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Board of Directors:<br />

Jeremy Clark<br />


6 Lights! Camera! Attraction!<br />

A Romance Story | Part III<br />

Products:<br />

Janie Clark<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Photography:<br />

Jeremy Clark<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Taylor Huffman<br />

Editors:<br />

Adeena Harbst<br />

Taralyn Guenot<br />

Stacy Clark<br />

Catherine Byers<br />

Layout/Design:<br />

Taralyn Guenot<br />

Gazette Printers<br />

Shoot Coordinator:<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Hair & Makeup:<br />

Tori Long<br />

Kriste Kephart<br />

Advertising & Sales:<br />

Jeremy Clark<br />

Courtney Lashinsky<br />

Taylor Huffman<br />

Carly Baumbough<br />

Writers:<br />

Vivian Achieng<br />

Doris Hobbs<br />

Breanna Rock<br />

Jami Kinton<br />

Jessica Martin<br />

11 Our Cover Girl, Kaylee<br />

14 Reinvent Your Wardrobe<br />

17 Our Back Cover Model,<br />

Tori M.<br />

20 Model Interview: Nate<br />

22 Social Media and<br />

Divorce Rates<br />

26 Model Interview: Roxanne<br />

28 The Jami Kinton Diaries<br />


32 Model Interview: Kalee<br />

Submissions by:<br />

N. Hughes<br />

Jordan Ashley<br />

35 Modeling Submission<br />

by Jordan<br />

38 Modern Day Peter Pans<br />

41 Modeling Submission<br />

by Nickelle<br />




Jewelry<br />


Lights! Camera!<br />

Attraction!<br />


PART III<br />


After an exhausting week of<br />

shooting, editing, and watching<br />

Mark and Bethany lock lips behind<br />

the scenes, Avery could not help<br />

but feel amazing. Although she<br />

was exhausted from overworking<br />

herself, she was so ready for a<br />

weekend off. It was going to be<br />

Avery’s first night out on the town<br />

without having to worry about<br />

going into work the next day. Avery<br />

was ready to let loose and let it all<br />

hang out. She needed to have a<br />

weekend to herself in which she<br />

could release the sexual tension.<br />

“Hey are you ready to go?” Jackson<br />

asked with an endearing look on<br />

his face.<br />

“I am more so ready it’s not even<br />

funny. Jackson, I don’t know what<br />

I would do without you”. Avery said<br />

as she caressed Jackson’s cheek.<br />

“Awe crap! I forgot my wallet in the<br />

studio! Do you mind going to get the<br />

car while I run back and grab that?”<br />

Avery frantically asked Jackson.<br />

Jackson didn’t mind as he continued<br />

to his car. Avery raced back into the<br />

studio. Luckily her wallet was right<br />

where she left it. She went to leave<br />

when she noticed that someone had<br />

left a light on in the editing bank.<br />

Everyone else had went home for<br />

the evening, so Avery made her way<br />

over to the room when she heard<br />

soft moans. Curious as ever, Avery<br />

continued over to the illuminated<br />

entry way of the editing room.<br />

She saw two silhouettes moving<br />

simultaneously in motion with each<br />

other. She could not make out the<br />

face of the man, but she knew that<br />

woman’s figure and hair from a mile<br />

away… It was Bethany Grey, and she<br />

was with someone other than Mark.<br />

Realizing what she just saw Avery<br />

turned to leave and tripped right<br />

over an extension cord that was<br />

lying right in the middle of the floor.<br />

“Damnit!” Avery yelled forgetting<br />

that she was not supposed to be<br />

there.<br />

“Did you hear that?” Bethany<br />

nervously asked the man in the<br />

room with her. She got up quickly<br />

and threw her dress on as she made<br />

her way to the door.<br />

“Nobody is there” Bethany said as<br />

she reentered the room and jumped<br />

back on top of the man.<br />

Avery was still sprinting. She dove<br />

right into Jackson’s car.<br />

“Drive, drive, drive!” She screamed<br />

at Jackson as she slammed the door<br />

of the car behind her.<br />

“Are you okay? What is going on?”<br />

Jackson asked as he peeled away out<br />

of the studio parking lot.<br />

Avery was laughing with panic as<br />

she explained to Jackson what she<br />

just encountered.<br />

“Just wait until I tell Mark what I<br />

saw. There’s no way that he would<br />

forgive Bethany and that mystery<br />

man. I wonder who that man could<br />

be…” Avery rambled as she starred<br />

out the window.<br />

Avery turned and looked over at<br />

Jackson, when she noticed that he<br />

was not amused.<br />

“Jackson, are you okay?” Avery<br />

asked as she gently touched his<br />

shoulder.<br />

“I just don’t know why you care<br />

so much about Mark and what he<br />

thinks. Honestly Avery, Mark is<br />

not that great of a person. Do you<br />

even read the tabloids? Do you even<br />

know him? He doesn’t care about<br />

you the way that I…” Jackson caught<br />

himself before he revealed his true<br />

feelings to Avery.<br />

“Who seriously reads the tabloids?<br />

Honestly Jackson, why do you even<br />

care what I think about Mark?”<br />

Avery already knew the answer to<br />

the question before she could let<br />

him answer.<br />

