MAC Magazine 2015

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Principal’s report 2<br />

Board of Trustees’ reports 3<br />

‘Tokyo Nights’ Formal 4<br />

Head Girl and Head Boy reports 6<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Student Committees 7<br />

Art Design and Photography 8<br />

Class Acts 10<br />

NCEA Successes 10<br />

Where Are They Now? 11<br />

Anzac Day – 100 years on 14<br />

Year 7 class photos 16<br />

Year 7 Pounawea Camp 18<br />

Rutherford 20<br />

Year 8 class photos 22<br />

Year 8 camps 26<br />

Year 9 class photos 28<br />

Year 9 Marae trip 30<br />

Kapahaka 31<br />

Year 10 class photos 32<br />

Year 10 Art 35<br />

Year 11 Dinner 36<br />

Year 11, 12 and 13 photos 37<br />

Staff photo 38<br />

HQ 39<br />

Creative writing 40<br />

Creative historical eating 45<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Champs 46<br />

Special sporting achievements 48<br />

Sports Photos 50<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Haka and Waiata 60<br />

Outdoor Pursuits 61<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> Hostel 62<br />

International Language Centre 64<br />

Drama and Performance 66<br />

<strong>MAC</strong>Stock 68<br />

Jazz Band 68<br />

Rockquest 69<br />

Team Green 70<br />

<strong>MAC</strong>LIC 70<br />

Gateway 71<br />

Debating 71<br />

Students in the Community 72<br />

Polar plunge 74<br />

Leavers’ dinner 75<br />

Survivors 76<br />

Leavers’ Profiles 77<br />

Mr T 83<br />

Straight Up 83<br />

40 Hour Famine 84<br />

Shave for a Cure 84<br />

Sticks ‘n’ Stones 85<br />

SADD 86<br />

Survivors Key 87<br />

Mag Thanks 87<br />

Whanau Photos 88<br />

Please take the time to notice the advertisers in this magazine - their ads help make it possible to record the <strong>MAC</strong> happenings of <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

Enjoy your magazine!<br />

page 1

Tena koutou katoa<br />

Once again it is my privilege to welcome you to a wrap up of the <strong>2015</strong> year at Mount Aspiring College.<br />

Interactive communication with students and parents was highlighted this year with the launch of our new Parent Portal<br />

and the introduction of fortnightly reports, along with live progress reports being available on a regular basis throughout<br />

the year and not merely in July and November. As parents and students, I thank you for embracing this development and<br />

I am confident it will result in students being more involved in, and therefore taking more responsibility for, their own<br />

learning. My thanks to the staff for the time and effort they have put into these reports, ensuring that they provide valuable<br />

feedback and advice on the next steps for learning. The fortnightly reports have provided regular feedback to students and<br />

parents on their level of engagement and their progress in class across all subjects. 93.5% of all <strong>MAC</strong> students regularly<br />

received grades above the expected 6.5/10 threshold and many are working at a 9/10 level. I wish to congratulate those<br />

students and thank them for their desire to make the most of every learning opportunity.<br />

This year’s haka and waiata competition was a highlight for many and the spirit within the college was showcased through<br />

this powerful cultural performance. <strong>2015</strong> also saw Year Nine students and staff visit Te Rau Aroha marae in Bluff as part<br />

of their Education Outside the Classroom. Experiencing the traditions and protocols of marae life were new to most and<br />

the feedback from the students was very encouraging. My sincere thanks to Matua Jeromy for ensuring this unique New<br />

Zealand experience was memorable for all of us.<br />

This year’s magazine captures the talent, thoughts and expressions of the <strong>2015</strong> student body. It reminds us all of the<br />

wonderful opportunities available to the students throughout the year that are made available because parents, supporters<br />

and staff care so much. At <strong>MAC</strong> we often speak of taking advantage of every opportunity that is on offer and I congratulate<br />

the students for doing just that.<br />

One way of measuring a community’s strength is the way in which they assist others. We support many causes including<br />

the 40 Hour Famine, which we have supported annually since 1987. This year the college was awarded a World Vision<br />

Senior Scholarship (one of 31 nationwide) and we were also the highest fundraising school in the lower South Island.<br />

The 40 Hour Famine at <strong>MAC</strong> is synonymous with one person: Mr T, John Turnbull. Mr T retires at the end of the year or,<br />

more accurately, at his request begins a 20-year sabbatical. John’s quiet, sincere and caring manner will be sorely missed<br />

and on behalf of students, colleagues and parents, thank you John and all the best for the future.<br />

This year’s centennial celebration of the Gallipoli campaign was a highlight with student involvement in studies, ANZAC<br />

Day services and the creation of our own Field of Remembrance.<br />

I believe everyone who flicks through this magazine in the future will reflect on the fun they had, the friends they shared<br />

it with, the staff who helped them and really cared and the personal success they enjoyed in <strong>2015</strong>. A school year, like a<br />

magazine, needs input from many to be successful. Congratulations everyone on making <strong>2015</strong> such a success in and out of<br />

the classroom.<br />

Enjoy your magazine, stay safe over the holidays and, whether you return to the college or leave us, thank you for your<br />

contribution to the <strong>2015</strong> <strong>MAC</strong> year.<br />

Wayne Bosley<br />


Richard Hemingway<br />

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Wayne Bosley<br />

Isabella Berry<br />

Johnny Brebner



It has been another exciting year at the college, and the depth of what it offers to its students and staff continues to grow.<br />

<strong>2015</strong> saw two important Ministry of Education processes take place - MOE consultation around future education in the region<br />

and the triennial Education Review Office (ERO) review. Whilst the college had the opportunity during both processes to<br />

showcase many aspects of college life, one area which stood out to our visitors was the importance and respect given to student<br />

voice at <strong>MAC</strong>.<br />

From a BOT viewpoint, whilst there were no trustee elections scheduled for <strong>2015</strong> for parent representatives, the annual<br />

student elections took place in September. We welcome Isabella Berry onto the Board, and look forward to her contribution.<br />

Johnny Brebner is our outgoing student representative. On behalf of the Board, staff and student body, I’d like to thank Johnny<br />

for his significant input over the last year. I would particularly like to thank Johnny for his outstanding contribution during<br />

the MOE processes discussed above.<br />

The year has also been one of consolidating the many initiatives that have been implemented over the last couple of<br />

years, including the KAMAR student management system, fortnightly reporting and the strategic goal of supporting staff<br />

professional development. The development of the college’s facilities continues, and we seek to always ensure the protection<br />

of the green spaces which the college community values so highly. However, I want to highlight one important initiative, and<br />

recognize the great work of staff and students alike. With PB4L in its third year now, the impact of SOAR around the college is<br />

ubiquitous and has really become part of <strong>MAC</strong> culture.<br />

2016 is forecast to see the student roll go beyond 800 for the first time. Whilst not large in New Zealand terms, as the college<br />

grows it is important for us all to focus on the important elements of its culture that make <strong>MAC</strong> special – whanau, house spirit,<br />

participation and support for each other as individuals. Excitingly, growth also brings opportunity and we should embrace<br />

this in terms of the diversity and breadth of curriculum it allows.<br />

For those leaving <strong>MAC</strong> at the end of the year, we wish you well with your next challenges. Always remember that you get back<br />

what you put into life. And for those moving away, make sure you visit the college whenever you are back in town.<br />

Lastly, on behalf of the BOT, I’d like to thank the caring and dedicated staff at <strong>MAC</strong> for another fun and successful year. Have a<br />

peaceful and enjoyable break.<br />

Richard Hemingway, BOT Chair<br />

‘Thank you’ may be an unusual thing to say in circumstances such as these. Certainly, you don’t often expect losing an<br />

election to come with a wealth of positive emotions. And while it’s not the result I wanted, I can’t help but feel an immense<br />

feeling of gratitude and thanks. So, thank you.<br />

Thank you to the students who voted me in and came forward with ideas and issues to help make my job worthwhile.<br />

Thank you to Wayne, Dean, Diana, Tracey, Paul, John, Ian, Richard and many others for helping me and making me feel<br />

accepted on the Board so I could participate as an equal.<br />

Thank you for letting me experience this tremendous privilege and fantastic learning experience. To be chosen to<br />

represent you, the students, in such an important position is an enormous honour. And to be exposed to the inner<br />

mechanisms of the college has been a source of endless fascination.<br />

I would like to also congratulate Bella on her victory (no hard feelings). I know that you will be a more than capable<br />

replacement and I’m sure that you’ll bring your unique style to the meeting table. I wish you the best of luck and I would<br />

like to assure the school that Bella is an excellent choice for Bot Rep. I also send Dean my condolences for having to endure<br />

another year of vegetarian dinners. I’m so, so sorry.<br />

Thanks, well done and the best of luck.<br />

Johnny Brebner<br />

It is with great honour that I have been elected to be the Student Representative on the <strong>MAC</strong> Board of Trustees. This is<br />

a role I take very seriously and am so grateful and excited to be part of such an inspiring group of people. Throughout<br />

the coming year on the Board I hope to face and tackle challenges around the school head-on. After a very competitive<br />

and interesting election I am so pleased that the students of <strong>MAC</strong> placed their faith in me to complete the task as their<br />

representative. Johnny has done an amazing job in his year as BOT rep and I hope to continue his legacy on the Board.<br />

I will continue to push for the recognition of not only sporting but academic and artistic success.<br />

As this has been my first year at <strong>MAC</strong> I felt I have very quickly gotten a grip of the ropes of this fantastic school. I can’t wait<br />

to be back in 2016. Thank you again for electing me as your representative!<br />

Isabella Berry<br />

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<strong>2015</strong> FORMAL<br />

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HEAD GIRL’s<br />

REPORT<br />

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I write my final farewell to Mount Aspiring College. It is a strange feeling to think that next year I<br />

won’t be protected in this ‘safe’ environment - the one place that has facilitated my growth and learning over the past seven years. I’m<br />

excited for what my future holds, yet nervous to step outside this familiar territory. Nonetheless, I cannot continue without firstly thanking<br />

the staff and students who have not only supported me, but the rest of Year 13, in guiding us through a successful year - one that will be<br />

remembered and treasured by each individual.<br />

Words do not describe how much of an experience, an opportunity and an honour it has been to hold the title of Head Girl for <strong>2015</strong>. Not<br />

only has this contributed to the success of my final year, it has also given me the opportunity to give back to those who have aided my<br />

individual growth along this journey. The knowledge, confidence and skills that I have gained from this position will stay with me for a<br />

lifetime, and I cannot thank you all enough for this opportunity. As this leadership system is new to <strong>MAC</strong>, I can wholeheartedly say it has<br />

been a privilege to be one of the first ever students involved in it, and I am excited to see what the rest of the student body has to offer in the<br />

years to come. I strongly encourage every student to strive for a senior position. Not only is it an amazing experience with many life lessons<br />

attached, but it also gives you a chance to leave a personal inscription in the school; one that will be remembered for a lifetime. From a<br />

reflective perspective, I hope to have encouraged each of you to set goals, work hard and get involved in as many school activities as you<br />

can. Ever since I was young, I idolised the student leaders and encouraged myself to adopt a persona that would motivate and influence my<br />

fellow peers. Now, whilst representing the student body, I can honestly say it’s been a privilege and I have enjoyed every second of it.<br />

Working alongside Ellis, as the head student duo of <strong>2015</strong> has been a journey of self discovery, hard work and accomplishment, and I would<br />

once again like to extend my appreciation to staff, students, families, the community and anyone else who has stood by my side along this<br />

seven year milestone. It is never easy letting go of something you truly care about, and leaving this incredible school is one example. <strong>MAC</strong>,<br />

you have been there for the sad, the happy, the challenging and the rewarding, and I conclude my final year of secondary education with a<br />

heart full of gratification and a head full of reminiscence.<br />

Brynee Wilson<br />

HEAD BOY’s<br />

REPORT<br />

I discovered that there was more to being the Head Boy of Mount Aspiring College <strong>2015</strong>, than just the role within the school community.<br />

Before I was to hold such a position within the school I felt I had to gain the respect of my peers and teachers. Once a strong foundation of<br />

trust and respect was established, I was able to develop and grow with the role, with the support from senior students and staff.<br />

<strong>2015</strong> was a year full of opportunities for myself - most of which allowed me to give back to the school environment and repay the school<br />

for all it has given me over the last 7 years.<br />

As Year 13’s we sometimes don’t realise that we play a huge role in developing a school culture that we can all be proud of, whether we<br />

hold a leadership position or not. From my experiences as a Year 7, I was able to reflect on how I viewed senior members of the school<br />

and it helped me grasp the enormity of my role this year as a Year 13 and a role model for the younger members of our school community.<br />

In many of the conversations I have held with Year 7 students this year, I was excited to hear that they believed that they could one day<br />

become Head Boy or Girl of the college. It’s these aspirations from the junior school, which convinced me that Mount Aspiring College’s<br />

future is bright and is something that the school should be excited and proud of. One thing I have discovered this year is that a leadership<br />

role is more successful when it’s a team effort. Collaboration with Brynee, Head Girl, and leaders of the school committees, has made the<br />

job of Head Boy enjoyable and rewarding. I believe that this holistic approach and collaboration has benefited all areas in the school.<br />

It was a privilege for me to hold the Head Boy position this year and I have learnt a lot from my peers and teachers that will hold me in<br />

good stead for my university years and beyond. Thanks heaps everyone. Cheers.<br />

Ellis Meyer-Budge<br />

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Mount Aspiring College’s values of partnerships, excellence, integrity and<br />

innovation are the basis of the school’s Service and Academic Committee.<br />

Lead by Karyn Munro and chaired by Year 13 students Nina Bowley and<br />

Bronnie Ormandy, the Committee is made up of a group of fourteen Year<br />

12 and 13 students who play a leading role within the school. Established<br />

in 2014, the committee’s areas of involvement are far reaching, driving<br />

activities and supporting students in and out of school. Some of our areas<br />

of involvement include the organising of leavers hoodies, formal, Year 13<br />

polar plunge, Year 11 dinner, Year 13 leavers dinner, Valentine’s day, Year<br />

13 challenge day and <strong>MAC</strong>ademics. This year we have been commended as<br />

increasing academic recognition from Years 7 -13 in weekly assemblies as<br />

well as creating and improving the forward thinking learning community<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> is renowned for. Involvement within the Committee brings added<br />

enjoyment and interest to school life, ultimately working as a team to<br />

enhance the running of <strong>MAC</strong>. The committee often takes on one-off service<br />

fundraising initiatives in response to local, national or international events,<br />

or from organisations seeking support. This year saw us supporting the 40<br />

Hour Famine, Vanuatu’s natural disaster and Shave For a Cure.<br />

Service and Academic Committee<br />

Back: Kath Millis, Kim Robertson, Nina Bowley,<br />

Bronnie Ormandy, Rosie Spearing, April Carter,<br />

Katie Thompson. Front: Helena Crawford, Rick<br />

Sanders, Noel Bisson, Lewis Brooks, Aoife Baker,<br />

Erin Greenwood.<br />

Sports Committee<br />

Back: Tish Telford, Holly Bailey, Ellis Meyer-Budge,<br />

Hank Bilous. Front: Jayden Fisher, Teegan Vink,<br />

Craig Murray.<br />

Absent: Billie Scurr, Nico Schikker, Bailey Nolet.<br />

The Sports Committee of <strong>2015</strong> consisted of eleven students all of which<br />

have backgrounds in a wide variety of sports. Three of our major projects<br />

this year were Summer Quad, the inaugural Mt Hutt College Interschool<br />

and the Year 7&8 Kavanagh Sport Exchange. This year <strong>MAC</strong> was the<br />

host of Quad which took place in late March. The tournament was a<br />

huge success with sportsmanship being strong throughout all year levels<br />

and <strong>MAC</strong> winning yet again. The inaugural Mt Hutt College interschool<br />

was another success with <strong>MAC</strong> winning five out of the six games. The<br />

team work displayed throughout the interschool was outstanding and<br />

hopefully the interschool becomes an annual event on the schools busy<br />

calendar. This year the Year 7&8 Kavanagh Sports Exchange was held at<br />

<strong>MAC</strong>. This was the second time <strong>MAC</strong> had hosted the event and yet again<br />

sportsmanship and team work were shown by all athletes representing<br />

the college. On behalf of all the athletes who competed in these events, we<br />

would like to thank the coaches, referees and supporters because without<br />

them we would not have the opportunity to showcase the talented athletes<br />

and sportsmanship <strong>MAC</strong> is known for. Also congratulations to everyone<br />

who has made representative teams and especially those individuals who<br />

have competed at both national and international levels this year. This is<br />

an outstanding feat and we wish you luck in the future.<br />

Being a part of the Cultural Committee at <strong>MAC</strong> has not only been a great way<br />

to gain leadership experience, but we have also had the opportunity to involve<br />

ourselves in the school lives of junior students, and hopefully given them<br />

someone to look up to and aspire to be like. The Cultural Committee of <strong>2015</strong><br />

is comprised of ten Year 12 and 13 students, all with a variety of backgrounds<br />

in the Arts inside and outside of school. As a group we have spent the year<br />

working on a range of events and activities, including <strong>MAC</strong>’s got Talent, the<br />

school Haka competition, a drama group for eager Year 8 students and more!<br />

We have truly enjoyed every minute of being involved in this year’s Cultural<br />

Committee … best of luck to the candidates for next year and we hope you<br />

will enjoy it as much as we have!<br />

Cultural Committee<br />

Back: Florence Collins Caballero, Connor Moore,<br />

Petra Shotwell, Lucy Hayes, Madison Parslow,<br />

Alyssa Gibson. Front: John Steven, George<br />

Davenport, Jack Arbuckle, Brynee Wilson.<br />

Absent: Riley Bruce.<br />

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ART, DESIGN &<br />


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1. Josh Carlier / 2. Madison Parslow / 3. Daisy Thor-Poet / 4. Laura Hay / 5. Amy Jolly / 6. Georgia Prince<br />

7. Rosie Smith / 8. Emily Scott / 9. Acacia Murray / 10. Acacia Murray / 11. Michaela Rogan / 12. James<br />

Simpkin / 13. Michelle Tomlinson / 14. Maddy Ball / 15. Chloe Larkin / 16. Moana Barnard / 17. Callum<br />

Rennie / 18. Michaela Rogan / 19. Samantha Haines / 20. Sapphire Schwarz / 21. Chloe Larkin / 22. Poppy<br />

Jefferies / 23. Kim Robertson / 24. Michaela Rogan / 25. Madison Parslow / 26. Alexandra Johnston<br />

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CLASS ACTs<br />

Congratulations to our 31st and 32nd Otago Daily Times Class Act excellence awards<br />

recipients, Year 13 students Katherine (Kath) Millis and Noel Bisson who received their<br />

certificates from the Prime Minister, John Key.<br />

Noel is a multi-talented young man who follows his own path. He excels in the classroom, in the<br />

swimming pool and in his contribution to service, sport and academic opportunities. Currently he<br />

is studying NCEA Level Three English, History, Mathematics with Calculus, Chemistry and Physics<br />

and will sit scholarship exams in Chemistry and Physics. Noel was awarded NCEA Levels One<br />

and Two with an excellence endorsement gaining 121 excellence credits at Level One and 129 at<br />

Level Two. Noel has plans to continue studying at Victoria or Canterbury University in 2016. Noel<br />

is a national Division Two swimming medalist and fully involved in <strong>MAC</strong> Debating, Kapa Haka,<br />

Chess Club and the Service and Academic Committee. Noel’s true passion is the environment and<br />

I thank him for his contribution to Team Green. He wishes to make a difference to the way people<br />

think about the environment and we are sure he will succeed in this quest. Noel is a very deserving<br />

recipient of an Otago Daily Times Class Act award and we wish him well for the future.<br />

Kath has been acknowledged for her academic excellence and her service to the college community.<br />

She is currently studying NCEA Level Three Biology, Mathematics with Statistics, Chemistry, Physics<br />

and English. Kath achieved NCEA Levels One and Two with an excellence endorsement, gaining<br />

136 excellence credits at Level One and 112 at Level Two and she will sit scholarship examinations in<br />

English and Mathematics with Statistics. Kath is looking to do a double degree in Law and Science at<br />

Otago University in 2016. Kath has always been fully involved in service activities both at the college<br />

and within the wider community. Many of us can attest to her skills of persuasion as we were asked<br />

to step out of our comfort zones for a good cause. Kath is part of the <strong>MAC</strong> Service and Academic<br />

Committee, Team Green, 40-hour Famine, Senior Debating, ACT Theatre Group and she has been<br />

involved with the local cubs since 2012. She spoke on behalf of the college at the Wanaka ANZAC<br />

service and she has wide involvement and success in regional debating and speech competitions.<br />

Kath has a wonderful sense of community and is passionate about helping people. She is a very<br />

worthy recipient of an Otago Class Act award. We thank her very much for her contribution to<br />

Mount Aspiring College over a number of years and wish her well for the future.<br />


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We caught up with 2014 prizewinners Corey Fothergill, Rachel Macpherson<br />

and Eden Brown to ask them about life after <strong>MAC</strong>. Read their answers below...<br />

Corey Fothergill<br />

Dux<br />

Where are you now and what are you currently doing?<br />

Corey: I’m in the Royal New Zealand Air Force as a pilot. This year I have completed basic training<br />

followed by officer training in Blenheim, survival training in Auckland and am currently working in<br />

Ohakea (Palmerston North).<br />

Rachel: Bachelor of Arts, double majoring in criminology and sociology at Victoria University of<br />

Wellington, living at Te Puni Village.<br />

Eden: Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Economics at the University of Otago<br />

What has been the highlight of your time since leaving school?<br />

Corey: Graduating from my officer course in June; it was a massive sense of achievement for me after a<br />

pretty tough 6 months… Getting paid to shoot guns and play sport isn’t bad either!<br />

Rachel: Definitely meeting so many new, different people living at a hall. It’s such a fun lifestyle and it<br />

motivates you to work hard having so many other people studying around you.<br />

Eden: Meeting a new diverse group of people, living in a new city and having a “busy social calendar”.<br />

Rachel Macpherson<br />

Lions Best<br />

All Round Girl<br />

What aspects have been harder than you expected?<br />

Corey: It was a bit of a culture shock leaving <strong>MAC</strong> and Wanaka where everyone is so friendly, to an<br />

environment where people shouted at me and made me do press ups! I also struggled with ironing,<br />

sewing and keeping my room immaculate.<br />

Rachel: Probably the workload, as university work is a lot more self-driven than school - it’s something<br />

you have to learn to motivate yourself to do, but the rewards are pretty great when you do well.<br />

Eden: Getting up for 9am lectures. Nobody is there to slap you on the back of the hand.<br />

Eden Brown<br />

Lions Best<br />

All Round Boy<br />

What is the best advice that you could give to our Year 13 leavers?<br />

Corey: Go and do something that you enjoy. Don’t get too stressed about leaving school. Don’t ignore<br />

your mum’s phone calls – they get really mad!<br />

Rachel: Go into your first year completely open minded and ready to try loads of new things. Put all the<br />

effort in that you can in terms of uni work, but make sure you spend a lot of time getting to know people<br />

and enjoying student life.<br />

Eden: Achieve your goals but don’t burn yourself out before it really counts. It’s an expensive business so<br />

take the scholarship process seriously, free money is the best kind.<br />

And what advice would you give to our Year 12 students heading for Year 13?<br />

