

Jehovah Is Our Refuge on his might we can de - pend. Je - though great harm to you were near. Your on the co - bra you will tread. Je - ho - vah is a strong - hold, Giv - ing eyes will mere - ly see it, Un - der - ho - vah is our ref - uge, Ev - er shel - ter to all the just. neath God’s wings you’ll a - bide. guard - ing us on our way. (See also Ps. 97:10; 121:3, 5; Isa. 52:12.)

50 The Divine Pattern of Love (1 John 4:19) Je - ho - vah our God has wise - ly pro - vid - ed For us When we walk God’s way, our love for our broth - er Will be Our love for our God im - pels us to serve him All our all, One and all, A pat - tern of true, Warm and true; Will make us a - days, All our days. We glad - ly o - love, that we may be guid - ed, Lest we should lert to help one an - oth - er In all we bey with heart - felt de - vo - tion, Sing - ing his fall, Lest we should fall. Come fol - low God’s do, In all we do; Will help us for - praise, Sing - ing his praise. So may we pro -

50 The Divine Pattern of Love<br />

(1 John 4:19)<br />

Je - ho - vah our God has wise - ly pro - vid - ed For us<br />

When we walk God’s way, our love for our broth - er Will be<br />

Our love for our God im - pels us to serve him All our<br />

all, One and all, A pat - tern of<br />

true, Warm and true; Will make us a -<br />

days, All our days. We glad - ly o -<br />

love, that we may be guid - ed, Lest we should<br />

lert to help one an - oth - er In all we<br />

bey with heart - felt de - vo - tion, Sing - ing his<br />

fall, Lest we should fall. Come fol - low God’s<br />

do, In all we do; Will help us for -<br />

praise, Sing - ing his praise. So may we pro -

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