“Jackson, I’m sorry. I know you are<br />

just looking out for me. You’re truly<br />

the only friend I have made here. I<br />

don’t know what I would do without<br />

you. You’re right. I shouldn’t<br />

get involved in someone else’s<br />

relationship. But aren’t you a little<br />

bit curios as to who that mystery<br />

man might be?” Avery smirked as<br />

she looked over at Jackson.<br />

“Actually, I am really curious… I<br />

mean Bethany makes it seem like<br />

she is head over heels for Mark,<br />

yet she makes passes at me all the<br />

time.” Jackson responded to Avery.<br />

“Are you serious? What kind of<br />

passes? Avery asked filled with<br />

shock.<br />

“Why are you so shocked? You don’t<br />

think a hot supermodel/actress<br />

could be into someone like me?”<br />

Jackson playfully joked as they<br />

pulled up to Moe’s Pub.<br />

“Oh, you’re definitely hot<br />

supermodel arm candy material”,<br />

Avery quickly responded back as<br />

she giggled afterwards.<br />

Avery and Jackson made their way<br />

into Moe’s Pub. It was surprisingly<br />

packed. They made their way to<br />

the bar and quickly ordered three<br />

rounds of shots.<br />

“To making an amazing friend that<br />

I can go drinking with.” Avery raised<br />

her glass towards Jackson as they<br />

threw back the first shot.<br />

“To an amazing internship that<br />

only five people in the country were<br />

accepted into.” Avery said again as<br />

she threw back another shot.<br />



“To the most beautiful and talented<br />

girl I have ever got the pleasure of<br />

knowing.” Jackson threw back his<br />

shot and slowly pulled Avery closer<br />

as he passionately kissed her.<br />

Avery was overcome with so many<br />

emotions. The sexual tension was<br />

building inside her. It could’ve<br />

been because she didn’t think Mark<br />

would ever go for a girl like her,<br />

or the fact that she had just taken<br />

three shots of whiskey in a row, but<br />

she couldn’t help but kiss Jackson<br />

back. She felt as though the whole<br />

room was empty and they were the<br />

only two in a packed bar.<br />

“Wow. That was something else.”<br />

Jackson said as he backed away<br />

from Avery.<br />

“I definitely wasn’t expecting<br />

that…” Avery responded.<br />

“So, another round?” Jackson<br />

laughed as he went back up to the<br />

bar to order another round of shots<br />

for them.<br />

Avery was patiently waiting at their<br />

table when she saw the pub door<br />

swing open. Mark furiously opened<br />

the door and pushed his way to the<br />

bar. Did Mark catch Bethany with<br />

that mystery man? If not that, why<br />

was he so mad? She decided she<br />

wasn’t even going to let it phase<br />

her. She was out having fun with<br />

an amazing guy. Avery decided to<br />

ignore the fact that he was even<br />

there. Hopefully Jackson would do<br />

the same…<br />

“I decided to switch it up this<br />

time… Instead of whiskey, I got us<br />

TEQUILA!” Jackson screamed as he<br />

spun around while moving his hips<br />

as if he were Shakira in one of her<br />

music videos.<br />

Jackson raised his shot glass looking<br />

into Avery’s eyes when he felt a tap<br />

on his shoulder…<br />

“Hey do you guys mind if I join<br />

you for a drink?” Mark asked as<br />

he climbed into the booth next to<br />

Avery.<br />

“I mean, do we have a choice?”<br />

Jackson said sarcastically.<br />

“It’s after hours, man. I just need<br />

some company right now.” Mark<br />

replied.<br />

Avery was still curious as to why<br />

Mark was mad. She knew that she<br />

shouldn’t care or be nosy, but<br />

those four shots were beginning to<br />

take a toll on her when she blurted<br />

out, “why are you in such a cranky<br />

mood”?<br />

Mark could clearly tell that Avery<br />

had a bit too much to drink at<br />

this point, but he decided to tell<br />

her anyways knowing that she<br />

probably wouldn’t remember much<br />

in the morning.<br />

“I applied to Whitmore Productions,<br />

and because of my ‘bad boy’ attitude<br />

they gave my position away. They<br />

said that no one wanted to work<br />

for a ‘primidone, stuck up director<br />

who only cared about boning<br />

movie stars and fluffing his hair…’”<br />

Mark scoffed looking appalled that<br />

someone could think that of him.<br />

“You know, I am a great person to<br />

work for. I know what I am doing. I<br />

make great movies with great stars.<br />

I win awards. Just because I take<br />

pride in my work and am confident<br />

does not mean I am a cocky prick!”<br />

Mark screamed as he slammed his<br />

empty glass onto the table.<br />

Avery felt terrible for Mark. She felt<br />

as though her being nosy brought<br />

this anger out in him. Meanwhile,<br />

Jackson sat there sipping on some<br />

more alcohol rolling his eyes.<br />

“I didn’t mean to bring it up… I’m<br />

sorry Mark. Honestly, I wouldn’t<br />

want to work with any other<br />

director. Seriously, you’re one of the<br />

only reasons I took this internship.<br />

Working with you is a dream come<br />

