Parents, Alumni, Grandparents,<br />

Supporting Businesses, and Friends,<br />

On behalf of the faculty, staff and<br />

students of the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>Schools</strong> (CACS), I would like to extend a<br />

huge thank you for your support. Our<br />

l ocal parishes part i c i p ated in the<br />

Diocesan Capital Campaign “We Belong<br />

to Christ” in the Fall of 2006. Through<br />

this campaign, 80% of funds generated<br />

will be used for local parish needs and<br />

20% will be used for diocesan needs,<br />

which include the facilitating of the<br />

campaign. CACS is a recipient of this<br />

campaign as our parishes have agreed<br />

to eliminate over $600,000 in current<br />

school debt to the Diocese of La Crosse.<br />

This means our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools in<br />

Chippewa Falls will be debt free in five<br />

years. This is wonderful news as CACS<br />

has already seen $136,000 given toward<br />

this debt reduction.<br />

Another capital campaign began<br />

for the renovation of Dorais Field in the<br />

Spring of 2007. This two-million dollar<br />

campaign “Ma rching Fo rwa rd” wa s<br />

s u c cessful in generating pledges to<br />

replace bleachers, lighting, press box,<br />

concession/bathrooms and the football<br />

field surf a ce with artificial turf.<br />

Residents and businesses of Chippewa<br />

Falls recognized a need to update this<br />

facility for our public/<strong>Catholic</strong> schools<br />

and other community activities. What a<br />

beautiful addition to the city of<br />

Ch i p pe wa Fa l l s. Together these<br />

campaigns have generated over $4.3<br />

million in local support. The campaigns<br />

show the dedication and support of our<br />

community to reinvest in our school<br />

systems.<br />


If you are interested in leaving a legacy to our schools,<br />

for yourself or a loved one, please contact your local<br />

financial advisor or Rusty Volk at the Development<br />

Office located at the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>’<br />

Central Office. They will assist you with options of<br />

leaving a legacy to advance <strong>Catholic</strong> school education<br />

through the schools or through your parish.<br />

T E L (715) 723.0538 FAX (715) 723.1501<br />

E M L ru s tyvo l k @ ca c s. k 1 2 . w i . u s<br />

“Be holy be cause I (am) holy.” 1 Pe ter 1:15-16<br />

In the Fa l l<br />

of 2006, I asked<br />

you to suppo r t<br />

our annual fund<br />

drive – Faith, Family and Future. I wish<br />

to thank all those who responded to my<br />

call for financial support and although<br />

we fell a bit short of our goal, we did<br />

m a ke gains through an increase in<br />

matching gifts and funds received to<br />

re n ovate the science labs and other<br />

projects at <strong>McDonell</strong> High School. With<br />

debt elimination on the hori zon the<br />

future looks bright for the Chippewa<br />

<strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>.<br />

Our theme for 2007-2008 is<br />

Pa rtners in Faith and we are aski n g<br />

everyone to reunite with us as partners<br />

in our faith and in our responsibility to<br />

educate the children entrusted to our<br />

ca re. As our local parishioners and<br />

families fulfill their pledges to our<br />

parish campaigns we also see the need<br />

to give to the annual appeal of our<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> school. As <strong>Catholic</strong>s we give to<br />

those in need, and the <strong>Catholic</strong> schools<br />

we attended or used for the education<br />

of our children need your financial<br />

assistance. Be generous with your gifts<br />

to our annual fund drive Partners in<br />

Faith and consider leaving Mc Do n e l l<br />

Central <strong>Catholic</strong> High School a gift in<br />

your estate plans.<br />

Thank you for your co nt i n u e d<br />

support,<br />

Rusty Volk<br />

Development & Alumni Relations<br />

The Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> (CACS)<br />

h ave many stru ct u red co m m i t tees and<br />

organizations that help advise and run the<br />

schools as well as offer opportunities for<br />

students, parents, friends, and alumni to stay<br />

involved in the future of our schools. Listed<br />

a re the existing org a n i z ations that<br />

co l l e ct i vely suppo rt the Ch i p pe wa Are a<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>. Many dedicated people<br />

g i ve co u ntless hours serving on these<br />

various committees and organizations.<br />

CACS Education Commission<br />

● Facilities Committee<br />

● <strong>Catholic</strong> Identity Committee<br />

● Finance Committee<br />

● Grant Writing Committee<br />

● Policy / Personnel Committee<br />

● Public Relations Committee<br />

School Committees /<br />

Clubs /Organizations<br />

● CACS Home and School Association<br />

● CACS Music Boosters<br />

● Friends of the <strong>Catholic</strong> Education<br />

System<br />

● <strong>McDonell</strong> Athletic Booster Club<br />

● <strong>McDonell</strong> Alumni Association<br />

● Notre Dame Athletic Association<br />


Ca s h<br />

Will or Living Tru s t<br />

L i fe Insura n ce<br />

I RA or Pension Pl a n<br />

Real Es t ate<br />

&<br />



An n u i ty or De fe rred An n u i ty<br />

Ch a ritable Remainder Tru s t<br />

Ap p re c i ate d Se c u ri t i e s<br />

Personal Pro pe rty & Other As s e t s<br />

Ch a ritable Lead Tru s t<br />



22.3 22.2 20.8 23.4 22.2 20.9 21.8 22.2 20.9 21.7 22.2 21.1 23.4 22.3 21.2<br />

2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007<br />

19.0<br />


[ Note: the summary below shows Diocesan-wide results. ]<br />

F O U RTH G R A D E S U M M A RY<br />

Co nte nt Cate g o ries Include: God, Ch u rc h , S c ri p t u re,<br />

Sacraments, Christian Life, and Prayer/Worship.<br />

Percent of Students Answering 60% Correctly: 70.5%<br />

8<br />

16.6<br />

P.L.A.N. Test Score History<br />

[ Taken by <strong>McDonell</strong> Central High School Sophomores ]<br />

20.2<br />

16.6<br />

19.5<br />

16.5<br />

2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2006-2007<br />

N OT E : The P. L .A . N . Test was not administe r ed in 2005-2006<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Central Average<br />

Grade 2<br />

St. Charles Borromeo Primary<br />

[ White horizontal line indicates the national average ]<br />

Reading Language Math Social Science Composite<br />

Studies<br />

Grade 6<br />

Notre Dame Middle<br />

[ White horizontal line indicates the national average ]<br />

Reading Language Math Social Science Composite<br />

Studies<br />

A.C.T. Test Score History<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> State<br />

National<br />

18.4<br />

16.5<br />

20.3<br />

16.5<br />

National Average<br />

Iowa Test of Basic Skills<br />

[ I.T.B.S.]<br />

20.3<br />

17.1<br />

Grade 4<br />

Holy Ghost Elementary<br />

[ White horizontal line indicates the national average ]<br />

Reading Language Math Social Science Composite<br />

Studies<br />

Grade 8<br />

Notre Dame Middle<br />

[ White horizontal line indicates the national average ]<br />

Reading Language Math Social Science Composite<br />

Studies<br />

E I G H T H G RA D E S U M M A RY<br />

Co nte nt Cate g o ries Include: God, Ch u rc h , S c ri p t u re,<br />

Sacraments, Christian Life, Conscience Formation, Dignity<br />

– Human Person, and Prayer/Worship.<br />

Percent of Students Answering 60% Correctly: 69.4%<br />

E L EV E N TH G RA D E S U M M A RY<br />

Co nte nt Cate g o ries Include: God, Ch u rc h / Ma ry,<br />

Scripture, Sacraments, Christian Life, Virtues, Conscience<br />

Formation, Dignity of Human Person, Last Things, and<br />

Prayer/Worship.<br />

Percent of Students Answering 60% Correctly: 72.1%<br />

A.C.T. College Test<br />

The A.C.T. test is taken every year by <strong>McDonell</strong><br />

Central <strong>Catholic</strong> High School students. The<br />

A . C . T. re po rt re f l e cts the achieve m e nt of<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> graduates to the extent to which<br />

they are prepared for college-level work. The<br />

A.C.T. consists of curriculum-based testing<br />

of educational deve l o p m e nt in English,<br />

mathematics, reading, and science designed<br />

to measure the skills needed for success in<br />

first-year college coursework. The maximum<br />

possible score on the A.C.T. test is 36. The table<br />

s h ows the five - year trend of our student s<br />

compared to the state and national averages.<br />

The 2006-2007 sco res are for the 2008<br />

graduating class.<br />

P.L.A.N. Test<br />

The P.L.A.N. test is given to all high school<br />

sophomores in November. It has proven to be<br />

an accurate predictor of A.C.T. scores. The<br />

sophomores who took the test in 2006 scored<br />

an average of 20.3 out of 25 possible points,<br />

while the national average was 17.1%. The<br />

score for the 2006-07 school year is for the<br />

students who will graduate in 2009.<br />

Iowa Test of Basic Skills<br />

The Iowa Test of Basic Skills (I.T. B.S.) wa s<br />

a d m i n i s te red in grade 2 at St . Ch a rl e s<br />

Borromeo Primary School, grade 4 at Holy<br />

Ghost El e m e nt a ry, and grades 6 and 8 at<br />

Notre Dame Middle School. Our percentiles<br />

represent where the average student in our<br />

school scored in comparison to the national<br />

average (50% is the national average).<br />

Although this information is helpful in<br />

monitoring the children’s academic growth, it<br />

does not measure many other areas important<br />

to the development of the whole child. The<br />

data provides the schools with information to<br />

plan future goals and objectives to meet the<br />

needs of the children in those academic areas.<br />

Religion Assessments<br />

During the 2006-07 school year the religion<br />

a s s e s s m e nts we re given to student s,<br />

Diocesan-wide, in grades 4, 8, and 11. The<br />

different assessments were broken down into<br />

two parts – the Faith Knowledge Assessment<br />

and the confidential Attitudes and Practices<br />

Survey. The Chippewa Falls Deanery received<br />

results for their schools which detailed areas<br />

of strength and growth.<br />

The Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> are<br />

e n co u raged to make use of the data to<br />

s t rengthen the faith fo rm ation and<br />

kn owledge of our childre n , young pe o p l e,<br />

and parents.<br />

“Re j o i ce in hope, e n d u re in afflict i o n , pe r s eve re in praye r.” Romans 12:12


Financial Summary<br />

The 2006-2007 school year ended on June 30,<br />

2 0 0 7 . We finished the year with reve n u e s<br />

of $3,236,956 and ex penses of $3,276,289.<br />

Total revenues and expenses are less than the<br />

previous fiscal year as we strive to keep our<br />

expenses in line with our generated revenues.<br />

Total parish subsidy was 36.7% of our operating<br />

budget with is the second lowest percentage<br />

among school sys tems in the Di ocese of<br />

LaCrosse 1<br />

whereas,tuition, registration, and fees<br />

represent 34.8% of revenue. We thank you for<br />

your continued financial support as we plan for<br />

the future of our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools to ensure<br />

their financial stability.<br />

1 2006-07 <strong>Catholic</strong> School Data Report - Diocese of La Crosse.<br />

