

Make Me Know Your Ways Chorus Teach me your ways, and make me un - der - stand; In - cline my ear to hear your wise com - mand. Cause me to walk in ways of truth and right, And make your law my prin - ci - pal de - light. (See also Ex. 33:13; Ps. 1:2; 119:27, 35, 73, 105.)

70 “Make Sure of the More Important Things” (Philippians 1:10) How great our need to - day for dis - cern - ment, To And what could be of great - er im - por - tance Than If we take care to do what’s im - por - tant, Our know the things that are true, To shar - ing King - dom good news, To faith will make us se - cure. We’ll know which things have great - er im - por - tance, To find our Fa - ther’s lost lit - tle sheep, And to know the peace be - yond hu - man think - ing And know which things we must do! Love what is help them his way to choose? They need to keep our hope ev - er sure. True friends we’ll

Make Me Know Your Ways<br />

Chorus<br />

Teach me your ways, and make me un - der - stand; In -<br />

cline my ear to hear your wise com - mand.<br />

Cause me to walk in ways of truth and right, And<br />

make your law my prin - ci - pal de - light.<br />

(See also Ex. 33:13; Ps. 1:2; 119:27, 35, 73, 105.)

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