

67 PraytoJehovahEachDay (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Pray to Je - ho - vah, the Hear - er of prayer. This is our Pray to Je - ho - vah, give thanks that we live, Ask - ing for - Pray to Je - ho - vah when trou - bles ap - pear. He is our priv - ’lege, for his name we bear. O - pen your heart as you give - ness as we do for - give. May we con - fess to our Fa - ther and ev - er so near. Seek his pro - tec - tion, and would to a friend, Trust that on Him you can al - ways de - God whom we trust. He is our Mak - er and knows we are look for his aid; Al - ways be trust - ing and nev - er a - pend. Pray to Je - ho - vah each day. dust. Pray to Je - ho - vah each day. fraid. Pray to Je - ho - vah each day. (See also Matt. 6:9-13; 26:41; Luke 18:1.)

68 A Prayer of the Lowly One (Psalm 4:1) Je - ho - vah God, I call to you and ask you: “Hear my prayer.” My Your Word has been my com - fort and a ref - uge when I’m weak, Ex - wounds are deep and slow to heal; my load is hard to bear. De - press - ing feel - ings dear to me in words I can - not speak. Please spon - dent thoughts and dis - ap - point - ed hopes have left me weak. O build in me the faith and trust that your Word does im - part. And God of com - fort, care for me; your fa - vor I do seek. help me al - ways know your love is great - er than my heart.

67 PraytoJehovahEachDay<br />

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)<br />

Pray to Je - ho - vah, the Hear - er of prayer. This is our<br />

Pray to Je - ho - vah, give thanks that we live, Ask - ing for -<br />

Pray to Je - ho - vah when trou - bles ap - pear. He is our<br />

priv - ’lege, for his name we bear. O - pen your heart as you<br />

give - ness as we do for - give. May we con - fess to our<br />

Fa - ther and ev - er so near. Seek his pro - tec - tion, and<br />

would to a friend, Trust that on Him you can al - ways de -<br />

God whom we trust. He is our Mak - er and knows we are<br />

look for his aid; Al - ways be trust - ing and nev - er a -<br />

pend. Pray to Je - ho - vah each day.<br />

dust. Pray to Je - ho - vah each day.<br />

fraid. Pray to Je - ho - vah each day.<br />

(See also Matt. 6:9-13; 26:41; Luke 18:1.)

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