Student Tuition<br />

Tuition fees paid by families co n s t i t u te a<br />

portion of the actual per pupil expenses. On<br />

the national leve l , the ave rage per pupil<br />

tuition in elementary schools is $2,607 and for<br />

s e co n d a r y schools the national median<br />

freshman tuition is $6,906 2<br />

. Tuition for 2006-<br />

2007 was $1,805 (Parish K-8) and $2,405 (Parish<br />

9-12). Non-parish student tuition was $2,675<br />

(K-8) and $3,530 (9-12). Tuition at the Chippewa<br />

<strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> is be l ow ave rage fo r<br />

comparable unified school system within the<br />

Di ocese of La Crosse and well be l ow the<br />

national median tuition costs. The cost per<br />

pupil however has increased to $5,082 (K-8) and<br />

$6,776 (9-12) which is a concern and will be<br />

addressed. Combined tuition and fees paid by<br />

families was 33.4% of the per-pupil cost.<br />

2 NCEA United States <strong>Catholic</strong> El e m e n t a ry and Se co n d a r y Schoo l s<br />

2006-2007 The Annual Statistical Report on <strong>Schools</strong>.<br />

“Ju s t i ce will bring about pe a ce ; . . . right will prod u ce calm and securi ty.” Isaiah 32:17<br />

Total Revenue $3,236,956<br />

Note: Total revenue shown above does not include $136,000 from the Diocesan<br />

capital campaign “We Belong to Christ”. The deficit incurred is a result of 13<br />

months of health insurance premiums and one-time expenses associated with<br />

moving Notre Dame Middle School to <strong>McDonell</strong> Central <strong>Catholic</strong> High School.<br />

Year<br />

2003-04<br />

2004-05<br />

2005-06<br />

2006-07<br />

Total Expenses $3,276,289<br />

Parish<br />

Grade School<br />

$1,500<br />

$1,560<br />

$1,710<br />

$1,805<br />

Tuition History<br />

Parish<br />

High School<br />

$1,950<br />

$2,050<br />

$2,250<br />

$2,405<br />

Non-Parish<br />

Grade School<br />

$2,090<br />

$2,200<br />

$2,500<br />

$2,675<br />

Non-Parish<br />

High School<br />

$2,725<br />

$2,900<br />

$3,300<br />

$3,530<br />


Annual Fund<br />

Annual Fund Dri ve (AFD) is a total of all gifts given to the<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> from the 2006-07 Annual Fund<br />

Drive Faith, Family, Future, Sustaining Funds, Memorial Funds,<br />

Matching Fu n d s, St u d e nt As s i s t a n ce, Un re s t ri cted Fu n d s,<br />

Foundation/ Endowment interest and other gifts during the fiscal<br />

year, July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. An investor may move<br />

JE D<br />

2006-2007 ANNUAL GIVING<br />

F U T U R E<br />

ACCO U N T I N G<br />

O R MA R K E T I N G<br />

EX E C U T I V E<br />

10<br />

from one gift level to another with additional gifts during the<br />

fiscal year. We sincerely thank all of you who so generously support<br />

the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> through prayer, volunteerism,<br />

and financial gifts. We ask for your continued support of<br />

our annual giving program.<br />


Sister Mary Francis<br />

Xavier Circle<br />

$7,500 +<br />

Father ‘Mac’<br />

McGuigan Circle<br />

$5,000 - 7,499<br />

Guardian’s Circle<br />

$2,500 - 4,999<br />

Benefactor’s Club<br />

$1,000 - 2,499<br />


$7,500 +<br />

Mary Lu Kelly Anderson<br />

Don & Joan Bischel<br />

James & Nancy Bischel<br />

William & Gertrude<br />

Casper Foundation<br />

Lester & Rosemary Davis<br />

Rev. Lloyd F. Geissler, Estate<br />

John & Mary Hofkes<br />

Gerald & Mary Wermund Jacobson<br />

Rev. Henry Lee<br />

B.A. Mason Trust<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Alumni Association<br />

Northwestern Bank<br />

F R . M AC CIRCLE<br />

$5,000 - 7,499<br />

Bellatoria’s Pizza<br />

Anthony & Shirley Deniger<br />

Knights of Columbus<br />

Goldsmith Council #974<br />

Gordy’s County Market<br />

Mason Companies, Inc.<br />


$2,500 - 4,900<br />

Jerry & Susan Bauer<br />

David Reginald Chisholm Family<br />

Mike & Annie Coughlin<br />

Pacesetter’s Club<br />

$500 – 999<br />

Challenger’s Club<br />

$250 – 499<br />

Pioneer’s Club<br />

$100 – 249<br />

Builder’s Club<br />

up to $100<br />

Peter & Michelle Farrow<br />

Kenneth & Peggy Nehring<br />

Larry Pinter<br />


$1,000 - 2,499<br />

Advanced Dairy Systems, Inc.<br />

Jean Friedeck Ager<br />

Thomas K. & Elizabeth Anderson<br />

Avalon Hotel & Conference Center<br />

Paul Bembnister<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Women’s Club<br />

Cornell Corporation<br />

L.L. Dahl Electric Inc.<br />

Dan & Jacque Joas Daniel<br />

Pam & Tom Davis<br />

James Dupey<br />

Charles & Jo Frenette<br />

GE Foundation<br />

Gordy’s County Market<br />

Gary & Pat Gray<br />

“But seek first the kingdom [of God] and his ri g h te o u s n e s s, and all these things will be given you be s i d e s.” M a t t h ew 6:33

Thad & Linda Liedl Hebert<br />

Ed & Margie Horan<br />

Dan & Linda Hunt<br />

Harold & Marian Hunt<br />

Joseph & Janice Janc<br />

Jerry’s Heating and<br />

Air Conditioning<br />

Kathleen Thornton Kopp<br />

LRD Properties, Inc.<br />

John Lubs<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Booster Club<br />

Mary Pat McDowell<br />

Catherine McDowell<br />

Wes Moskal<br />

John O’Neil<br />

Daniel J. Ripienski<br />

Paul Ritzinger<br />

Steve Roesler<br />

Michael & Mary Jo Salmon<br />

Ken & Jean McIlquham Stalcup<br />

Anton & Mary Jane Stepanek<br />

Joyce & Rudy Ursic<br />

Wisconsin Scale Corp.<br />

Richard & Mary Bell Willi<br />


$500 - 999<br />

Louis T. Altman<br />

Mary Lu Brick Amundson<br />

Therese L. Anderson<br />

Anonymous<br />

Melvin ‘Skip’ & Rose August<br />

Mark & Kay Baker<br />

Robert & Sharon Pitsch Bell<br />

Daniel Bischel<br />

Stephen Bischel<br />

Roger & Catherine Bohl<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Aid Assoc. Foundation<br />

St. Charles Borromeo Church<br />

Jason Brost<br />

Mike & Vicki Bowe Brown<br />

Robert E. Chapman<br />

Larry & Kathy Connell Dahl<br />

Jerry M. Daniel, Estate of<br />

Arthur DeLisle<br />

Suzanne Eder<br />

Eugene J. Eder<br />

Stephen & Patricia Amelse Ellenson<br />

Susan Sokup Fauver<br />

Kurt & Christine Geissler<br />

Reggie & Lori Geissler<br />

Hiess-Loken Surveying<br />

Horan Funeral Home, Inc.<br />

Huffcutt Concrete, Inc.<br />

Gerald Joas<br />

Richard & Sue Johnson<br />

Jerry & Mary Kuehl<br />

Lucyann Swoboda LeCleir<br />

Sean P. Lieding<br />

Brad & Julie Hiess Lyberg<br />

Markquart Motors, Inc.<br />

Robert & Chris Maslonkowski<br />

Michael & Gladys Matela<br />

Mega Pick N’Save<br />

David & Mary Lee Olson<br />

Ellen A. O’Neil<br />

Pepsi Corporation<br />

Robert W. Piotrowski<br />

Royal Credit Union (RCU)<br />

John & Barb Nowak Rasmus<br />

Brian & Denise Roesler<br />

Michael SanDretto<br />

Steve & Mary Selz<br />

Spectrum Industries, Inc.<br />

Stelter, Inc.<br />

Drs. Scott & Lisa Hebert Tenold<br />

Tenold Chiropractic<br />

Jerry Van Dyke<br />

Rusty & Mary Volk<br />

Carol & Jerry Way<br />

C H A L L E N G E R’S CLUB<br />

$250 - 499<br />

Ted Amelse<br />

Ronald & Jolene Berg<br />

Doris Loschko Bohl<br />

Bresina’s Carry Out<br />

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation<br />

David & Julie Bembnister Clark<br />

Jerre & Susan Eckes<br />

“So for one who kn ows the right thing to do and does not do it, it is a sin.” James 4:17<br />

Elmer & Barb Krista Eckwright<br />

Francis Gaier<br />

Reggie & Lori Lubs Geissler<br />

Bob & Bonita Gelina<br />

Dorene Goswitz<br />

Bruce R. Greenwood<br />

Don & Claudia Hable<br />

Ed & Kathy Meade Hebert<br />

David & Jeanne Larkowski Hebert<br />

Len Heimann<br />

Heyde Health System<br />

Marty & Pam Hunt<br />

Scott R. Hunt<br />

Sharon Spaeth Iatridis<br />

Daniel & Sue Globensky Jacobson<br />

Robert & Mary Daniel Jenneman<br />

Joe Joas<br />

Peter J. Johnson<br />

Kell Container Corp<br />

Dennis Kurtz<br />

Robert & Sherri Ann LeDuc<br />

Dick & LaVonne Stoehr Marquie<br />

Don & Sis Greenwood McCarthy<br />

John McIlquham Orchard, LLC<br />

James Meade<br />

Peter & Brenda Bohl Meinen<br />

Eugene Mower<br />

Robert & Cecilia Simon Newman<br />

Betty O’Donnell Nietz<br />

Charles & Bernadette O’Donnell<br />

Catherine Berg Peck<br />

Elizabeth Gardner Peterson<br />

Michael P. Pope<br />

Tony & Sue Reiter<br />

Lorenz Schreier<br />

Norbert Sedlacek<br />

Alice Kelly Seitz<br />

Tex-Wis Inc.<br />

Paul & Mary Wiley<br />

P I O N E E R’S CLUB<br />

$100 - 249<br />

Cheryl Abramczak<br />

Arlene Adams<br />

Carol Akan<br />

Judith Bowe Akey<br />

Anadarko Petroleum Corp.<br />

Steven Anderl<br />

Anonymous<br />

St. Anthony’s Circle<br />

Kathryn Mower Armstrong<br />

Jean Lynn Aslin<br />

Leon & Lou Anne Bresina Baier<br />

Robert & Wanda Baier<br />

Evelyn Mahr Bandoli<br />

Nancy Benish Bates<br />

James & Patricia Popple Bembnister<br />

Rosemary Picotte Bergeman<br />

Jacqueline Bowe Bernier<br />

David Bibeau<br />

Donald Bischel<br />

John Bischel<br />

Richard Blomlie<br />

The Boeing Employees<br />

Bohl & Proulx Plumbing, Inc.<br />

Robert Bohl<br />

SA M<br />

F U T U R E<br />

PE D I AT R I C<br />

NU R S E<br />


Pioneer’s Club cont.<br />

Francis Bohl<br />

Dale & Susan Bohl<br />

Steven & Carol Bohl<br />

Denise Boos<br />

Dr. Richard Borman<br />

Catherine Swoboda Bowe<br />

Ted & Ann Bowe<br />

Randy & Marilyn Bowe<br />

Dianne Bowe<br />

John & Linda Pitsch Brantmeier<br />

Janet Bresina<br />

Lynette Brigham<br />

John & Mary Rubenzer Bromeisl<br />

Ronald & Judy Buntz<br />

Margaret Hebert Butak<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Family Life Insurance<br />