Corey: Get stuck in with everything, put your hand up for leadership opportunities and have lots of fun. Make Year 13 your<br />

best year at <strong>MAC</strong>! Put in work on the academic front too, it sucks for people when they can’t pursue something because they<br />

haven’t put the hard yards in at school.<br />

Rachel: Take on as many leadership roles as you can in Year 13, they may seem like a lot of work but are actually really<br />

enjoyable and definitely a bonus on any CV or application.<br />

Eden: Set goals, work hard and achieve. Year 12 is all about grades, and proving you’ve got what it takes. Next year you can<br />

take on some other activities, but make nailing the basics across the board your biggest priority.<br />

Did you feel well prepared when you left <strong>MAC</strong> and, in your experiences this year, were you?<br />

Corey: Although I’ve been put way outside of my comfort zone several times, crucial skills that <strong>MAC</strong> had taught me, like time<br />

management, organization, communication and leadership helped me through it.<br />

Rachel: It was a bit daunting, but it took no time at all to settle in and get into the habits of the workload required here.<br />

Eden: No. You can never know how you’ll react until you are there. First year can be a big change, but stick at it and find a<br />

niche in your new environment.<br />

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John Steven<br />

Here today, together we remember and honour the many thousands of New Zealanders<br />

and Australians that landed on the beaches of Gallipoli one hundred years ago, who<br />

fought alongside each other in desperate conditions to provide support for the assault<br />

on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Many of them gave their lives, many others their health and<br />

sanity. Among those troops stood a man by the name of William John Steven. As my<br />

Great Great Uncle, he fought in the main body of the ANZACS as a Lance Corporal.<br />

Killed in action on August 27th, 1915, William endured months in the frontline. Today,<br />

our family holds the diary kept by him during the war. The little book of hand written<br />

notes that he kept in his breast pocket has a hole piercing its front cover, made by the<br />

bullet which ended his life.<br />

Today, I send my respects to William John Steven, and the many other troops that<br />

served as the ANZACS. This remembrance is, and will be for many more years, a<br />

special commemorative part of our nation’s rich cultural heritage, and it is a day in<br />

which we become acutely aware of one of the vital aspects of our history.<br />

Excerpts from student speeches given at the Lake Wanaka Centre<br />

People may think that our generation is forgetting about our past and the sacrifices<br />

that were made for us to be able to live the carefree lives we have today, but those<br />

who have died in battle live on with us in another way. They are not forgotten. They<br />

are the reason we have peaceful lives - the reason for our freedom, our safety and<br />

our happiness. From Gallipoli to today people who have served for us overseas in<br />

the name of our nation - those who still serve in the Middle East and other areas of<br />

the world - are remembered not only on ANZAC day, but when we consider our<br />

actions for our future. Because this is how our generation must honour heroes of<br />

war - we must guard the freedom they have fought for, as ours are the choices that<br />

will determine the future. We now have the opportunity to live the lives that our<br />

grandparents and great-grandparents died for us to have, and to pass this peace on<br />

to the generation after us. It is a small duty compared to those who fought and died<br />

for us, and one we should strive to uphold in these times that again threaten violence, in<br />

remembrance of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.<br />

Kath Millis<br />

page 14

It was 3am April 25th 1915 as our boats<br />

were heading towards the Gallipoli<br />

peninsula. I was only 15, I’d lied about<br />

my age because I thought it would be an<br />

adventure, I’d be a hero.<br />

We were convinced that we would take<br />

the Turks by surprise and that we would<br />

return victorious. But the second my<br />

boat touched the shore, I could already<br />

see the faint shadow of the Turks’ huge<br />

guns and their soldiers in trenches.<br />

Then, the funnel of one of our steam<br />

boats lit up and gave away the surprise<br />

attack. We were sitting ducks. I knew it.<br />

As we piled onto the shore, the enemy<br />

guns were blasting away at us as we<br />

trudged up the hill. But our rifles only<br />

seemed like water pistols. They had<br />

a clear shot on us from the dunes.<br />

Suddenly I felt a massive shudder<br />

as a bullet ripped through my right<br />

shoulder and out the other side. I<br />

tumbled down to the bottom of the hill<br />

as I heard voices through my head. This<br />

was war!<br />

Alexander Combe 8SL<br />


100 YEARS ON<br />

page 15

7BW<br />

Kalani<br />

Back: Dilara Van, Martha Toghill, Maddi Frazer, Lea McTavish, Mihi McLachlan, Georgie Bruce,<br />

Oceania McFadgen, Tom Millis. Middle: Eve Paddon, Leon Bowie, Jack Welch, Summer Rasmussen,<br />

Caycee Beck, Hunter Hewson, Josh Arthur, Mrs Kate Brown (teacher). Front: Jacob Farrell, Amelia<br />

Dore, Joshua Jarvie, Abhishek Rameshanand, Dewaldt van Eeden, Georgia McGregor, Oliver Prince,<br />

Muirhead. Absent: Hugo Cochrane, Joshua Orton, Emily Prout.<br />

Back: Mrs Clare Scurr (teacher), Nikita Sinclair, Red Simpson, Fin MacDonald, Imy Gordon,<br />

Taki McLachlan, Ethan Brady, Lachy Moore, Ethan Arratia. Middle: Abby East, Evie Simonsohn,<br />

Alice Howard, Molly Barham, Ella Landreth, Meg Thomas, Georgie Burdon. Front: Imogen<br />

Dougherty, Holly Gibson, Thomas Evans, Luca Harrington (with Monty), Romili Townsend, Eli<br />

Emanuel, Caleb Eason, Ryan Young. Absent: Olivia Connolly, Connor George, Ryder Jefferson.<br />

7SC<br />

page 16

Back: Thomas Gibson, Mero Williams, Alana Scott, Abby Fisher, Zach Smith, Bryce Parkhill,<br />

Mackenzie Barnett, Anja Malmo. Middle: Mrs Ruth Stevens (teacher), Nathan Beaton, Helene<br />

Price, Ashley Bates, Will Hofmans, Piper Cavanagh, Alexa McKay, Emily Leahy, Toto Tanabe.<br />

Front: Patrick Hartley, Jimmy Gillespie, Keltan Voyce, Nikita Mayen, Hadley Tamati, Marcel<br />

Bartley, Ollie Alderson, Lauren Rimmer. Absent: Haydn Miles, Lily Willis-King, Keira Somerville,<br />

Emily Knoesen.<br />

7ST<br />

Back: Aleisha Turner, Letitia Haig, Gracie Cartlidge, Ethan Munro, Barnaby Jackson, Jimmy Roughan,<br />

Nevada Wolfgramm, Tom Colbourne. Middle: Mae Cradock, Micah Cousins, Harry Gillespie, Whitney<br />

Bennett, Ashleigh Doran, Neco Richter, Anna Barrett, Tana Hansen. Front: Mustafa Caliskan, Neve<br />

Stalker, Molly Thomsson, Georgia Robertson, Isla Gellatly, Phoenix Fay, Dylan Rimmer, Mrs Katrina Fox<br />

7FX(teacher). Absent: Danielle Carney, Jack Culshaw, Kahu Nepia.<br />

page 17

happy<br />

campers<br />

YEAR 7 CAMP<br />

It was a great experience to swim in the sea.<br />

Piper Cavanagh<br />

I liked the outdoor adventure course, it was fun doing<br />

the obstacles.<br />

Lauren Rimmer<br />

I liked all the activities - there was bow and arrow,<br />

shooting targets and survival hut making.<br />

Tana Hansen<br />

I liked getting to experience the wildlife interaction.<br />

Alana Scott<br />

So I liked the car drive on the way down because we<br />

had other people and we ate chips.<br />

Kahu Nepia<br />

I liked floundering because you got to kill fish. And<br />

it was my birthday on the first day and I got a vanilla<br />

sponge cake.<br />

Jack Culshaw<br />

page 18


Rutherford is an awesome opportunity for kids like me. It has extended me to my limits in heaps of<br />

different ways. Year 7 Rutherford have had heaps of awesome experiences like…<br />

Micronations - Creating your own country and creating flags, maps, national symbols etc<br />

Wonderment and awe - Finding out what wonders us and showing this in 2D or 3D art pieces and<br />

poems.<br />

Number history - Exploring in depth where numbers came from and the history.<br />

I love Rutherford because everybody is the same as me but different as well. I also have made new<br />

friends.<br />

Mrs Brooks is an awesome teacher and she stretches me a lot. It’s a great two hours of fun. It’s what I<br />

look forward to on a Friday. All the different topics have taught me a lot and I’m very grateful.<br />

Meg Thomas<br />

page 20<br />

Mountains<br />

When water starts to freeze<br />

and the trees lose their leaves,<br />

the mountains stand, side by side<br />

helping, trading and changing,<br />

when the colour fades,<br />

but the light stays,<br />

the mountains await snow,<br />

Preparing.<br />

In the hard winter months<br />

when everything suffers,<br />

mountains stand tall<br />

majestic and calming<br />

sheltering, but shading<br />

never moving<br />

Protecting.<br />

When the newborn stand<br />

for the first time,<br />

The mountains look on in love<br />

providing, joyful, daring, foodalicious<br />

and guarding<br />

Patiently.<br />

When the heat comes<br />

and the plants dry out<br />

many wither,<br />

but the mountains stay healthy<br />

fed by the old winter snow<br />

they tower on,<br />

green, gigantic<br />

compact and curvy<br />

Providing adventure. Emily Prout

In Year 8 Rutherford <strong>2015</strong> we started the year off with our invention/inventor topic. In this topic we<br />

learnt about basic inventions, how they work and how they came about. We then went on to study<br />

famous inventor and artist, Leonardo Da Vinci and then an inventor of our choice. For our next project<br />

we had to invent and create a Chindogu. A Chindogu is an almost useless object, some Chindogus made<br />

by the class included a pair of shoes with sandpaper bottoms and a rubber glove with a cloth attached<br />

to the front. Next we worked on creating our own board game. We started the unit by playing original<br />

board games and after an evaluation we started to plan and make our games. Once we had finished<br />

making the games we got several sessions to play and evaluate everyone else’s board games. Term 4<br />

brings the Tournament of Minds, where in teams of 6-8 we take on other schools in unknown thinking<br />

challenges at the Lake Wanaka Centre.<br />

Year 8 Rutherford<br />

This year in Rutherford we were given the challenge to create and make a board game. My group which<br />

included Zelda, Olive and of course myself discovered that making a tactical fun game is not as easy as it<br />

sounds. From the beginning we knew that we wanted to make something to do with ‘maps and countries’.<br />

After much editing, rethinking and many dead ends we managed to design a board game, but after others<br />

played our game it still had some errors! If I was given this challenge again I think I would do much<br />

better because I would have a full understanding of what a game needs.<br />

Tess Martin<br />

Whodunit ???<br />

A pale grey wall, an ivy entwined hall, leaving the pit of my stomach like an empty<br />

mall. A creak of a door, detectives wanting more, an illuminated sign missing from<br />

a store. What more could I ask, what an interesting task, I leave the cab with my hot<br />

chocolate filled flask. A secret rendezvous, meeting to watch a sporting debut, whilst<br />

eating a big pot of steaming stew. We’re on the path of mystery ‘suspicious’, but boy oh<br />

boy that smells delicious, watch out these fellas are malicious. A crumpled note, left by<br />

an old boat, which looks as though it was used to cross a moat! A phone call from the<br />

queen, saying a nasty visitor has been, escaping by boat as he vanishes the scene. Us<br />

detectives race to the palace, where we meet up with maid Alice, only to hear the robbers<br />

words of callous. There are dying embers in the grate, it looks as though the queen has<br />

been tricked into a blind date, and come off second best as he left with her favourite<br />

golden plate. What a day it has been, dealing with the queen, this is by far my favourite<br />

detectives scene. It looks as though these men have done a couple of hit and runs, and I<br />

believe they are the one and only eccentric Ma Baker’s sons. Don’t you worry I will get<br />

them, I will get them with my spray gun !!!<br />

Olive Pujol<br />

page 21

Back: Annika Gibson, Lachie MacDonald, Estelle Norman, Quinn Curtis, Rata Horan, Astelia Aubrey.<br />

Middle: Emma Smith, Hannah Barham, Leithen Henderson, James Ingram, Alfie Baker, James Suddaby,<br />

Jessie McKenzie, Ms Lesley Baynes (teacher). Front: Sam Jewell, Tom Heather, Firth Deacon, Gary Poilvert,<br />

Himaya Dalton, Hugo Darby, Aden Cassaidy, Kahu Griffin. Absent: Zoe Andrews, Tyler Danielson, Ewan<br />

8LBLittle, Tess Martin, Finlay Jones.<br />

Back: Campbell Wright, Jono Watson, Leo Staufenberg, Eamon Green, Charlie Sharratt, Oli<br />

Prince, James Watt, Kareem Jodeh. Middle: Sammy Harry, Cecilia Gardner, Yesol Park, Lucy<br />

Perriam, Laura Neale, Jessica Ecroyd, Rogue Ferguson, Amy Morris, Eamon Smith, Mrs Jenni<br />

McDougall (teacher aide). Front: Elliot Frost, James Parry, Jack Findlay, Declan Lambert,<br />

Josephine Plimmer, Milly Robinson, Maddy Thompson, Sophie Stalker, Ms Maryanne Ahern<br />

(teacher). Absent: Hayley Secker.<br />

page 22<br />


Back: Annabel Carter, Shanae Sanders, Oscar Humphreys, Luca Georgalli, Jack O’Brien, Oliver<br />

Clements, Owen Lea, Krystal McCutcheon. Middle: Mr Andrew Sloan (teacher), Sophie Sun, Fergus<br />

Read, Sophie Fenn, Charlotte Reveley, Alex Combe, Cameron Howell, Annie Timu. Front: Maye Hall,<br />

Michael Gealogo, Ocean Allemann, Liam Kemp, Maude Rogers, Ronan Kaye, Siena Shotwell, Weston<br />

Bell. Absent: Sungyoon Park, Ines Stephani, Michelle Li, Brianna Kerris, Greysea Steven.<br />

8SL<br />

8WT<br />

Back: Thea Erichsen, Oliver Thomas, Persia Thor-Poet, Sienna Nicholson, Lily King, Jaimee Vink,<br />

Toa Roode, Cameron Gibbins. Middle: Mrs Jane Watson-Taylor (teacher), Mackenzie Thompson,<br />

Anika Fouchee, Jake Jamison, Ryan Schmack, Rhys Hughes, Joel Suddaby, Kirsten Blackley,<br />

Jody Chisholm. Front: Ben McNabb, Zelda Boyd, Olly Rowe, Seb Meredith, Olive Pujol, Marcus<br />

Hetherington, Samantha Traynor, Stan Millwater. Absent: Indigo Hemingway, Natalia Johnson, Mrs<br />

Kristin Sheppard (teacher).<br />

page 23

8SD<br />

Back: Charlie Holmes, Jessica Hollow, Thomas Masters, Teana Haines, Ethan Carleton, Georgia<br />

Evans. Middle: Billea-Nova Chin-Nyika, Jin Wook Hong, Kelly McClimont, Ella Robinson,<br />

Willow Strawson, Shae Barrett-Corrigan, Mrs Michelle Suddaby (teacher). Front: Kate<br />

Goodsell, Daniel O’Donnell, Ashley MacCulloch, Jimin Lee, Meg Breen, Sam Knight, Paris<br />

Woodhouse. Absent: Angus Cagney, Jack Colbourne, Phoenix Cooper, Phoebe Garland, Aimee<br />

McArthur, Tom Roberts, Jaydon Jordi.

YEAR 8 CAMPs<br />











Himaya & Emma 8LB<br />

page 26

8SL CAMP RAP<br />

Monday 31st of August, arrive at camp and it’s full of awesomeness.<br />

Tuesday, get out of bed, walk to the carts and I’m fully fed,<br />

Rollin’ down the hill at 100 miles an hour, thinking in my head about a hot, hot shower.<br />

Wednesday, scramble up the stream, got to wear a helmet cause green is mean,<br />

Walk down, shoot at a bear, might take a bullet shell for a souvenir.<br />

Thursday, press ups on the ground, think I’m about to vomit from the smell all around.<br />

Drifting through the mud, dirt on my face thinking that this was a big mistake.<br />

Friday 4th of September, this is going to be a camp to remember,<br />

Think I’m ‘bout to cry ‘cos I don’t want to leave Camp Berwick behind.<br />

by Abel and Shotz a.k.a. Annabel Carter & Siena Shotwell<br />

page 27

9TC<br />

Back: Liam Beaton, Billy Sandri, Georgia Budd, Shaneil Coupe, Blake Hartley, Ben Harrington.<br />

Middle: Callum Smith, Andrew Hay, Ellise Price, Zac Taurua, Jessa Bennett, Ollie Williams<br />

Holloway, Jaime Toepfer. Front: Isabella Thomsson, Clover Lippe, Alex Budweiser-King,<br />

Samantha Clark, Natasha Hamer, Nicole Pittaway, Mitchell Evans, James Watherston. Absent:<br />

Phoenix Brownlie, Isabella Culshaw, Luella Harry, McKenzie Hart, Harry Hughes, Jessica<br />

Paddon, Jihye Song, Leightyn Hessian, Tessa Nathan, Jasper Klein.<br />

Back: Chicane Cooper, Sheree Gamble, Numa Saglibene, Jordan Fox, Peta McKay, Bridget O’Brien,<br />

Eva Wilson, Maggie Stiven. Middle: Patrick Llewellyn, Meg Harraway, Logan Lambert, Jasmine<br />

Murray, Flynn Rosie, Hayley Yule, Madi Gainsford, Lucas Baird, Ruby Jamison, Daniel Hadida.<br />

Front: Jacob Lang, Jessie Fraser, Reilly Arnesen, Max Swift, Elena McFadgen, Jesse Robertson, Amy<br />

Richards, Maelle Darby, Samantha Smith. Absent: Nicolas Seiler.<br />

9CD<br />

page 28

Back: Ben Boyd, Fiona Murray, Ruth Bennie, Kate Richards, Kilita Fouchee, Caitlin Roberts.<br />

Middle: Luke Keen, Olivia Bates, Zhane Skipper, Lucas McTavish, Tom Scott, Wesley Moore,<br />

Kobi Maibach, Jayden Hanson, Tait Scurr. Front: Josh Hasler, Sam Teal, Freya Moore, Molly<br />

Todd, Sophia Fitzgerald, Olly Fotheringham, Jack Harker, Jacob Harwood. Absent: Sam Bastion,<br />

Albie Haynes, Jade Macdonald.<br />

9SP<br />

9SF<br />

Annabel<br />

Back: Flynn Brown, Tyler Greeks, Rurika Sekino, Ben Fussell, Nicholas Rumore, Matthew Wilson,<br />

Heidi Niederer. Middle: Jamie Toomey, Ethan Kerr, Danielle Molloy, Ayla Smalls, Latisha Halcrow,<br />

Ava Plimmer, Angus Harraway, Fletcher Cavanagh. Front: Christina Lamb, Sam Horton, Jessie<br />

Fothergill, Shea Williams, Kasia Balls, Meg Weedon, Kennedy Martin. Absent: Charlie Chisholm,<br />

Fairbairn, Stellar Nepia, Bronson Toghill, Sara Wright, Sophie Nathan.<br />

page 29

Yr 9 MARAE TRIP<br />

At the Year 9 marae trip we enjoyed a large variety of activities.<br />

Some of these activities included haka, waiata and flax weaving<br />

and my favourite was going to the beach.<br />

We went down to the beach and tried to find toheroa.<br />

We went for lots of walks, going to places with cool things, like the war watch<br />

We learnt new hakas and songs.<br />

We played frisbee and Matua told us things about the marae<br />

and the Maori culture.<br />

Matua told us scary stories about the gods.<br />

We ate really good food! I really enjoyed spending time with everyone.<br />

The marae was an amazing building.<br />

Matua Jeromy told us scary stories before we went to sleep.<br />

It was an absolutely amazing experience that anyone could take<br />

part in and feel welcomed - even the teachers!<br />

One-sentence-summaries by 9SP<br />

page 30

There have been a lot of changes for kapa haka this year. Matua Jeromy started the year<br />

off with good routines adding Wednesday afternoons to the schedule allowing two and a<br />

half hours a week to practice. We spent the first half of the year learning new material to<br />

put together a full bracket involving whakaeke, hiimene, waiata, haka, taiaha and poi.<br />

The second half of the year saw the students perform at events for the winter season. We<br />

welcomed new staff to Cardrona Alpine Ski Resort in the Lake Wanaka Centre, opened<br />

the final for the men’s half pipe at the Audi Winter Games and opened the Special Winter<br />

Olympics at the Hawea Hotel.<br />

We have been busy helping with the <strong>MAC</strong> house haka competition, ERO powhiri, junior<br />

school powhiri for international students and senior and junior prizegivings. This group<br />

is fortunate enough to not only have passionate seniors who are confident and can<br />

lead at a high intensity but also many junior students that are equally committed and<br />

improving all the time. It was also great to see so many international students join us<br />

and get involved for a while, we really enjoyed teaching you all a part of NZ heritage and<br />

hopefully you’ll be able to take the haka and waiata home with you.<br />

Although this is a new cultural experience for me, it has been an absolute pleasure to<br />

facilitate and be apart of the <strong>MAC</strong> kapahaka group this year. I am incredibly proud<br />

of their performances and the way they uphold such an important part of our culture<br />

within the school and wider community.<br />

Here are also some highlights from the students:<br />

“Having the para-skiers join us while performing at the welcoming for them”<br />

“Enjoying our Wednesday afternoons and being able to have fun and laugh as a group<br />

when we made mistakes”<br />

“Performing up at Cardrona wearing piupiu in the snow”<br />

“The overwhelming praise from the welcoming powhiri of the Special Olympics”<br />

Kaz Saunders<br />


Students involved in kapahaka<br />

<strong>2015</strong>: Noel Bisson, Riley Bruce,<br />

Matty McLean, Alex Mitchell, Anna<br />

Edwards, Olly McKenzie, Sean Dickey,<br />

Ben Harrington, Jamie Toomey,<br />

Mitchell Evans, Jahnaan Hodson,<br />

Ayla Smalls, Jessie McKenzie, James<br />

Suddaby, Kahu Griffin, Aden Cassaidy,<br />

Jin Wook Hong, Phoenix Cooper.<br />

page 31

10SP<br />

Sadowski-Synnott.<br />

Back: Bella Fraser, Jake Nicholson, Joe Strawson, Gregor Findlay, Alex Plimmer, Johnny Percy,<br />

Lachlan Weir, Riley Christie. Middle: Grace Thomson, Madi Mulqueen, Jessica Curtis, Phoebe<br />

Young, Emilie Barnett, Breagha Rennie, Mel Telford, Mr Euan Simpson (teacher). Front: Ngaio<br />

MacLeod, Zachary Kaye, Joseph Sharratt, Wilfred Spearing, Michael Rankin, Toby Balls, Liam<br />

Kirk, Hannah McNabb. Absent: Manu Barnard, Jake Connolly, Micah Jordi, Sonya Palmer, Zoi<br />

Back: Mila Arnerich, Casey Scurr, Georgia Liley, Alicia Stock. Middle: Sam Pearce, Ty<br />

Sarginson, Maggie Little, Julius Staufenberg, Anna Roberts, Joshua Rogan, Duncan Muir,<br />

Ms Sharon Arlidge (teacher). Front: Simone Johnson, Anton Cousins, Frazer Limmer,<br />

Louis Hughes, Samantha Garrick, Teerin Varongchayakul, Oban Hansen, Erica Ayres.<br />

Absent: Briar Hight, George McDonald, Blake Alty, Leo Milligan, Kai Richards, Anna<br />

Glaeser, Georgia McDonald.<br />

10TC<br />

page 32

Back: Jan Debeur, Cole McIntyre, Henry Hardaker, Ollie Larkin. Middle: Laura Erichsen, Lilly<br />

Trotter, Emily Simpkin, Grace Lee, Teegan Danielson, MacKenzie Muir, Alyx Nyika. Front: Ra<br />

Griffin, Paul Buttler, Jack Landreth, Mitchell Collett, Lochlan Murdoch, Daniel Bastion, Charles<br />

Jewell, Oscar Hetherington. Absent: Megan Blackley, Georgia Fussell, Alistair Garland, Shiana<br />

Matheson, Steven Morris, Matthew Prince, Shenee Pryde, Reanna Shepherd, Bayley Somerville.<br />

10CD<br />

Back: Pete Traill, Ben O’Brien, Phoenix Apa, Sam Howard, Mitchell Regan, Aislyn Fay. Middle:<br />

Brooke Elstob, Avon Duke, James Glynn, Millie Heine, Hannah Humphreys, Nicholas O’Donnell-<br />

Fluit, Sam Coupland. Front: Finn Mueller, Kenzie Robinson, Eliza Rogers, Nadia McNeilly, Ming<br />

Thor-Poet, Tom Rizzi, Claudia Wilkinson, Marli Reyta. Absent: Stirling Deaton, Max Hall, Bradley<br />

10BPTelfer, Joshua Allport, Dara Beattie-Johnson, Summer Trent.<br />

page 33

10SF<br />

Phoomrittikul.<br />

Back: Niamh Schmack, Makayla Rasmussen, Hamish Winder, Samantha Wilkinson, Erina<br />

Tamati, Alyssa Horning. Middle: Ronan Thompson, Jesse Harling, Blade Farrell, Adam Breen,<br />

Greer Porter, Kobi Stevens, Rory Irwin. Front: Kimberley McArthur, Rory Baker, Rory Johns,<br />

Pyper Turner, Holly Wigg, Noah Holmes, Samuel Davey, Nathan Holt. Absent: Mikaela<br />

Condren, Pedro Domingues, Felix Klein, Samantha Limmer, Leo Munro-Heward, Praew<br />

page 34

Year 10 Art<br />

Max Hall<br />

Samantha Wilkinson<br />

Alyssa Horning<br />

Sammy Limmer<br />

Phoenix Apa<br />

Simone Johnson<br />

Students were asked to paint a still life that demonstrated<br />

an understanding of Dechiroco’s surrealist style. They<br />

needed to apply the conventions that he would have used<br />

in the process of developing their own work.