true. Any person trying to make it<br />

in this business knows that. Screw<br />

Whitmore Productions. If they want<br />

to be arrogant douchebags, then<br />

show them what they’re missing.<br />

You’re producing an amazing movie<br />

right now. You already proved to<br />

them and everyone else that you’re<br />

talented and going to continue to<br />

be a legend in this industry.” Avery<br />

said to Mark before gulping down<br />

another drink.<br />

“Thanks Avery. It means a lot.”<br />

Mark said.<br />

And for once, Avery realized that<br />

maybe Mark wasn’t such a jerk.<br />

Obviously he was going through a<br />

rough time, and he didn’t even know<br />

the details about Bethany and the<br />

mystery boy. She then remembered<br />

that Jackson was sitting there<br />

probably wondering what she was<br />

thinking about. It was clear that the<br />

only person on her mind was Mark.<br />

She couldn’t help but forget about<br />

everything and everyone else when<br />

he entered a room.<br />

“Well, me and Jackson have to<br />

get going. We are supposed to be<br />

meeting up with some people from<br />

the production team… Unless, you<br />

wanted to join us?” Avery asked<br />

Mark even though she knew Jackson<br />

was fuming inside.<br />

What was Avery thinking? She<br />

clearly liked Mark, but knew that<br />

was forbidden. But then there was<br />

Jackson… so sweet and a really<br />

good kisser. Avery really got herself<br />

into a pickle. Luckily Mark did not<br />

know how she felt. She decided if<br />

she wasn’t going to ignore him,<br />

then she was going to play it cool.<br />

The three of them exited Moe’s and<br />

headed for Jackson’s car.<br />

8<br />


“I don’t think it’s such a good idea<br />

for you to drive.” Mark said to<br />

Jackson.<br />

“Dude, I’m fine. You don’t have to<br />

come with me if you don’t want to.<br />

Not like I care anyways…” Jackson<br />

said with attitude.<br />

“I’m not going to let you drive<br />

Avery in your state. Seriously, it’s<br />

not worth it. Just come with me. I<br />

only had one drink.” Mark said as<br />

he grabbed Avery’s hand and guided<br />

her over towards his car.<br />

“Don’t touch her, man! She came<br />

with me, and we are leaving<br />

together.” Jackson said in an<br />

angered tone.<br />

Avery was starting to worry that<br />

this was going to escalate into<br />

something physical. On one side<br />

she was worried about the two of<br />

them causing a scene and getting<br />

into an altercation, but on the other<br />

hand she has two really attractive<br />

men fighting over who could drive<br />

her around.<br />

“Jackson. Stop! Mark is right… We<br />

have been drinking for a while.<br />

Maybe it is best we just go with<br />

him and then we can just come get<br />

your car in the morning.” Avery said<br />

trying to calm the situation.<br />

“Of course you take his side, Avery.<br />

I don’t want to go anywhere with<br />

either of you. Have fun on your little<br />

night on the town. I’m out of here…”<br />

Jackson got in his car, slammed the<br />

door, and sped off.<br />

“Well, I guess it’s just you and me…”<br />

Story by: Breanna Rock<br />




Our Cover Girl,<br />


How did u find UR IT Magazine?<br />

“UR IT followed my Instagram so I followed back and<br />

checked out their website!”<br />

What do u find most interesting and fun<br />

about UR IT?<br />

“I think it’s cool that the magazine is a collection of<br />

writers and contributors from all over the world.<br />

Why do you enjoy standing in front of a<br />

camera for hours, posing for pictures?<br />

“Despite what a lot of people think it is work, but<br />

I love showing different personalities of in front<br />

of the camera.”<br />

What is ur favorite thing about modeling?<br />

“I love being a part of the story that is created with<br />

photographs. It’s so versatile. I can be athletic tennis<br />

for one shoot and a high fashion look for the next.”<br />

What do you do outside of modeling?<br />

“I am a full time student studying fashion<br />

merchandising. I also work at a boutique and do<br />

promotional modeling for barsmart.com.”<br />

What do u like to do in ur free time?<br />

“I love to go shopping and travel whenever I can!”<br />

If u had to choose one food, what would it be?<br />

“Chicken tacos, I eat those almost every day!”<br />

Tell us something unique about urself.<br />

“I got into modeling through fashion styling locally,<br />

and that is still a huge passion and goal for me!”<br />

What would u say to someone that is scared<br />

to model, but really wants to show the<br />

world they R IT?<br />

“It’s like anything you do, you have to find confidence<br />

in yourself to do it. Agencies and jobs will not always<br />

be interested but that’s no reason to give up on it.<br />

Until recently I thought about giving up on it but I<br />

love it too much and now I’m on a magazine cover!”<br />

If there was one thing you would tell the<br />

world, what would it be?<br />

“Less hate more love. Tearing someone else down<br />

won’t bring you up.”<br />



Reinvent Your<br />