Margaret Johnson Cherrier<br />

Chippewa Valley Textile, Inc.<br />

Ronald Clark<br />

BE K A H<br />

F U T U R E<br />

UN D E C I D E D<br />

12<br />

Class of 1946<br />

Peter & Sara Cochrane<br />

Delores Derks Connor<br />

Laura Reiter Cooney<br />

Helen Corbett<br />

DeVerne & Joanne Wild Cote<br />

Charlene & Christopher Coulombe<br />

Juanice Monarski Crawford<br />

Mary Crawford<br />

Susan Ermatinger Cycon<br />

Steve & Linda Cyr<br />

Jerome & Wilhemina Huber Dachel<br />

Dan & Debra Krejchi Dahl<br />

Diane DeLisle<br />

Susan DeLong<br />

Ted & Linda Derks<br />

Rose Marie Derks<br />

Michael Deuel<br />

Francis Downey<br />

William Durch<br />

Tony & Jeanne Pecka Eckert<br />

Charles & Cindy Eckes<br />

Jeff & Frances Eckes<br />

Alan Eckes<br />

Lloyd & Arnetta Eckes<br />

Kenneth Eder<br />

Ann O’Donnell Egan<br />

Mark Emerson<br />

Scott & Kathie Emerson<br />

Jim & Mary Yeager Erickson<br />

Mark & Deb Erickson<br />

Geri & Mark Falch<br />

Jackie Feldhake<br />

Robert & Jean Anne Fink<br />

David & Dianne Fish<br />

David A. & Tracy Kuehni-Flanagan<br />

Lucille Maier Fox<br />

Hugh Francis<br />

John & Laurie Armstrong Francis<br />

Arnold Franz<br />

Fuel Service / DJ’s Mart, LLC<br />

Frieda Gaier<br />

James & Joanne Stopfer Gardner<br />

Brent Geissler<br />

Carrie Geissler<br />

Dennis Geissler<br />

John Geissler<br />

Marge Geissler<br />

Marge Joas Geissler<br />

Randy & Peggy Bowe Geissler<br />

Stephen & Sharon Gilles<br />

Msgr. Richard W. Gilles, V.G.<br />

Harold Gingras<br />

Steve & Mary Eckes Gitels<br />

James Globensky<br />

Charles & Karen Goettl<br />

Penny Rushman Graham<br />

Ed Grzegozewski<br />

James & Tamra Gustavson<br />

Donna Hartman Haley<br />

Harley & Rosemary Monarski Haley<br />

Dr. James & Judy Haley<br />

Nancy Paul Hammersley<br />

John & Gail Hanson<br />

Jeffrey & Karen Harings<br />

Darrell & Leona Hart<br />

Kathy Derks Haselwander<br />

Barbara Hayes<br />

Jack Hays<br />

Dorothy A. Hebert<br />

Ione Swoboda Hebert<br />

Mylon & Pat Perrenoud Hebert<br />

Gary Hebert<br />

Roger & Elizabeth Hedrington<br />

Alice Buchberger Heinzen<br />

Michael & Karen Perkovich Hepfler<br />

Jason & Kellie McCombs Hiess<br />

Jerome Hiess<br />

Michael Hofkes<br />

Thomas Hofkes<br />

Dr. Peter & Sue Holm<br />

Kenneth Hub<br />

Lori Rowan Huber<br />

Dorothy Butak Hudson<br />

Huebsch Services<br />

George & Mary Huffcutt<br />

Sally E. Hughes<br />

Dan & Jan Hunt<br />

Geraldine Meagher Hutton<br />

Dr. John J. Janc<br />

Leroy & Patricia Jansky<br />

Kathy Crawford Jasper<br />

Ken & Diane Johnson<br />

Mike & Carol Jordan<br />

Mitchell & Sara Kaiser<br />

Hannah E. Kaiser<br />

Don & Alice Zwiefelhofer Karr<br />

Julia LaRue Kassner<br />

Ron & Rosemary Grzegozerski Keefer<br />

Jeanette Baier Kelly<br />

Morris & Maureen Eckes Kharasch<br />

Ronald & Mary Chovan King<br />

Mary Friedeck Kliner<br />

Richard & Marjorie Konopacky<br />

Patricia Kopf<br />

Kevin Kopp<br />

Anthony & Shawna Kovach<br />

Bruce & Colleen Krejci<br />

Eugene Krhin<br />

Janice Loiselle Kroll<br />

Larry H. Kuechenmeister<br />

Roxanne Rooney Kuss<br />

Larry & Mary Loiselle Lanners<br />

Erik & Mary Jo Maurer Larkowski<br />

Philip & Joyce Stohr Larkowski<br />

Karen Hartman Larson<br />

Jane Kleusch Laveck<br />

Duane & Betty LeDuc<br />

Suzanne Hurt Leirmo<br />

Janice A. Lemminger<br />

Shirley Smithers Liedl<br />

Ann Wermund Loeffel<br />

Darrell Lynn<br />

James & Evelyn Maloney<br />

Brian & Linda Marinello<br />

Marks Sheet Metal, LLC<br />

Larry D. Martineau<br />

Mary Lou Klaes Matthews<br />

Joan Goettl Matthews<br />

Douglas Maulwurf<br />

John & Jeanne Congdon McCluskey<br />

Daniel McFaul<br />

Carolyn Paul McGrath<br />

Daniel McHugh<br />

Gerry R. Meade<br />

Michael J. Meagher<br />

Bill & Donna Meier<br />

Dave & Theresa Davis Meinen<br />

Joshua & Amy Meinen<br />

Roger Meinen<br />

Vernon J. Meinen<br />

Todd & Paula Meinen<br />

Mark Meisner<br />

Jean Dietzler Merchant<br />

Joann Rooney Miller<br />

Robert Miller<br />

Moga, Inc.<br />

Joseph & Sandy Molumby<br />

Robert Mrozinski<br />

Larry & Maryann Rooney Muldoon<br />

Marion Cherrier Murphy<br />

David & Susan Lamb Nagle<br />

Raymond Nazer<br />

Keith & Anita Nelson<br />

Dr. Douglas Nelson<br />

Mary Ann Newcombe<br />

Jeffrey & Lynn Lembezeder Newton<br />

Charles G. Norseng<br />

Robert & Angie Nowak<br />

Robert & Lucille Nowak<br />

Joseph Oberweis<br />

Rita Oberweis<br />

Dan & Diane Seckora O’Connell<br />

Patrick & Mary O’Connell<br />

Harold & Madeline Ouimet<br />

Paul’s Carpet Cleaning<br />

Chuck & Carolyn Peloquin<br />

Donna Rubenzer Peterson<br />

Mark & Patricia Durch Pevan<br />

Mary Beth Amelse Pfeifer<br />

Bill & Nancy Pickerign<br />

Ann Piotrowski<br />

Bill Piotrowski<br />

Pliant Corp.<br />

Mary Lou Nowak Postl<br />

Michael Price<br />

Quality Propane<br />

Earl & Marguerite Connell Rank<br />

Warren & Phyllis Globensky Reiter<br />

Janet White Revoir<br />

Bill & Michelle Richlen<br />

RiverEdge Design<br />

Ruth Hanson Rogge<br />

Leona Martell Ronnestrand<br />

John & Marlene Pelloquin Rooney<br />

Deanne Globensky Rubenzer<br />

Tom & Rebecca Rubenzer<br />

Maureen Friedeck Ryan<br />

“The promises of the LO R D I will sing fo reve r, . . . p roclaim your loya l ty through all ages.” Psalm 89:2

