

Now We Are One Ev - ’ry day we’ll serve our God a - bove. As he shows the way, un - fail - ing love we’ll dis - play. As we have vowed, so may it be. Sea-sons of joy, may we come to see. Oh, may we hon-or Je-ho - vah, And may you al - ways be my love. (See also Gen. 29:18; Eccl. 4:9, 10; 1 Cor. 13:8.)

88 Children Are a Trust From God (Psalm 127:3-5) When a man be - comes a fa - ther And a wom -an has a child of her All the words God has com - mand - ed— They must al - ways prove to be on your own, They share a trust, they must re - mem - ber, That is not heart. These words you’ll speak to sons and daugh -ters; This is your theirs, not theirs a - lone. The gift they share is from Je - trust, this is your part. To them you’ll speak a - long your ho - vah; Of life and love he is the one true Source. To par - ents road - way, When you rise up and when you are at rest. In years to

Now We Are One<br />

Ev - ’ry day we’ll serve our God a - bove. As he<br />

shows the way, un - fail - ing love we’ll dis - play. As we have vowed,<br />

so may it be. Sea-sons of joy, may we come to see. Oh, may we hon-or Je-ho - vah,<br />

And may you al - ways be my love.<br />

(See also Gen. 29:18; Eccl. 4:9, 10; 1 Cor. 13:8.)

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