

“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good” Chorus God’s Word in - vites us: ‘Come taste and see— See that Je - ho - vah is good.’ God - ly de - vo - tion brings great - est gain, We know we’ve done all we could. (See also Mark 14:8; Luke 21:2; 1 Tim. 1:12; 6:6.)

96 Seek Out Deserving Ones (Matthew 10:11-15) In preach - ing the King - dom, our Lord showed the way, In - All those who re - ceive you re - ceive him as well. Their struct - ing us how to pro - ceed: ‘Wher - heart God will o - pen up wide. Their ev - er you go, seek in ear - nest to find Those a - right dis - po - si - tion for un - end - ing life Will im - ware of their spir - i - tual need. By pel them to serve at your side. And

“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”<br />

Chorus<br />

God’s Word in - vites us: ‘Come taste and see—<br />

See that Je - ho - vah is good.’<br />

God - ly de - vo - tion brings great - est gain,<br />

We know we’ve done all we could.<br />

(See also Mark 14:8; Luke 21:2; 1 Tim. 1:12; 6:6.)

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