Robert & Heidi Liedl Sackett<br />

John P. & Alison Sazama<br />

Jeff & Deborah Schneider Schafer<br />

Gordy & Donna Erickson Schafer<br />

Betty Hebert Schemenauer<br />

Betty Meinen Schemenauer<br />

Jane Bowe Schill<br />

Bill & Connie Schoch<br />

Tony & Lisa Bowe Schoch<br />

Jim & Barb Schofield<br />

Rita Schuebel<br />

Paul Schultz<br />

Charles F. Schweikert<br />

Paul Secraw<br />

Sally Emerson Sedlacek<br />

David & Lauri Bresina See<br />

Joe & Tami See<br />

SEH, Inc.<br />

Robert & Jennifer Shakal<br />

Joanne Penor Sheehy<br />

Jeanne Stevens Shober<br />

Des Sikowski-Nelson<br />

Chris Sisko<br />

Myles Smith<br />

Jim Smola<br />

Patrick & Nancy Snyder<br />

Bernard & Dorothy Sokup<br />

Pete and Kathy Marquie Sokup<br />

Rev. Al Sonnberger<br />

Vincent Statz<br />

Stephen Steinmetz<br />

James Stopfer<br />

Tim Sullivan<br />

Jim & Mary Benish Sullivan<br />

Walter Swoboda<br />

Bertie Pelloquin Thompson<br />

Norbert Tlachac<br />

Robert Trauba<br />

Kent & Sheri Vandehaar<br />

Tom Voitl<br />

Patricia Stumm Wagner<br />

Ruth Padrutt Wagner<br />

Jeffery Watton<br />

Paula Monarski Westberg<br />

Bernard Willi<br />

Jennifer Hays Worthington<br />

Louis Yeager<br />

Gary & Cindy Yohnk<br />

Mr. Jeff & Dr. Margaret Zander<br />

Ann Ritzinger Zittleman<br />

Laurie Zukaitis<br />

Ramona Yakesh Zumbrock<br />

William Zutter<br />

Alice Bowe Zwiefelhofer<br />

Dennis & Brenda Zwiefelhofer<br />

B U I L D E R’S CLUB<br />

Up to $100<br />

Jerry Adams<br />

Joe Adams<br />

Michael Akan<br />

Pat O’Driscoll Albrecht<br />

American Family Insurance,<br />

Paul Schlosser<br />

The American Legion Post 77<br />

Robert & Elizabeth Anderl<br />

Lucille Ritzinger Anderl<br />

Jacque Boos Anderson<br />

Julie Rubenzer Anderson<br />

Pat & Bernadette Wagner Anderson<br />

Marian Kranig Anderson<br />

Anonymous<br />

Deacon Mark Arnold<br />

Lynn Ayers<br />

Arlene Duss BaDour<br />

Rick & Rose Davis Baier<br />

Mike Baier<br />

Thomas Baier<br />

LaVerne Girard Baker<br />

Bill & Helen Barnes<br />

Franklin & Vicky Beaudette<br />

George Bednar<br />

Charlotte Friederich Behlke<br />

Patrick Bell<br />

Eleanor Barstow Benish<br />

Linda Goettl Berg<br />

Doris Popple Berg<br />

Julie Harings Berg<br />

Lorraine Prueher Bergevin<br />

Joan Loiselle Bertie<br />

Michael & Patricia Hartman Bertrand<br />

Kathryn Heerey Biegel<br />

Harold Bischel<br />

William Bischel<br />

Paul Blanchard<br />

Robert Bloczynski<br />

Theodore Blum<br />

Gloria Geissler Blum<br />

Ronald Bohl<br />

Katherine Kreiling Bollom<br />

Shirley Stoffel Boos<br />

Gertrude Bohl Boos<br />

Roberta Lehman Bourget<br />

Albina Tichey Bowe<br />

Allen & Julie Hauptmann Bowe<br />

Clayton & Shirley Goettl Bowe<br />

Dr. Clifford Bowe<br />

Craig & Carol Reed Bowe<br />

David & Judy Geissler Bowe<br />

Dayton & Kristine Bowe<br />

Gerald Bowe<br />

Jean Reed Bowe<br />

Jayne Stoffel Bowe<br />

Leah Bowe<br />

Ralph & Pat LeDuc Bowe<br />

Rod & Charlotte Sullivan Bowe<br />

Shawn & Deon Michels Bowe<br />

Tim & Stacey Perret Bowe<br />

Wayne Bowe<br />

Francis & Eleanore Boylan<br />

Darlene Koss Braden<br />

Julie Schneider Brenner<br />

Todd & Jodi Schemenauer Bresina<br />

Bernard & Mary Ann Schneider<br />

Bromeisl<br />

William & Mary Brunstad<br />

Audrey V. Brunzlick<br />

Janet Borneman Buckli<br />

Mary Lou Peil Burdick<br />

Dan & Karen Bowe Burggraf<br />

Michael & Dawn Bye<br />

Marcella A. Cairns<br />

Ruth Reiter Campbell<br />

Charles Card<br />

Phillip & Roxie Cardinal<br />

Joan Hiess Carey<br />

Charles Cayo<br />

Jean Chisholm<br />

Mary Jane Ihle Clark<br />

Class of 1965<br />

Marianna Zdrazil Cochran<br />

Ralph Congdon<br />

Arlene Conrad<br />

Brock & Alyssa Schneider Cooley<br />

Tom Cooney<br />

Julie Kuechenmeister Coushman<br />

Rita Coushman<br />

Bob & Chris Burns Cunningham<br />

Nancy Ciolkosz Cunningham<br />

Paul Cyr<br />

Charles & Jane Cyr<br />

Marie Czech<br />

Butch & Kathy Boos Dachel<br />

Carol Dachel<br />

Gerald Dachel<br />

Carol Wysocky Dahl<br />

LaVonne Bernier Dejno<br />

James DeLong<br />

Thomas & Mary Cooney DeWitt<br />

Roger L. Dietrich<br />

Sandra L. Dietrich<br />

“In pe a ce I shall both lie down and sleep, . . . for you alone, LO R D, m a ke me secure.” Psalm 4:9<br />

Helen Hedrington Dohm<br />

Mary Dole<br />

Eugene & Yvonne Gettler Doucette<br />

Georgia M. Doucette<br />

William Doucette<br />

Rosemary Hebert Durch<br />

Mary Duss<br />

Helen Dziuba<br />

Marilyn Harings Elkin<br />

Karen Lea Elstran<br />

Sue McKay Elstran<br />

Kathy Emerson<br />

Rick & Rita Erickson<br />

Mary Bohl Erspamer<br />

William Eystad<br />

John & Joanne Eystad<br />

Florence Larkowski Felix<br />

Diane Sullivan Fjelstad<br />

John & Susan Hebert Flanagan<br />

Amanda H. Flynn<br />

Deborah Lubs Folska<br />

National <strong>Catholic</strong> Society<br />

of Foresters<br />

Brent Franz<br />

Kyle Franz<br />

Daniel & Connie Freagon<br />

David & Evalyn Frasch<br />

Edna O’Donnell Frederick<br />

Francis G. Furst<br />

Mary Couture Gabrysiak<br />

Norbert Gaier<br />

Bill & Virginia Rushman Gale<br />

Anne Monarski Ganka<br />

Elizabeth Jenneman Garvey<br />

Roy & Mary Gay<br />

Lori Gehl<br />

BE N<br />

F U T U R E<br />

PO L I C E<br />

OF F I C E R<br />


Builder’s Club cont.<br />

Irvin Geissler<br />

Jack Geissler<br />

Patricia Geissler<br />

Ray & Arlene Geissler<br />

Scott Geissler<br />

Wes & Mona Rubenzer Geissler<br />

Sharon Hopkins Genereaux<br />

Jean Gettinger<br />

Delores Hebert Gindt<br />

Roger & Claudia Dachel Gindt<br />

Betty Scheidler Girard, Memorial<br />

Don & Fran Simon Girard<br />

JO E<br />

F U T U R E<br />

CH E M I S T<br />

14<br />

Joan Gitelis<br />

Mike & Jodi Gitelis<br />

Siegfried & Margaret Glose<br />

Darlene Goettl<br />

Veronica Goettl Memorial<br />

Ardy Gorton<br />

Dick & Ruth Bohl Goulet<br />

James Greenwood<br />

Gretchen Schwahn Gruenke<br />

Janice Greenwood Gubrud<br />

Albert Guite<br />

Florence Sneen Gustavson<br />

David & Patricia Gutknecht<br />

Carol Zdrazil Gutsch<br />

Terry Hagen<br />

Jerry Halbleib<br />

Katherine Halbleib<br />

Mary Jo Hall<br />

Irene Fliehr Hamilton<br />

Linda Kurtz Hamilton<br />

Dian Bleskachek Hanley<br />

Jeanne Hansman<br />

Vivian B. Hanson<br />

Evelyn Harel<br />

John & Claudia Zwiefelhofer Harings<br />

David & Virginia Burich Hartmann<br />

Peter Hauptmann<br />

Marie Hofkes Hauser<br />

Debbie Tannler Heath<br />

Dolores, Dick, Patrick & Clifford<br />

Hebert<br />

Jeanne Hebert<br />

Patricia Stumm Hebert<br />

Wilf Hebert<br />

James Hedrington<br />

Brian & Kara Murphy Heidtke<br />

Antonia Pliss Heinowski<br />

Nancy Naiberg Heller<br />

Lucille Hebert Hendrickson<br />

Sandy Martin Heritsch<br />

Doris Geissler Herrick<br />

Mary Hebert Hetzel<br />

John Hibbard<br />

Diane Glodosky Hickey<br />

Sister Yvonne R. Hiess, S.S.N.D.<br />

Hildreth Hippert<br />

Eloise Gingras Hoffman<br />

Jennifer Bischel Hornacek<br />

Mike & Joan Hebert Hosley<br />

Ruth Hub<br />

Tom & Mary Huffcutt<br />

John Hughes<br />

Angie Hanson Huls<br />

Jackie Hunt<br />

Mark Hunt<br />

Mary Lowe Huss<br />

Clarice Schwieters Jackson<br />

Gerald & Renee Jackson<br />

Terry & Lois Jacobson<br />

Jason Janc<br />

Dawn Jaquish<br />

Thomas Joas<br />

Donna Pouliot Johnson<br />

Thomas Joswick<br />

Caroline A. Padrutt Julyan<br />

Julie Kahl<br />

Barbara Lijewski Kaufman<br />

Laurie Sommerfeld Keene<br />

Ardyce Schuster Kelly<br />

Jack & Susan Feider Kelly<br />

Charlene Ciolkosz Kervina<br />

Mary Russell King<br />

Terry & Kathleen King<br />

William Klaes<br />

Kay Peloquin Klett<br />

William & Mary Klingensmith<br />

Knights of Columbus, Kenosha<br />

Michele Beaudette Koch<br />

Robert & Susan Gindt Konop<br />

Gary Korger<br />

Henry & Betty Korger<br />

Lucille Boos Korger<br />

Thomas & Sally Cote Korger<br />

Margaret Meagher Krahn<br />

Amy Bleskachek Kramschuster<br />

Erica Hagedorn Kranich<br />

William & Carol Krejci<br />

Irvin & Glenice Kressin<br />

Jean Bowe Krumenauer<br />

Robert Kunz<br />

Kay Bresina Kurz<br />

Carol Dachel Lacina<br />

Elizabeth Pinch Lagomarcino<br />

Ron & Barb Kleinheinz Lambert<br />

Donald & Dolores Schemenauer<br />

Lanners<br />

John L. Larson<br />

Dr. Randolph L. LaRue<br />

Dan & Julie LaVelle<br />

Rita Douville LeDuc<br />

Michelle Matott Leis<br />

Karl & Connie LeMay<br />

Iris Bergeron Lemke<br />

Nancy Statz Leon<br />

Dorothy Hebert Lieder<br />

Angela Meinen Lindner<br />

Richard Lindstrom<br />

Lester & Tami Liptak<br />

Ann Loew<br />

David Loew<br />

Donald & Denise Calkins Loew<br />

Patricia Geissler Lueck<br />

Darlene Geissler Lund<br />

Lori Simon Lund<br />

John & Roxanne MacNicol<br />

Allen & Linda Mans<br />

Marlene Brown Marcott<br />

Geraldine Felix Marko<br />

Alice Globensky Marshall<br />

Bob & Wanda Rubenzer Martell<br />

Sharon Farley Martin<br />

Verlene & Don Martinek<br />

John Matott<br />

Beverly Willette Maurer<br />

Michael & Joanne McAleer<br />

Betty Mae Sullivan McAuley<br />

Jim McCarthy<br />

Mike McCarthy<br />

Thomas M McCarthy<br />

Daniel & Carol Steinmetz Meagher<br />

Brian Meinen<br />

Carol Zenner Meinen<br />

Christopher Meinen<br />

Joanne Postl Meisner<br />

Kathy Rubenzer Melville<br />

Joan Meznarich<br />

Doris O’Donnell Michaud<br />

Paul & Suzanne Michels<br />

Robert & Debra Michels<br />

Jay Mielke<br />

Robert & Barbara Fliehr Miley<br />

Julie Gaier Miller<br />

Marlene Michels Millevolte<br />

Bill & Theresa Misfeldt<br />

James & Mary Misfeldt<br />

James & Anne Mitchell<br />

Mickey Modl<br />

Richard Moe<br />

William Moe<br />

Tim Molak<br />

Vicki Schemenauer Monpas<br />

Joan Simon Morain<br />

Mark Morisette<br />

Bernard Morrissey<br />

Thomas Morrissey<br />

Marie Vaudreuil Mowell<br />

Gene Moy<br />

Patricia Spry Mrozinski<br />

Tara Mrozinski<br />

Denny & Roxie Bohl Murphy<br />

Mark Nadreau<br />

Gerald & Janet Naiberg<br />

Francis M. Nayes<br />

William Nazer<br />

Roland & Lynne Stelter Nelson<br />

Lawrence Nicolai<br />

Susan Blum Nielson<br />

“Blessed are the pe a ce m a ke r s, . . . for they will be called children of God.” M a t t h ew 5:9