YR 11 DINNER<br />

This year, the Year 11 students dressed to impress, and it was a success, with the biggest turnout<br />

so far of 97 students. The dinner, organised by the Service And Academic Committee, was<br />

held at Edgewater on Sargood Drive and included a three course meal followed by a quiz and<br />

an awards ceremony. The students all looked amazing!<br />

Rosie Spearing

Year 11<br />

Year 12<br />

Year 13<br />

page 37

Staff photo<br />

Back: Andrew Sloan, Marcus Bate, Brendon Robertson, Hamish Crosbie, Rob Bruce, Ed Waddington, Nick Steenson.<br />

Middle Back: Jools Hall, Carol Bradley, Ruth Stevens, Liz Breslin, Kaz Saunders, Petrina Duncan, Sharon Arlidge, Doreen Hale, Florence Micoud, Craig<br />

Jefferies, Luke Faed, Mandy Sherson, Charlotte Lucas, Karyn Munro, Claire Easterbrook, Jude Faircloth.<br />

Middle Front: Laura Williamson, Jessica Zeestraten, Sandra Findlay, Heather Watt, Clare Scurr, Nikki Cotter, Katrina Fox, Maxine Bird, Kirsten Mason,<br />

Jenni McDougall, Jenny Edgar, Joanne Weggery, Michelle Suddaby, Lesley Baynes, Maryanne Ahern.<br />

Front: Murray Allen, Cameron Flude, Simon King, Lincoln Bruce, Vicki Ashton, Dean Sheppard, Wayne Bosley, John Turnbull, Simon Nyhof, Mat<br />

Doyle, Gena Bagley, Alistair Hose, Dawn Bosley, Karen Rochford, Deb McMillan.<br />

Absent: Jane Asberg, Craig Baily, Judi Barton, Craig Bird, Leesa Bracken, Carol Brooks, Perry Brooks, Kate Brown, Denise Bruns, Dave Cassaidy,<br />

Samantha Drayton, Jan Craig, Kay Hart, Tim Harper, Caitlin Harvey, Colleen Howell, Leanne Ingles, Catriona Kearsley, Brenda King, Don King,<br />

Marie Lewis, Kris Logan, Bridget Mackay, Kay McFarlane, Thelma McMurray, Ian McNabb, Emily McRae, Duncan Miles, Ronnie Moffat, Alastair<br />

Monteath, Angela Mote, Llewellyn Murdoch, Jane Newell, Linda Pierce, Bernie Rillstone Caig, Georgie Roberts, Uli Schmidt, Kristin Sheppard, Euan<br />

Simpson, Nickey Smith, Pete Stevenson, Amanda Taylor, Jacky Toepfer, Clare Thomas-Moore, Barbie Sarginson, Kathy Tweedie, Tony Waterworth,<br />

Jane Watson-Taylor, Natalie Whyte, Annabel Wilson, Andrea Woolley.

HQ<br />

<strong>2015</strong> has been the best year for HQ, we have had fun times, trips, games and work along the way. Birthdays were celebrated for everyone in<br />

HQ with food, cupcakes and candles.<br />

We were pleased to welcome Renon back with us this year and then later in the year we farewelled Miek who was one of our favourite<br />

teacher aides.<br />

Going to the school formal was very, very awesome. Scott looked pretty smart in his suit and, as the theme was Tokyo Nights, Renon looked<br />

amazing in her kimono.<br />

Our first trip was to the A&P Show where we enjoyed all the animals and music.<br />

Our next visit was to the Warbirds and Wheels museum at Wanaka airport to see the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car. Johnny Mayen took us<br />

out there in his classic 1969 Camaro car.<br />

We thoroughly enjoyed a visit to Mike Scurr’s farm. We all piled into the back of the truck and Mike drove us around to feed out to the<br />

animals. The best thing was driving the tractor. We all had a turn and someone even drove it backwards.<br />

A trip to the Cromwell swimming pool was a chance for us all to practice our swimming and have fun in the water.<br />

It’s been a busy and successful year with all the positive things and we look forward to having more space next year following the building<br />

extensions to HQ.<br />

Renon Sasaki<br />

page 39



Charlie Jewell, Ollie Larkin<br />


A is for “AY” (used at the end of a sentence to indicate it’s a question)<br />

B is for “BROMANCE” (male friendship- old school speak for mateship)<br />

C is for “CRAY CRAY” (when life is way too crazy for one word)<br />

D is for “DEFS” (well its easier than spelling definitely..defenately...difinitly.. see why we shorten?)<br />

E is for “EMOTICON” (how else do you say (@_@)<br />

F is for “FAIL” (used with or without EPIC to describe anything not a win)<br />

G is for “G” (e.g wazzup g? because gangstas can’t spell and neither can people who talk to gangstas)<br />

H is for “HARRO!!” (the new hello said with a touch of Swedish tourist)<br />

I is for “I” (because I am the centre of everything)<br />

J is for “JKS” (with media multitasking who has the time to spell jokes?)<br />

K is for “KGO” (I mean why write “okay, go” when you can write KGO)<br />

L is for “LMS” (like my status- another way of asking for some attention)<br />

M is for “MYBAD!” (used instead of saying sorry but at least we are taking ownership)<br />

N is for “NO” (generally said to people in authority)<br />

O is for “ONESIES” (the old/new pyjamas that love to feature in ‘night at home’ selfies)<br />

P is for “PROBS” (what the older gens probs call probably)<br />

Q is for “QT” (a more economical way of spelling cutie)<br />

R is for “RANDOM” (can be randomly used as a random response to almost anything)<br />

S is for “SELFIES” (a photo taken by you, of you, featuring you)<br />

T is for “TOTES” (used to show agreement quicker than a Gen Y can say totally)<br />

U is for “UNFOLLOW” (what you do when someone posts too many food photos on Instagram)<br />

V is for “V” (V means very which is a v quick typing solution for v busy lives)<br />

W is for “WIN” (used to describe anything good)<br />

X is for “XOXOXOX” (used to end any text - Broomers you would say; yours sincerely)<br />

Y is for “YOLO” (you only live once- the excuse for reckless living)<br />

Z is for “ZED” (hey, that’s us- the now generation)<br />

Adele Thomson and Katie Thompson<br />

The Art of Making Friends<br />

She struggled to perceive the simplicity of friendship, as it was never as apparent as it seemed. It wasn’t just<br />

similarity of interests, but the clear-cut opinions duplicated from one another. Hating that her opinion was invalid,<br />

unless it was a clone of the others; leaving a sense of disproportionation. She struggled to come to terms with the<br />

fact that simplicity and stability were two terms fabricated to convey the facility of friendship.<br />

You see. They told her it was easy - “go on you’ll be fine” - but they never knew the terrors that lurked behind a<br />

pink t-shirt and pigtails. They told her to “be brave, and just say hi”, yet they failed to inform her that a lack of<br />

simplicity would ruin any real chance at companionship. The complexity of her mind’s layout baffled all Barbie doll<br />

replicas, as they deprived her from their clique.<br />

You see, it wasn’t a contour, sculpted from the hands of human interaction, but the embodiment of social status<br />

and understanding. It wasn’t the delicate melody that lulled her to sleep; but a configuration and conformation of<br />

acceptance, she would never gain.<br />

And yet, they still wondered why she couldn’t quite grasp it. She had liked to think of herself as an artist, but could<br />

never find it within her heart to follow the simplicity of liberation, she couldn’t just let go. She’d stare at the empty<br />

canvas for hours, with breathtaking ideas, before surrendering to the failure of simplicity. It was in this moment<br />

that she became to hate art, as it offered simplicity that she could never fathom. You see, this was the art of making<br />

friends, and she just couldn’t understand it.<br />

Lucy Hayes<br />

page 40

Tall glassy skyscrapers touch the sky as I drive through the<br />

modern parts of Valencia. But only streets oversit the old<br />

villages with many residents. Grand medieval castles and<br />

towers stand smugly, knowing every little detail of Valencia’s<br />

wonderful history. People are swarming everywhere as I<br />

walk through the streets of Valencia. The population is only<br />

going to keep getting bigger! Many of the buildings are very<br />

modern, but old buildings have been turned into creative<br />

spaces. Valencia is my final destination. Here on the East<br />

Coast of Spain, with the busiest port in the Mediterranean<br />

Sea, it is a frantic but amusing sea breeze walk at the port.<br />

After filling my stomach to the very top, I visited Valencia<br />

Cathedral and Holy Grail. Beautiful, dark wooden carved<br />

panelling decorates the whole cathedral. Gold displays sit in<br />

selected places and old wooden church pews sit tightly and<br />

neatly in an orderly fashion. To think how many people have<br />

been here since the church was first established. It would be a<br />

phenomenal number.<br />

Peta McKay<br />

Millie Heine, Aislyn Fay<br />

If you feel the need right now to take some time for yourself or spend some much needed time with loved ones, then I have<br />

the perfect place for you.<br />

Lying in the centre of the Dodecanese island chain in the Aegean Sea, the Greek island of Kos is really like nothing else on<br />

earth. With its exquisite beaches, interesting sights, tropical temperatures, fanatical nightlife, special history and villages as<br />

pretty as a picture, Kos is really hard to describe in words. One or two weeks on this picture-perfect island is never enough,<br />

people just keep coming back for more.<br />

With a population of around 30 000, Los is the third largest of the Dodecanese islands and is said to be the sacred land of<br />

Asclepius, the ancient Greek god of healing. The spectacular, tree-lined harbour city of Kos town is rich with Ancient Greek<br />

and Roman antiques and the entrance is dominated by the 15th century Castle of the Knights Fortress. A towering spectacle<br />

of impressive stone-work architecture, the castle communicates with the inland through a bridge as it overlooks the lapping<br />

shores of the island’s many beaches. The coastline is full of sun-drenched beaches with numerous heavenly islets right<br />

opposite. There really is not much to fault on this picturesque Greek island.<br />

Kos is a well-developed island with a wide selection of accommodation, from luxurious spa resorts to traditional<br />

guesthouses. There are many hotels and apartments bordering the towns well-sought-after sandy beaches. Everyone is sure<br />

to feel at home somewhere on this island; countless window views of the ocean and flawless surroundings are jaw-dropping!<br />

So, treat yourself to that much-needed break and make a trip to the flawless and completely awe-inspiring island of Kos.<br />

A place I hold dear to me is the desert. Most people don't understand this fascination. I like it because it is a creeping sea of heat<br />

and sand. To me, it's a place where a tsunami of grains forever move at a sluggish, slow pace, allowing the wind to decide its<br />

course. It's where grainy valleys are so deep, they seem to stretch down into hell itself. Sand between your toes is welcome relief<br />

compared to your sticky, boiling shoes after two hours straight walking. But, sand grains getting blown by wind and ending in<br />

your eyes and mouth? Not so much. However, as you finally drag yourself up the final dune nearest to civilisation, you look back<br />

at the hills, mountains, dips and chasms and wonder “How did I do that? How, on earth, did I cross that?”<br />

The desert is where the air is so hot you can taste it. It tastes completely dry, as if someone has put a warm, dry towel in your<br />

mouth and rubbed it around in there. The only thing that can be sensed, sometimes, is heat. Literally, it becomes your entire<br />

existence: taste, heat, touch, heat, you can even hear heat. It is tedious, a monotonous drone, like a huge mosquito constantly<br />

hovering above your head. You can even see heat, the endless expanse of gold and orange consuming all other form of colour,<br />

forcibly pushing hot air into your eyes. The ocean of sand makes you perceive things differently to normal people, and you can't<br />

truly appreciate the beauty of the desert until you have crossed it and reflected on what you did.<br />

The deserts hold beauty that only they can hold, but they also have some of the darkest secrets on this globe. The skeletons of old<br />

tell us that. They are the perpetual reminder that we are at the mercy of the deserts, that we are never in control of them; yet, the<br />

pain they force on you only makes the reward all the sweeter. A view from the highest dune. A simple view, an understated view<br />

of the golden sea that surrounds you. A view that seems rather overdone in the scrapbooks of frequent travellers, who show<br />

their armchair friends, things they can never appreciate. To me, in that moment, it is something amazing. Incredible, maybe<br />

even terrifyingly awe-inspiring.<br />

Only you can see what you see in the desert. Only you can remember then what you remember. Whether it is an evil opponent,<br />

vanquished when your hands clawed you through the last few metres of sand separating you from civilisation or a simple<br />

challenge, tackled the minute you set your foot on the sand. To me, it is an old rival, who tries his very best to beat me, to make<br />

me turn back, stop, die, anything. He never does. I always defeat him. I am better than him, and I will never let him forget it.<br />

Arana McLachlan<br />

page 41

These poems by Max and Dara were selected for publication<br />

in the NZ Secondary School’s Write Off Line anthology.<br />

There were over 120 entries from over 20 schools across<br />

New Zealand. Dara’s poem gained 1st place overall.<br />

Dying Stars<br />

We sit, silent beneath dying stars,<br />

gazing upon the landscape’s scars.<br />

As dust and smog devour the air,<br />

the putrid stench of guilt and fear<br />

crawls beneath the human skin<br />

to fester and infect the next of kin.<br />

The burning flesh of long lost souls<br />

is harvested, and used for coals.<br />

The haunting wail of an infant’s cry<br />

echoes under a desolate sky,<br />

never to be cradled or held again,<br />

only destined for a life of pain.<br />

No screech of tyres or city lights<br />

only spirits roam in cold, dead nights.<br />

Buildings crumble, burn, decay,<br />

humanity’s pride stands in dismay,<br />

abandoned, derelict, lonesome and bare,<br />

riddled with horror, disease and despair.<br />

Tales of children smothered at birth<br />

by mothers gone mad, eyes lit with mirth.<br />

Change<br />

A world in trouble for mistakes we made<br />

no turning back or chance to save.<br />

A thought of change yet nothing is done,<br />

so we read and we write, we walk and we run.<br />

We stay in our boxes, lonely with confusion,<br />

dream of a chance to make a revolution,<br />

but all this deep thought is simply delusion,<br />

and the hope we once had is merely illusion.<br />

The Earth we knew when life was first seeded,<br />

when the world lived in peace, and only took what it needed.<br />

Did we know of a time where life didn’t cost?<br />

Sadly what was and once dreamed is lost.<br />

Do we see the chances we didn’t take?<br />

We’ve got a life to live, decisions to make.<br />

Will we finally know of this fate we have set?<br />

When the end comes, nothing’s worse than regret.<br />

So step out of this box and make this your day;<br />

There’s a world of choice so get on your way.<br />

In fifty years’ time when we finally know,<br />

we’ll wish we started fifty years ago.<br />

Now is the time, there’s no better than here,<br />

let’s make this right and call it square.<br />

We still have time to re-arrange;<br />

to make the world better only starts with a<br />

CHANGE.<br />

Max Hall<br />



Ghosts of those whose memory wanes<br />

who’ve lost the pump of blood in their veins,<br />

and those who do recall, spend their hours<br />

dreaming of a long lost world once ours.<br />

So, we sit, silent beneath dying stars,<br />

gazing upon the landscape’s scars,<br />

and we ponder, wonder, reflect<br />

we, torn asunder by the pain of regret.<br />

Yet a promise hangs, to start anew,<br />

and, a whisper, just a whisper,<br />

of the Earth we knew.<br />

Dara Beattie-Johnson<br />

page 42<br />

Ming Thor-Poet, after Pablo Neruda’s Ode to Conger Chowder

My Valentines Day Present<br />

Ding dong! Rung the doorbell. I bounced out of bed and threw my dressing gown over my shoulders and swung the door open<br />

greeted with a cool morning breeze. Peering round the busy morning streets I took a single step. Thud! A sharp rush of pain<br />

shot through my right leg from kicking a shiny red box that lay on the ground. A black ribbon was wrapped around it.<br />

Valentine’s Day had always been one of my favourite days of the year. Especially two years prior when Nick had absolutely<br />

spoilt me. My favourite was when his dog Nemo was at the door. When I came out he dropped an envelope which had tickets<br />

for a romantic trip for two to Hawaii. Nemo then ran back two blocks to where Nick was waiting.<br />

Grabbing the box I stumble not expecting it to be so heavy. I picked at the ribbon ‘til it came un-done and lifted the lid. A<br />

burst of laughter came out my mouth as I saw the box filled with hundreds of M&M’s. My favourite! The corner of a small box<br />

caught my eye and I grasped it. I opened the box to find a silver ring crafted with small flowers with small diamond centres.<br />

It was so beautiful. I placed it on my finger. Right now I was filled with joy, happiness filled my body and I felt like I was<br />

unbeatable. Nobody or nothing could put me in a bad mood.<br />

I buried my hand in M&Ms to feel thin long stalks which I pulled out to find a bunch of lilies. These have always been my<br />

favourite flowers and Nick always tells me I’m just like them, natural and beautiful.<br />

A smile was now engraved in my face refusing to go away. I reached in again to find one last box right at the bottom, I lifted it<br />

out and pulled the lid off to find a note saying ‘see you tonight’. Beneath the note lay what looked like a dress. I lifted the dress<br />

to my body and admired it. It had a tight black bust that shapes like the top of a heart. Just under the bust and around my rib<br />

cage is a glittery band that holds the shape of the dress. Finished with a soft pink chiffon skirt that floats to the floor.<br />

The rest of the day was a complete rush. If I was to do this dress any justice I would have to look perfect. I walked the three<br />

blocks to the hairdresser and another block to the makeup artist everyone has been talking about. I then took a taxi home and<br />

rushed to get the dress and shoes on as I knew Nick would arrive any second. Waiting quietly, I couldn’t sit still. I didn’t know<br />

whether to feel nervous or excited.<br />

Ding dong! There he was. I rushed to the door and swung it open wrapping my arms around his neck before he had the time to<br />

even say hello. I then stood back and led him up to the lounge. “Where are we going for tea?” I asked.<br />

“It’s a surprise.”<br />

He then tells me that, “You look gorgeous! That dress looks stunning!”<br />

“The person who brought it must have great taste.” I joke back.<br />

“You always have great taste.”<br />

I sit there puzzled at his last reply. What did he mean “You have good taste?” If he brought this shouldn’t he be saying ‘I have<br />

good taste’?<br />

I venture “...but you got this for me?”<br />

Nick laughs dismissively, but I sit there looking at him. He realises I’m not joking.<br />

“I didn’t buy it. I wish I’d thought of that.”<br />

Millions of questions flood into my head. This must be a dream. I pinch myself and feel a wave of pain in my left arm but I’m<br />

still exactly the same as it all was before. By now my emotions get the better of me and tears pour down my face. This was<br />

meant to be a day full of love and happiness. Instead it’s stress and confusion. I try to force the tears to stop but it only seems to<br />

make it worse. Nick is still sitting opposite me frozen, and unsure of what to do. He locks his eyes into mine and says “What’s<br />

going on? I never brought any of this, where did you get it from?”<br />

I try to find something to say but nothing comes out, so I close my mouth. We sit silently.<br />

