

Holding Fast to Our Hope Chorus Sing with good cheer, for God’s King - dom is here! His Son’s might - y reign brings us free - dom from fear. Through him, at last, e - vil soon will be past; This hope, like an an - chor, is hold - ing us fast. (See also Hab. 1:2, 3; Ps. 27:14; Joel 2:1; Rom. 8:22.)

130 The Miracle of Life (Psalm 36:9) Ev - ’ry new - born child, Ev - ’ry drop of rain, Oth - ers may give up, Lose their will to try, Ev - ’ry gold - en ray of sun, Each head of grain— All are gifts from Ech - o - ing the wife of Job: “Curse God and die.” We are not that God; They re - veal his way. Mir - a - cles per - way. Praise to God we give, Thank - ing him for Chorus formed by him sus - tain us each day. So, what are we to do with a ev - ’ry pre - cious mo - ment we live. So, what are we to do with a

130 The Miracle of Life<br />

(Psalm 36:9)<br />

Ev - ’ry new - born child, Ev - ’ry drop of rain,<br />

Oth - ers may give up, Lose their will to try,<br />

Ev - ’ry gold - en ray of sun, Each head of grain— All are gifts from<br />

Ech - o - ing the wife of Job: “Curse God and die.” We are not that<br />

God; They re - veal his way. Mir - a - cles per -<br />

way. Praise to God we give, Thank - ing him for<br />

Chorus<br />

formed by him sus - tain us each day. So, what are we to do with a<br />

ev - ’ry pre - cious mo - ment we live. So, what are we to do with a

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