Deb Culbert Nolan<br />

Lois Lea Nord<br />

Elizabeth Bowe Norquist<br />

Robert Norquist<br />

Joe R. Oberpriller<br />

Michael Oberweis<br />

Eugene O’Donnell<br />

Joanne Girard Oleson<br />

Lola Greenwood Orlik<br />

Jeanette Overman<br />

Jodi Paffel<br />

Frances Lund Parker<br />

Evelyn Moe Peloquin<br />

John & Jean Peloquin<br />

Monica Steinmetz Penzenstadler<br />

Carrie J. Peterson<br />

Paul F. Pevan<br />

Robert Piotrowski<br />

Rose Mary Plano<br />

Brian Plunkett<br />

Lynn Ripenski Poling<br />

Leonard & Paula Pope<br />

Edward Porn<br />

Richard & Carol Porn<br />

Howard & Grayce Post<br />

Joey Potaczek<br />

Rev. John Potaczek<br />

Brian & Terri Tanzer Potter<br />

Bruce Potter<br />

Mary Ann Reith Pozarski<br />

Charlotte Bowe Prince<br />

Gerald Prince<br />

Stephen J. Price<br />

Wendy Steinmetz Pritchard<br />

Jeffrey & Karen Pulver<br />

Connie Joas Pyatt<br />

After Dark Quartet<br />

Mary Sarazen Quinlan<br />

Susan LaRue Quinn<br />

Catherine Rada<br />

Donald Rada<br />

Jim & Rolanda Schneider Rada<br />

Judy Thorn Rada<br />

Cleo Clark Rasmus<br />

Pat and Missie Rasmus<br />

Shirley Greenwood Rasmus<br />

Dayton & Eileen Swoboda Reed<br />

Don & Dorothy Gaier Reiter<br />

Gilbert Reiter<br />

Marjorie Rhodes<br />

Albert & Carol Schwieters Richard<br />

Deacon Dan & Julie Rider<br />

Bernard & Rita Rieman<br />

Roger & Jane Rihn<br />

Marie Lynn Rindal<br />

Arnold Ritzinger<br />

Deborah Gorton Ritzinger<br />

Karen Kleinvachter Ritzinger<br />

Bernadette Connolly Rivard<br />

Robert Rooney<br />

Dennis Rowan<br />

Frances Wild Ruff<br />

Gene Ruff<br />

Ronald Ruf<br />

Vicki Meinen Ruff<br />

William & Helen Ruf<br />

Hunt & Karen Russell<br />

David Sabin<br />

Brenda Prince Sanford<br />

Dr. Richard Sazama<br />

Susan Schmidmayr Schamberger<br />

Jim Scheidler<br />

Mary Roch Scheidler<br />

Cecilia Bischel Schemenauer<br />

Jean Schemenauer<br />

Joe & Mary Globensky<br />

Schemenauer<br />

Pat Meinen Schemenauer<br />

Rosemary Meinen Schemenauer<br />

Todd & Debra Baier Schemenauer<br />

David & Patty Baier Schimmel<br />

Mary Ann Ruf Schimmel<br />

Dennis & Diane Schmidt<br />

Jim & Karen Schmidt<br />

Marilyn Piotrowski Schneider<br />

Richard Schneider<br />

Robert Schneider<br />

LaVerne & Carol Schreiner<br />

Bernice C. Schultz<br />

Thomas Schwartz<br />

Winifred Pfaff Shakal<br />

Sandy Shaurette-Placek<br />

James Sheeley<br />

Joanne Dachel Sheils<br />

Beverly Simet<br />

Ronald & Sue Kreiling Simet<br />

James Simmons<br />

Richard F. Simon<br />

Roxana Robarge Simon<br />

Vance Sinclair<br />

Dan Sires<br />

Nancy Sires<br />

Natalie Abraham Siverling<br />

Elizabeth DeLong Snyder<br />

Joanne M. Sobieski<br />

Geraldine Sokup<br />

Angela Harel Sonnentag<br />

Dale & Angie Sorensen<br />

Dorothy Nayes Sorensen<br />

Janet Sorrentino-Fallahi<br />

Janet Caron Spitzer<br />

Glenn & Judy St. Arnault<br />

Wilbert Statz<br />

Vernon & Eunice Steinmetz<br />

A. E. Stelter<br />

Nathan & Kari Roesler Stepp<br />

Richard J. Stevens<br />

Robert & June Hamm Stewart<br />

Thomas & Victoria Stumm<br />

John & Deanna Suilmann<br />

Dennis & Rose Marie<br />

Bloczynski Sullivan<br />

Gary Sullivan<br />

Judy Bohl Swartz<br />

Clifford Swoboda<br />

Anthony D. Szak<br />

Laura Russell Talley<br />

Evelyn Tannler<br />

Marvin & Rita Zwiefelhofer Tanzer<br />

Arline Schleppenbach Taylor<br />

Joseph Theissen<br />

John & Barbara Paul Thome<br />

Susan Miner Thome<br />

Jean Forrester Thornton<br />

Mary Kuechenmeister Thornton<br />

Carol Kaiser Tichey<br />

Rose Padrutt Tietz<br />

JoAnn Van Camp<br />

Traci Dachel Vandenheuvel<br />

James & Lillian VanHelden<br />

Jean Deuel VanValin<br />

Dan & Karen Krager Vils<br />

Jane Waldusky Von Feldt<br />

Beverly Bushland Wajek<br />

Tom & Karie Waldusky<br />

Mary Jo Lauer Walker<br />

Thomas & Donna Pettit Wall<br />

Jane Wall<br />

Dorothy Frisch Wallace<br />

Ronald Walsh<br />

Lois Kienholz Weaver<br />

Michael Wedemeyer<br />

Terry Wedemeyer<br />

Mike Weigand<br />

Paul Weiss<br />

Diane Plante Welsh<br />

Steve Wermund<br />

Warren & Virginia Wermund<br />

Donald Werner<br />

Bill Weyenberg<br />

Viola Schuster White<br />

“But this one offe red one sacri f i ce for sins, and took his seat fo rever at the right hand of God.” He b rews 10:12<br />

Don & Bette Smith Wild<br />

Dr. Ned & Lou Ann Willkom<br />

Lawrence Willkom<br />

Mae Barbara Scheidler Willkom<br />

Jerome Wiss<br />

Cecilia Postl Witt<br />

Frances B.Wolowick<br />

Delores Frederick Woodford<br />

Sally Andrejeski Wrucke<br />

James & Gloria Wysocky<br />

Helen Jolliffe Young<br />

Doris Borneman Young<br />

Phillip & Rosemary Yurgae<br />

Charles Zdrazil<br />

Ann Sokup Zeiger<br />

Susan Klaes Zimmerman<br />

Helen Anderl Zutter<br />

Tom Zutter<br />

Jane Roecklein Zwaschka<br />

Kim Felix Zwiefelhofer<br />

G A B B Y<br />

F U T U R E<br />

ARC H I T E C T<br />


Foundation & Endowment<br />

Donors have made contributions to the<br />

co rpus of the Mc Donell High Schoo l<br />

Fo u n d at i o n , I n c. or the Ch i p pe wa Are a<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> (CACS) Endow m e nt<br />

Trust Fu n d. We are grateful to those<br />

who continue to give to our investments<br />

which provide the <strong>Catholic</strong> schools with<br />

an annual source of revenue that<br />

co ntinues to grow. I nte rest from these<br />

f i xed acco u nts are given quarte rly to<br />

CAC S . In 2006-2007 CACS re ce i ve d<br />

$142,531 from these revenue resources.<br />

We thank all individuals who generously<br />

gave to the future of our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools.<br />

Your gifts provide stability in meeting our<br />

operational needs.<br />

VI C TO R I A<br />

F U T U R E<br />

ART I S T<br />

16<br />

Sustaining Fund<br />

We are most grateful for local businesses<br />

and individuals who suppo rt the<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> (CACS)<br />

through our Sustaining Fund. This fund<br />

was set up many years ago as a means<br />

for major donors to join together in<br />

sustaining the financial needs of CACS. In<br />

2 0 0 6 - 2 0 0 7 , businesses and individuals<br />

who have directly supported our <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

s c h ools through the Sustaining Fu n d<br />

co nt ri b u ted over $127,943 for the<br />

operational needs of our <strong>Catholic</strong> school.<br />

Their co nt ributions help fill the gap<br />

between revenue and expenses. Please<br />

help us thank these businesses and individuals<br />

for their support of our Sustaining<br />

Fund.<br />

Don & Joan Bischel 1948 Horan Funeral Home<br />

Jim & Nancy Bischel 1976<br />

Vivian B. Hanson<br />

Edwin Horan<br />

Matching Gifts<br />

Larry & Mary Lanners 1960<br />

Rev. Henry Lee<br />

Donations of time and treasure are often<br />

m atched by an individual’s place of<br />

employment. Companies with a Matching<br />

Gifts Program recognize the importance<br />

of charitable organizations. These programs<br />

give added incentive to employees<br />

to increase their giving.<br />

The Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>Schools</strong> are fortunate to be on<br />

the receiving end of matching<br />

gifts from many companies. In<br />

2006-2007 we received $3,810 in<br />

matching gifts. We thank both the<br />

individual donors and their<br />

employers for their generosity.<br />


Anadarko Petroleum Corp.<br />

Terese Ann Knutson<br />

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation<br />

Mary Lu Amundson<br />

Xcel Energy Foundation<br />

Joy Lancour<br />

General Electric Co.<br />

Jean Stalcup<br />

General Mills Foundation<br />

Nancy Bates<br />

Mason Companies, Inc.<br />

Jerry Bauer, Diane DeLisle, Linda Derks,<br />

Reggie Geissler, Scott Hunt, Jane Rihn<br />

Northwestern Mutual<br />

Eugene Krhin<br />

Wisconsin Scale Corp.<br />

Tom & Pam Davis<br />

Restricted Funds & Grants<br />

In 2006-2007 the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

<strong>Schools</strong> received $145,605 in Restricted<br />

Funds. These Restricted Funds were in the<br />

form of grants from local and national<br />

foundations, gifts from local businesses,<br />

as well as cash gifts from alumni,<br />

parents and friends. Through these grants<br />

and restricted funds we were able to do<br />

s eve ral pro j e cts at Mc Do n e l l . We<br />

re n ovated the science labs, p u rc h a s e d<br />

new tables for the lunch program, power<br />

washed the outside of the building,<br />

made we i g ht room upg ra d e s, p rov i d e d<br />

scholarships for gra d u ating seniors,<br />

updated the auditorium seating,and other<br />

projects.<br />

Mary Lu Kelly Anderson<br />

Therese L. Anderson<br />

Thomas K. & Elizabeth<br />

Anderson<br />

Ronald & Jolene Berg<br />

James & Nancy Bischel<br />

Phillip & Roxie Cardinal<br />

Bishop’s Education<br />

Endowment Trust (BEET)<br />

William & Gertrude<br />

Casper Foundation<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Aid Association,<br />