Caris-Brook Bowler<br />

Fire<br />

Excruciatingly hot burning flames of red, orange and<br />

yellow grow into various forms like a shape shifter. One<br />

innocent touch will burn your skin; it could spread<br />

across a room in the blink of an eye. The crackling<br />

embers storm below, you don’t know if you’re safe or not.<br />

Staring directly at it for too long, your eyes will melt. It is<br />

like if you were tilting your head up and staring directly<br />

at the sun. The flames emit smoke into the air with<br />

power and strength, they are immeasurable and appear<br />

as if they could sweep you up and swallow you whole. It<br />

sometimes seems never ending.<br />

Olly Rowe<br />

Splashes of paint dive off my delicate brush. The colours<br />

dance on my paper like a rainbow flying through the sky,<br />

starting with rosy red, sadly ending with a flaming blob.<br />

Scared by neon paint, the paper lies motionless on the<br />

dull brown table. Full of energy, the dancing paint dives<br />

into a waltz with my brush.<br />

The marvellous paint clouds over my page, creating a<br />

masterpiece. As the light fades, the storm of colours on<br />

my proud paper dry up like a small lake in Africa.<br />

Samantha Traynor<br />

page 43


Memoirs of a Spectre<br />

I shivered.<br />

Rain drizzled into a street once so full of life, so flamboyant, so vivacious. Only<br />

two days ago I had been sitting on a table outside this very cafe, a cafe formerly<br />

known as The Shot, now known as nothing more than just another good memory<br />

gone out of business.<br />

Back then, I was perfectly content to simply sit and watch the day pass. And<br />

what a day it was. The pedestrians flowing by seemed to be part of a hive-mind,<br />

a mind set on enjoying the bounties of the city’s glorious existence. Dresses in<br />

hundreds of shades of tangerine, indigo, aqua, lime, cerulean, fuchsia and the rest<br />

of the palette, featuring all the latest fashions for a hot summer’s day with collared<br />

shirts, shorts, light blouses and skirts, the people passing me were more than just<br />

accepting of the day. They were grateful for it.<br />

A light but warm wind waffled waywardly, firing multiple nerve endings within<br />

my head, telling my nose that I was smelling the essence of hot coffee and ever-soslightly<br />

melting asphalt. It wasn’t a particularly overpowering smell, instead it was<br />

more of a jazz ensemble, there for you if you wanted to enjoy, but also perfectly<br />

content to be pushed to the back of your mind and ignored.<br />

The sound of a coffee grinder reached my ears, and the air was filled with the jazz<br />

ensemble and the pleasant noise of laughter and conversation. “Beautiful day isn’t<br />

it?”,“How was work Honey?”, and “What did you say the time was, Dear?”<br />

But now, now it can’t be more different. The lively, flamboyant, vivacious<br />

atmosphere has figuratively died. I just wish I had been as lucky.<br />

The image of the enchanting cafe has ruptured, split. Cracks are showing, with<br />

me in the middle. Pulsing colours have been replaced with a melancholy of<br />

monochromic shades. Light rain spits down, cloud cover the colour of the street<br />

below, a slate grey simply begging to be put out of its misery.<br />

The only colour worth mentioning comes from the yellow police tape (“Police<br />

Line-Do Not Cross”) suspended off orange road-cones, surrounding the quaint<br />

little cafe, and surrounding me. Or at least all that’s left of me. All I am now is a<br />

white chalk-outline against the greys of the sidewalk, a fading memory spreadeagled<br />

out on the concrete.<br />

Luke Burke<br />

Max Hall, Stirling Deaton, Phoenix Apa<br />

page 44


The Aztecs were a stunning culture. It's difficult to move past their<br />

radical religious beliefs and practices and understand the complexity<br />

of one of the largest empires on earth at the time. Their capital,<br />

Tenochtitlan, was larger and more organised than any city in Europe<br />

in the 16th century. Their system of tributary states and military<br />

prowess was unmatched in the Americas at the time.<br />

The conquest of Mexico lead by the conquistador Hernan Cortes<br />

replaced the Aztec empire with the Spanish empire. This was<br />

also part of an exchange of plants and animals that is called The<br />

Columbian Exchange. Some of the plants unknown outside the<br />

Americas before 1500 were: tomatoes, potatoes, chili, maize,<br />

avocado, vanilla, guava, tobacco, rubber and the indispensible cacao<br />

bean for making chocolatl.<br />

As part of Year 12 History's study of the conquest of the Aztecs by<br />

the buccaneer Hernan Cortes, we asked Amigos Mexican Cafe if they<br />

could prepare a meal in the style of the Aztecs. The head chef James<br />

was more than keen to have a go and so we were the guinea pigs<br />

(native to Mexico) for an Aztec food adventure.<br />

It was an amazing idea and made us realise that (as always) the food<br />

of the poor (such as the maize gruel atolli) was much less nice than<br />

the poached fish and the chocolatl that the nobility ate.<br />

MENU<br />

Atolli with tomatillo<br />

Quinoa, chili, avocado and tomatillo salad<br />

Banana wrapped fish with Anato (Achiote)<br />

Hominy (Maize)<br />

Pickled Cactus<br />

Pawpaw & Pineapple<br />

100% Cocoa Chocolatl w Honey and Vanilla


Year 7 girls<br />

1st Abby East, Ella Landreth<br />

2nd Molly Barham<br />

3rd Piper Cavanagh<br />

Year 8 girls<br />

1st Annie Timu<br />

2nd Anika Fouchee<br />

3rd Laura Neale, Rata Horan<br />

U14 girls<br />

1st Phoenix Brownlie<br />

2nd Annabel Fairbairn, Danielle Molloy<br />

<strong>MAC</strong><br />

Year 7 boys<br />

1st Zach Smith<br />

2nd Red Simpson<br />

3rd Hugo Cochrane<br />

Year 8 boys<br />

1st Ryan Schmack<br />

2nd Fergus Read<br />

3rd Jack Findlay<br />

U14 boys<br />

1st Wesley Moore, James Glynn<br />

2nd Ethan Kerr<br />

3rd Julius Staufenberg, Kobi Stevens<br />

U16 girls<br />

1st Laura MacCulloch<br />

2nd Briar Hight<br />

3rd Samantha Burke<br />

O16 girls<br />

1st Holly Bailey<br />

2nd Bronnie Ormandy, Suzy Turner<br />

3rd Brynee Wilson<br />

U16 boys<br />

1st Ned Williams Holloway<br />

2nd Adam Breen<br />

3rd Janus Staufenberg<br />

O16 boys<br />

1st Teegan Vink<br />

2nd John Steven<br />

3rd Matt Molloy, Toby Lee<br />


11 year old boys: Jack Findlay<br />

11 year old girls: Piper Cavanagh<br />

12 year old boys: Fergus Read<br />

12 year old girls: Jasmine Murray<br />

13 year old boys: Kobi Stevens<br />

13 year old girls: Jaime Toepfer<br />

U16 boys: Gregor Findlay<br />

U16 girls: Samantha Garrick<br />

O16 boys: Noel Bisson<br />

O16 girls: Ellie Russell<br />

page 46<br />

Swim Records Broken in <strong>2015</strong><br />

BACK STROKE 50m U16 BOYS: Wilfred Spearing 31.97<br />

FREESTYLE 50m 016 BOYS: Noel Bisson 26.12<br />

OPEN BUTTERFLY 25m: Noel Bisson 12.97<br />

OPEN FREESTYLE 100m: Noel Bisson 58.08

CHAMPS<br />


SKIERS<br />

Year 7/8 Champion Boy: Jin Wook Hong<br />

Year 9/10 Champion Boy: Blake Hartley<br />

Year 9/10 Champion Girl: Kate Richards<br />

Senior Champion Boy: Ben Richards<br />

Senior Champion Girl: Emily-Rose James<br />


Year 9/10 Champion Boy: Ronan Thompson<br />

Year 9/10 Champion Girl: Briar Hight<br />

Senior Champion Boy: Cory O’Regan<br />

Senior Champion Girl: Lucy Hayes<br />


Stunning weather and a field of almost 100 competitors resulted in a great atmosphere of competition at the Dean's Bank<br />

track. Thanks to all the parents for helping with this event. Thanks also to Mons Royale for their support in providing<br />

spot prizes and prizes for the fastest boy (Paul Wright) and girl (Phoebe Young).<br />

Year 7/8 girls<br />

1. Zoe Andrews<br />

2. Jody Chisholm<br />

3. Abby Fisher<br />

Year 9/10 girls<br />

1. Phoebe Young<br />

2. Breagha Rennie<br />

3. Megan Blackley<br />

Senior girls<br />

1. Ellesse Andrews<br />

2. Hannah Rizzi<br />

3. Michaela Rogan<br />

Year 7/8 boys<br />

1. Campbell Wright<br />

2. Oliver Prince<br />

3. Leo Staufenberg<br />

Year 9/10 boys<br />

1. Julius Staufenberg<br />

2. Ty Sarginson<br />

3. Sam Coupland<br />

Senior boys<br />

1. Paul Wright<br />

2. Janus Staufenberg<br />

3. Craig Murray<br />

page 47

YR10<br />



Holly Wigg Commonwealth Karate Championships in India 2nd in kata and 2nd in kumite<br />

YR11<br />

Ellesse Andrews Oceania Track Cycling Championships 1st in U19 7.5 km scratch race, 1st in U19 team sprint,<br />

3rd in Open 4km team pursuit, 3rd in U19 omnium<br />

Finn Bilous Junior World Championships 7th in ski halfpipe, 9th in ski slopestyle (U20)<br />

Hamish McLean <strong>2015</strong> Para Swimming World Championship 8th in 400m freestyle<br />

YR12<br />

Mikayla Harvey<br />

YR13<br />

Paul Wright<br />

Junior women's team at the UCI World Cycling Champs<br />

Junior team at the MTB World Championships in Andorra<br />

Hank Bilous<br />

World Junior Freeride Champs in Andorra<br />

European Junior Freeride Tour in Austria<br />

4th place<br />

YR7<br />


Patrick Hartley National ski championships 1st in slalom<br />

Molly Thomsson NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 1st overall, 1st big mountain, 2nd slopestyle, 2nd halfpipe (Yr 7-8)<br />

Alexa McKay NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 2nd overall, 2nd big mountain, 3rd slopestyle, 3rd halfpipe (Yr 7-8)<br />

Luca Harrington NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 3rd overall, 3rd slopestyle, 3rd halfpipe, 3rd big mountain (Yr 7- 8)<br />

YR8<br />

Ines Stephani NZ tennis championships semi-finalist in singles G12 & under<br />

Michael Gealogo NZ tennis championships 3rd U12<br />

Leo Staufenberg NZ Primary Schools triathlon champs 3rd U12<br />

Ben McNabb NZ cross country ski championships 2nd U14<br />

NZSS cross country ski championships<br />

3rd intermediate boys<br />

Tom Colbourne NZSS cross country ski championships 2nd intermediate boys<br />

NZ cross country skiing championships<br />

3rd U12 freestyle<br />

Campbell Wright NZ cross country skiing championships 1st U12 classic and freestyle<br />

NZSS cross country ski championships<br />

1st intermediate boys<br />

YR9<br />

Meg Harraway NZ waterskiing championships 3rd U14 in slalom<br />

Bella Thomsson NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 2nd equal (U14 female)<br />

Ben Harrington NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 2nd equal (U14 male)<br />

NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 1st big mountain, 2nd halfpipe, 2nd overall (Yr 9-10)<br />

Jessa Bennett NZ cup climbing series 3rd U16 (lead climbing)<br />

Blake Hartley National ski championships 1st overall (U14), 1st giant slalom, super G and slalom<br />

NZ youth ski series<br />

1st overall (U14)<br />

Fiona Murray NZSS kayak champs 3rd in K1, 3rd in C1<br />

YR10<br />

Alistair Garland NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 2nd equal (U14 male)<br />

Blake Alty NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 2nd (snowboard U14)<br />

Ronan Thompson NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 2nd equal (snowboard 15-17 male)<br />

NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 2nd halfpipe, 2nd GS, 3rd slopestyle, 3rd overall (Yr 9-10)<br />

2nd open U18 slopestyle<br />

Ruth Bennie NZSS trap shooting championships 1st overall ladies<br />

Phoebe Young NZ mountain bike championships 2nd U17<br />

National mountain bike cup series<br />

2nd U17<br />

NZSS triathlon champs<br />

2nd U16<br />

NZSS individual road cycling champs<br />

1st time trial, 3rd hill climb, 3rd overall (U16)<br />

Manu Barnard NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 3rd slopestyle, 3rd big mountain (Yr 9-10)<br />

Julius Staufenberg NZ mountain bike cup series 2nd U15<br />

Holly Wigg National karate championships 3rd in kata and 3rd in kumite<br />

NZSS karate championships<br />

3rd in kata and 3rd in kumite<br />

Gregor Findlay NZSS triathlon championships 2nd U16 boys team (swim, run)<br />

Matthew Prince NZSS triathlon championships 2nd U16 boys team (cycle)<br />

Megan Blackley NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 1st (ski U14 female)<br />

NZ Freeski & Snowboard Jr National Championships 3rd overall, 2nd halfpipe (Yr 9-10)<br />

Reanna Shepherd NZ Freeski & Snowboard Jr National Championships 2nd slopestyle (Yr 9-10)<br />

Maggie Little NZ Freeski & Snowboard Jr National Championships 1st overall, 1st halfpipe, 1st slopestyle (Yr 9-10)<br />

Zoi Sadowski-Synnott NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 1st overall, 1st slopestyle, 1st big mountain, 1st halfpipe,<br />

1st GS, 1st gravity cross (Y 9-10)<br />

Briar Hight NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 2nd slopestyle, 2nd halfpipe, 2nd big mountain, 3rd GS, 3rd gravity cross,<br />

2nd overall (Y 9-10)<br />

page 48

YR11<br />

Ellesse Andrews NZ track cycling championships 1st in 500m time trial, 1st in 2000m pursuit, 1st in flying 200, 1st in sprints<br />

2nd in 5km scratch race, 2nd in team sprint<br />

Ella Maluschnig NZSS cross country ski championships 1st secondary girls<br />

Ellen Cagney NZ cross country ski championships 1st (U18) freestyle<br />

Nick Toepfer NZ cross country ski championships 1st (U18) classic<br />

Louis Jones NZ cross country ski championships 1st (U16) classic<br />

NZSS cross country ski champs<br />

1st secondary boys<br />

Finn Bilous NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 1st overall, 1st halfpipe, 1st slopestyle (Yr 11-13)<br />

Hamish McLean NZ Open swimming championships 2nd in 200m medley and 400m freestyle, 3rd in 50m breaststroke and 100m fly<br />

Janus Staufenberg NZSS triathlon championships 2nd (U16)<br />

Ben Richards National ski championships 1st overall (U16), 1st giant slalom, super G and slalom<br />

NZ youth ski series<br />

1st overall (U16)<br />

YR12<br />

Riley Bruce NZSS Maadi Cup rowing champs 2nd in men’s U17 single sculls<br />

Mikayla Harvey National road cycling champs 1st in the road race<br />

Emily Scott NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 1st equal (15-17 female)<br />

NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 2nd big mountain, 3rd halfpipe, 3rd overall (Yr 11-13)<br />

YR13<br />

Paul Wright NZ mountain bike cup series 1st U19<br />

National cyclocross championships 1st junior (17-18)<br />

Hank Bilous NZ Junior Freeride tour series 2nd ski (15-17 male)<br />

NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 2nd slopestyle, 2nd big mountain, 3rd overall (Yr 11-13)<br />

Martin Zietz NZ cross country ski championships 1st U20<br />

NZSS cross country ski champs<br />

2nd secondary boys<br />

Craig Murray NZ Junior Freeride Tour series 1st ski (15-17 male)<br />

NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 1st big mountain, 2nd overall, 2nd halfpipe (Yr 11-13)<br />

GodZone NZ adventure race world series<br />

7th team (and youngest competitor to date!)<br />

Emily-Rose James NZ Freeski & Snowboard National Championships 3rd slopestyle, 3rd big mountain (Yr 11-13)<br />

Thank you to everyone who sent in information so that this section could be collated: the results were inclusive and correct as far as we could check them at the time of going to press.<br />

page 49

Netball A team<br />

Back - Holly Bailey (captain), Laura McCulloch, Lucy<br />

O’Brien, Mackenzie Ayres, Billie Scurr (vice captain),<br />

Brittany Smith, Aly Gibson<br />

Front - Diana Schikker (coach), India O’Donnell-Fluit,<br />

Caitlin Gibson, Brynee Wilson, Kirsten Mason<br />

(manager)<br />

Netball C team<br />

Netball B team<br />

Back - Jenaya Wilkinson,<br />

Alyssa Pryde<br />

Middle - April Carter, Calypso<br />

Hird, Taylor Hawcridge<br />

Front - Brynee Wilson (coach),<br />

Holly Bailey (coach),<br />

Madison Parslow, Zoe<br />

McNeilly<br />

Back - Sarah Cooper-Slee, Rosie Spearing, Ellesse Andrews, Ady<br />

Vincenzi-Johnson, Adele Thomson, Ella Moore<br />

Front - Jamiee Barnett, Erin Greenwood, Anna Liggins<br />

Senior social netball<br />

Yr 11-12 social netball<br />

page 50<br />

Back - Charlotte Wilson, Holly Budd<br />

Middle - Adele Thomson (coach), Aoife Baker,<br />

Olivia Pearce, Sarah Cooper-Slee (coach)<br />

F ront - Lucy Hayes, Tully Stevens, Emily-Rose<br />

James, Abby Swift<br />

Back - Acacia Murray, Jasmyne Hooper, Carisbrook Bowler, Hannah<br />

Rizzi<br />

Middle - Riley Horman, Bella Berry, Veron Pittaway, Jette Cavanagh,<br />

Arlene Gealogo, Bridie Hurley, Issey Lewis<br />

F ront - Sapphire Schwarz, Paige O’Brien, Nicole Price, Johanna Boege,<br />

Jessica Martin, Laura Wellman

Yr 10 Netball A team<br />

Back - Grace Lee<br />

Front - Madi Mulqueen, Eliza Rogers, Erica Ayres,<br />

Samantha Garrick, Holly Wigg<br />

Absent - Millie Heine, Hannah Humphreys,<br />

Brooke Elstob<br />

Year 9 Netball A team<br />

Back - Sophia Fitzgerald, Jordan Fox, Laetitia Halcrow<br />

Front - Maggie Stiven, Hayley Yule, Annabel Fairbairn,<br />

Kasia Balls, Bridget O’Brien<br />

Yr 9/10 Netball players<br />

Back – Caitlin Roberts, Kilita Fouchee, Erina Tamati, Hannah<br />

McNabb, Stella Nepia, Simone Johnson, Mackenzie Hart, Tyler<br />

Greeks<br />

Middle – Elena McFadgen, Freya Moore, Aislyn Fay, Samantha<br />

Wilkinson, Teegan Danielson, Jade MacDonald, Jasmine<br />

Murray, Samantha Smith<br />

Front – Olivia Bates, Nicole Pittaway, Clover Lippe, Greer Porter,<br />

Megan Blackley, Casey Surr, Georgia Budd, Peta McKay<br />

Floor – Reanna Shepherd, Eva Wilson, Jessica Paddon, Fiona<br />

Murray, Alicia Stock, Nadia McNeilly<br />

Yr 7/8 Netball players<br />

Back - Mackenzie Barnett, Willow Strawson, Kirsten<br />

Blackley, Meg Thomas, Ashley Bates, Emily Prout<br />

Middle - Jaimee Vink, Eve Paddon, Meg Breen, Ella<br />

Landreth, Kate Goodsell, Alice Howard, Rata Horan,<br />

Lily Willis-King<br />

Front - Kalani Muirhead, Maddi Frazer, Sienna Nicholson,<br />

Maude Rogers, Krystal McCutcheon, Anna Barrett,<br />

Georgia Robertson, Dilara Van<br />

Back - Nevada Wolfgramm, Georgie Bruce, Olive Pujol, Annie Timu,<br />

Summer Rasmussen, Helene Price, Kelly McClimont<br />

Middle - Erica Ayres (coach), Piper Cavanagh, Billea-Nova Chin-Nyika,<br />

Abby East, Jessie McKenzie, Aleisha Turner, Anja Malmo, Samantha<br />

Garrick (coach)<br />

Front - Isla Gellatly, Gracie Cartlidge, Shanae Sanders, Charlotte Reveley,<br />

Whitney Bennett, Mackenzie Thompson, Danielle Carney, Imy<br />

Gordon, Martha Toghill<br />

Absent - Jody Chisholm, Jessica Ecroyd, Sophie Fenn, Abby Fisher, Anika Fouchee, Holly Gibson, Sammy Harry, Ashley MacCulloch,<br />

Estelle Norman, Josephine Plimmer, Charlotte Reveley, Nikita Sinclair, Lea McTavish<br />

page 51

Back - Manu Barnard, Blake Alty,<br />

Back - Matt McLean, Carl Matalote<br />

Front- Andrew Jopson, Phil Balmes,<br />

Nick O’Donnell-Fluit, Ben O’Brien<br />

Basketball A boys<br />

Jesse Harling<br />

Front - Gregor Findlay, Ben O’Brien,<br />

Nick O’Donnell-Fluit, Sam Howard<br />

Absent - Ben Harrington, Harry Hughes,<br />

Flynn Rosie<br />

Basketball<br />

juniors<br />

Basketball A girls<br />

Back - Briar Hight, Bridget O’Brien<br />

Front - Amy Jolly, India O’Donnell-Fluit,<br />

Lucy O’Brien<br />

Absent - Alyx Nyika, Bella Berry,<br />

Zoi Sadowski-Synnott, Zhane Skipper<br />

Volleyball junior boys<br />

Back - Rurika Sekino, Pyper Turner, Laura Erichson<br />

Middle - Sophia Fitzgerald, Reanna Shepherd, Erina Tamati,<br />

Holly Wigg, Fiona Murray, Jessica Zeestraten (coach)<br />

Front - Georgia Budd, Erica Ayres, Greer Porter, Mel Telford,<br />

Samantha Garrick, Briar Hight<br />

Absent - Maggie Little<br />

Back- Alex Plimmer, Lachlan Weir<br />

Middle - Kobi Stevens, Sam Howard, Gregor Findlay<br />

Front - George McDonald, Ben O’Brien, Adam Breen, Nicholas<br />

O’Donnell-Fluit, Alistair Hose (coach)<br />

Volleyball junior girls<br />

Volleyball<br />

senior<br />

girls<br />

Back - Alistair Hose (coach), Gina Lilly, Caitlin<br />

Gibson, Lydia Fookes, Holly Bailey, Aly<br />

Gibson, Jessica Zeestraten (coach)<br />

Front - Erin Greenwood, Brittany Smith,<br />

Emma Clarke, Billie Scurr<br />

page 52

Adventure racing<br />

Back - Cory O’Regan, Sam Coupland, Luke Wright, Ty<br />

Sarginson, Harrison Brown<br />

Middle - Joseph Wilson, Levi Vink, Holly Bailey,<br />

Emily-Rose James, Rosie Spearing, Nick Toepfer, Ned<br />

Williams-Holloway, Campbell Russell<br />

Front - John Steven, Daniel Edwards, Liam McFall,<br />

Bailey Nolet, Teegan Vink, Jayden Fisher, Nico<br />

Schikker, Hank Bilous, Ellis Meyer-Budge<br />

Absent - Campbell Caird, Lydia Fookes, Taylor<br />

Hawcridge, Craig Murray, Suzy Turner, Blair<br />

Underwood, Paul Wright<br />

Yr 7-8 Triathlon<br />

Back - Ryan Young, Aden Cassaidy, Georgie Bruce, Abby East, Georgia<br />

Robertson, Abhishek Rameshanand, Keltan Voyce<br />

Middle - Thomas Evans, Leon Bowie, Annabel Carter, Jaimee Vink,<br />

Krystal McCutcheon, Mackenzie Thompson, Rata Horan, Tom<br />

Colbourne, Jack Welch<br />

Front - Kirsten Blackley, Joel Suddaby, Piper Cavanagh, Sam Knight, Ella<br />

Landreth, Fergus Read, Whitney Bennett, Indigo Hemmingway, Alice<br />

Howard<br />

Absent - Jodie Chisholm, Hugo Cochrane, Jack Culshaw, Sophie Fenn,<br />

Jack Findlay, Abby Fisher, Jimmie Gillespie, Luca Harrington, Sammy<br />

Harry, Cameron Howell, Rhys Hughes, Joshua Jarvie, Liam Kemp,<br />

Owen Lea, Ben McNabb, Kahu Nepia, Jack O’Brien, Oliver Prince<br />

Senior Triathlon<br />

Back - Matthew Prince, Nick Toepfer, Levi Vink, Janus<br />

Staufenberg, Campbell Russell<br />

Front - Gregor Findlay, Luke Wright, Sammy Burke,<br />

Phoebe Young, Courtney Leith, Joseph Wilson,<br />

Harrison Brown<br />

Absent - Ellesse Andrews, Julius Staufenberg, Leo<br />

Staufenberg<br />

Top bike<br />

Back - Ryan Young, Ethan Arratia, Olly Alderson, Thomas Evans, Keltan Voyce<br />

