

Making Our Way Successful Chorus Ev - ’ry thought we ex - press. That he may not trans - gress.’ We ma - ture and prog - ress. Read and med - i - tate, then o - bey. This Je - ho - vah will R.H. bless. Walk with him each and ev - ’ry day. Find the way to suc - cess. R.H. (See also Deut. 17:18; 1 Ki. 2:3, 4; Ps. 119:1; Jer. 7:23.)

116 The Light Gets Brighter (Proverbs 4:18) The proph - ets of old sought to learn of the Christ, The Our Lord has ap - point - ed a trust - wor - thy slave, Through hope of all groan - ing cre - a - tion. God’s spir - it re - vealed that Mes - whom He gives food in due sea - son. The light of the truth has grown si - ah would come, Pro - vid - ing the means of sal - va - tion. The bright - er with time, Ap - peal - ing to heart and to rea - son. Our time has ar - rived, the Mes - si - ah now reigns, The proof of his pres - ence is path ev - er clear - er, our steps ev - er firm, We walk in the bright - ness of

116 The Light Gets Brighter<br />

(Proverbs 4:18)<br />

The proph - ets of old sought to learn of the Christ, The<br />

Our Lord has ap - point - ed a trust - wor - thy slave, Through<br />

hope of all groan - ing cre - a - tion. God’s spir - it re - vealed that Mes -<br />

whom He gives food in due sea - son. The light of the truth has grown<br />

si - ah would come, Pro - vid - ing the means of sal - va - tion. The<br />

bright - er with time, Ap - peal - ing to heart and to rea - son. Our<br />

time has ar - rived, the Mes - si - ah now reigns, The proof of his pres - ence is<br />

path ev - er clear - er, our steps ev - er firm, We walk in the bright - ness of

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