Foundation<br />

Community Foundation of<br />

Chippewa County<br />

DeVerne & Joanne<br />

Wild Cote<br />

Mike & Annie Coughlin<br />

Cornell Corporation<br />

Pam & Tom Davis<br />

Jerre & Susan Eckes<br />

Knights of Columbus<br />

Goldsmith Council #974<br />

Mark & Deb Erickson<br />

Royal Credit Union (RCU)<br />

Daniel & Connie Freagon<br />

Class of 1946<br />

Charles & Jo Frenette<br />

Roy & Mary Gay<br />

Scott Geissler<br />

Rev. Lloyd F. Geissler, Estate<br />

Gordy’s County Market<br />

John & Mary Hofkes<br />

Ed & Margie Horan<br />

Huffcutt Concrete, Inc.<br />

Dan & Linda Hunt<br />

Harold & Marian Hunt<br />

Marty & Pam Hunt<br />

Avalon Hotel & Conference<br />

Center<br />

Scott R. Hunt<br />

Gerald & Mary<br />

Wermund Jacobson<br />

Northwestern Bank<br />

Joseph & Janice Janc<br />

Kathy Crawford Jasper<br />

Ronald & Mary Chovan King<br />

Kathleen Thornton Kopp<br />

Mason Companies, Inc.<br />

Daniel & Carol<br />

Steinmetz Meagher<br />

Mega Pick N’Save<br />

Bill & Theresa Misfeldt<br />

Moga, Inc.<br />

Gene Moy<br />

Kenneth & Peggy Nehring<br />

Ellen A. O’Neil<br />

John O’Neil<br />

Mary Lou Nowak Postl<br />

After Dark Quartet<br />

Ronald Ruf<br />

Norbert Sedlacek<br />

John & Deanna Suilmann<br />

Drs. Scott & Lisa Hebert<br />

Tenold<br />

Jerry Van Dyke<br />

Tom & Karie Waldusky<br />

Rob & Lois Weaver<br />

Dr. Ned & Lou Ann Willkom<br />

Alice Bowe Zwiefelhofer<br />

“Bear your share of hardship along with me like a good soldier of Ch rist Je s u s.” 2 Timothy 2:3

Fair Share<br />

Fair Share / Student Assistance allow those<br />

who have the financial resources to help<br />

others who may not be able to pay full<br />

tuition at the Ch i p pe wa <strong>Area</strong> Cat h o l i c<br />

<strong>Schools</strong> (CACS). Many families contribute<br />

to the Fair Sh a re / St u d e nt As s i s t a n ce<br />

Fu n d. Th rough their genero s i ty, t h i s<br />

program provides the opportunity for all<br />

children to attend our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools<br />

in Ch i p pe wa Fa l l s. In 2006-2007 ove r<br />

$36,000 was given to this fund.<br />

Ronald & Jolene Berg<br />

James & Nancy Bischel<br />

Roger and Catherine Bohl<br />

Janet Bresina<br />

Mike & Vicki Bowe Brown<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Family Life<br />

Insurance<br />

The Chisholm Family<br />

Peter & Sara Cochrane<br />

Julie Kuechenmeister<br />

Coushman<br />

Susan Ermatinger Cycon<br />

Dan & Debra Krejchi Dahl<br />

Larry & Kathy Connell Dahl<br />

Elmer & Barb Krista<br />

Eckwright<br />

Scott & Kathie Emerson<br />

Mark & Deb Erickson<br />

Peter & Michelle Farrow<br />

Jackie Feldhake<br />

Carrie Geissler<br />

Kurt & Christine Geissler<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Geissler<br />

Bruce R. Greenwood<br />

Mary Jo Hall<br />

John & Gail Hanson<br />

Jeffrey & Karen Harings<br />

Darrell & Leona Hart<br />

Horan Funeral Home, Inc.<br />

Dan & Linda Hunt<br />

Gerald & Mary Wermund<br />

Jacobson<br />

Dan & Sue Globensky<br />

Jacobson<br />

Dr. John J. Janc<br />

Peter J. Johnson<br />

Ronald & Mary Chovan King<br />

Mary Friedeck Kliner<br />

Richard & Marjorie<br />

Konopacky<br />

Anthony & Shawna Kovach<br />

Jerry & Mary Kuehl<br />

Philip & Joyce Stohr<br />

Larkowski<br />

Dr. Randolph L LaRue<br />

Michael & Gladys Matela<br />

John McIlquham<br />

Orchard, LLC<br />

Dave & Theresa Davis<br />

Meinen<br />

Todd & Paula Meinen<br />

David & Mary Lee Olson<br />

Mark & Patricia Durch Pevan<br />

Brian & Denise Roesler<br />

Tom & Rebecca Rubenzer<br />

Mary Roch Scheidler<br />

Bernice C. Schultz<br />

Robert & Jennifer Shakal<br />

Dale & Angie Sorensen<br />

Ken & Jean McIlquham<br />

Stalcup<br />

Jim & Mary Benish Sullivan<br />

Kent & Sheri Vandehaar<br />

Jean Deuel VanValin<br />

Paul & Mary Wiley<br />

Dick & Mary Bell Willi<br />

Dennis & Brenda<br />

Zwiefelhofer<br />

Memorial Gifts<br />

We re ce i ved $3,595 for memorials in<br />

remembrance of the following alumni and<br />

friends. Please remember them in your<br />

prayers.<br />

Patrick J. Akan 1960<br />

Eric Bowe 1994<br />

Bertha Buchberger<br />

Eugenia Stoffel<br />

Chapman 1949<br />

James G. Connell<br />

Jerry Daniel<br />

Jerry M. Daniel<br />

Roger Dietrich 1957<br />

Eulalia Erickson 1931<br />

James E. Felix 1962<br />

Bob Frisch<br />

Ed Frisch<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Frisch<br />

Nicholas Geissler<br />

Thomas Geissler<br />

Betty Girard 1944<br />

Steve Haakenson<br />

In-kind Gifts<br />

In-kind gifts are gifts from individuals and<br />

businesses of prod u ct s, s e rv i ce s, s c h oo l<br />

supplies and other tangible items our<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> schools use through out the year.<br />

We thank the fo l l owing individuals,<br />

families, and businesses that have stepped<br />

forward to support our schools through<br />

these gifts.<br />

Skip August<br />

Avalon Hotel<br />

Badger Printing<br />

Myrtle Billiard<br />

Mike & Wendy Buchmann<br />

Jim & Alice Butler<br />

Chippewa Herald<br />

Newspaper<br />

Chippewa Falls Patriotic<br />

Council<br />

Emery Crowley<br />

Elizabeth Crowley<br />

Terry Durch<br />

Jody Dusick<br />

Jim Erickson<br />

Betty Golde<br />

Gordy’s County Market<br />

Sue Goslyn<br />

“Re f l e ct on what I am say i n g, for the LO R D will give you understanding in eve r y t h i n g.” 2 Timothy 2:7<br />