Middle - Will Hofmans, Annabel Carter, Emily Prout, James Suddaby, Georgie<br />

Bruce, Quinn Curtis, Aden Cassaidy<br />

Front - Summer Rasmussen, Whitney Bennett, Ella Landreth, Piper Cavanagh,<br />

Anna Barrett, Maude Rogers<br />

Absent - Zoe Andrews, Hugo Cochrane, Abby East, Jessica Ecroyd, Anika Fouchee,<br />

Holly Gibson, Harry Gillespie, Alexa McKay, Ben McNabb, Lachy Moore, Estelle<br />

Norman, Oli Prince, Red Simpson, Emma Smith, Zach Smith, Leo Staufenberg,<br />

Campbell Wright<br />

Get2Go<br />

Back - Matthew Wilson, Jesse Robertson, Bella Fraser, Jamie Toomey, Flynn Brown<br />

Middle - Fletcher Cavanagh, Breagha Rennie, Phoebe Young, Fiona Murray, Ethan Kerr<br />

Front - Sam Pearce, Gregor Findlay, Matthew Prince, Wilfred Spearing, Oscar<br />

Hetherington, Sam Coupland<br />

page 53

Climbing<br />

sailing<br />

Noah Holmes, Alex Plimmer, Jake<br />

Nicholson, Rory McLean<br />

Back - Jessa Bennett, Charlotte<br />

Coupland, Mila Anerich<br />

Front - Rosie Smith, James<br />

Suddaby, Josephine Schafer<br />

Rowing<br />

Tennis juniors<br />

Ice hockey<br />

Back - Sean Dickey, Breagha<br />

Rennie, Luke Burke, Nicola Sanders<br />

Front - Dougal Stalker, Amber Makeham,<br />

Rick Sanders, Laura Erichsen, Oliver<br />

Jarvie<br />

Target shooting<br />

team<br />

Back -James Glynn, Maddie Ball, Riley Bruce,<br />

Bridie Hurley, Sam Peace, Mr Bruce (coach)<br />

Front - Helena Crawford, Erina Tamati, Greer<br />

Porter, Sam Garrick, Erica Ayres, Olivia<br />

Pearce<br />

Absent - Beth Gale, Riley Homan, Hannah<br />

Humphreys<br />

Sam Neale<br />

Swimming juniors<br />

Back - Cody Sarginson, Ruth<br />

Bennie, Tim Weir<br />

Front - Ty Sargisson, Lachlan<br />

Weir, Sam Pearce<br />

Back -Fergus Read, Shanae Sanders,<br />

Annie Timu, Sam Knight<br />

Front - Georgie Bruce, Anna Barrett,<br />

Annabel Carter, Piper Cavanagh,<br />

Ella Landreth<br />

Absent - Hugo Cochrane, Hugo Darby,<br />

Jack Findlay, Abby Fisher, Luca<br />

Georgalli, Tom Heather, Alexa<br />

McKay, Red Simpson, Zach Smith<br />

Swimming seniors<br />

Orienteering<br />

page 54<br />

Hannah McNabb,<br />

Simone Johnson,<br />

Campbell Russell<br />

Absent - Ellie Russell<br />

Back -Jasmine Murray,<br />

Kobi Stevens, Jaime<br />

Toepfer<br />

Front - Noel Bisson,<br />

Hamish McLean,<br />

Wilfred Spearing

Cross country /<br />

biathlon squad<br />

Back - Matthew Prince, Bella<br />

Fraser, Gregor Findlay,<br />

Harrison Brown<br />

Front - Nick Toepfer, Sammy<br />

Burke, Janus Staufenberg,<br />

Phoebe Young<br />

Absent - Julius Staufenburg,<br />

Fiona Murray<br />

the missing orienteer<br />

Cross country seniors<br />

Back - Emily Prout, Aden Cassaidy, James Suddaby, Joel<br />

Suddaby, Tom Colbourne, Georgie Bruce<br />

Middle - Jack Colbourne, Fiona Murray, Luke Wright, Sheree<br />

Gamble, Angus Cagney, Ian McNabb (manager)<br />

Front - Sammy Burke, Ella Maluschnig, Martin Zietz, Hannah<br />

McNabb, Ellen Cagney, Ben McNabb<br />

Absent - Campbell Wright, Lois Jones, Ella Robinson, Jack<br />

Findlay, Oli Prince, Stanley Millwater<br />

Cross country juniors<br />

Back - Ryan Young, Georgie Bruce, Keltan<br />

Voyce<br />

Middle - Ethan Carleton, Shae Barrett-Corrigan,<br />

James Suddaby, Joel Suddaby, Barnaby<br />

Jackson, Dylan Rimmer<br />

Front - Kalani Muirhead, Abby East, Rata<br />

Horan, Ella Landreth, Molly Barham, Emily<br />

Prout, Lauren Rimmer<br />

Absent - Tana Hansen, Kahu Nepia, Estelle<br />

Norman, Emma Smith, Zach Smith<br />

Back - Ryan Young, Isla Gellatly<br />

Middle - Rata Horan, Billea-Nova Chin-Nyika, Ella Landreth, Emily Prout,<br />

Georgie Bruce, Molly Barham<br />

Front - Abby East, Meg Breen, Fergus Read, Sam Knight, Marcus<br />

Hetherington, Shanae Sanders, Hannah Barham<br />

Absent - Leon Bowie, Hugo Cochrane, Mae Cradock, Jack Findlay, Anika<br />

Fouchee, Jimmy Gillespie, Patrick Hartley, Rhys Hughes, James Parry,<br />

Oli Prince, Ryan Schmack, Zach Smith, Leo Staufenberg, Mackenzie<br />

Thompson<br />

Athletics juniors<br />

Athletics seniors<br />

Back - Harrison Brown, Gregor Findlay<br />

Middle - James Glynn, Janus Staufenberg, Ned Williams<br />

Holloway, Henry Hardaker<br />

Front - Phoebe Young, Sammy Burke, Laura MacCulloch,<br />

Courtney Leith, John Steven<br />

Absent - Shaneil Coupe, Sophia Fitzgerald, Ben Everest, Ollie<br />

Williams Holloway<br />

page 55

cricket First X1<br />

Back - Tim Weir, Harry Seagar, Cody Sarginson,<br />

Gregor Findlay<br />

Front - Ellis Meyer-Budge, Daniel Edwards,<br />

Tom Bowman, Andrew Jopson, Blair Underwood<br />

Absent - Connor Stuart, Sean Webber<br />

junior cricket<br />

Back - Weston Bell, Flynn Brown, Ronan Kaye<br />

Front - Ryan Young, Fergus Read, Sam Knight,<br />

Ollie Alderson<br />

Absent - Hugo Cochrane, Jack Findlay,<br />

Cameron Howell, Oscar Humphreys, Ben<br />

McNabb, Tom Roberts, Oliver Thomas<br />

Yr 9-11<br />

cricket<br />

Back - Flynn Brown, Josh<br />

Hasler<br />

Middle - Sam Teal, Nick<br />

O’Donnell-Fluit, George<br />

McDonald, Adam Breen<br />

Front - Liam Kirk,<br />

Finn Hasler, Lachie Weir,<br />

Gregor Findlay, Chris<br />

Wood<br />

Hockey<br />

Back - Samantha Clark, Sheree Gamble, Shea Williams, Jessica<br />

Curtis, Charlie Chisholm, Georgie Burdon<br />

Middle - Mel Telford, Tegan Wilson, Samuel Sandri, Madi Gainsford,<br />

Tish Telford, Georgia Prince, Leon Kerr<br />

Front - Luke Burke, Bradley Jackson, Mitchie Maluschnig, Daniel<br />

Edwards, Oscar McLaren, William Gerrard, Tristin Weastell<br />

Floor - Romili Townsend, Tom Heather, Ocean Allemann<br />

Hockey<br />

seniors<br />

Back - Mel Telford, Leon Kerr, Madi Gainsford, Georgia Prince<br />

Middle - Tegan Wilson, Sam Sandri, Tristan Weastell, Luke<br />

Burke, Tish Telford<br />

Front - Bradley Jackson, Mitchie Maluschnig, Daniel Edwards,<br />

Oscar Fay, Will Gerrard<br />

Hockey 1st XI<br />

page 56<br />

Back - Bradley Jackson, Mitchie Maluschnig, Oscar McLaren, Daniel<br />

Edwards, Will Gerrard<br />

Middle - Simon Nyhof (coach), Suzy Turner, Tish Telford, Tegan Wilson,<br />

Samuel Sandri, Luke Burke, Madi Gainsford, Kim Baker (coach)<br />

Front - Georgia Prince, Tristan Weastell, Melanie Telford, Leon Kerr

Senior football<br />

Back – Jette Cavanagh, Noah Holmes, Alistair Garland,<br />

Chan Jung, Fergus Brebner, Jesse Mulqueen, Morgan<br />

Allen, Daniel Toomey, Sam Facer<br />

Middle – Nathan Holt, Pedro Domingues, Johnny Percy,<br />

Mitchell Collett, Joseph Sharratt, Michael Rankin, Liam<br />

Kirk, Ra Griffin, Samuel Davey, Bella Fraser, Anna<br />

Roberts<br />

Front – Ben Hadida, Rimu Roode, Alex Plimmer, Jack<br />

Williams, Rory Hannon, Adam Hewson, Levi Vink,<br />

Tom Reaney, Ned Williams Holloway, Harry Waters<br />

Back - Derek Lilly (coach), Ellen Rowlandson, Gina Lilly,<br />

Anna Liggins, Lily Waters, Connor Moore, Fiona Murray,<br />

Jessica Zeestraten (manager)<br />

Front - Anna Roberts, Laura Erichsen, Bella Fraser, Phoenix<br />

Brownlie, Jacinta Borer, Ella Moore, Sam Hayr<br />

Football girls 1st XI<br />

Back – Ollie Alderson, Ethan Arratia, Tana Hansen, Aden Cassaidy, Seb<br />

Meredith, Quinn Curtis, Michael Gealogo, Ronan Kaye, Weston Bell<br />

Middle – Oliver Prince, Thomas Masters, Leon Bowie, Jin-Wook Hong,<br />

Joel Suddaby, Daniel O’Donnell, Oliver Clements, Indigo Hemingway,<br />

James Suddaby, Neco Richter<br />

Front – Kahu Nepia, Shae Barrett-Corrigan, Neve Stalker, Maude<br />

Rogers, Annabel Carter, Olive Pujol, Molly Thomsson, Charlie<br />

Holmes<br />

Year 7/8 football<br />

Senior boys futsal<br />

Back – Thomas Smith, Harry Waters, Ben Hadida,<br />

Sam Facer, Rimu Roode<br />

Front – Matt Smith, Rory Hannon, Adam Hewson<br />

Senior girls futsal<br />

Junior<br />

girls<br />

futsal<br />

Sam Hayr, Jacinta Borer, Megan Bryan,<br />

Gina Lilly, Lily Waters, Connor Moore,<br />

Derek Lilly (coach)<br />

Back – Aimee McArthur, Zoi Sadowski-Synnott,<br />

Anna Roberts, Phoenix Brownlie<br />

Front – Annabel Carter, Mel Telford, Bella Fraser<br />

page 57

Rugby 1st XV<br />

Back - Hank Bilous, Ben Weatherby, Craig Murray,<br />

Connor Stuart, Liam McFall, Josh O’Regan, Matt<br />

Molloy, Oliver Jarvie, Tim Weir<br />

Middle - Hamish Crosbie (coach), Steve Schikker<br />

(manager), Tom Bowman, Dougal Stalker, Cameron<br />

Arnerich, Lachie Garrick, Edward Trombik, John<br />

Steven, Sam Richards, Tony O’Regan (coach)<br />

Front - Zac Shields, Nico Schikker, Teegan Vink, Ellis<br />

Meyer-Budge (captain), Bailey Nolet (vice-captain),<br />

Blair Underwood, Toby Lee<br />

Absent - Nathan Redai, Jack Porter<br />

Upper Clutha<br />

Open grade Gold<br />

Upper Clutha Open<br />

grade Black<br />

Back - Chicane Cooper, Jake Jamison, Sam Teal, Fergus<br />

Read, Rhys Hughes, Jack O’Brien, Eamon Green,<br />

Craig Read (coach)<br />

Front - Phoenix Cooper, Keltan Voyce, Ryan Young,<br />

Ryan Schmack, Mitchell Evans, Thomas Evans,<br />

Joshua Jarvie<br />

Back - Marcel Moore (coach), Alastair Gillespie (coach)<br />

Middle - Leo Staufenberg, Lachie Moore, Zach Smith, James<br />

Watt, Anika Fouchee, Jack Colbourne, Jono Watson, Marcus<br />

Hetherington, Harry Gillespie<br />

Front - Sam Jewell, Dewalt van Eeden, Sam Knight, Jack Findlay,<br />

Hugo Cochrane, Tom Colbourne, Jimmy Gillespie<br />

Upper Clutha U14<br />

Upper Clutha U15<br />

page 58<br />

Back - Keiran Longman, Jacob Scott, Ollie Williams-Holloway,<br />

Michael Manson, James Glynn, Nick Newsted<br />

Middle - Jason Kerr (coach), Callum Smith, Daniel Bastion,<br />

Paul Buttler, Oscar Hetherington, Reilly Arnesen, Duncan<br />

Muir, Tait Scurr, Mike Hasler (coach)<br />

Front - Oliver Fotheringham, Josh Hasler, Ty Sarginson, Sam<br />

Pearce, Matthew Wilson, Ethan Kerr, Jesse Robertson<br />

Back - Nic O’Donnell-Fluit, Phoenix Apa, Lachie Weir,<br />

Henry Hardaker, Jack Landreth<br />

Middle - Scott Jones (coach), Robert Kewitsch, Ben Everest,<br />

Jesse Harling, Bailey Monk, Finlay Nolet, Ben O’Brien,<br />

Jaime Gibbard, Scott Findlay (coach)<br />

Front - Joseph Wilson, Sam Howard, Louis Jones, Kaes<br />

Scott, Gregor Findlay, Adam Breen, Finn Hasler

Girls’ rugby<br />

Back - Brittany Smith, Fiona Murray, Caris-brook<br />

Bowler, Calypso Hird, Laura Waller<br />

Middle - Nico Schikker (coach), Billie Scurr, Bridie<br />

Hurley, Sam Hayr, Tegan Vink (coach), Ellis Meyer-<br />

Budge (coach)<br />

Front - Paige O’Brien, Gina Lilly, Aoife Baker, Holly<br />

Budd, Brynee Wilson, Ellen Rowlandson, Emma<br />

Clarke<br />

Absent - Meg Harraway, Latisha Halcrow, Lydia Fookes,<br />

Zhane Skipper, Abbey Swift, Jacinta Borer<br />

Back - Keltan Voyce, Thomas Evans, Fergus Read, Sam<br />

Knight, Marcus Hetherington, Ollie Alderson, Ryan<br />

Young<br />

Front - Abby East, Billea-Nova Chin-Nyika, Annie<br />

Timu, Meg Breen, Piper Cavanagh, Georgie Bruce<br />

Absent - Jody Chisholm, Hugo Cochrane, Jack Findlay,<br />

Abby Fisher, Anika Fouchee, Rhys Hughes, Lachy<br />

Moore, Tom Roberts, Ryan Schmack, Zach Smith<br />

Rippa rugby<br />

Back - Joel Suddaby, Madi Gainsford, James Suddaby<br />

Front - Red Simpson, Aden Cassaidy<br />

Absent - Kahu Nepia, Fiona Murray, Stellar Nepia, James Watherston<br />

Junior kayaking<br />

Mountain biking<br />

Back - Luke Wright, Harrison Brown, Ty Sarginson<br />

Middle - Phoebe Young, Anton Cousins, Oban Hanson, Sam Coupland<br />

Front - Campbell Russell, Wilfred Spearing, Alex Young, Nick Toepfer,<br />

Joseph Wilson, Janus Staufenberg<br />

Absent - Paul Wright, Campbell Wright, Julius Staufenberg, Matthew<br />

Wilson<br />

page 59

<strong>MAC</strong> HAKA<br />

Hūtia te rito o te harakēkē<br />

Kei hea te kōmako e kō<br />

Kī mai ki ahau he aha te mea nui o tea o<br />

Māku e kī atu he tangata<br />

He tangata hai aue.<br />

He tangata, he tangata<br />

He tangata, he tangata<br />

Ko Maunga Tītītea, tū whakaiti ana<br />

Should you pluck the heart from the flax where will the bellbird sing?<br />

Ask me “What is the greatest thing in this world?”<br />

I will tell you “It is people, it is people, it is people”<br />

Indeed Mt Aspiring remains humble as we acknowledge your arrival.<br />

page 60<br />

Pakipakia<br />

Hī Pakipakia Hī!<br />

Ko Tītītea te maunga tu iho<br />

Aoraki anake—- I a ha ha<br />

Ka tū taku ihi taku wehi taku mana<br />

Ka tū te mākahi ki te whenua hi aue hī!<br />

Ko te awa Mataau e ngunguru nei<br />

Hī au au aue hā<br />

Ko te awa Mataau e ngunguru nei<br />

Hī au au aue hā I a haha<br />

Tū te puehu Hī aue eeeeeeeeee hī!<br />

Tū waewae takahia!<br />

E te ope_taua Haere mai<br />

E te ope_taua Haere mai<br />

Tena wherahia tena turakina<br />

Ara he taua e taua<br />

He taua he taua<br />

He taua he taua<br />

He taua he taua<br />

ara tū ara tē ara tā hī!<br />

Mt Aspiring stands tall, second only to Mt Cook.<br />

May my valour, prestige and determination shine forth.<br />

I leave my impression on this land for future generations.<br />

It is the mighty Clutha river that rumbles thus.<br />

Let the dust arise, stamp your feet.<br />

Be thy friend or foe, we welcome you.<br />

Be thy friend or foe, we beckon you.<br />

Therefore, carve yourself a path, let no obstacle deter you.<br />

It is so,<br />

It is so,<br />

It is so.<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> WAIATA

OP<br />

Outdoor Pursuits involves mountain biking, rock climbing, tramping,<br />

snow caving, snow sports and white water kayaking. These pictures<br />

are just some of the awesome days the students experience in Outdoor<br />

Pursuits. Mat Schweizer<br />

page 61

HOSTEL<br />

Liverpool: Connor, Andrew,<br />

Campbell, Nick, Blair, Daniel.<br />

<strong>2015</strong><br />

Rob Roy: Tom, Josh, Harry,<br />

Liam, Isaac, Ben.<br />

Owner of finger in photo corner unknown.<br />

Avalanche: Taylor, Ellen,<br />

Brittany, Calypso, Sam,<br />

Jacinta.<br />

Cascade: Michelle, Laura,<br />

Lydia, Suzy, Emma, Georgia.<br />

Ask any hosteller what inspired them to move to <strong>MAC</strong>, and you<br />

would most likely receive an answer along the lines of “for an<br />

adventure”, “a taste of the outdoors” or “for some sick pow and the<br />

park life.” Nine months later, as conquering mountains and exploring<br />

the wilderness of Wanaka have become weekly activities, we have<br />

achieved this and much more. Hostel <strong>2015</strong> has certainly exceeded all<br />

expectations.<br />

Our first ‘orientation tramp’ launched us into the year’s actionpacked<br />

line up. This included the gruelling 50km Motatapu mountain<br />

bike race, rafting the Clutha river (which naturally prompted a few<br />

wild raft wars) and the skyline hike up Mt Roy, making for some<br />

breathtaking views.<br />

Term 3 meant the much anticipated ski season was upon us. All could<br />

agree this was a highlight of our year. Sundays were spent on the<br />

slopes of Treble Cone cruising around in our hostel squad, hiking the<br />

summit, and lapping endless steezy rider runs. Hostel has not only<br />

provided a range of incredible adventures, but the opportunity to go<br />

heart-to-heart and express our feelings in a controversial survival<br />

weekend that will not be forgotten. Epic.<br />

Our final year of high school has undoubtedly been hectic; full of<br />

bush bashing, hitting jumps and living on a diet consisting primarily<br />

of free bread and milk. The endless pranks, involving bed flipping and<br />

stripping labels off cans, have also kept us on our toes. But despite all<br />

the conflict over a limited supply of fruit and vegetables and one too<br />

many missing shopping bags, it has been an awesome experience.<br />

Now as the year comes to a close, we realise it is not just the end of<br />

our schooling life, but time to part with people who have become our<br />

family and a place that has provided us with a lifetime of memories.<br />

#yeboi<br />

Calypso Hird and Taylor Hawcridge<br />

Arawhata: Matt, Sam, Tom,<br />

Matt, Sam, Oscar.<br />

page 62

page 63



This year the ILC team was made up of Mrs Marie Lewis (HOD ESOL Teacher); Megan Van (ESOL Teacher); Mrs Linda<br />

Pierce (General English Teacher); Tracey Hames (Relief ESOL/Night Class & Relieving Assistant Manager); Jools Winstanley<br />

(Night Class Teacher); Jude Faircloth (Homestay Co-ordinator & Relief Teacher); Brenda King (Administrator) and Claire<br />

Easterbrook (International Manager). Here is Claire’s round-up of <strong>2015</strong>:<br />

All of you should be proud of your efforts this year. You have been a long, long way away from home, family and friends and I<br />

think you are so brave to have put yourself out there and come to Wanaka and Mount Aspiring College! Everyone at the ILC –<br />

Mrs Lewis, Brenda King, Jude Faircloth, Linda Pierce, Megan Van and I have loved getting to know you all. This is a summary<br />

of how our year has been…<br />

In Term 1, <strong>2015</strong> it was our pleasure to host international students from Thailand, U.S.A., Korea, Japan, Germany, Italy, Hong<br />

Kong, Switzerland, Chile, Austria, Holland and Brazil. We also had our visit from the Nihon Gakuen High School for boys in<br />

March as well as our sister school from Hokkaido, Sosei High School.<br />

In Term 2 we had two new students from Italy, whose focus was to prepare for our snow. This year there was plenty of that,<br />

which was great.<br />

Term 3 brought more new students and more snow. It was all go in July, which saw 8 students leave us and 19 students arrive.<br />

As always, there are a lot of students from Germany and Italy at this time and you all did really well getting to know everything<br />

new and getting used to the cold! Our winter this year brought us some consistent snowfalls and school was even closed a<br />

couple of times! No doubt you all enjoyed going skiing and snowboarding as part of your school day.<br />

page 64<br />

Night classes started in July and meant the return of Mr Chung and his Korean Alpine Ski Team. They were taught by<br />

Tracey Hames and Jools Winstanley. These are driven students who have great dreams and goals to be the best they can<br />

possibly be – most are working towards the Winter Olympics.<br />

General English has been busy, with students from China, Switzerland, Italy, and migrants from South Africa, Japan,<br />

Sweden and Turkey. Highlights in this programme with Mrs Linda Pierce were the Franz Josef Glacier trip, the Kiwi<br />

Birdpark at Queenstown and a trip to the Cardrona Ski Area and, of course, the English classes!

