

We Are Jehovah’s Witnesses! look all in vain, Since none their god - ship voic - es they’ll raise, Join - ing with us to brings joy and peace And hope of life that Chorus can main - tain. sing his praise. will not cease. We’re Je - ho - vah’s Wit - ness - es. We speak out in fear - less - ness. Ours is the God of true proph - e - cy; What he fore - tells comes to be. (See also Isa. 37:19; 55:11; Ezek. 3:19.)

32 Be Steadfast, Unmovable! (1 Corinthians 15:58) Na - tions are trou - bled as nev - er be - fore. Snares of this world and temp - ta - tions a - bound. Give to God wor - ship that comes from the heart. R.H. Peo - ple are fear - ful of what lies in store. We can re - sist if our think - ing is sound. In the Lord’s ser - vice may we have a part. Firm and un - mov - a - ble we need to be, If we hold fast to what God says is true, Preach the good news, al - ways hold - ing it fast. Serv - ing our God faith - ful - ly. Safe - ly he’ll car - ry us through. Soon the last days will have passed.

32 Be Steadfast, Unmovable!<br />

(1 Corinthians 15:58)<br />

Na - tions are trou - bled as nev - er be - fore.<br />

Snares of this world and temp - ta - tions a - bound.<br />

Give to God wor - ship that comes from the heart.<br />

R.H.<br />

Peo - ple are fear - ful of what lies in store.<br />

We can re - sist if our think - ing is sound.<br />

In the Lord’s ser - vice may we have a part.<br />

Firm and un - mov - a - ble we need to be,<br />

If we hold fast to what God says is true,<br />

Preach the good news, al - ways hold - ing it fast.<br />

Serv - ing our God faith - ful - ly.<br />

Safe - ly he’ll car - ry us through.<br />

Soon the last days will have passed.

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