Wardrobe<br />


The trick is choosing eight of your<br />

favorite pieces in your closet, and<br />

build around those pieces. What<br />

this does is provides you a fail-safe<br />

approach to make sure that what<br />

you already have existing can be<br />

layered in one way or another. A<br />

few wardrobe staples that you<br />

could start with: the Little Black<br />

Dress (or better known as the<br />

LBD), a traditional blazer, a<br />

trench coat, and a crisp buttondown<br />

blouse. These can all<br />

serve as a brilliant foundation from<br />

which to build. After you have<br />

completed this, you must be able to<br />

re-imagine each garment and not<br />

just for what lays before you, but<br />

rather for what it could be.<br />

A place all women should start is<br />

with their accessories; a statement<br />

necklace can completely transform<br />

any LBD and take you from dayto-night<br />

in seconds. ,For example<br />

the simplest diamond rhinestone<br />

or gold hopped earrings can take<br />

a dress from the office to<br />

a low-key dinner, and it<br />

doesn’t have to stop with a<br />

dress. You can use the same<br />

accessories with skinny<br />

denim and a chiffon blouse<br />

(with or without a blazer,<br />

depending on the weather)<br />

with either ballet flats or a<br />

classic pump. Belts and bags<br />

are another great option,<br />

as they both add a bit of<br />

personality to your style,<br />

as accessories add drama<br />

without the fuss.<br />

We’ve all been there<br />

standing before our<br />

closets declaring, “I have nothing<br />

to wear!” In this age of fast fashion,<br />

it can take plenty of help to stay<br />

on top rather than on the trends.<br />

Many women would gain double<br />

out of their wardrobe if they would<br />

use staple investment pieces rather<br />

than cheap trendy bargain finds. It<br />

is quite possible to build an entire<br />

wardrobe that will last you a decade<br />

– if you know how.<br />

Fashion is all about<br />

exploring your creativity and<br />

creating a style that you’ll<br />

love for the years to come.<br />

When you discover an item<br />

that fits you well, from a<br />

versatile fabric choice that is<br />

dependably chic, the answer<br />

is purchasing in bulk. You’ll<br />

find these pieces grow with<br />

you over the next years<br />

ahead. The bottom line is<br />

rather than cluttering your<br />

wardrobe with unrealistic garments<br />

that are purchased on impulse,<br />

focus on the pieces that can be<br />

remixed within your wardrobe.<br />

Article by: Doris Hobbs<br />



Our Back Cover Girl,<br />



How did u find UR IT Magazine?<br />

“Through a mutual friend.”<br />

What do u find most interesting and<br />

fun about UR IT?<br />

“The ability to be yourself.”<br />

Why do you enjoy standing in front of a<br />

camera for hours, posing for pictures?<br />

“The outcome photos because there’s times<br />

when they turn into pieces of art and you didn’t<br />

even know it.”<br />

What is ur favorite thing about modeling?<br />

“The creativity behind it.”<br />

What do you do outside of modeling?<br />

“I am an Esthetician .”<br />

What do u like to do in ur free time?<br />

“Go to music concerts.”<br />

If u had to choose one food, what would it be?<br />

“Mac and cheese.”<br />

Tell us something unique about urself.<br />

“I used to dance when I was younger.”<br />

What would u say to someone that is scared<br />

to model, but really wants to show the world<br />

they R IT?<br />

“You really have to have an open mind and be able<br />

to challenge yourself.”<br />

If there was one thing you would tell the<br />

world, what would it be?<br />

“Be yourself and smile.”<br />


What makes you it?<br />

“I’m different, and those differences are what make<br />

me unique.”<br />

What is one thing you would change about<br />

the world if you could?<br />

“The price of college in America.”<br />

What is your favorite quote?<br />

“It’ll only hurt for a second.”<br />

If you had a million dollars, what is the first<br />

thing you would buy?<br />

“My first house.”<br />

What are some of your hobbies?<br />

“World of Warcraft, and hoarding.”<br />

What is something about you that others<br />

wouldn’t guess?<br />

“I thoroughly enjoy Desperate Housewives.”<br />

What is your favorite thing about modeling?<br />

“Getting out there, meeting new people, its a real big<br />

step for me especially compared to my lack of effort<br />

I’ve put into anything in the past few years. Its a<br />

great first step for what I want to end up doing.”<br />

If you could go anywhere in the world, where<br />

would you go?<br />

“California, get my name out there more for an<br />

acting career.”<br />

What do you hope to achieve through UR IT?<br />

“Connections, the fact that I’m putting my name and<br />

face out there is helping me inch my way into the big<br />

spot light.”<br />

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?<br />

“Hollywood, I hope.”<br />





Social media began as a way of people networking with each<br />