A special mention this year has to go to our long term students who will leave us at the end of this year...<br />

Julie Konno, who arrived in October, 2012 - Julie, what a great effort you have put in this year on studying for TOEIC,<br />

Level 3 NCEA as well as Entrance Exams for Japanese universities.<br />

Max Ludwig, who arrived for one term in 2014 and ended up staying two years! Well done Max on assimilating into our<br />

Kiwi culture. Good luck at Polytech in Dunedin next year.<br />

To those of you leaving us, stay in touch and join us on Facebook. For those of you returning – see you next year for<br />

another amazing year!<br />

Lastly, to all of our host families who have provided these students with a home and given them the guidance, support,<br />

patience and type of Kiwi experience that they will remember forever – your contribution is such an invaluable one and we<br />

couldn’t do it without you!<br />

ILC Highlights in <strong>2015</strong> were:<br />

Homestay Reunion Tweedie-style in Paris – all ex-students of the Tweedie family met this year in Paris (Felix Reidlbauer,<br />

Vitto Sancipriano, Anne Nijhuis, Damian Scherer, Becky McKay, Vivi Pfannstiel, Philipp Dieckmann)<br />

Anton Guethe– playing for the school team in soccer/participating in Drama Club<br />

Jonathan Jaschke helping to rescue Keno Schnibben and also being an all round nice guy<br />

Mathew Schweizer – <strong>MAC</strong> student to go to our Sister School in Hokkaido and fellow rescue team member for Keno<br />

Hosting the boys from Nihon Gakuen High School from Japan for two weeks<br />

Trips to Franz Josef Glacier, building snowcaves at the Snow Farm and the Term 4 programme – Gunns Camp in Fiordland,<br />

Surf Camp in the Caitlins and camping up at the Mount Aspiring National Park<br />

Anton’s Leavers Speech $!@&<br />

Hosting the second student from the Zurmuehl family – Finn<br />

Having our third Marchetti student – Chiara<br />

Having our second D’Almeida student – Jose (Ze)<br />

Visits from ex students You-suk Chung and Jong Ho Lee who call in constantly because they are studying in Dunedin; Nicolas<br />

Brixle from Germany (here working at Tekapo as a ski instructor - now studying back in Germany); Tessa Nowag, also from<br />

Germany<br />

Alexander Ohnhaus L2 English speech<br />

Martin Zietz in the Big Band Competition in Blenheim, as well as being on the podium up at the Snow Farm for the Winter<br />

Games<br />

Matteo Hoch – getting an A in his Cambridge Exam<br />

Jin Wook Lee – 1st in Year 7 and 8 in <strong>MAC</strong> Champs<br />

Gijs Wolter in 1st XI football team that travelled to Christchurch<br />

Ginevra Diotallevi participating in L2 Drama in “Revenge of the Amazons”<br />

Numa Saglibene getting a personal best in swimming in Dunedin<br />

Chan Jung participating in the Rockquest<br />

Leavers lunches/dinners – slideshows & speeches from everyone – always great!<br />

Jan Debeur winning the Weetbix eating competition in his Whanau.<br />

Thanks for a great year everyone!<br />

And last but not least, Mrs Marie Lewis, Head of ESOL (English for Speakers of a Second<br />

Language) is leaving us this year. Mrs Lewis, as she is known to us, has been with us<br />

since 2002 initially teaching the Korean Ski Team’s Night Classes. She moved to Head<br />

of ESOL in February, 2006 and since then has been helping our international students<br />

with their English. She bought a wealth of experience and great style to the International<br />

Language Centre and we will miss you Marie-Chan!<br />

page 65



This year, the Level 3 Drama class undertook one of the most challenging<br />

live performances to date. A type of theatre that purely relied on<br />

the physicality and multi role play of each character. Shudder was a<br />

performance revolving around the different personalities of Wellington<br />

and how each individual links together through the natural disaster of<br />

an earthquake. This was challenging yet satisfying as there were many<br />

factors of Shudder that we were not familiar with, such as having the entire<br />

cast on stage for the duration of the play. It was an enjoyable experience<br />

experimenting with our bodies and pushing them to the extreme to create<br />

humour, props and multiple characters. The cast was thrilled with the<br />

complexity of the innovatively-styled performance and it was something<br />

different for the audience's eye to witness.<br />

Brynee Wilson<br />


The Revenge of the Amazons, a play written in 1983 to take a stab at the formal, male heavy,<br />

William Shakespeare play, “Midsummer Night’s Dream,” offered a perfect opportunity to push<br />

ourselves. It was a long hard working process with the difficulty of not being able to practise in the<br />

Lake Wanaka Centre until the day before we were due to perform but we worked together to make<br />

it happen.<br />

This was a first for our class in two ways: firstly, our class tends to lean towards the more serious<br />

pieces to perform so to be able to perform a piece that would elicit laughter rather than a solemn<br />

mood was a pleasant change. Secondly we, as a class, had never worked on a large stage outside<br />

of school performing, some had experience from other performances such as “Like There’s No<br />

Tomorrow” where there was a large audience but it was still in an intimate setting so working in the<br />

Lake Wanaka Centre was an amazing opportunity that we all thoroughly enjoyed.<br />

The Revenge of the Amazons was a great experience, flowing well thanks to our backstage crew,<br />

make up girls, lighting boys, Holly Mercer and of course the wonderful Emily McRae who continues<br />

to put up with the stress of our class. The majority of the class have been together for a few years so<br />

a class play is always an enjoyable way to end a stressful term and school year. I personally enjoyed<br />

the whole ordeal and am looking forward to another chance to work in that setting next year with<br />

the musical.<br />

Lucy Hayes<br />


Level 1 Drama’s end of year performance involved snippets from ‘The<br />

Importance of Being Earnest’, a piece by Oscar Wilde from the Victorian era,<br />

and ‘A Woman of No Importance’, also by Oscar Wilde. We had done a standard<br />

on Melodrama at the beginning of the year, so we found it easy to utilize those<br />

acting techniques in this performance; pacing our lines, projecting our voices,<br />

using posture to show age and displaying exaggerated facial expressions to<br />

portray emotions.<br />

The characters weren’t easy to perform, with many periods spent trying to learn<br />

how to carry ourselves like characters older than ourselves. We also learned,<br />

with help from Ms McRae, how to project our voices so we could be heard in a<br />

large theatre. Another difficult part of these characters for some were, in fact,<br />

the costumes, which were a little difficult to move in, and definitely not the most<br />

comfortable. Everyone worked extremely hard, and the finished results were<br />

incredible. Everyone enjoyed this experience, and learned a lot from it.<br />

Amy Knight<br />

page 66


Partying. Drinking. Crying. Partying. Drinking. Dancing. Partying. Drinking: A modern high school after ball with a twist,<br />

but not just any twist, a twist of location, of created framework and of character interpretations. A stand-out show at the recent<br />

Festival of Colour, this piece of community theatre is shockingly real and powerful.<br />

Director Robin Kerr adopts an ‘epic theatre’ style performance by staging this piece in Wanaka’s local boutique bar, Gin<br />

and Raspberry. From the moment the audience walk in, they are immediately immersed in a ‘party scene’. Theatregoers are<br />

then divided into groups depending on the colour of their party hat which was given to them on arrival. Friend groups are<br />

deliberately split up, adding to the disconcerting nature of the show as the line between audience and cast is blurred.<br />

The conventional ‘fourth wall’ theatre concept is broken as the audience are treated as individual ‘partygoers’ – encouraged<br />

to take part in drinking games and awkwardly observe explicit sexual encounters and youthful shows of false bravado from<br />

balconies to bathrooms.<br />

One is led from scene to scene, location to location, inside to outside and back to the dance floor, creating a sense that each<br />

group is experiencing the same thing – time is frozen and you are witnessing every effort of the party from the perspective<br />

of a teenager – conveying a startling but surreal demonstration of how a 17-19 year old reacts to grief under these influences,<br />

within a party context.<br />

Andrew Gunn’s Joseph is daring, passionate and free. The way in which he communicates with his girlfriend (or just a thing?<br />

– you never know with high school relationships) Stacey (Alex Johnston) while she is continuously blaming herself for his<br />

death is truly heartbreaking. His sister, Louise (Holly Mercer) is mentally assessing her sexuality against the pressures of her<br />

schoolmates while Joseph’s best mate, Danny (Jack Arbuckle) attempts to break the ‘bro-code book’ as a signal of respect to the<br />

late leader. Complexities arise through each character and Joseph is there to guide the way back to a new ‘normality’.<br />

Based on a real-life theme, confronting New Zealand’s party culture head on, this show will make you uncomfortable, it will<br />

make you cringe, but it will make you think, and think again.<br />

Jordaine Wilson (abridged – full review at www.onmag.co.nz)<br />

It was a great privilege to work with a total cast of 29 students in the Festival of Colour’s professional<br />

production of Like There’s No Tomorrow. This cast auditioned for the production company<br />

Playground Collective and worked under their expert guidance to achieve a cutting edge performance.<br />

As a teacher it was such a proud moment<br />

to see students take their learning<br />

into the professional realm. They were<br />

incredibly committed and executed<br />

brave and moving performances around<br />

controversial but incredibly important<br />

themes. I would like to thank the Festival<br />

of Colour for its faith in our students and<br />

allowing them an opportunity they will<br />

still cherish for many years to come.<br />

Emily McRae H.O. D Drama<br />

page 67

<strong>MAC</strong><br />

STOCK<br />

At the end of term two this year Macstock took place in the Lake Wanaka Centre<br />

full of fantastic musical talent. Macstock is an annual concert where students from<br />

Year 7 to 13 perform on stage in a real life rock concert. After hours of rehearsals,<br />

students took the stage and performed their best, full of adrenaline and nerves.<br />

The night was divided into three sections, starting with a quieter, acoustic feel and<br />

building up to a much heavier finish, and the night ending with DJ Kaoz and his<br />

EDM madness. The night was a huge success, the Lake Wanaka Centre was packed,<br />

and everyone had a blast. The senior music classes would like to thank all the<br />

parents that came along and helped, the office ladies for all their help with ticketing<br />

and refreshments, and the fantastic crowd who supported the musicians by being<br />

an awesome audience! As said by <strong>MAC</strong> student Ella Maluschnig, ‘It was legitness!’.<br />

Special thanks to Grenville for the superb sounds heard on the night, and also to<br />

Michael and James Hay, Todd Buckley, Sam Sandri, and Duncan Muir for their epic<br />

light show. A massive thank you to Mr Doyle for putting everything together and<br />

making sure the Year 12 and 13’s actually rehearsed (especially Isaac).<br />

Yr 12-13 music students.<br />


On Friday the 16th October the <strong>MAC</strong> senior jazz band travelled down to Invercargill to compete in the Southland Jazz Festival. The<br />

competition was held at the Ascot Park Hotel where there were 9 schools that attended in total. We were the furthest travelling school<br />

and also the largest band with 10 members ranging from Year 8 to Year 13. We played a set of four songs, opening with "Girl from<br />

Ipanema", and followed with a range of tunes including upbeat jazz, "Chameleon", and a bossa nova tune, "Fly Me To The Moon", to<br />

show our range of skills. For the set piece we played our own arrangement of "Oleo" by Sonny Rollands which was a success - the<br />

judges comment was "well rehearsed". We placed third in the group competition, placing behind James Hargest College and Wakatipu<br />

High School that placed first. The judges commended our band for "having a lot of potential" and having a "nice sound". As a band, we<br />

are very proud of this achievement and would like to thank Mrs Mote, Mr Doyle and Bruce who have helped us at weekly jazz band<br />

practices and in organizing this trip to allow us to reach this success.<br />

Daisy Thor-Poet<br />

page 68

Solo/Duo<br />

Acoustic Melody - Ellen Cagney, Paige O’Brien<br />

Parallel - Ellesse Andrews, Ella Maluschnig<br />

Two - Connor Moore, John Steven<br />

Bands<br />

Rosie and Billie - Rosie Spearing, Billie Scurr<br />

Near Armageddon - Isaac Bell, Morgan Allen, Lucan Smith, Tyler Bailey<br />

Evie - Evie Simonsohn<br />

Junior Sound System - Luca Harrington, Red Simpson, Elliot Frost, Oli Thomas<br />

Disconnected - Jordyn McDonald, Sarah Millis, Emma Stalker, Bridget Donovan, Chan Jung<br />


This year’s Rockquest went off with a blast, with many solos, duos and bands from Wakatipu, Cromwell, and Wanaka<br />

showcasing their huge talent and musical expertise. A wide variety of music was heard on the night, ranging from acoustic<br />

folk/ indie guitar to heavy rock, comedic duos to reggae. The audience loved it, and the vibe backstage was exciting and<br />

invigorating! Most of the musicians there had competed before in the nationwide competition, with 2014 solo/duo winner<br />

Sofia Machray back to defend her regional final. It was obviously agreed just by hearing the support given by musicians<br />

to each other that the talent there was outstanding. All of the acts were at a fantastic level. Rockquest is a very educational<br />

and enjoyable event for young musicians to participate in, and everyone can benefit from it. Coming out in 1st place in the<br />

regional finals, a duo of acts from <strong>MAC</strong>, Two (Connor Moore & John Steven) and Near Armageddon (Isaac Bell, Lucan<br />

Smith, Tyler Bailey & Morgan Allen) both had the opportunity to put together a 15 minute live music video that showcased<br />

their own original music. Unfortunately, neither act made it to the national finals, however Near Armageddon was placed<br />

in the top 20 bands nationwide! From the students in Wanaka who competed, we would like to say thank you to Mr Doyle<br />

for helping all the musicians in the process of making their originals, both before and after the regional finals. Roger<br />

Smith for building such an awesome drum platform for the music room and to Elliot Steven for his professional assistance<br />

in recording the submission videos for the national finals! Wanaka students are looking forward to hosting next year’s<br />

Rockquest and hope to keep up the fantastic success that our school has in the competition.<br />

John Steven and Isaac Bell<br />

check this out!<br />

Hello, my name is Steven Morris and I am a 15 year old DJ. It’s taken a long time, but finally, on August 8th <strong>2015</strong>, I released<br />

my first ever EP, “Defiance”. My entire EP is EDM based (electronic dance music). I’ve always liked EDM and have been<br />

influenced by people like Skrillex, Zomboy, Martin Garrix, Tiesto, M4SONIC and many other DJs that<br />

produce this type of music. I started making EDM at the beginning of 2014, and since then, I have made<br />

a total of 45 tracks, eight of which appear on the EP. This year I participated in <strong>MAC</strong>STOCK and last<br />

year was the winner of the “people’s choice award” and “most original award” for <strong>MAC</strong>’s Got Talent! I also<br />

performed at the YAMI conference in May <strong>2015</strong> and met many famous NZ artists such as Dave Dobbyn<br />

and Anika Moa. I like making EDM because of the way it influences people. It’s beat is so.....upbeat! And<br />

I like that, because it’s so fun to listen and dance to! I’m always looking for more sounds and loops to<br />

continue my music, uploading new tracks and I am currently working on my second EP, which is due out early 2016! You<br />

can check out my music on Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify and Google Play (just search “Defiance - Kaoz”)!<br />

page 69


Energy<br />

Following last year’s research and proposal, the Board of Trustees has granted enough money to purchase eight solar panels for<br />

our college. We got quotes and organised the installation. It has not happened yet because it is due on the new building’s roof,<br />

but it is all set up to happen and we are looking forward to it. We’ll sure shout about it when it happens. Meanwhile, the team<br />

has been organising monthly Earth Hours and the drop in energy use has been monitored and shows we can save more than<br />

half of our current consumption, by switching off unused items.<br />

Recycling<br />

The year started with updating the paper recycling bins in all classes. We visited all classes and<br />

brought new boxes wherever needed. A paper recycling campaign was launched throughout the<br />

college. Then we organised the Recycled Art competition where all students and whanau were<br />

invited to create an artwork made out of rubbish or recycled materials. It resulted in 15 interesting<br />

entries. The competition was won by RST whanau and Pisa house.<br />

Fair trade<br />

We’ve also participated in the Fair Trade fortnight, baking fair trade goodies for the teachers and<br />

raising more than $150 for Oxfam. The school has accepted that Fair Trade tea, coffee and sugar will<br />

soon be made available in the staff room instead of the usual products. We are aiming to become a<br />

Fair Trade School through this initiative.<br />

Tree planting time!<br />

Thanks to our recycling efforts and the Paper 4 Trees scheme, we earned 31 trees this year sponsored<br />

by Ziptrek and delivered by Te Kakano who donated another 13 trees so that each whanau can plant a<br />

tree. And so came the much loved and happy tree planting time... Thank you to everyone who helped<br />

plant a native tree this year.<br />

Visit our website http://macteamgreen.wordpress.com and<br />

Like our Facebook Page Mountaspiringcollegeteamgreen<br />

<strong>MAC</strong> LIBRARY<br />

Collections focus<br />

This year, the library has improved the fiction area by removing unused books to make space for popular series: Tom Gates, Gone,<br />

Maze Runner, Divergent, Pretty Little Liars and many more as well as lots of new books.<br />

The knowledge and reference collections have been enhanced in the areas taught at the college, cold war, plants etc… Also, taking<br />

advantage of a fantastic sale at National Geographic, we purchased 25 excellent high quality books for students to enjoy and learn from.<br />

More than 20 new graphic novels have been added to the Picture Books area and the ebook library https://maclic.wheelers.co/ now<br />

offers nearly 200 titles, for free!<br />

Student focus<br />

Following a librarian workshop on service design, we’ve been focusing on improving the library users’ experience, particularly making<br />

it easier and faster to choose and borrow books. AWESOME hovermarks are put inside books recommended by students to stand out<br />

on the shelves. And the Grababook box, conveniently placed on the issue desk, contains favourite and sure-to-please popular books.<br />

Grab one to get a good read in 10 seconds with your eyes shut!<br />

page 70<br />

The library is a great safe place to read, study, learn and have fun.<br />

Check out the library blog maclic.wordpress.com


Gateway this year has been really good for me as it’s allowed me to get hands-on<br />

experience on a building site. It has also allowed me to be six months ahead in<br />

my paperwork going into an apprenticeship next year. Gateway is a great way to<br />

experience any career you could be interested in for your future.<br />

Blair Underwood Yr 13 Future Carpenter/Builder<br />

How was Gateway for me? Gateway was a<br />

worthwhile experience. It really helped me<br />

learn more about my field of work and has<br />

helped me set in stone what I want to do next<br />

year.<br />

Mat Schweizer Yr 13 Future Outdoor Leader<br />

The Gateway programme was the best part of my school year. Being able to go<br />

out and work in the electrical trade has been really useful for my future choices. I<br />

would recommend it to anyone looking for experience in a field that interests you.<br />

William Gerrard Yr 12 Future Electrician<br />


Debating has seen a very active programme this year with lots of events available and great participation, as well as the<br />

establishment of the <strong>MAC</strong> Debating Group. We started the year with a weekend in Dunedin, taking part in the Russell<br />

McVeagh Otago – Southland interschool debates. This is “university style debating” where we had to prepare impromptu<br />

debates of six minutes. It was an exhausting, but exciting weekend with two full on days where we learnt a lot of good skills.<br />

Once again Rotary supported our Central Otago interschool competition with good, aggressive debating between the<br />

region’s secondary schools. Debating in front of adults was a bit nerve wracking but good for our confidence.<br />

Several students also travelled to Queenstown for a workshop run by the Dunedin University Debating Club. This was<br />

also really interesting, as we got to see some of our judges from the Dunedin competition take part in a debate. Their logic,<br />

humour and quick thinking were really impressive and something to aspire to.<br />

As well as debating, seven students took part in several Model United Nations in Queenstown, Dunedin and Wellington.<br />

These were a great way to experience a different type of debate and to develop our diplomatic skills. Some very talented and<br />

lucky students also had an opportunity to attend the New Zealand Model UN event in June.<br />

Finally, the Mount Aspiring Debating Group would like to thank the students and school community for supporting us in<br />

starting up the club. This year we had a few small debates, but next year we hope to do some much bigger events.<br />

Johnny Brebner<br />

page 71

20 years<br />

of<br />

S.I.C.<br />

The idea for Students in the Community came from Mike<br />

Allison, former <strong>MAC</strong> Principal, on his return from a Woolf<br />

Fisher Scholarship tour of the USA, Canada and Britain.<br />

He wanted to integrate a programme that demanded not<br />

just academic, sporting and cultural excellence, but a more<br />

holistic sense of altruism.<br />

Diana Schikker remembers setting up the programme<br />

in 1995, using existing community contacts and quickly<br />

forging more. “It was actually straightforward. People were<br />

so receptive when I approached them. It was a wonderful<br />

job! Diana particularly enjoyed using the community<br />

specialisation of her Parks and Rec. degree in a wider-thansporting<br />

context.<br />

Diana stayed in the role for two years before Lo Scurr took<br />

over. Lo still enthuses about the role, saying “through the<br />

years I was involved, many students and members of the<br />

community will have had some amazing experiences and<br />

will have stories that should be remembered. I remember<br />

one student who went to visit an older lady and still kept on<br />

visiting her over the years that he went away to university.<br />

They had a real link.” Lo was Students in the Community<br />

Coordinator from 1997 to 2002, when Mary Chaffey took<br />

over. Mary stayed in the role until 2013 and was great<br />

at running the stats – counting up the amount of actual<br />

student hours every year that went into the community.<br />

By the time of the big <strong>MAC</strong> 25th reunion in 2012, it was<br />

46,888 hours and counting. In 2014 that figure topped<br />

50,000 and still counting! Mary left the role in 2013 and<br />

fondly remembers the students. “They were so great.<br />

Always busy with everything and still taking the time to<br />

give back to their community. The ethos of the programme<br />

is still going strong.”<br />

Students volunteer in a wide variety of placements<br />

(regular visits) and projects (one-off events) in the wider<br />

Upper Clutha community, depending on their skills and<br />

availability. They’re encouraged to work with age groups<br />

they wouldn’t usually have contact with – the elderly or<br />

the very young, for example – to coach teams, to help out<br />

behind the scenes, to mentor other students – anything to<br />

give of their time freely to grow their sense of pride and<br />

sense of community.<br />

One of current co-ordinator Liz Breslin’s favourite things is<br />

going out to visit students on placement, “because they’re<br />

always doing good, out there, making a difference. And<br />

we have so many negative stereotypes of teenagers and I<br />

don’t see them here, and neither do all the people that the<br />

Students in the Community visit. They see generous young<br />

people doing good stuff.”

