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FOREST<br />

by Kajus<br />

Slowly, Jeff crept down the stairs dodging the tenth creaky step to exit.<br />

He entered Claw Tooth Mountain and could see his home from the view.<br />

The mountains were a beautiful place to be in. All the snow was fun and<br />

it was deep enough to make a crunchy step. Later on Jeff went to sleep.<br />

In a flash Jeff awakened. There was almost no light and all he saw was<br />

tall mountains towering over him one by one. A ring in the ear meant that not<br />

a sound could be heard. Soon he found the forest that led back home but it<br />

seemed to go on forever.<br />

Just then, a set of green eyes appeared in the darkness. Something<br />

blitzed past him. Now, he was running for his life and then he caught a glimpse<br />

of the mythical creature known as Slenderman and he stretched his arm and<br />

almost grabbed Jeff but he just missed.<br />

At that moment, Jeff realised he was no longer in the forest but had<br />

finally escaped and was safe.

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