other from around the world, further reducing the world into<br />

a global village. Social media platforms such as Facebook,<br />

Instagram and Twitter have widely been used by people<br />

to share their feelings, special moments and thoughts to<br />

the world whilst contributing to different conversations.<br />

Unfortunately, these platforms have significantly<br />

negatively impacted on marriages leading to increased<br />

divorce rates.<br />

A report titled,’ Social network sites, marriage<br />

well-being and divorce: Survey and state-level<br />

evidence from the United States’ shows that poor<br />

communication and unmet expectations are not<br />

the only causes of divorce. According to the study,<br />

there is a strong correlation between social media<br />

usage, unhappy marriages and divorce. Excessive<br />

use of Facebook for example makes a partner feel<br />

ignored and abandoned. There have also been cases<br />

of people stalking former lovers or flirting with<br />

potential lovers leading to jealousy and emotional<br />

detachment.<br />

The Severity of the Problem<br />

The study further revealed that with every<br />

20% annual increase in social media<br />

usage, there is 2.18% increase in divorce<br />

rates. One may argue that other factors<br />

contribute to the increase in divorce<br />

rates but the research particularly shows<br />

that social media has a robust impact<br />

even after putting unemployment,<br />

marital unhappiness and other factors<br />

into consideration.<br />

Contributing Factors<br />

The study further revealed that with<br />

every 20% annual increase in social<br />

media usage, there is 2.18% increase<br />

in divorce rates. One may argue<br />

that other factors contribute to the<br />

22<br />


increase in divorce rates but the research<br />

particularly shows that social media<br />

has a robust impact even after putting<br />

unemployment, marital unhappiness and<br />

other factors into consideration.<br />

• Marital Unhappiness<br />

Couples have revealed that they spend<br />

too much time on social media due to<br />

marital unhappiness. They feel more<br />

fulfilled and happier when they chat with<br />

friends online as opposed to spending<br />

their time with their partners. Social<br />

media is their way of forgetting the<br />

harsh reality and unwinding. In extreme<br />

cases of unhappiness, spouses engage<br />

in emotional infidelity by contacting<br />

past lovers and having an online<br />

intimate relationship.<br />

• Temptation<br />

Some people attribute their social<br />

media mal-behaviour to features<br />

such as ‘mutual friends’ and<br />

‘suggested friends’ as well as<br />

pressure from friends. The fact that<br />

one can search for people through<br />

friends’ profiles has further<br />

augmented the thrill for adventure<br />

and finding new people for<br />

‘harmless’ internet relationships.<br />

This has led to re-ignition of old<br />

flames and increased casual<br />

hook ups.<br />

• Misguidance<br />

Internet flirting is regarded by<br />

very few people as cheating<br />

and harmful to a marriage.<br />

Uploading suggestive photos<br />

that lead to sexual replies and<br />

inboxes are often seen as<br />

harmless- a misguided opinion<br />

that has seen people file cases<br />

in court on infidelity grounds.<br />

Just because it is happening<br />

online does not guarantee<br />

that it is harmless.<br />



• Excessive Pressure<br />

Some people use social media<br />

to flaunt their lifestyle and<br />

their relationship’s private<br />

information. Unfortunately,<br />

some partners get jealous<br />

and feel the pressure to<br />

match up. This is translated<br />

into their relationship where<br />

they develop unrealistic<br />

expectations and make<br />

unnecessary comparisons.<br />

Eventually, their spouses get<br />

emotionally drained and withdraw<br />

themselves, divorcing their partners<br />

in extreme cases.<br />

• Negative posts<br />

Bitter arguments have led to<br />

people creating very negative<br />

posts about their partners on<br />

social media. According to a<br />

study conducted by the American<br />

Association of Trial Lawyers (AATL),<br />

27% of divorce cases involve<br />

spouses posting very hurtful and<br />

damaging things about their<br />

partners in social media.<br />

In case your marriage is suffering<br />

from any problem, amicably<br />

solving an issue with your<br />

spouse is better than relying<br />

on emotional attachment from<br />

virtual friends on social media.<br />

Instead, use social media to<br />

make your marriage, not break<br />

it. Before posting anything, think<br />

and remember that in the last<br />

year alone, 81% of divorce cases<br />

used information found on<br />

social media to determine the<br />

case outcome.<br />

Article by: Vivian Achieng<br />




What is something about you that others<br />

wouldn’t guess?<br />

“I am a very outgoing person and love to take on<br />

a challenge. ”<br />

What is your favorite thing about modeling?<br />

“The different outfits, I love to wear and match up<br />

