

123 Shepherds—Gifts in Men (Ephesians 4:8) Help in our lives, Je - ho - vah pro - vides, Shep-herds to tend his flock. Shep-herds who love us care how we feel; Gent - ly they guide the way. God - ly ad - vice and coun - sel they give, That we may nev - er stray. By their ex - am - ple they serve as guides, Show - ing us how to walk. When we are hurt, they help us to heal, Kind in the words they say. Thus they as - sist us, God’s way to live, Serv - ing him ev - ’ry day. Chorus God gives us men who have earned our trust, Men who are loy - al and true. They show con-cern for his pre - cious flock; Love them for all that they do. (See also Isa. 32:1, 2; Jer. 3:15; John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28.)

124 Receive Them With Hospitality (Acts 17:7) Je - ho - vah shows sin - cere hos - pi - tal - i - ty. He We nev - er know the good that may come a - bout When cares for all with - out par - ti - al - i - ty. He we see those in need and we help them out. Though gives both rain and sun, with - hold - ing these from none; He strang - ers they may be, in hos - pi - tal - i - ty, We fills our hearts with food and good cheer. When - lend a hand to care for their needs. Like

123 Shepherds—Gifts in Men<br />

(Ephesians 4:8)<br />

Help in our lives, Je - ho - vah pro - vides, Shep-herds to tend his flock.<br />

Shep-herds who love us care how we feel; Gent - ly they guide the way.<br />

God - ly ad - vice and coun - sel they give, That we may nev - er stray.<br />

By their ex - am - ple they serve as guides, Show - ing us how to walk.<br />

When we are hurt, they help us to heal, Kind in the words they say.<br />

Thus they as - sist us, God’s way to live, Serv - ing him ev - ’ry day.<br />

Chorus<br />

God gives us men who have earned our trust,<br />

Men who are loy - al and true.<br />

They show con-cern for his pre - cious flock; Love them for all that they do.<br />

(See also Isa. 32:1, 2; Jer. 3:15; John 21:15-17; Acts 20:28.)

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