“If you put effort into it, you will<br />

enjoy it.”<br />

Max Ludwig.<br />

“I learned that I can talk to old<br />

people and that they are not<br />

scary! You also learn how to<br />

hold conversations that mean<br />

something, rather than just<br />

chit-chat.”<br />

Sarah Cooper-Slee<br />

“Get amongst!<br />

It is truly rewarding.”<br />

Harry Seagar<br />


IN THE<br />


“Helping at the day care centre<br />

helped with my patience and<br />

this has gone through in other<br />

aspects of my life.”<br />

Poppy Jefferies<br />

“Do something out of<br />

your comfort zone!”<br />

Alex Johnston<br />

“I learnt that<br />

I can actually<br />

communicate<br />

effectively which<br />

suprised me as I<br />

thought I was shy<br />

and would be shy<br />

in these situations”<br />

Emily-Rose James<br />

page 73


Keeping with tradition, the Year 13s took part in an early morning polar plunge in the middle of winter<br />

this year. This event was organised by the Service and Academic Committee’s wonderful leader, Karyn,<br />

and all those who participated dressed accordingly to the theme of anything starting with the letters<br />

M, A or C. It was an entertaining event that will surely be remembered by those who took part and was<br />

definitely a good way to lighten the winter mood and test the courage of the Year 13s!<br />

Bronnie Ormandy<br />

page 74


page 75

page 76<br />



Name: Adele Thomson<br />

ST: Rapping<br />

TM: Quinoa<br />

BM: Year 9<br />

Name: Andrew Jopson<br />

FC: Chemical engineer<br />

TM: Phat 360s<br />

Q: Carpe diem<br />

Name: Aoife Baker<br />

AKA: E fi fo fum<br />

FC: Kanye West tribute act<br />

Q: I’m actually a girl<br />

Name: Ben Weatherby<br />

AKA: Benji<br />

FC: English teacher<br />

TM: Bad calls<br />

Name: Brittany Smith<br />

ST: Parkour<br />

TM: Backflips<br />

BM: Landing the doubleback flip<br />

Name: Calypso Hird<br />

ST: Hitting the park<br />

BM: Stealing Rob Roy’s shopping<br />

bag<br />

Name: Christie Kirk<br />

AKA: Queen B<br />

ST: Injuries<br />

Name: Connor Moore<br />

FC: Potato farmer<br />

TM: Curly hair<br />

BM: New York school trip<br />

Name: Daniel Edwards<br />

ST: Frying eggs with the element<br />

turned off<br />

TM: Getting overly excited about<br />

the weather<br />

Name: Daisy Thor-Poet<br />

ST: Singing to songs without<br />

knowing the words<br />

BM: Deans Bank bike ride, Yr 11<br />

Name: Ellie Russell<br />

FC: Teacher or pharmacist<br />

TM: Scottish<br />

BM: Yr 10 Stewart Island tramp<br />

Name: Emma Clarke<br />

ST: Llama whispering<br />

TM: RPM clothing<br />

BM: Canyoning<br />

Name: Florence Collins Caballero<br />

AKA: Flo-Rida<br />

ST: Hand-eye coordination<br />

Name: Georgia Houghton-Brown<br />

FC: Midwife<br />

TM: Crazy cat lady<br />

BM: The hostel skyline traverse<br />

Name: Hana Evison<br />

AKA: Hannah<br />

ST: Changing subject<br />

FC: Beautician<br />

Name: Harry Waters<br />

ST: Clapping with one hand<br />

FC: Pro FIFA player<br />

BM: Getting painted blue and<br />

being Avatar<br />

page 77

AKA = also known as / ST = secret talent / FC = future career / TM = trade mark / BM = best memory / Q = quote<br />

Name: Isaac Bell<br />

AKA: Isabella<br />

FC: Muse cover band<br />

or professional procrastinator<br />

BM: Rockquest<br />

Name: Jack McLachlan Thomson<br />

Arbuckle<br />

AKA: Ropehead<br />

ST: Tongue-punching<br />

BM: Freestyle Fridays<br />

Name: Katherine Millis<br />

AKA: Bob<br />

BM: Winning triple jump<br />

Q: It’s Friday, right?<br />

Name: Laura Waller<br />

AKA: Lazza, Iron Lady<br />

ST: Cat lover<br />

BM: Roy skyline walk<br />

Name: Lydia Fookes<br />

AKA: Lydz<br />

ST: Parkour<br />

TM: Backflips<br />

Name: Madison Parslow<br />

FC: Vet nurse<br />

Q: It’s so cold even the water’s<br />

ice *slips on ice*<br />

Name: Maximillian Ludwig<br />

AKA: Maximinion<br />

BM: Landing in NZ for the first<br />

time<br />

Q: My English is sucks<br />

Name: Michelle Tomlinson<br />

AKA: Miguel<br />

Q: We’re here for a good time, not<br />

a long time<br />

Name: Sam Keeling<br />

ST: Cutting the bros lunch<br />

FC: Frenchy’s agent<br />

TM: Arawhata is Life<br />

Name: Mila Sumar<br />

ST: Turning every conversation<br />

into song lyrics<br />

BM: Tekapo Camp ice skating<br />

Q: I was born close to my<br />

birthday<br />

Name: Rick Sanders<br />

AKA: Carl<br />

ST: Dismantling pens<br />

FC: Professional fish assassin<br />

Name: Mitchie Maluschnig<br />

ST: Euphoric singing<br />

TM: Grey hoodies<br />

Q: Queni ya ranya ullumë<br />

vanwëumir - Not all those who<br />

wander are lost (JRR Tolkien)<br />

Name: Nick Burns<br />

ST: Unicycling<br />

FC: World’s best electrician<br />

page 78<br />

Name: Noel Bisson<br />

ST: Knowing film characters’<br />

lines before they say them<br />

FC: Chess Grandmaster<br />

Q: Famous last words<br />

Name: Olivia Newman<br />

AKA: Liv, Newman8er<br />

TM: Laugh<br />

Name: Oscar McLaren<br />

ST: Breaking every cup known to<br />

mankind<br />

FC: Samoan language teacher<br />

TM: Going to my recipe book

AKA = also known as / ST = secret talent / FC = future career / TM = trade mark / BM = best memory / Q = quote<br />

Name: Tom Bowman<br />

AKA: Bowman, Tommy B<br />

FC: BSC at Otago Uni<br />

BM: <strong>MAC</strong> 1st XV rugby<br />

Name: Brooke Harwood<br />

FC: Professional chocolate tester<br />

Q: Raisin cookies that look like<br />

chocolate cookies are the main<br />

reason I have trust issues<br />

Name: Thomas Wilkie<br />

AKA: Young Chalkie<br />

FC: Engineer<br />

Q: Nar it's algoods<br />

Name: Josh Carlier<br />

ST: Not hurting animals<br />

BM: Wearing Ms Watt’s glasses<br />

Name: Jiorde White<br />

AKA: Whitey<br />

ST: Growing a neck beard<br />

FC: Pilot<br />

Name: Edward Trombik<br />

AKA: Trombicycle<br />

FC: Counselor<br />

Name: Nico Douglas Schikker<br />

AKA: Doug, Sneaky<br />

TM: Thermals and ski socks<br />

Name: Mikaela Cooper<br />

AKA: Macookie<br />

ST: Spotlight champion<br />

BM: 2013 cross country day<br />

Name: Ellis Meyer-Budge<br />

ST: Give me the aux and I’ll blow<br />

your mind<br />

BM: When the Highlanders<br />

won the Super 15 - UP THE<br />

LANDERS!<br />

Name: Mathew Schweizer<br />

AKA: Schweizy<br />

ST: Freeloader<br />

FC: Freeloading<br />

Name: Alex Johnston<br />

AKA: Baby Alex<br />

FC: Art therapist<br />

BM: Gym Rounders, Day 1, Year 7<br />

Name: Toby Lee<br />

ST: Making profit off petrol money<br />

TM: Sunburn<br />

Q: Monny?<br />

Name: Bronnie Ormandy<br />

AKA: Le Bron<br />

ST: Baking<br />

Name: Poppy Jefferies<br />

AKA: Poops<br />

BM: Year 9<br />

Q: 10 cooked<br />

Name: Katie Thompson<br />

AKA: Little Jakeytrill<br />

BM: Circle of joy with Mrs<br />

Hamilton<br />

Name: Ella Hughes<br />

TM: Wearing household items as<br />

clothing<br />

Q: Shut up I’m hot<br />

page 79

AKA = also known as / ST = secret talent / FC = future career / TM = trade mark / BM = best memory / Q = quote<br />

Name: Bradley Jackson<br />

AKA: Calfy<br />

FC: Chemist<br />

BM: Last day of Year 11<br />

Name: Blair Underwood<br />

AKA: Drip<br />

Q: Come back to me<br />

Name: Teegan Vink<br />

FC: Jet ski driver at WSL<br />

Q: How much for a chicken and<br />

mayo?<br />

Name: Jayden Fisher<br />

AKA: Andy, FB Master<br />

ST: Shredding rugby 08 on PS2<br />

Name: Zoe McNeilly<br />

AKA: Zo, Zozo, ZoBro<br />

ST: The actual Regina George<br />

TM: That horsey kid<br />

Name: Daimler Arcega<br />

AKA: Candy man<br />

ST: Giving out candy<br />

FC: Candy van driver<br />

Name: Tom Rountree<br />

AKA: Salty<br />

FC: Directeur Sportif<br />

Q: It’s a pig of a thing<br />

Name: Harry Seagar<br />

AKA: Group speeches<br />

FC: Viciously receding hairline<br />

BM: OP trips with a hungry Dave<br />

Name: Holly Bailey<br />

AKA: Regina George<br />

ST: Smiling<br />

TM: Constant death stare<br />

Name: Holly Budd<br />

AKA: djbuDD, Budd, Hol<br />

FC: Your assigned bag packer at<br />

your local New World<br />

Q: Who has my TV remotes?<br />

Name: Sarah Cooper-Slee<br />

ST: Not actually being Maori<br />

TM: Crying<br />

BM: Riding the Luggate school<br />

bus<br />

Name: Craig Davis Murray<br />

FC: Canoe Polo<br />

TM: Zoning<br />

Name: Kim Robertson<br />

AKA: Kimmie<br />

TM: Late room<br />

Name: Nina Bowley<br />

AKA: Nins<br />

ST: Making pies<br />

TM: Stressing<br />

Name: Lili Peter<br />

AKA: Lil P<br />

FC: Swift racer<br />

Q: Where did Ra go?<br />

Name: Ra Anderson<br />

AKA: Roar<br />

TM: Black<br />

page 80

AKA = also known as / ST = secret talent / FC = future career / TM = trade mark / BM = best memory / Q = quote<br />

Name: Isaac Alexander<br />

AKA: Isaaaaac<br />

Q: All in<br />

Name: Sam Richards<br />

AKA: Big Poppa<br />

ST: Rock picking<br />

BM: OP adventures with<br />

the bois<br />

Name: Jacinta Borer<br />

AKA: Mum<br />

FC: Plumber<br />

BM: Mount Cook<br />

Name: Matt Belworthy Lewthwaite<br />

AKA: Frenchy<br />

FC: Hustler<br />

BM: The time I stole all the remotes<br />

Name: Phil Balmes<br />

AKA: Mini Hulk<br />

ST: Get big by breathing on weights<br />

FC: Graphic Designer<br />

Name: Petra Shotwell<br />

BM: Lads day - last day of Yr 12,<br />

the girls dressing up as the boys<br />

and invading the ECR and boys’<br />

assembly spot<br />

Name: Holly Mercer<br />

ST: Determining whether to turn<br />

around or not when I hear the<br />

name Holly<br />

Q: This was not at all like High<br />

School Musical<br />

Name: John Steven<br />

ST: Master egg poacher<br />

TM: Mr Doyle Doppelganger / Red<br />

dufflecoat<br />

BM: USA holi..- I mean educational<br />

trip.<br />

Name: Bailey Nolet<br />

Q: It’s pronounced Nolet<br />

Name: Suzanna Turner<br />

ST: Synchronised swimming<br />

FC: Architecture<br />

BM: My year at Hostel<br />

Name: Sean Webber<br />

FC: Helicopter pilot<br />

TM: It doesn’t need mentioned...<br />

Name: Connor Stuart<br />

AKA: Stu, Neanderthal<br />

FC: Own my own business<br />

TM: Human megaphone<br />

Name: Ellen Rowlandson<br />

AKA: El<br />

ST: Freestyle runner<br />

Q: Looseness<br />

Name: Martin Zietz<br />

AKA: The Martian<br />

ST: Solving Rubik’s cube.<br />

Q: How hard can rocket science be<br />

anyway?<br />

Name: Hank Bilous<br />

FC: PE teacher<br />

BM: Flying objects around the<br />

stage<br />

Name: Brynee Wilson<br />

AKA: B to the K, B-ry, Beryony<br />

ST: Can eat 28 chicken nuggets<br />

in 12 mins<br />

Q: Good morning and welcome<br />

to assembly<br />

page 81

AKA = also known as / ST = secret talent / FC = future career / TM = trade mark / BM = best memory / Q = quote<br />

Name: Billie Scurr<br />

ST: Splits on demand<br />

FC: International flight attendant<br />

TM: My hair<br />

Name: Emily-Rose James<br />

AKA: Emzroz<br />

Q: I luv badminton<br />

Name: Matt Smith<br />

AKA: Maattyboo<br />

FC: Making gains, what else?<br />

BM: Having a full pantry after<br />

Saturday shopping<br />

Name: Scott Welch<br />

AKA: Scottie<br />

Name: Campbell Caird<br />

ST: Grade eight in Classical<br />

Recorder<br />

FC: Officer in the NZ Army<br />

Q: But why?<br />

Name: Sam Radford-Park<br />

AKA: Liability<br />

FC: Electrical apprentice<br />

TM: Keeling’s clothes<br />

Name: Samantha Hayr<br />

AKA: Sam<br />

ST: Cooking potatoes<br />

BM: Juicing in Whanau class<br />

Name: Liam McFall<br />

AKA: Ranga<br />

Q: Orange and orange don’t clash<br />

Name: Taylor Hawcridge<br />

AKA: Tay, TayTay, T-Swizzle<br />

TM: The dark horse<br />

Name: Zac Shields<br />

AKA: Taco<br />

ST: Sculling water<br />

TM: Powerade bottle<br />

Name: Paul Wright<br />

FC: n/a<br />

BM: Fridays Yr 11/12<br />

Name: John Turnbull<br />

AKA: JT, Mr T<br />

FC: Bus driver for school trips<br />

Q: True<br />

page 82

“MR T “<br />

The end of this term will see the end of an era with the retirement of Mr John Turnbull, affectionately known as “Mr T,”<br />

from the classroom after 38 years of teaching in Wanaka.<br />

John began his teaching career in 1977 when the District High School became the Wanaka Area School. When Mount<br />

Aspiring College was formed in 1988 he was one of the original staff who moved on to teach at the college. Over the years<br />

he has seen many students pass through the college, including his own children and grandchildren.<br />

John’s specialist teaching subjects are Geography, Social Studies and Tourism and there are many past and present students<br />

who now have a far better understanding of the origins of our local Wanaka landscape thanks to his teaching. He brought<br />

physical geography to life with his glacier exploration field trips to the West Coast and his boat trips on Lake Wanaka. An<br />

added bonus is John’s coach driving licence which has been invaluable on many a class trip.<br />

What people may not know however, is the tireless work that John has put into many areas of school life behind the scenes.<br />

In the early days of the college he was the teacher responsible for the library and archive records and he has also been in<br />

charge of audio visual equipment at the college for many years. The hand behind the video camera presenting the live-feed<br />

playback at Prizegiving ceremonies is John’s. It is John who has created the Prizegiving DVD’s and John who has produced<br />

the archive recordings of our college productions for many years.<br />

He is also the steering force behind the success of many a 40 Hour Famine at <strong>MAC</strong>, offering advice and encouragement to<br />

each year’s organising committee. Over the years he never missed an opportunity to dress up for mufti days (his Bob Marley<br />

dreadlocks and Elton John glitz and glasses spring immediately to mind) and he took an active part in staff skits, often<br />

taking on the role of pianist.<br />

The decision to retire will give John more time to spend with his family, in particular with his wife Cherie, but rumour has it<br />

that he may still drive buses for <strong>MAC</strong> trips.<br />

Driven by his spiritual beliefs, a man of high moral character, patience and integrity, John can always be counted on to offer<br />

words of support and encouragement at all the right times. Always pleasant in manner, loyal, cheerful, considerate and wellloved<br />

by his whanau, “Mr T” will be missed immensely. We thank him sincerely for everything he has contributed to the<br />

college and wish him well for the next chapter of his life.<br />


The “Straight Up” Christian group was initiated this year with Josephine<br />

Schafer and Cole Masters leading the group, with the assistance of Miss<br />

Weggery. Team leaders Hannah Davey, Rose-Meri Smith, Sam Sandri, Matt<br />

McLean and Ollie McKenzie assisted in the running of fun fortnightly<br />

events, guest speaker sessions and small discussion groups. It has been<br />

great to have new members come along and we hope this group will<br />

continue to go from strength to strength next year.<br />

page 83

40 HOUR FAMINE<br />

$7500 raised!<br />

All the 40 Hour Famine proceeds this year went to Bangladesh, where almost 8 million<br />

children are malnourished. The <strong>2015</strong> 40 Hour Famine core crew was made up of Kath, Laura,<br />

Kim, Rosie, April, Erin, Lucy Aoife, Ellie and myself. At the start of the year we travelled down<br />

to Dunedin to attend a leadership convention to learn about where the money we raise goes<br />

and what we can do to make a difference for those families living in poverty.<br />

We returned with heaps of enthusiasm and dived into the organisation of raising funds for<br />

Bangladesh. We managed to get over 80 participants from Mt Aspiring College, including<br />

students and staff. They dedicated 40 hours of their weekend to go without food, technology,<br />

talking etc. and fund raised by talking to neighbours, teachers, family and they all successfully<br />

‘took a stand’ for families in third world countries.<br />

With the help of Harley Hamilton from World Vision we also organised a bake sale and of<br />

course we had to have Kath Millis’ ‘teachers’ cross country’. The teachers really committed to it<br />

this year in terms of costumes and effort. It was such an awesome event and I hope that it will<br />

continue in the years to come.<br />

We managed to raise just over $7,500, which won us the award for ‘The Most Raised in the<br />

lower South Island’. Because of this I was lucky enough to be selected to represent Mt Aspiring<br />

College at the World Vision and Sanitarium Senior Scholarship Programme in Auckland in<br />

the second week of the October holidays. Along with 30 other students from different schools<br />

all over New Zealand I was challenged over the course of the week with some of the biggest<br />

social justice issues prevalent in our world today, as well as being educated and empowered<br />

to become a better leader. This trip was an amazing experience for me and I met some truly<br />

inspirational people.<br />

Congratulations to everyone who participated and donated funds to the 40 Hour Famine.<br />

All your efforts go towards improving the standard of living and quality of life of people in<br />

Bangladesh which is such an amazing cause! I would like to say a special thank you to Mr. T<br />

for helping us run the 40 Hour Famine this year, your help is always very much appreciated so<br />

thank you!<br />

Nina Bowley<br />

SHAVE for a CURE<br />

$2544.50 raised!<br />

Ten very brave <strong>MAC</strong> students shaved<br />

for a cure for leukaemia and blood<br />

cancer in this year’s fundraiser. The<br />

pony tail cuts and full head shaves<br />

were undertaken by friends and<br />

finished off professionally by Jacob<br />

from Ali Baba’s. Hair longer than<br />

30cm was also donated for wig<br />

making. Students involved were<br />

Jordyn McDonald, Ben Harrington,<br />

Kenzi Robinson, Hannah McNabb,<br />

Amy Jolly, Nick Mercer, Olly<br />

Six New Zealanders are diagnosed with<br />

blood cancer or a related condition every<br />

day. The funds raised by students from the<br />

shaves and a mufti day will help fund core<br />

services such as patient support and research.<br />

Many thanks to those who supported this<br />

cause and especially to Jacob from Ali Baba’s<br />

(who came on his day off to shave) and Mr<br />

Sloan who took the photos.<br />

page 84


will break my bones<br />

but words will never hurt me...<br />

Sticks ‘n’ Stones is a student led project managed by Central Otago REAP focused on taking positive action online to reduce<br />

cyberbullying. Students have an enormous amount of experience with life online and can support younger students, their<br />

parents, families and communities to better understand the benefits and pitfalls.<br />

Highlights from <strong>2015</strong>:<br />

Pink Shirt Day<br />

Rainbow Youth Workshop - Sexuality and Gender<br />

Training with Youthline and the Ministry of Youth Development<br />

Web Rangers in Christchurch<br />

Getting our ‘Behind the Scenes’ documentary filming underway - We are hoping this<br />

will be sent out to all the schools in New Zealand and for it to become a part of school’s<br />

health courses. This is extremely exciting! We have started interviewing some of our group<br />

members and prominent people in the society, such as our local Health Nurse and Youth<br />

Police Liaison.<br />

Data Collection - we are really excited to have co-constructed the <strong>2015</strong> survey! With help<br />

from Dr John Fenaughty from the University of Auckland and Adrian Field, an Evaluation<br />

Consultant, we worked through how we could collect more relevant, meaningful and<br />

authentic data from our peers. Typically, data collected from young people is based on<br />

assumptions in the questions that have been posed by adults (also known as old people)<br />

and we believe that this needs to change.<br />

Dinner with Nigel Latta - a chance to present to 300 community members in Cromwell<br />

about the topic “Should your children be allowed social media.” We also interviewed Nigel<br />

about the prospect of him working with us in the future.<br />

Collaboration with Project Rockit and Facebook – “Hit Pause then Post” and “Help a<br />

friend in need.”