together. Then, I love to show others how it’s done.”<br />

If you could go anywhere in the world, where<br />

would you go?<br />

“Hawaii! It’s so beautiful.”<br />

What do you hope to achieve through UR IT?<br />

“I will love to support the magazine, and have my<br />

friends support it, I love to let the world see, what it is<br />

like to love the world of fashion. ”<br />

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?<br />

“I see myself reaching every goal that I set out to<br />

achieve daily.”<br />

What makes you it?<br />

“I believe in myself and love fashion, I always was told<br />

you look sharp, where you get that outfit. I will come<br />

out without making sure, I had everything together, I<br />

love clothes and know how to match up well.”<br />

What is one thing you would change about the<br />

world if you could?<br />

“The violence in the world, I would love everyone to<br />

change their way of thinking when it comes to violence,<br />

and to learn to how to show more love.”<br />

What is your favorite quote?<br />

“Can’t we all just get along?”<br />

If you had a million dollars, what is the first thing<br />

you would buy?<br />

“I will help the less fortunate first, and also help family,<br />

and then pay off any debt. Give to the school district<br />

for students education, then vacation after paying my<br />

mortgage off.”<br />

What are some of your hobbies?<br />

“I love to bowl, play tennis and exercise daily.”<br />


At 5’2”, a future in runway as a<br />

high fashion model isn’t likely in<br />

my cards.<br />

The minimum height requirement<br />

for female runway models is 5’9”<br />

and I’m pretty sure I stopped<br />

growing back in middle school.<br />

However, there are certain shows<br />

where height is no barrier, and<br />

believe me, I’ve done them all:<br />

Bridal shows, fitness shows, backto-school<br />

shows at the local mall…<br />

I’m willing to bet that most girls<br />

have attempted the Tyra Banks<br />

walk once or twice and I’m no<br />

exception.<br />

At the age of 16, I was working<br />

my first “real” job as a cashier/<br />

burrito extraordinaire at Taco Bell<br />

in Mansfield, Ohio.<br />

Despite the fact that my main<br />

responsibility was to make the finest<br />

Chili Cheese Burritos and Mexican<br />

Pizzas, when we weren’t busy, I used<br />

to go out to the drive-thru pad and<br />

practice my “model walk” back and<br />

forth down the side of our building.<br />

This might have gone on my entire<br />

Taco Bell career, but ended the day I<br />

discovered the neighboring diners at<br />

Ponderosa had a terrific view of my<br />

performance.<br />

I once even tried out for America’s<br />

Next Top Model the one and<br />

only year they allowed “short<br />

girls” to audition.<br />

My only claim to fame was<br />

being the first person in line<br />

at the Chicago casting call<br />

as, unfortunately, my journey<br />

stopped there.<br />

Needless to say, I’ve always<br />

jumped at the chance to<br />

participate in these types of<br />

events, and one recent show<br />

in particular has been hands<br />

down one of my favorites – two<br />

special years in a row.<br />

The Pro Football Hall of Fame<br />

Fashion Show is a part of the<br />

Hall of Fame Enshrinement<br />

Festival, which involves events<br />

spread out over four months,<br />

all in celebration of the 2016 Pro<br />

Football inductees.<br />

The Fashion Show is held at the big<br />

Memorial Civic Center and Cultural<br />

Center in Canton, OH and the set up<br />

is absolutely amazing.<br />

The enormous two-wing runway<br />

28<br />


takes up nearly the entire length of<br />

the gymnasium.<br />

Last year was my first time walking<br />

and I couldn’t wait to get back.<br />

I was added to the model list very last<br />

minute. A girl was injured and I was<br />

added to the roster.<br />

The show utilizes retailers in the Canton<br />

area to supply the outfits, which range<br />

from workout attire, bridal, night<br />

out, furs, etc.<br />

Upon my first rehearsal, I<br />

was amazed to see how<br />

the show would run.<br />

Instead of having<br />

each model walk<br />

out alone, we would<br />

typically walk out in<br />

groups of two, three, four<br />

and even five and each set<br />

had very unique transitions<br />

and routines for how we would<br />

enter, exit and pose.<br />

I had a blast and was absolutely thrilled<br />

to be asked back for a second year.<br />

This year, I wore clothes from Gold N<br />

Gallery and The District.<br />

The clothes were beautiful and I<br />

ended up buying a fancy black romper<br />

from The District.<br />

I was so excited at my fittings to see<br />

what I’d be wearing. The clothes fit<br />

perfectly and I got to wear a little<br />

bit of everything: An adorable pink<br />

sundress, a very girly sports tank and<br />

matching hat, workout capris, gold<br />

lame shorts with a black fringe top<br />

– perfect for New Years!<br />

On the big day, we arrive more<br />

than five hours before the show<br />

will even start.<br />

