

ProofofDiscipleship Such was the love of our Lord, the Christ; No oth - er place could we ev - er find His per - fect life he sac - ri - ficed. Friends show - ing love of this rare kind. He left a mod - el we fol - low close - ly; These are the bonds that we can be sure of; His dis - ci - ples, we prove to be. May we fol - low the way of love. (See also Rom. 13:8; 1 Cor. 13:8; Jas. 2:8; 1 John 4:10, 11.)

26 Oh, Walk With God! (Micah 6:8) Oh, walk with God in mod - es - ty; Oh, walk with God in pu - ri - ty; Oh, walk with God in faith - ful - ness, Love kind - ness, and be true. Re - lapse not in - to sin. For then you will at - tain With God keep your in - teg - ri - ty; Ad - vance to full ma - tu - ri - ty, Con - tent - ment true and god - li - ness, Let him your strength re - new. And his ap - prov - al win. Which are the great - est gain.

26 Oh, Walk With God!<br />

(Micah 6:8)<br />

Oh, walk with God in mod - es - ty;<br />

Oh, walk with God in pu - ri - ty;<br />

Oh, walk with God in faith - ful - ness,<br />

Love kind - ness, and be true.<br />

Re - lapse not in - to sin.<br />

For then you will at - tain<br />

With God keep your in - teg - ri - ty;<br />

Ad - vance to full ma - tu - ri - ty,<br />

Con - tent - ment true and god - li - ness,<br />

Let him your strength re - new.<br />

And his ap - prov - al win.<br />

Which are the great - est gain.

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