

“Make Sure of the More Important Things” good; Hate what is bad. Make God’s heart hear; They need to know. Oh, may we find; True love we’ll know. This love will glad; Find all the joy that it brings. Al - ways show Love for our neigh - bors and help them to grow. Oh, what rich bless - ings it brings when we pray; Stud - y each day. Yes, may we see, Help them get free! Preach - ing is learn, When we dis - cern, And when we do these im - por - tant things. such an im - por - tant thing. do the im - por - tant things! (See also Ps. 97:10; Matt. 22:37; John 21:15-17; Acts 10:42.)

71 God’s Gift of Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13) Sov - ’reign, Je - ho - vah, mer - ci - ful Fa - ther, Fa - ther, we all fall short of your glo - ry; When we are wea - ry, weak, or dis - cour - aged, Great - er you are than our sin - ful hearts. Times there have been when we’ve lost our way. Your ac - tive force will our hearts re - new. Light - en our bur - den, soft - en our an - guish, God, we be - seech you: Please may you grant us Give us the strength to mount up like ea - gles; Give us the com - fort your spir - it im - parts. Your ho - ly spir - it to guide us each day. May we re - ceive ho - ly spir - it from you. (See also Ps. 51:11; John 14:26; Acts 9:31.)

“Make Sure of the More Important Things”<br />

good; Hate what is bad. Make God’s heart<br />

hear; They need to know. Oh, may we<br />

find; True love we’ll know. This love will<br />

glad; Find all the joy that it brings. Al - ways<br />

show Love for our neigh - bors and help them to<br />

grow. Oh, what rich bless - ings it brings when we<br />

pray; Stud - y each day. Yes, may we<br />

see, Help them get free! Preach - ing is<br />

learn, When we dis - cern, And when we<br />

do these im - por - tant things.<br />

such an im - por - tant thing.<br />

do the im - por - tant things!<br />

(See also Ps. 97:10; Matt. 22:37; John 21:15-17; Acts 10:42.)

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