John & Mary Haley<br />

Donald G. Hrdlicka<br />

Francis R. Hughes<br />

Herbert H. Hunt<br />

Jerry & Thelma Julius<br />

Lucille Kelly<br />

Ruth Anne Knudsen 1959<br />

Amy L. McAuley<br />

John C. Merchant<br />

John O’Neil 1951<br />

Robert C. Rada 1943<br />

Kenneth & Jeanne Kisilewski<br />

Reiter 1942<br />

Marvin J. Sherette<br />

Ronald 1951 & Nancy<br />

Sullivan<br />

Frances Joan Wolowick<br />

Frank Woodford<br />

Rik & Cathy Greenseth<br />

Horan Funeral Home<br />

Huffcutt Concrete, Inc.<br />

Gerald Jacobson<br />

Mary Johnson<br />

Ron & Mary Keefer<br />

Chippewa Falls Kiwanis<br />

Kell Container<br />

Korgers Decorating<br />

Denise Krajewski<br />

Michele Kressin<br />

Leinenkugel Brewing Co.<br />

Mason Companies<br />

Mega Pick N’Save<br />

Theresa Meinen<br />

Minuteman Press<br />

IN-KIND cont.<br />

Peggy Nehring<br />

Nestle’s Food Company<br />

Northern Wisconsin State<br />

Fair Grounds<br />

Northwestern Bank<br />

Leonard O’Connell Family<br />

Ellen O’Neil<br />

Pepsi Corporation<br />

Phillips Plastics<br />

Pizza Hut<br />

Premium Waters<br />

Quality Qwik Print<br />

RiverEdge Design<br />

James & Sally Rocque<br />

Rooney Printing<br />

Royal Credit Union (RCU)<br />

Cindy Ruf<br />

Tom Schlub<br />

Des Sikowski-Nelson<br />

Spectrum Industries<br />

Starting Points, Inc<br />

TTM Technologies<br />

Janice Yates<br />

Z Sign Company<br />

JO H N<br />

F U T U R E<br />

V E T E R I N A R I A N<br />



The achievements of the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

S c h ools (CACS) would never be acco m p l i s h e d<br />

without the dedication of hundreds of volunteers<br />

who help whenever needed. Parents, grandparents,<br />

faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends volunteer<br />

their time and talent to help the numero u s<br />

organizations and clubs within the <strong>Catholic</strong> School<br />

system. Without our volunteers, programs and extra<br />

curricular activities would not exist. The financial<br />

impact of our volunteers is irreplaceable. We thank<br />

all our vo l u nteers for their ste wa rdship to the<br />

Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>.<br />

GR I F F I N<br />

F U T U R E<br />

FO OT BA L L O R<br />

SO C C E R PLAY E R<br />

18<br />

500+ Hours<br />

Gerald & Mary Jacobson<br />

Scott & Lisa Tenold<br />

400-500 Hours<br />

Mark & Estelita Maloney<br />

300-400 Hours<br />

Michael & Dawn Bye<br />

Des Sikowski-Nelson<br />

200-300 Hours<br />

Peter & Sara Cochrane<br />

Chuck & Jo Frenette<br />

Wilf Hebert<br />

Dan & Linda Hunt<br />

Bruce & Colleen Krejci<br />

Peter & Brenda Meinen<br />

Ryan & Renee Normand<br />

Tim & Lou Tozer<br />

Jerry & Donna Van Dyke<br />

Tom Voitl<br />

Terry Wenzel<br />

100-200 Hours<br />

Ted & Sherry Amelse<br />

Rod & Annette Bates<br />

Ron & Jolene Berg<br />

Scott & Shari Bromeisl<br />

Julie Bembneister Clark<br />

Peter & Jill Doermann<br />

Jim Duex<br />

Mark & Deb Erickson<br />

Craig & Barb Frenette<br />

Kevin & Candy Geissler<br />

Rik & Catherine Greenseth<br />

Brian & Kara Jo Heidtke<br />

Brian & Kristin Janc<br />

Katie Kopp<br />

Dave & Theresa Meinen<br />

Dan & Carol Meagher<br />

Bill & Theresa Misfeldt<br />

Bruce & Beth Mlsna<br />

Leonard & Nancy Mondeau<br />

Dan & Suzanne Ortmann<br />

Patrick & Melissa Rasmus<br />

Maxine Reinhardt<br />

Denise Roesler<br />

Jeff & Deb Schafer<br />

Todd & Deb Schemenauer<br />

Vicki Schemenauer<br />

Robert & Jennifer Shakal<br />

Robert & Lois Weaver<br />

Kimberly & Steve Wiensch<br />

Scott & Kathy Wild<br />

Roger & Lori Zumbrock<br />

Up to 100 hours<br />

John & Stephanie Abbe<br />

Cheri Abramczak<br />

Kevin & Krista Alberts<br />

Mark & Kim Amelse<br />

Matt Amundson<br />

Jean & Rodney Anders<br />

Kathryn Armstrong<br />

Mike & Ann Arneson<br />

Jodi Arriola<br />

Keith & Rita Ash<br />

Raquel Ausman<br />

Jeffrey & Delores Babel<br />

Scott & Katherine Baier<br />

Jane Bangen<br />

Troy & Jamie Bauer<br />

MaryAnne Bembnister<br />

Teresa Berg<br />

James & Nancy Bischel<br />

Francis Bohl<br />

Roger & Catherine Bohl<br />

Allen & Julie Bowe<br />

Barb Bowe<br />

Clyde & Jean Bowe<br />

Gary & Lynn Bowe<br />

Mark & Jodi Bowe<br />

Rod Bowe<br />

Steven & Melissa Bowe<br />

Mark & Kim Broses<br />

Barry & Lori Bremness<br />

Tony & Jeanne Brick<br />

Michael & Vicki Brown<br />

Michael & Wendy Buchmann<br />

Daniel & Karen Burggraf<br />

Pam Campbell<br />

Tom Carlson<br />

Susan Christensen<br />

Tammy Christopher<br />

Dena Clark<br />

Mel & Sheila Clegg<br />

Eugene & Jacolyn Cody<br />

Mike & Annie Coughlin<br />

Linda Crosby<br />

Nancy Cunningham<br />

Chelsea Cunningham<br />

Marie Czech<br />

Richard & Anne Dachel<br />

Larry & Kathy Dahl<br />

Tom & Pamela Davis<br />

Mike & Michelle Deetz<br />

Matthew & Melissa Dorn<br />

Paul & Pam Ebben<br />

Tony & Jean Eckert<br />

Jerre & Susan Eckes<br />

Tom & Beth Eder<br />

Rodney & Michele Elkin<br />

Scott & Kathie Emerson<br />

Mark & Deb Erickson<br />

Jean Falkner<br />

Peter & Michelle Farrow<br />

Jackie Feldhake<br />

Jeff & Lisa Flaig<br />

Laurie Francis<br />

Daniel & Connie Freagon<br />

Timothy & Marie Fries<br />

Donald & Janice Fritz<br />

Judy Fox<br />

Barb & Steve Gale<br />

Jennifer Gardow<br />

Mike & Linda Gehrig<br />

Carrie Geissler<br />

Marge Geissler<br />

Regi & Jake Geissler<br />

Wes & Mona Rubenzer Geissler<br />

Dan & Joni Gilles<br />

Dan & Ann Globensky<br />

Jim Globensky<br />

Chuck & Karen Goettl<br />

Eugene & Phyllis Goettl<br />

Dorene Goswitz<br />

Betty Goulet<br />

James & Tamra Gustavson<br />

Lori Hagen<br />

“The child grew and be came stro n g, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.” Lu ke 2:40

Ann Hansen<br />

Nancy Hansman<br />

Jim & Ginger Harings<br />

Dennis Heidtke<br />

Tom Hebert<br />

Tony & Sue Hebert<br />

Jason & Kellie Hiess<br />

Jon & Laurie Hoover<br />

Thomas & Mary Huffcutt<br />

Babette Hurt<br />

David & Kimberly Hutzler<br />

Scott & Heidi Irwin<br />

Jim & Margie Ignarski<br />

Dan & Sue Jacobson<br />

Leroy & Patty Jansky<br />

Brian & Kristen Janc<br />

Kathleen Jasper<br />

Mary Jenneman<br />

Tim & JackieJenneman<br />

Jenny Johnson<br />

Mike & Carol Jordan<br />

Marilyn Kademan<br />

Terry & Kathy King<br />

Donna Kinnick<br />

Yvette Kinnick<br />

Renee Klinyk<br />

Maria Konop<br />

Nick & Denise Krajewski<br />

Bill & Kris Krause<br />

Bob & Sheri Kremer<br />

Matt & Michele Kressin<br />

Lelah Krista<br />

Jerome & Mary Kuehl<br />

John & Lynda La Casse<br />

Daniel & Julie La Velle<br />

Mary Lannue<br />

Denny Laramy<br />

Dan & Sue LeaVesseur<br />

Jamie & Amber Leibrandt<br />

Debra Lowe<br />

Don Loew<br />

Chris & Kathy Longbella<br />

Tim & Lori Lorentz<br />

Jim & Barb Lowe<br />

Jacqueline Lucivansky<br />

Brad & Julie Lyberg<br />

Tom & Mary Mangin<br />

Linda Marinello<br />

Dick & LaVonne Marquie<br />

Alice Marshal<br />

Rob & Wanda Martell<br />

Verlene Martinek<br />

Michael & Gladys Matela<br />

Mike McCarthy<br />

Sis McCarthy<br />

Catherine McDowell<br />

Mary Pat McDowell<br />

Tom McElroy<br />

Patty McElroy<br />

Thomas & Mary McIlquham<br />

John & Mary Kay McIlquham<br />

Mike & Donna Meade<br />

Todd & Paula Meinen<br />

Cindy M. Meyer<br />

Matt & Barbara Milkert<br />

Lenny Mondeau<br />

Tim & Jean Mrozinski<br />

John & Ann Mueller<br />

Randy & Patricia Mueller<br />

Brenda Nelson<br />

Russ Nelson<br />

Paul Nevins<br />

Lynn & Jeff Newton<br />

Renee Normand<br />

Rita Nowak<br />

Ellen Olson<br />

Karen Olson<br />

Robert & Barbara Parkhurst<br />

Chuck & Carolyn Peloquin<br />

Ellen Perrenoud<br />

Kris & Julie Peterson<br />

Steven & Ann Plendl<br />

Mary Proue<br />

Eric & Sandra Pulver<br />

John & Susan Rada<br />

Tom & Debbie Rada<br />

Richard & Judy Rada<br />

John & Jill Redinger<br />

Kathleen Rice<br />

Bill & Michelle Richlen<br />

Jane Rihn<br />

Brian & Susan Rineck<br />

Paul & Karla Roach<br />

James & Sally Rocque<br />

Steve Roesler<br />

Angie Rohde<br />

Larry & Janet Roth<br />

Ervin & Rebecca Rubenzer<br />

Rick & Jennifer Rubenzer<br />

Tom & Becky Rubenzer<br />

Ron & Cynthia Ruf<br />

Ken & Cathy Ryba<br />

Sara Rykal<br />

Kellie Bill<br />

Charles & Jennifer Schafer<br />

Kayla Schafer<br />

Sue Schamberger<br />

Bonnie Schindler<br />

Kurt & Laurie Schneider<br />

Daniel & Kathryn Schwandt<br />

Michael & Rebecca Schwetz<br />

Dave & Lauri See<br />

Dan Smiskey<br />

Angie & Dale Sorensen<br />

Mitchell & Lisa Steinmetz<br />

Scott & Tonja Stelzer<br />

Barb Stevens<br />

Jerry Strizic<br />

Ali Sullivan<br />

Mary Ann Swerman<br />

Steve & Bonnie Swoboda<br />

Nancy Tanzer<br />

Paula Taylor<br />

Jon & Jen Theisen<br />

Carol Tichey<br />

Dwain & Lori Trowbridge<br />

Kent & Sheri Vandehaar<br />

Michael & Debra Waldusky<br />

Carol Waldusky<br />

Karie & Tom Waldusky<br />

Carolyn Weibel<br />

Paul & Teresa Wenaas<br />

Larry Werner<br />

“Sing joy f u l ly to God our stre n g t h ; ...shout in triumph to the God of Ja co b.” Psalm 81:2<br />

Richard & Heidi Wold<br />

Tom Weyenberg<br />

Dick & Mary Rose Willi<br />

Amy Wolniak<br />

Eunice Yeager<br />

Cindy Yohnk<br />

Jeff & Margaret Zander<br />

Roland & Christine Zerbian<br />

Thomas & Susan Zwickel<br />

Dennis & Brenda Zwiefelhofer<br />

Kyle Zweifelhofer<br />

NA S TAC I A<br />

F U T U R E<br />

RE L I G I O U S LI F E<br />



SCRIP is a program utilizing gift certificates from many local<br />

and national businesses where families and supporters do their<br />

daily shopping. Businesses offer discounts from 2% to 15% to<br />

the Ch i p pe wa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> for purchasing gift<br />

certificates. These gift certificates are sold at face value to<br />

families and supporters of the school system. At the close of<br />

the 2006 calendar year, SCRIP sales totaled $1,753,993, with<br />

profits of $61,390.<br />

TO D D<br />

F U T U R E<br />

BA N K EX E C U T I V E<br />

20<br />

1,500,000<br />

1,000,000<br />

500,000<br />

We thank all the parents, guardians, alumni, parishioners,<br />

and friends who use SCRIP. We would also like to recognize the<br />

many vendors who support this wonderful program. Thanks to<br />

you and the many volunteers involved in the SCRIP program –<br />

it works!<br />

2006-2007 SCRIP Vendors/Businesses Include:<br />

4:30 am Coffee<br />

Applebees<br />

Arby’s<br />

Bake & Brew<br />

Banana Republic<br />

Bath & Body Works<br />

Ben Franklin<br />

Benny HaHa<br />

Best Buy<br />

Blockbuster Video<br />

Borders<br />

Bridgewaters<br />

Burger King<br />

Cenex-River<br />

Country Co-op<br />

Creamland Dairy<br />

Culvers<br />

Chippewa Valley Travel<br />

Darden/Olive Garden<br />

DJ’s Mart<br />

SCRIP Sales<br />

Domino’s Pizza<br />

Eddie Bauer<br />

Express Mart<br />

Fanny Hill<br />

Fantastic Sams<br />

Father’s Pizza<br />

Gap<br />

Gordy’s County Mart<br />

Gordy’s True Value<br />

Gutknechts Market<br />

Holiday Station<br />

JC Penney<br />

K-Mart<br />

Kentucky Fried Chicken<br />

Kohl’s Department Store<br />

Kwik Trip<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006<br />

Linens-n-Things<br />

Main Street Cafe<br />

Martell Tire & Auto<br />

Mega Pick N’Save<br />

70,000<br />

60,000<br />

50,000<br />

40,000<br />

30,000<br />

20,000<br />

10,000<br />

0<br />

Menards<br />

New Vista Eyecare<br />

Old Navy<br />

Panera Bread<br />

Papa Murphys<br />

Pier 1 Imports<br />

Pizza Hut<br />

Rada’s Mens Wear<br />

Scheels<br />

Shopko<br />

Sokup’s Market<br />

Spring Street Sports<br />

Subway<br />

Taco Johns<br />

TGI Fridays<br />

29 Pines<br />

Trend Setters Beauty Salon<br />

Walgreens<br />

Wendys<br />

Wissota Meats<br />

SCRIP Profits<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006<br />

“The Lo rd is gracious and merc i f u l , s l ow to anger and abounding in love.” Psalm 145:8


