

Oh, Walk With God! If you would keep his truth so grand, And on what - ev - er things are pure Oh, walk with God; be ev - er glad By men be not be - guiled; And love - ly, true, and just, His glo - rious praise to sing. But let God lead you by the hand, On these things think; and to en - dure, The great - est joy that can be had, Just as a lit - tle child. In God put all your trust. His King - dom work will bring. (See also Gen. 5:24; 6:9; Phil. 4:8; 1 Tim. 6:6-8.)

27 Take Sides With Jehovah! (Exodus 32:26) Once with con - fu - sion our sad hearts were filled, Now we’re re - joic - ing in serv - ing our God, We will not fear what the Dev - il can do. Drink - ing the cup false re - li - gion dis - tilled; Spread - ing the seeds of his truth all a - broad, Trust - ing Je - ho - vah will car - ry us through. But with what hap - pi - ness our hearts were thrilled Help - ing our broth - ers God’s vir - tues to laud, Though they are man - y and though we are few, When of God’s King - dom we heard. Prais - ing his great wor - thy name. God is our strength and our might.

27 Take Sides With Jehovah!<br />

(Exodus 32:26)<br />

Once with con - fu - sion our sad hearts were filled,<br />

Now we’re re - joic - ing in serv - ing our God,<br />

We will not fear what the Dev - il can do.<br />

Drink - ing the cup false re - li - gion dis - tilled;<br />

Spread - ing the seeds of his truth all a - broad,<br />

Trust - ing Je - ho - vah will car - ry us through.<br />

But with what hap - pi - ness our hearts were thrilled<br />

Help - ing our broth - ers God’s vir - tues to laud,<br />

Though they are man - y and though we are few,<br />

When of God’s King - dom we heard.<br />

Prais - ing his great wor - thy name.<br />

God is our strength and our might.

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