

72 Cultivating the Quality of Love (1 Corinthians 13:1-8) We hum - bly bow to our God in prayer, That all his qual - i - ties we may share. But It’s not e-nough to use just the mind, As we keep teach-ing the sheep we find. We most im-por - tant of all those things Is love, which hav - ing his spir - it brings. We need to love them in word and deed, While help - ing them on HisWord to feed. Love may be tal - ent - ed, wise, or bold, But we are noth - ing if love grows cold. So helps us pa-tient-ly suf - fer wrong, Bears heav - y loads when it’s real - ly strong. And may we cul - ti - vate last - ing love; Then we’ll en - dure and please God a - bove. so re-mem - ber in each tra - vail, Love bears all things; it will nev - er fail. (See also John 21:17; 1 Cor. 13:13; Gal. 6:2.)

73 Love Intensely From the Heart (1 Peter 1:22) Love must come from deep in our hearts, There is the place af - fec - tion starts; When our love is pure and in - tense, We will be slow to take of - fense; Real fel - low feel - ing it im - parts For all our broth - ers dear. Rea - son we have for con - fi - dence In all our broth - ers true. We will find the way to ex - press Lov - ing in- ten - tions we pos - sess, Loy - al friend - ships, we cul - ti - vate; Each oth - er we ap - pre - ci - ate. Prac - tic - ing God’s large heart - ed - ness, Prov - ing our love sin - Plea - sur - a - bly we con - gre - gate, Gain - ing our strength a - cere. Let us love in word and deed, new. Day by day we all trans - gress;

73 Love Intensely From the Heart<br />

(1 Peter 1:22)<br />

Love must come from deep in our hearts, There is the place af - fec - tion starts;<br />

When our love is pure and in - tense, We will be slow to take of - fense;<br />

Real fel - low feel - ing it im - parts For all our broth - ers dear.<br />

Rea - son we have for con - fi - dence In all our broth - ers true.<br />

We will find the way to ex - press Lov - ing in- ten - tions we pos - sess,<br />

Loy - al friend - ships, we cul - ti - vate; Each oth - er we ap - pre - ci - ate.<br />

Prac - tic - ing God’s large heart - ed - ness, Prov - ing our love sin -<br />

Plea - sur - a - bly we con - gre - gate, Gain - ing our strength a -<br />

cere. Let us love in word and deed,<br />

new. Day by day we all trans - gress;

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