The 2006-2007 Annual Report would not be complete without<br />

recognizing the most important group of donors, our faculty<br />

and staff. These dedicated and caring individuals are our<br />

St. Charles Borromeo<br />

Primary School<br />

Faculty<br />

Christine Cook<br />

Debra Dahl<br />

Angela Drexler<br />

Julie Lyberg<br />

Cheri Miller<br />

Rita Nowak<br />

Cheryl Pokrzywinski<br />

Jeanette Prince<br />

Karen Schmidt<br />

Mary Selz ADMIN<br />

Mary Jo Sprunk<br />

Eric Wedemeyer<br />

Cindy Yohnk<br />

Staff<br />

Barbara Anderson<br />

Alesia Bowe<br />

Kathy Bowe<br />

Janice Buescher<br />

Katie Clark<br />

Donna Kinnick<br />

Betty Goulet<br />

Sister Karen Hophan<br />

Elizabeth Hubbard<br />

Lee Kjorlien<br />

William Meier<br />

Sandra Molumby<br />

Katherine Moore<br />

Peggy Nehring<br />

Matt Rose<br />

Alysia Steiger<br />

Holy Ghost<br />

Elementary School<br />

Faculty<br />

Vicki Brown<br />

Barbara Eckwright<br />

Susan Jacobson<br />

Mary King<br />

Barbara Lowe<br />

Randall Mills<br />

Joanne Sobieski<br />

Eric Wedemeyer<br />

Doug Wozniak<br />

Staff<br />

Marilyn Bowe<br />

Patricia Jansky<br />

Betty Jennings<br />

Peggy Nehring<br />

Steve Nelson<br />

Nila Newton<br />

Belinda Raskie<br />

David Schoch<br />

Mary Selz ADMIN<br />

Notre Dame<br />

Middle School<br />

Faculty<br />

Alice Butler<br />

Kurt Geissler<br />

Kathleen Goulding<br />

Paula Hanson<br />

Andrea Howell<br />

Lisa Papke<br />

Julie Pomietlo<br />

Mark Rasmusson<br />

Jennifer Rubenzer<br />

Lisa Sedlock<br />

Jean Wacker<br />

Staff<br />

Becky Bowe<br />

David Hazelton<br />

Karen Heidtke<br />

Peggy Nehring<br />

Darlene Stewart<br />

Carolyn Swoboda<br />

Jerome Van Dyke<br />

Adam Zenner ADMIN<br />

Monica Zwiefelhofer<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Central<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> High School<br />

Faculty<br />

Emilio Aita<br />

Dr. Tim Brennan<br />

Dominique Carlson<br />

Renee David<br />

Paula Hanson<br />

Andrea Howell<br />

Ron Keefer<br />

Deacon Thomas Kinnick<br />

Matthew Lokemoen<br />

Michael Meade<br />

Peggy Nehring<br />

Carolyn Peloquin<br />

Julie Pomietlo<br />

Anthony Reiter<br />

Michelle Retzlaff<br />

Steven Roesler<br />

Roger Sahs<br />

Archie Sherbinow<br />

Carol Way<br />

Kathleen Welsh<br />

Janice Yates<br />

Laurie Zukaitis<br />

2006-2007<br />


Staff<br />

Melvin ‘Skip’ August ADMIN<br />

Alice Bohl<br />

Denise Boos<br />

Barbara Gale<br />

Betty Schemenauer<br />

Rusty Volk<br />

Peggy Nehring<br />

Staff<br />

John Flanagan ADMIN<br />

Eugene Folczyk<br />

Phyllis Goettl<br />

Catherine Goulet<br />

Denny Laramy<br />

Joan Sommerfeld<br />

Lisa Stoffel<br />

Jerome Van Dyke<br />

“Let your speech always be gra c i o u s, seasoned with salt, so that you kn ow how you should re s pond to each one.” Colossians 4:6<br />

biggest donors of time, talent, and treasure. Their sacrifice and<br />

dedication allows the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> to carry<br />

on the tradition of providing <strong>Catholic</strong> school education.<br />

Pastors<br />

Very Rev. Donald Bauer<br />

Rev. Edmund Doerre<br />

Rev. William P. Felix<br />

Rev. Brian Jazdzewski<br />

AN N A<br />

F U T U R E<br />

ART I S T O R<br />

AC T R E S S<br />



Appreciation Breakfast<br />

Each Sp ri n g, the Ch i p pe wa <strong>Area</strong> Cat h o l i c<br />

S c h ools (CACS) holds it’s Fa c u l ty and St a f f<br />

Appreciation Breakfast. This past year, Holy<br />

Ghost Elementary School and the CACS Home<br />

and School Association hosted the event. We<br />

s i n ce rely thank the faculty and staff who<br />

educate and guide our children. We thank all<br />

who contributed gifts, which were presented<br />

to the faculty and staff. We also thank the<br />

following individuals who worked at the event<br />

this year.<br />

TO M M Y<br />

F U T U R E<br />

PO L I C E<br />

OF F I C E R<br />

22<br />

Gifts / Donors<br />

John & Stephanie Abbe<br />

Sherry Amelse<br />

Rey & Jodi Arriola<br />

Rod & Annette Bates<br />

Jim & Nancy Bischel<br />

Dale & Sue Bohl<br />

Ronald, Brenda & Tina Bohl<br />

Scott, Shari,Tim & Eric Bromeisl<br />

Mike & Annie Coughlin<br />

Kathy & Larry Dahl<br />

Jerre & Sue Eckes<br />

Kathie & Scott Emerson<br />

Deb & Mark Erickson<br />

Cathy & Rik Greenseth<br />

Chuck & Karen Goettl<br />

Gordy’s Greenhouse<br />

Doreen Goswitz<br />

Tammy & Jim Gustavson<br />

Rosemary & Harley Haley<br />

Home & School Association<br />

Dan & Linda Hunt<br />

Babette Hurt<br />

Mary, Jerry, Todd &<br />

Beth Jacobson<br />

Kathy Jasper<br />

Katie & Kevin Kopp<br />

Bruce & Colleen Krejci<br />

Fred & Roxie Kuss<br />

John & Lynda LaCasse<br />

Kaying Lor<br />

Mega Pick N’Save,<br />

Chippewa Falls<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Class of 2007<br />

Todd & Paula Meinen<br />

Bill & Theresa Misfeldt<br />

Olsons Ice Cream & Deli<br />

Parkhurst Family<br />

Pizza Hut<br />

Rasmus Family<br />

Kathy Schwandt<br />

Jennifer Shakal<br />

JoAl Steinmetz<br />

Anne Marie Swanson<br />

Bonnie Swoboda<br />

Tim & Lou Tozer<br />

Lori & Dwain Trowbridge<br />

Lois & Robb Weaver<br />

Dick & Mary Rose Willi<br />

Sue & Tom Zwickel<br />

Volunteers<br />

Sherry Amelse<br />

Rod, Annette, Kristen & Tracy<br />

Bates<br />

Jackie Cody<br />

Annie Coughlin<br />

Michelle Deetz<br />

Sue Eckes<br />

Deb Erickson<br />

Cathy, Kyle & Allison Greenseth<br />

Babette Hurt<br />

Paula Meinen<br />

Becky Rubenzer<br />

Cindy Ruf<br />

Cindy Sarazen<br />

Donna Sullivan<br />

Tim & Lou Tozer<br />

Lois & Mary Weaver<br />

Sue Zwickel<br />

Spring 2007 Recognition of Employees<br />


Janice Buescher<br />

Kathleen Welsh<br />


Alice Butler<br />

Ronald Keefer<br />

Belinda Raskie<br />

Michelle Retzlaff<br />

Alysia Steiger<br />


Matthew Lokemoen<br />

Jerry Van Dyke<br />


David Schoch<br />

Cynthia Yohnk<br />


Karen Heidtke<br />

Susan Jacobson<br />

Anthony Reiter<br />


Marilyn Bowe<br />

Betty Schemenauer<br />


Melvin ‘Skip’ August 2.5 YEARS<br />

Alice Bohl 19 YEARS<br />

Kathy Bowe 19 YEARS<br />

Randall Mills 2 YEARS<br />

Belinda Raskie 10 YEARS<br />

Carol Way 26 YEARS<br />

Janice Yates 23 YEARS<br />



Janice Yates<br />


(in memory of Anthony Mikolaitis)<br />

Cynthia Yohnk<br />

Barbara Lowe<br />

Jennifer Rubenzer<br />

Dominique Carlson<br />

“Let us not grow tired of doing wo r k , for in due time we shall reap our harve s t, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

In May of 1881, Father Charles F.X. Goldsmith<br />

notified the local Board of Education that he<br />

wished to purchase a small community school<br />

for the purpose of conducting it as a parochial<br />

institution.<br />

In September of 1881, the School Sisters of<br />

Notre Dame, from Milwaukee, came to staff the<br />

school. Sister M. Estelle was the first principal<br />

of Notre Dame School. Student attendance<br />

was 500.<br />

In 1882, when school opened on September<br />

2nd, twenty-eight pupils took possession of a<br />

new school room which they called “The High<br />

School Department.”<br />

In September of 1885, a regular high school<br />

course of study began at Notre Dame School,<br />

thus forming the first High School. An addition<br />

was added at the High School entrance to<br />

accomodate the growth and allow extra space<br />

for the high school.<br />

On June 29, 1889, the first students graduated<br />

from Notre Dame High School.They were Mary<br />

and Elizabeth Jennings.<br />

On December 22, 1894, after a rigid examination<br />

by unive r s i ty pro fe s s o r s, No t re Da m e<br />

School was placed on the accredited list of the<br />

University of Wisconsin.<br />

In 1901, the Notre Dame Alumni Association<br />

was formed in accordance with the wishes of<br />

Father Phelan and Sister Mary Francis Xavier<br />

that “the graduates of Notre Dame should not<br />

sever forever their connections with their Alma<br />

Mater.”<br />

On June 2, 1907, the cornerstone for the new<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Memorial building was laid.<br />

In May of 1924, a new Notre Dame School was<br />

built to house the grade school student s.<br />

Twenty years later the Fr. Mac gymnasium,<br />

cafeteria, and band room were added.<br />

In 1987, the Chippewa <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Schools</strong><br />

were formed. Notre Dame School began to<br />

house the middle school students, grades 6-8.<br />

In June 2007, the Notre Dame Middle School<br />

building was closed. Grade 6 went to Holy<br />

Ghost. Grades 7 and 8 were transferred to the<br />

<strong>McDonell</strong> Central <strong>Catholic</strong> High School building<br />

for the beginning of the 2007-08 school<br />


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