

Forward, You Witnesses! for - ward, you Wit - ness - es, ev - er strong of heart! Re - joice that in God’s work, you too may have a part! Go tell far and wide that the par - a - dise is near And that soon all its bless - ings will be here. (See also Phil. 1:7; 2 Tim. 2:3, 4; Jas. 1:27.)

18 God’s Loyal Love (Isaiah 55:1-3) Loy - al love! God is love. This truth cheers us Loy - al love! God is love. All his works give Loy - al love! God is love. May his love move from a - bove. Love caused God to send his Son, proof there - of. Love for us he’s fur - ther shown, us to love. Loy - al - ly we’ll help the meek, Who for us the ran - som won, That we might gain Giv - ing Christ the king - ly throne To ful - fill his As God’s righ - teous way they seek. May we preach with righ - teous - ness, Life e - ter - nal, cov - ’nant sworn. See! His King - dom god - ly fear, Com - fort spread for

18 God’s Loyal Love<br />

(Isaiah 55:1-3)<br />

Loy - al love! God is love. This truth cheers us<br />

Loy - al love! God is love. All his works give<br />

Loy - al love! God is love. May his love move<br />

from a - bove. Love caused God to send his Son,<br />

proof there - of. Love for us he’s fur - ther shown,<br />

us to love. Loy - al - ly we’ll help the meek,<br />

Who for us the ran - som won, That we might gain<br />

Giv - ing Christ the king - ly throne To ful - fill his<br />

As God’s righ - teous way they seek. May we preach with<br />

righ - teous - ness, Life e - ter - nal,<br />

cov - ’nant sworn. See! His King - dom<br />

god - ly fear, Com - fort spread for

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