

Encourage One Another love we find a - mong God’s peo - ple Gives good it is to work to - geth - er With nit - ed with Je - ho - vah’s peo - ple, We each the cour - age to en - dure. Our those whose hopes and goals we share! We hope to serve e - ter - nal - ly. So con - gre - ga - tion is a ref - uge, A seek to strength-en one an - oth - er And we en - cour - age one an - oth - er To place where we can feel se - cure. help each one his bur - den bear. hold to our in - teg - ri - ty. (See also Luke 22:32; Acts 14:21, 22; Gal. 6:2; 1 Thess. 5:14.)

122 Myriads of Brothers (Revelation 7:9, 10) Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, Mil - lions for all to see, Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, We preach both far and near Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, God keeps us in his sight, Each one a faith - ful wit - ness, Firm in in - teg - ri - ty. “Good news of some - thing bet - ter,” Which mil - lions long to hear. Safe in his earth - ly court - yards, Serv - ing him day and night. Myr - iads we are on myr - iads, Grow - ing, a might - y crowd, And as we keep on preach - ing, Though we at times are stressed, Myr - iads we are on myr - iads, With King - dom news we go, From ev - ’ry na - tion and tribe and tongue, We praise our God a - loud. Je - sus re - fresh - es the wea - ry souls; He gives us peace and rest. God’s fel - low work - ers we have be - come, Serv - ing him here be - low. (See also Isa. 52:7; Matt. 11:29; Rev. 7:15.)

122 Myriads of Brothers<br />

(Revelation 7:9, 10)<br />

Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, Mil - lions for all to see,<br />

Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, We preach both far and near<br />

Myr - iads on myr - iads of broth - ers, God keeps us in his sight,<br />

Each one a faith - ful wit - ness, Firm in in - teg - ri - ty.<br />

“Good news of some - thing bet - ter,” Which mil - lions long to hear.<br />

Safe in his earth - ly court - yards, Serv - ing him day and night.<br />

Myr - iads we are on myr - iads, Grow - ing, a might - y crowd,<br />

And as we keep on preach - ing, Though we at times are stressed,<br />

Myr - iads we are on myr - iads, With King - dom news we go,<br />

From ev - ’ry na - tion and tribe and tongue, We praise our God a - loud.<br />

Je - sus re - fresh - es the wea - ry souls; He gives us peace and rest.<br />

God’s fel - low work - ers we have be - come, Serv - ing him here be - low.<br />

(See also Isa. 52:7; Matt. 11:29; Rev. 7:15.)

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