The director Laura Zaleski is<br />


amazing and takes the event very<br />

seriously – everything from our makeup<br />

and hair right down to our toenails had<br />

to be checked to make sure they were<br />

show ready.<br />

Everything was purposeful and<br />

carefully thought out.<br />

Before long, we were getting lined up<br />

and the music began.<br />

I could feel my heartrate speed up just<br />

a bit and I said a quick prayer not to<br />

trip or make a fool out of myself.<br />

It does happen.<br />

About eight years ago, I was a model<br />

for the big Arnold Classic Fitness<br />

Fashion Show.<br />

Right before we walked out, directors<br />

told us several major fitness magazine<br />

photographers would be shooting and<br />

to do our absolute best.<br />

That would have been fine had they<br />

not have just mopped the stage – and I<br />

was the first to walk.<br />

It wasn’t a complete on-the-ground<br />

tumble, but it definitely almost<br />

went there.<br />

Fortunately, this show didn’t see any<br />

of that.<br />

Despite the fact that I had so many<br />

outfit changes, the wonderful women<br />

in the back kept everything running<br />

smoothly.<br />

They had our next outfits waiting for<br />

us the second we stepped off the stage.<br />

Sometimes we had 10 minutes to change,<br />

sometimes we had three minutes, but I<br />

actually never felt stressed.<br />

It was kind of fun to model walk off<br />

the stage so gracefully, and then run<br />

like an Olympic athlete from the<br />


gym door to the dressing room.<br />

And what an incredible event to be<br />

a part of.<br />

Before we even stepped foot on the<br />

stage, they introduced several of<br />

the wives of the inductee alumni.<br />

I loved looking out into the<br />

crowd while we walked down the<br />

runways. How special to walk before<br />

such a prestigious crowd.<br />

So many look forward to the fashion<br />

show each year, and now I’m no<br />

exception.<br />

It’s amazing how much work goes<br />

into the event and all too quickly, the<br />

show is over.<br />

So while I may never be a high<br />

fashion model, between the big lights,<br />

the massive stage, the exceptional<br />

crowd and the amazing clothes, the<br />

Pro Football Hall of Fame gives me<br />

an experience just as incredible.<br />

And best of all, it’s just one year before<br />

we do it all over again.<br />

Can’t wait!<br />

Article by: Jami Kinton<br />

30<br />





What makes you it?<br />

“What makes me it is my acknowledgement of<br />

my own self-worth. I know what I want and what<br />

I need to do to achieve my own personal goal.<br />

I know who I am as a person and I don’t need<br />

anyone to tell me who I am and who I’m not or<br />

who I need to be.”<br />

What is one thing you would change about<br />

the world if you could?<br />

“One thing I would change about the world is child<br />

hunger. I have a child and to think even for a second<br />

that at some point he could be hungry makes me<br />

sick to my stomach.”<br />

What is your favorite quote?<br />

“Black cat or white cat; still a cat.”<br />

If you had a million dollars, what is the first<br />

thing you would buy?<br />

“If I had a million dollars, the first thing I<br />

would do is pay off my family’s debt. And then<br />

potentially grab myself a nice fancy dinner for<br />

myself and Riot .”<br />

What are some of your hobbies?<br />

“Most of my hobbies include work. Haha. In my<br />

free time I like to lay in the sun, take naps, and<br />

go to the park with my son, Riot.”<br />

What is something about you that others<br />

wouldn’t guess?<br />

“Something about me that other’s may not know is that<br />

I’m extremely afraid of the dark. Any slight movement or<br />

creak in the floor and I can’t sleep. Haha. (Especially after<br />

a scary movie, I almost refuse to watch them).”<br />

What is your favorite thing about modeling?<br />

“My favorite thing about modeling is the fact that I don’t<br />

have to try and be anyone that I’m not. For me, modeling<br />

is an outlet from my everyday life. It’s a self-confidence<br />

boost, an outlet, and something I can do to reach a state<br />

of nirvana.”<br />

If you could go anywhere in the world, where<br />

would you go?<br />

“If I could go anywhere in the world, I would travel to<br />

Spain. With my Spanish degree it would be a great way to<br />

practice and open up my Spanish language. Australia is a<br />

close runner up though.”<br />

What do you hope to achieve through UR IT?<br />

“What I hope to achieve through UR IT is gaining and<br />

maintaining throughout my life the confidence it gives me<br />

to be the person that I am, without hesitation.”<br />

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?<br />

“In ten years, I see myself with my son, in the career that I<br />

love, hopefully marrying the love of my life.”<br />




Instagram @jordanashley_modeling<br />



I am a 25 year old cosmetologist. I have been doing hair for about 6 years now. It<br />

has always had my interest since I’ve been young. I love art, especially painting.<br />

