

Jehovah Begins His Rule Chorus What will you bring, Je - ho - vah’s King - dom? Tri - umph of truth and righ - teous - ness. And bring what else, Je - ho - vah’s King - dom? E - ter - nal life and hap - pi - ness. Praise the U - ni - ver - sal Sov - ’reign For his love and faith - ful - ness. R.H. (See also 2 Sam. 7:22; Dan. 2:44; Rev. 7:15.)

31 We Are Jehovah’s Witnesses! (Isaiah 43:10-12) Men make gods of wood and stone, But the true God Proud - ly we de - clare God’s name, Bear - ing wit - ness Wit - ness - ing ex - alts God’s name, Lifts there - from re - they’ve not known. He is God Al - might - y, to his fame. News a - bout his King - dom, proach and shame. And it warns the wick - ed, As he’s of - ten shown. Oth - er gods just can - not see Bold - ly we pro - claim. Oth - ers thus may come to see Who God’s name de - fame. Par - don it holds out to men, What in fu - ture days will be. For wit - ness - es they Truth from God that sets them free. As they grow strong, their If they turn to God a - gain. Thus bear - ing wit - ness

31 We Are Jehovah’s Witnesses!<br />

(Isaiah 43:10-12)<br />

Men make gods of wood and stone, But the true God<br />

Proud - ly we de - clare God’s name, Bear - ing wit - ness<br />

Wit - ness - ing ex - alts God’s name, Lifts there - from re -<br />

they’ve not known. He is God Al - might - y,<br />

to his fame. News a - bout his King - dom,<br />

proach and shame. And it warns the wick - ed,<br />

As he’s of - ten shown. Oth - er gods just can - not see<br />

Bold - ly we pro - claim. Oth - ers thus may come to see<br />

Who God’s name de - fame. Par - don it holds out to men,<br />

What in fu - ture days will be. For wit - ness - es they<br />

Truth from God that sets them free. As they grow strong, their<br />

If they turn to God a - gain. Thus bear - ing wit - ness

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