

Walking in Integrity Chorus fine, that my soul might be blessed. hands are full of bribes and strife. heard a - loud through - out the land. But as for me, De - ter - mined I shall be to walk e - ter - nal - ly In my in - teg - ri - ty. (See also Ps. 25:2.)

30 Jehovah Begins His Rule (Revelation 11:15) This is a glo - ri - ous day. God’s rule is now un - der way. Christ now in pow - er is here, And Ar - ma - ged - don is near. God’s reign - ing Rul - er we prize. Won - drous he is in our eyes. He’s laid in Zi - on his Chief Cor - ner - stone. Sa - tan’s old sys - tem will soon pass a - way. He comes in God’s name; we bow to our King. Let all now lift up the voice. Sing to our God, and re - joice. Now is the sea - son to preach. Man - y there are yet to reach; En - ter the grand tem - ple gate; God’s fa - vor now sup - pli - cate. Christ, Lord and Sav - ior, has been placed up - on His throne. Time for the meek to take their stand for Him to - day. Soon dawns that day when he rules o - ver ev - ’ry - thing.

30 Jehovah Begins His Rule<br />

(Revelation 11:15)<br />

This is a glo - ri - ous day. God’s rule is now un - der way.<br />

Christ now in pow - er is here, And Ar - ma - ged - don is near.<br />

God’s reign - ing Rul - er we prize. Won - drous he is in our eyes.<br />

He’s laid in Zi - on his Chief Cor - ner - stone.<br />

Sa - tan’s old sys - tem will soon pass a - way.<br />

He comes in God’s name; we bow to our King.<br />

Let all now lift up the voice. Sing to our God, and re - joice.<br />

Now is the sea - son to preach. Man - y there are yet to reach;<br />

En - ter the grand tem - ple gate; God’s fa - vor now sup - pli - cate.<br />

Christ, Lord and Sav - ior, has been placed up - on His throne.<br />

Time for the meek to take their stand for Him to - day.<br />

Soon dawns that day when he rules o - ver ev - ’ry - thing.

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