Anything in the fashion world has my interest.<br />


Confidence speaks loudly without saying a word. Coming from a background of<br />

growing up with criticism against my thin physique has lead me to grow confident<br />

in that you can be beautiful no matter what size you are.<br />


I entered a contest for the UR IT magazine about 3 years ago in which I was<br />

chosen for a back cover model.<br />


Be yourself. Be confident about who you are as an individual, inside and out. You<br />

can be as beautiful as you want to, and part of that includes having a positive<br />

outlook on yourself.<br />


My mother. She’s been the strongest person I’ve ever met. Watching her go<br />

through some of the hardest situations, but still be positive and be strong for me<br />

is something that will always be inspiring to my every day life. It shows me that<br />

no matter what’s going wrong in life, you keep moving forward to the things<br />

that will go right, and they will happen.<br />

Submit your modeling photos at uritmag.com under Submissions!<br />



When you think of<br />

Peter Pan chances<br />

are you think of<br />

the many different<br />

versions of films you<br />

grew up watching<br />

and enjoying. You<br />

might remember<br />

adventures with the<br />

lost boys, Wendy,<br />

Hook, Tiger Lily and that crazy<br />

crocodile. It’s an old tale that<br />

everyone’s heard of at least once<br />

during their childhood. However,<br />

did it ever occur to you that Peter<br />

Pan’s character could be symbolic<br />

to a modern day dating issue?<br />

uer Aeternus’ in Latin means<br />

‘Peternal boy. Another term as<br />

coined by the urban dictionary<br />

is “manolescent” which is a noun<br />

that describes a man of any age<br />

who shirks adult responsibilities.<br />

I personally don’t favor this term<br />

because it implies that only men<br />

can have these traits. While the<br />

majority of articles and examples<br />

written are about men, women<br />

can also find themselves avoiding<br />

similar responsibilities.<br />

While the term “Peter Pan<br />

Syndrome” has not yet been<br />

recognized in the DSM (diagnostic<br />

and statistical manual of mental<br />

disorders) as a psychopathology<br />

disorder, the behaviors have<br />

been grouped into symptoms to<br />

assist people in trying to figure<br />

out what they’re dealing with.<br />

Psychologically it is typically a<br />

grown man who has an adolescent<br />

range of emotions. Many times they<br />

will lead a provisional life in fear<br />

of gaining too much responsibility<br />

in which there is no escape.<br />

Women who find themselves attracted to or in relationships with “Peter<br />

Pan’s” are said to have the “Wendy Syndrome,” which is basically needing<br />

to be mother-like in a romantic relationship to offset the irresponsibility<br />

of their partners. There is usually a dependency that makes a woman<br />

feel fulfilled at the beginning of the relationship. However, once it<br />

progresses and the typical subjects of living together, getting married or<br />

having children are brought up, the strain caused by “Peter’s” resistance<br />

will usually end it.<br />

While the beginning of a relationship with a Peter Pan can feel just like the<br />

movie, fun, magical, captivating and spontaneous, life’s responsibilities<br />

will inevitably disrupt the fantasy. Unfortunately many Peter’s have<br />

adopted unhealthy life mottos such as “live for today” and “rules are<br />

made to be broken.” While the rush of excitement in dating someone<br />

like this can feel amazing it is not realistic to think that any long-term<br />

relationship can stay at this place for very long. Eventually there needs<br />

to be a deeper connection created which is what Peter is incapable of.<br />

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Nhughes08@gmail.com<br />



I’m currently a graduate student at Penn State University studying in Human<br />

Resources and Employment Relations. In my free time I try to be out doors and<br />

enjoying the company of family and friends.<br />


In 10 years I hope to be in a fortune 100 company. I want to travel a lot and<br />

still have fun. I would love to continue modeling in my free time if time and age<br />

permits.<br />


Living in a college town really allows you to be who you are. You can decide<br />

whether you want to stay up on the fashion or just be yourself and start your<br />

own trend. I mostly cater my outfits to match the crowd in a college town.<br />


I don’t take no for an answer. If you tell me I can’t do something, or in general<br />

it just can’t be done, well just watch me! I’m extremely determined and highly<br />

motivated. I think people tend to think of themselves as determined or motivated,<br />

but those are usually just buzz words on a resume not something many apply to<br />

their every day lives.<br />


Be nice, be kind and be thoughtful. There are always going to be people in this<br />

world you who do not like you, and that is of no fault of your own. Just know that<br />

their negative opinions of you, should not mold your perceptions of yourself.<br />

Be beautiful, inside and out. Be helpful, mentally and physically. Be considerate,<br />

emotionally and charitably.<br />


I feel as though so many people say their mom is their hero, but she is mine. She is<br />

my best friend and someone I truly look up to. She’s strong and determined, and<br />

has taught me to not take “No” for an answer. I owe her the utmost gratitude<br />

because she has helped me through more than she will ever know.<br />

Submit your modeling photos at uritmag.com under Submissions!<br />




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