Death At The Party

This is a story of a teenage grim reaper's last 24 hours of high school. This is a story of a teenage grim reaper's last 24 hours of high school.


DEATH AT THE PARTY Written By Justin Marshall INT. MR.MONTELLO SEX ED CLASS-ROLLINS HIGH SCHOOL IN SOME TOWN IN MASSACHUSETTS-MORNING Mr.Montello is in his early 40’s,tall white male,wearing teachers attire. He is in good shape and ready to insert his last Magnum Opus of literature with 15 minutes left of his last class of the year. MR.MONTELLO: Settle down class! settle down!... Yes I know it is the last class of the year and yes I know sad is the expression. Especially since some of my most brightest,intuitive and busty. Looking at a female student with big breast Um..Students! will be truly missed(Smiling).I remember when I first started off as a young scholar.I would of never had ponder,that I would be such a prolific educator of the sexual commentary.As well as the sexual educational endeavors...truly blessed I’m I,truly blessed. I have seen wonderful young women grow...and developed..and season into,into...tender!...I mean!... Into...profound excellent students! The boys too,the boys too...but with some worry in my voice,I am concerned...I’m concerned on how concerned you young men are in tone with these young vivacious women. These young women are at a period where the most flexible positions are able to be accomplished. Where the tongue is young and down there is never run. Think of it as the freshest of fruit,where the harvest is at it’s most ripe and when the sun is beaming and it’s rays shine the brightest. It’s hard to give a A minus(Smiling).Young ladies I’m always willing to work something (MORE) (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: 2. MR.MONTELLO: (cont’d) out...without Eve there wouldn’t be Adam and if Eve did not bite that sweet,fresh apple...Then we would have no sin(Smiling). And what’s the world with out sin ladies(Moving his eyebrows up and down)... The world without sin is just a bore some spectacle where the soul never really feels alive. Where the fun ends with un and it just becomes F for fuck all of this shit!... Since,since this is the last class of the year.I would love to shed some light on the top topic,the main topic...the topic of discussion. Where elope is king and love is queen and the penis is seed which spouts into the air,which the Vagina blooms into a it’s last form.A truly alluring scene....truly alluring (Daydreaming) So!! I would like to leave off with a question? (With a grin) Mr.Montello then proceeds back to the front of the classroom. He picks up a piece of chalk and writes the name Henry Louis Mencken on the chalkboard. MR.MONTELLO: Sex! Sex!..What do we know about it? (Gazing at a female student) Hmm....Henry Louis Mencken once said life without sex might be safer...but! It would be unbearably dull. It is the sex instinct which makes women seem beautiful,to which...they are once in a blue moon and men seem wise and brave,to which...they never are at all. Throttle it, denationalize it, take it away and human existence would be reduced to the prosaic, laborious, bore some, imbecile level of life in an anthill...Brilliant!! Just Brilliant!...So who will be the brave soul that would like to try to devour Mr.Louis Mencken text and explain it to there fellow classmates? A nerdy kid name Jimmy Russo raises his hand (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: 2.<br />

MR.MONTELLO: (cont’d)<br />

out...without Eve there wouldn’t be<br />

Adam and if Eve did not bite that<br />

sweet,fresh apple...<strong>The</strong>n we would<br />

have no sin(Smiling). And what’s<br />

the world with out sin<br />

ladies(Moving his eyebrows up and<br />

down)... <strong>The</strong> world without sin is<br />

just a bore some spectacle where<br />

the soul never really feels alive.<br />

Where the fun ends with un and it<br />

just becomes F for fuck all of this<br />

shit!... Since,since this is the<br />

last class of the year.I would love<br />

to shed some light on the top<br />

topic,the main topic...the topic of<br />

discussion. Where elope is king and<br />

love is queen and the penis is seed<br />

which spouts into the air,which the<br />

Vagina blooms into a<br />

it’s last form.A truly alluring<br />

scene....truly alluring<br />

(Daydreaming) So!! I would like to<br />

leave off with a question? (With a<br />

grin)<br />

Mr.Montello then proceeds back to the front of the<br />

classroom. He picks up a piece of chalk and writes the name<br />

Henry Louis Mencken on the chalkboard.<br />


Sex! Sex!..What do we know about<br />

it? (Gazing at a female student)<br />

Hmm....Henry Louis Mencken once<br />

said life without sex might be<br />

safer...but! It would be unbearably<br />

dull. It is the sex instinct which<br />

makes women seem beautiful,to<br />

which...they are once in a blue<br />

moon and men seem wise and brave,to<br />

which...they never are at all.<br />

Throttle it, denationalize it, take<br />

it away and human existence would<br />

be reduced to the prosaic,<br />

laborious, bore some, imbecile<br />

level of life in an<br />

anthill...Brilliant!! Just<br />

Brilliant!...So who will be the<br />

brave soul that would like to try<br />

to devour Mr.Louis Mencken text and<br />

explain it to there fellow<br />

classmates?<br />

A nerdy kid name Jimmy Russo raises his hand<br />


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