SADD<br />

Introducing the <strong>2015</strong> <strong>MAC</strong> SADD committee led by Bronnie Ormandy and Katie Thompson. The<br />

SADD committee is also made up of Year 12 and 13 students; Brynee Wilson, Aoife Baker, Ella Hughes,<br />

Adele Thomson, Sarah Cooper-Slee, Petra Shotwell, Nina Bowley, Erin Greenwood, Lucy Hayes and<br />

April Carter. SADD stands for Students Against Dangerous Driving and our committee is one of many<br />

in schools across New Zealand.<br />

SADD raises awareness and educates drivers within our school and local community about the dangers of driving. These<br />

include weather conditions, drink driving, distractions, speeding and reckless driving. SADD aims to reduce the harm caused<br />

on our roads by dangerous drivers by educating young people about the risks.<br />

This year we have been focusing on driving issues that are more relevant to our community and have organised events which<br />

raise awareness in a practical and interactive way for <strong>MAC</strong> students. In October, <strong>MAC</strong> students witnessed an extremely<br />

realistic (mock up) crash scene outside the school office which provided an example of what can happen if bad decisions are<br />

made whilst driving. Our committee also presented in assemblies, using effective methods including awareness videos to get<br />

the school to understand the level of impact that dangerous driving could have on people.<br />

“empowering, impactful, brilliant”<br />

Ra Anderson<br />

Although the crash was a challenge and a lot of work to organise/plan (with the help of local emergency services), watching<br />

the reactions of the students we believe that it definitely paid off. Hopefully more young people will now realise how common<br />

the dangers of driving are in New Zealand for people of our age.<br />

Katie Thompson

survivors key<br />

1 2 3 5 6<br />

7 8<br />

9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

15 16 17 19 18 20<br />

21 22 23<br />

24 25 26<br />

27 29 31 32<br />

1. Bronnie Ormandy 2. Adele Thomson 3. Jiorde White 4. Poppy Jefferies<br />

5. Nico Schikker 6. Billie Scurr 7. Alex Johnston 8. Katie Thompson 9.<br />

Holly Bailey 10. Rick Sanders 11. Oscar Thompson 12. John Steven 13. Ellie<br />

Russell 14. Brynee Wilson 15. Connor Moore 16. Sarah Cooper-Slee 17. Mila<br />

Sumar 18. Ellis Meyer-Budge 19. Zoe McNeilly 20. Jayden Fisher 21. Brooke<br />

Harwood 22. Hank Bilous 23. Mitchie Malushnig 24. Kath Millis 25. Nina<br />

Bowley 26. Olivia Newman 27. Zac Shields 28. Toby Lee 29. Noel Bisson 30.<br />

Bradley Jackson 31. Petra Shotwell 32. Florence Collins Caballero<br />

Mag thanks<br />

Thank you to everyone who made this magazine possible<br />

this year. Taylor Hawcridge for stunning cover design; Simon<br />

Nyhof for his efficient and official photograph organising<br />

(to a soundtrack of AC/DC and the Got Talent kids);<br />

Andrew Sloan for explaining camera settings and taking<br />

epic photographs; Laura Williamson for design work and<br />

good knowing of shortcuts; Hamish Crosbie for brilliantly<br />

corralling information from the Year 13s; Jacky Toepfer<br />

for coordinating sports teams into various configurations;<br />

Sam Drayton for eagle-eye editing; Mandy Sherson for<br />

her encyclopedic fingertips; Andy Miller for setting up the<br />

templates and the School Committees for choosing from<br />

them; On <strong>Magazine</strong> for letting us use a review and photos;<br />

Nadine Cagney and Alpine Images photography for allowing<br />

their professional shots to grace our pages; World Vision<br />

for the 40 Hour Famine picture, Erin at Tidy Design for<br />

calm last-minute pdf-ing advice and printing the mag and<br />

everyone else who has written for and otherwise contributed<br />

to the magazine.<br />

page 87<br />

Liz Breslin

BARKER<br />

House leaders:<br />

Jack Arbuckle<br />

Billie Scurr<br />

BBW<br />

Mrs Kate Brown<br />

Phoenix Apa,<br />

Mackenzie Ayres,<br />

Georgie Bruce,<br />

Samantha Clark,<br />

Jaspar Duwe, Laura<br />

Erichsen, Jayden<br />

Fisher, Kate Goodsell,<br />

Amelie Hochdoerfer,<br />

Fin MacDonald,<br />

Angus MacLeod,<br />

Kennedy Martin,<br />

Oliver McKenzie,<br />

Seb Meredith, Joshua<br />

Rogan, Jimmy<br />

Roughan, Hayley<br />

Secker, Laetitia<br />

Telford, Jiorde White,<br />

Brynee Wilson.<br />

Ms Vicki Ashton<br />

BAS<br />

Isaac Alexander, Hugo<br />

Darby, Abby East, Ben<br />

Everest, Beth Gale,<br />

Will Hofmans, Robert<br />

Kewitsch, Courtney<br />

Leith, Lachie MacDonald,<br />

Katherine Millis, Bailey<br />

Monk, Kalani Muirhead,<br />

Josephine Plimmer,<br />

Cody Sarginson, Greysea<br />

Steven, Bradley Telfer,<br />

Holly Wigg, Hayley Yule.<br />

Mr Rob Bruce<br />

BBR<br />

Joshua Allport, Brooke<br />

Elstob, Thea Erichsen,<br />

Lydia Fookes, Alistair<br />

Garland, Caitlin<br />

Gibson, Kahu Griffin,<br />

Emily Knoesen,<br />

Christina Lamb,<br />

Krystal McCutcheon,<br />

Tom Reaney, Liam<br />

Richards, Rurika<br />

Sekino, Nicolas Seiler,<br />

Matt Smith, Mel<br />

Telford, Dewaldt van<br />

Eeden, James Watt,<br />

Charlotte Wilson,<br />

Christopher Wood,<br />

Alex Young.<br />

Mr Lincoln Bruce<br />

BBU<br />

Marcel Bartley, Todd<br />

Buckley, George<br />

Davenport, Abby<br />

Fisher, Anika Fouchee,<br />

Holly Gibson, Lennox<br />

Hemingway, Lucas<br />

McTavish, Estelle<br />

Norman, Praew<br />

Phoomrittikul, Kenzie<br />

Robinson, Michaela<br />

Rogan, Tom Rountree,<br />

Nicola Sanders, Lucan<br />

Smith, Zac Taurua,<br />

Hamish Winder.<br />

Blake Alty, Tyler Bailey,<br />

Faenza Clausen, Caleb<br />

Eason, Jessie Fothergill,<br />

Jack Harker, Indigo<br />

Hemingway, James<br />

Ingram, Alexandra<br />

Johnston, Clover Lippe,<br />

Aimee McArthur, Ella<br />

Morrison, Alex Plimmer,<br />

Emily Simpkin, Thomas<br />

Smith, Toto Tanabe,<br />

Samantha Traynor, Blair<br />

Underwood.<br />

BBY<br />

Mr Wayne Bosley<br />

Mr Hamish Crosbie<br />

BCB<br />

Nicholas Bates, Weston<br />

Bell, Madi Gainsford, Aly<br />

Gibson, Lucy Hayes, Oscar<br />

Hetherington, Grace Lee,<br />

Ella Maluschnig, Thomas<br />

Masters, Jessie McKenzie,<br />

Haydn Miles, Leo Milligan,<br />

Alexander Ohnhaus, Emily<br />

Prout, Oscar Thompson,<br />

Isabella Thomsson, Edward<br />

Trombik, Suzy Turner,<br />

Tomas Winder.<br />

Sam Bastion, Olivia<br />

Bates, Nina Bowley, Jack<br />

Goodsell, Jin Wook Hong,<br />

Jai Jenkins-Foreman, Declan<br />

Lambert, Patrick Llewellyn,<br />

Mitchie Maluschnig, Laura<br />

Neale, Alyx Nyika, Bronnie<br />

Ormandy, Dylan Rimmer,<br />

Ty Sarginson, Sapphire<br />

Schwarz, Nicholas Smith,<br />

Annabelle Taurua-Smith,<br />

Molly Thomsson.<br />

BFL<br />

Mr Cameron Flude<br />

page 88

Mrs Kris Logan<br />

BLO<br />

Erica Ayres, Harrison<br />

Brown, Josh Carlier,<br />

Claudia Crini, Phoebe<br />

Garland, Teresa Haap,<br />

Blake Hartley, Kareem<br />

Jodeh, Ngaio MacLeod,<br />

Ashley McAdam, Sarah<br />

Millis, Sam Neale,<br />

James Parry, Gary<br />

Poilvert, Kai Richards,<br />

Tait Scurr, Brittany<br />

Smith, Samantha Smith,<br />

Aleisha Turner.<br />

IRON<br />

House leaders:<br />

Connor Moore<br />

John Steven<br />

Mrs Clare Scurr<br />

BSC<br />

Ocean Allemann,<br />

Maddy Ball, Quinn<br />

Bartley, Flynn<br />

Brown, Riley Bruce,<br />

Mikaela Condren,<br />

Isla Gellatly, Natasha<br />

Hamer, Patrick<br />

Hartley, Rory Irwin,<br />

Logan Lambert,<br />

Lea McTavish, Maia<br />

Poilvert, Rick Sanders,<br />

Billie Scurr, Annie<br />

Timu, Sara Wright,<br />

Niclas Wuesthoff.<br />

Mrs Lesley Baynes<br />

ILB<br />

Shae Barrett-Corrigan,<br />

Johanna Boege, Caris-Brook<br />

Bowler, Meg Breen, Phoenix<br />

Brownlie, Piper Cavanagh,<br />

Anna Edwards, Jacob Farrell,<br />

Lachlan Garrick, Jacob<br />

Harwood, Louis Jones,<br />

Andrew Jopson, Christie<br />

Kirk, Frazer Limmer, Kelly<br />

McClimont, Finlay Nolet,<br />

Greer Porter, Joseph Sharratt.<br />

Mr John Turnbull<br />

BTU<br />

Holly Bailey, Ashley Bates,<br />

Emile Coote, Maelle<br />

Darby, Patrick Gainsford,<br />

Ra Griffin, Liam Kemp,<br />

Toby Lee, Rory McLean,<br />

Lucy Perriam, Michael<br />

Rankin, Shanae Sanders,<br />

Isabela Savino Starling,<br />

Callum Smith, Eamon<br />

Smith, Laura Smith, Lilly<br />

Trotter, Ady Vincenzi-<br />

Johnson, Keltan Voyce.<br />

Ollie Alderson, Holly Budd,<br />

Danielle Carney, April Carter,<br />

Aislyn Fay, James Glynn,<br />

Harry Hughes, Jake Jamison,<br />

Michelle Li, Georgia Liley,<br />

Tess Martin, Liam McFall,<br />

Jessica Paddon, Veron<br />

Pittaway, Carlin Richter, Sam<br />

Teal, Lily Waters, Tim Weir.<br />

IBN<br />

Mrs Denise Bruns<br />

Jack Arbuckle, Phil<br />

Balmes, Daniel Bastion,<br />

Sarah Cooper-Slee,<br />

Helena Crawford,<br />

Kilita Fouchee, Marcus<br />

Hetherington, Owen Lea,<br />

Matt McLean,<br />

Tom Millis, Madison<br />

Parslow, Lauren Rimmer,<br />

Flynn Rosie, Caitlin<br />

Sanders, Josephine<br />

Schafer, James Simpkin,<br />

Teerin Varongchayakul,<br />

Phoebe Young.<br />

BWE<br />

Ms Joanne Weggery<br />

Mrs Jenny Edgar<br />

Mr Simon Nyhof<br />

IED<br />

Ethan Arratia, Emilie<br />

Barnett, Alex Combe,<br />

Mae Cradock, Jessica<br />

Curtis, Spencer Deaton,<br />

Sam Facer, Jordan Fox,<br />

Cameron Gibbins, Laura<br />

Hay, Sam Horton, Sam<br />

Keeling, Jasmine Murray,<br />

Olivia Newman, Cory<br />

O’Regan, Johnny Percy,<br />

Tully Stevens, Laura<br />

Wellman, Thomas Wilkie.<br />

page 89

ICS<br />

Whitney Bennett, Georgia Budd, Jake Connolly, Sean Dickey,<br />

Georgia Fussell, William Gerrard, Jamie Gibbard, Teana<br />

Haines, Ben Harrington, Taylor Hawcridge, Ella Hughes, Oscar<br />

Humphreys, Neco Richter, Numa Saglibene, Billy Sandri, Alicia<br />

Stock, Ned Williams Holloway, Ryan Young.<br />

IBA<br />

Mackenzie Barnett, Jessa Bennett, Stirling Deaton, Emma Goth, Luca<br />

Harrington, Calypso Hird, Hannah Humphreys, Ruby Jamison, Brianna Kerris,<br />

Liam Kirk, India O’Donnell-Fluit, Tom Roberts, Nicholas Rumore, Nikita<br />

Sinclair, Janus Staufenberg, John Steven, Mackenzie Thompson, Lachlan Weir,<br />

Jordan Wouters.<br />

Ms Gena Bagley<br />

IHR<br />

Mr Dave Cassaidy<br />

Ashleigh Cram, Jack Culshaw, Jan Debeur, Ashleigh Doran, Rogue<br />

Ferguson, Sophia Fitzgerald, Paulina Groppe, Samantha Haines,<br />

Andrew Hay, Louis Hughes, Connor Moore, Acacia Murray,<br />

Nicholas O’Donnell-Fluit, Jack Porter, Eliza Rogers, Zoi Sadowski-<br />

Synnott, Samuel Sandri, Harry Waters, Jono Watson.<br />

IFX<br />

Aritsara Aiamsathit, Jose Americano Vieira D’Almeida, Jette Cavanagh, Isabella<br />

Culshaw, Elih Grace, Henry Hardaker, Brooke Harwood, Shiana Matheson,<br />

Bailey Nolet, Joshua Orton, Anna Roberts, Maude Rogers, Charlie Sharratt,<br />

Zac Shields, Emma Smith, Julius Staufenberg, Tristin Weastell, Ollie Williams<br />

Holloway.<br />

Ms Katrina Fox<br />

IMC<br />

Ms Caitlin Harvey<br />

Zelda Boyd, Adam Breen, Charlotte Coupland, Imogen Dougherty,<br />

Christy Facer, Annabel Fairbairn, Phoenix Fay, Bella Fraser, Ben<br />

Fussell, Cameron Howell, Josh O’Regan, Tom Rizzi, Maximilian<br />

Rubner, Sophie Stalker, Leo Staufenberg, Martha Toghill, Sean<br />

Webber, Eva Wilson, Nikita Wouters.<br />

IDL<br />

Isaac Bell, Ben Boyd, Ellen Cagney, Aden Cassaidy, Fletch Cavanagh, Olivia<br />

Connolly, Jessica Ecroyd, Daniel Edwards, Sarah Ernsting, Jessie Fraser, Georgia<br />

Houghton-Brown, Jack Landreth, Cole Masters, Eric Nicholson, Sonya Palmer,<br />

Hannah Rizzi, Olly Rowe, Red Simpson, Samuel Thompson.<br />

Mr Mat Doyle<br />

IWS<br />

Mrs Deborah McMillan<br />

Jaimee Barnett, Paul Buttler, Angus Cagney, Ethan Carleton, Tom<br />

Caulton, Sam Coupland, Amelia Dore, Anton Guethe, McKenzie<br />

Hart, Bridie Hurley, Natalia Johnson, Chan Jung, Carl Matalote,<br />

Olive Pujol, Kim Robertson, Reilly Sadowski-Synnott, Reanna<br />

Shepherd, Zach Smith, Bronson Toghill.<br />

IBL<br />

Daimler Arcega, Caycee Beck, Jacinta Borer, Annabella Bruce, Annabel Carter,<br />

Samantha Garrick, Brayden Horton, Luke Keen, Leon Kerr, Maximillian<br />

Ludwig, Zach Martin, Daniel O’Donnell, Eve Paddon, Nicole Pittaway,<br />

Mitchell Regan, Emma Stalker, Kobi Stevens.<br />

page 90<br />

Ms Carol Bradley<br />

Ms Annabel Wilson

PISA<br />

PAL<br />

Ra Anderson, Franco Lauritano Araya, Aoife Baker, Mitchell Evans, Eamon<br />

Green, Daniel Hadida, Sam Howard, Chiara Marchetti San Martino Di<br />

Muriaglio, Jessica Martin, Oceania McFadgen, Craig Murray, Tim Plucker,<br />

Caitlin Roberts, Rose-Meri Smith, Bayley Somerville, Joe Strawson, Grace<br />

Thomson, Romili Townsend, Valtteri Vaakanainen.<br />

House leaders:<br />

Nico Schikker<br />

Aoife Baker<br />

Mr Murray Allen<br />

PBI<br />

Morgan Allen, Kasia Balls, Noel Bisson, Maddi Frazer, Josh<br />

Hasler, Sam Hayr, Alice Howard, Charles Jewell, Gina Lilly, Baiden<br />

Mathews, Georgia McGregor, Holly Mercer, Alex Mitchell, Leo<br />

Munro-Heward, Ming Thor-Poet, Joshua Ward, Ben Weatherby.<br />

PBD<br />

Wiracha Boonrod, Emma Clarke, Himaya Dalton, Thomas Evans, Jack Findlay,<br />

Ben Hadida, Latisha Halcrow, Leightyn Hessian, Ewan Little, Laura MacCulloch,<br />

Nikita Mayen, Kimberley McArthur, Nick Mercer, Duncan Muir, Ellise Price,<br />

Renon Sasaki, Jenaya Wilkinson, Paul Wright.<br />

Mrs Dawn Bosley<br />

Mr Craig Baily<br />

PHO<br />

Brynn Anderson Bull, Alfie Baker, Leon Bowie, Chicane Cooper,<br />

Tom Heather, Hunter Hewson, Jaz Hooper, Sam Jewell, Simone<br />

Johnson, Tara Lawrence, Gero Lemke, Cole McIntyre, Arana<br />

McLachlan, Zoe McNeilly, Fiona Murray, Makayla Rasmussen,<br />

Zhane Skipper, Meg Thomas, Persia Thor-Poet.<br />

PDU<br />

Tom Bowman, Bridget Donovan, Eli Emanuel, Merle Freitag, Sheree Gamble,<br />

Jayden Hanson, Finn Hasler, Ava Hughes, Nadia McNeilly, Bailey Mills, Jake<br />

Nicholson, Nathan Redai, Emily Scott, Casey Scurr, Willow Strawson, Oliver<br />

Thomas, Daisy Thor-Poet, Jack Welch.<br />

Ms Petrina Duncan<br />

PMU<br />

Mr Alistair Hose<br />

Lucas Baird, Lewis Brooks, Mustafa Caliskan, Rata Horan, George<br />

McDonald, Hamish McLean, Kiera McLeod, Luis Munro, Sienna<br />

Nicholson, Sungyoon Park, Summer Rasmussen, Ryan Schmack,<br />

Rosie Spearing, Connor Stuart, Mila Sumar, Katie Thompson,<br />

Pyper Turner, Meg Weedon, Gijs Wolter.<br />

PLE<br />

Mitchell Collett, Shaneil Coupe, Firth Deacon, Michael Gealogo, Erin<br />

Greenwood, Libby Henderson, Bradley Jackson, Jimin Lee, Heidi Niederer,<br />

Yesol Park, Oliver Prince, Jorden Rasmussen, Ben Roberts, Tom Scott, Michelle<br />

Tomlinson, Pete Traill, Dilara Van, Samantha Wilkinson.<br />

Mrs Marie Lewis<br />

Ms Karyn Munro<br />

page 91

ROY<br />

House leaders:<br />

Petra Shotwell<br />

Hank Bilous<br />

Ethan Brady, Florence Collins Caballero, Phoenix Cooper, Simon<br />

Dalley, Josh Dobbie, Sophie Fenn, Arlene Gealogo, Tyler Greeks,<br />

Adam Hewson, Rhys Hughes, Issey Lewis, Maggie Little, Mihi<br />

McLachlan, MacKenzie Muir, Ethan Munro, Matthew Prince, Nico<br />

Schikker, Luke Wright.<br />

PWD<br />

Mr Ed Waddington<br />

RAR<br />

Isabella Berry, Nick Burns, Gracie Cartlidge, Pedro Domingues,<br />

Oscar Fay, Briar Hight, Anja Malmo, Hannah McNabb, Stan<br />

Millwater, Freya Moore, Jack O’Brien, Bryce Parkhill, Alyssa Pryde,<br />

Jesse Robertson, Campbell Russell, Siena Shotwell, Shea Williams.<br />

PRB<br />

Megan Bryan, Mikaela Cooper, Gregor Findlay, Thomas Gibson, Harry<br />

Gillespie, Rory Hannon, Albie Haynes, Jessica Hollow, Luca Horeni, Zachary<br />

Kaye, Anna Liggins, Ashley MacCulloch, Oli Prince, Sam Radford-Park, Marli<br />

Reyta, Jamie Toomey, Summer Trent, Lily Willis-King, Campbell Wright.<br />

Mr Brendon Robertson<br />

Mrs Sharon Arlidge<br />

RAH<br />

Liam Beaton, Matt Belworthy Lewthwaite, Riley Christie, Anton<br />

Cousins, Elliot Frost, Oban Hansen, Sammy Harry, Mikayla<br />

Harvey, James Hey, Lachy Moore, Lucy O’Brien, Ava Plimmer,<br />

Georgia Robertson, Ethan Ross, Neve Stalker, Sophie Sun.<br />

PSL<br />

Josh Arthur, Hugo Baird, Rory Baker, Georgie Burdon, Annika Gibson, Leithen<br />

Henderson, Jade Macdonald, Georgia McDonald, Elena McFadgen, Taki<br />

McLachlan, Toby Murray, Nicole Price, Fergus Read, Niamh Schmack, Tatar<br />

Solot, Keira Somerville, Wilfred Spearing, Daniel Toomey, James Watherston<br />

Mr Andrew Sloan<br />

RFA<br />

Ms Maryanne Ahern<br />

Mila Arnerich, Hank Bilous, Alex Budweiser-King, Alexander<br />

Buschack, Hannah Davey, Charlie Holmes, Nathan Holt, Joshua Jarvie,<br />

Emily Leahy, Amy Morris, Finn Mueller, Paige O’Brien, Sam Pearce,<br />

Rimu Roode, Jihye Song, Molly Todd,<br />

Laura Waller, Mero Williams.<br />

PZE<br />

Toby Balls, Ruth Bennie, Cecilia Gardner, Jimmy Gillespie, Sam Hooper,<br />

Jonathan Jaschke, Poppy Jefferies, Rory Johns, Ronan Kaye, Ethan Kerr, Anton<br />

Le Prevost-Smith, Nick Lumsden, Rosie Munro, Helene Price, Georgia Prince,<br />

Daniel Regal, Ella Robinson, Milly Robinson, Scott Welch, Claudia Wilkinson.<br />

Mrs Jess Zeestraten<br />

Mr Luke Faed<br />

page 92

RMR<br />

Hugo Agstner, Hannah Barham, Manu Barnard, Anna Barrett,<br />

Finn Bilous, Andre Cardoso Codeceira, Hugo Cochrane, Jesse<br />

Harling, Angus Harraway, Luella Harry, Miri Hight, Alyssa<br />

Horning, Alexa McKay, Ella Moore, Callum Rennie, Toa Roode,<br />

Petra Shotwell, Teegan Vink, Paris Woodhouse.<br />

RMN<br />

Zoe Andrews, Teegan Danielson, Maye Hall, Tana Hansen, Ella Landreth,<br />

Jordyn McDonald, Danielle Molloy, Ellie Moore, Steven Morris, Jesse Mulqueen,<br />

Lochlan Murdoch, Olivia Pearce, Ben Richards, Ellie Russell, Dougal Stalker,<br />

James Suddaby, Matthew Wilson, Martin Zietz.<br />

Mr Ian McNabb<br />

RSD<br />

Mrs Emily McRae<br />

Cameron Arnerich, James Bird, Luke Burke, Jody Chisholm,<br />

Oliver Clements, Hana Evison, Imy Gordon, Riley Homan, Lily<br />

King, Jacob Lang, Samantha Limmer, Ellis Meyer-Budge, Madi<br />

Mulqueen, Hadley Tamati, Ronan Thompson, Jaime Toepfer,<br />

Tegan Wilson, Finn Zurmuehl.<br />

RRO<br />

Nathan Beaton, Kirsten Blackley, Lily Bowman, Jack Colbourne, Georgia<br />

Evans, Olly Fotheringham, Millie Heine, Sam Knight, Ollie Larkin, Oscar<br />

McLaren, Kahu Nepia, Breagha Rennie, Charlotte Reveley, Amy Richards, Ellen<br />

Rowlandson, Alana Scott, Jack Williams.<br />

Ms Karen Rochford<br />

RSH<br />

Mrs Michelle Suddaby<br />

Murilo Amoedo Conde, Astelia Aubrey, Dara Beattie-Johnson,<br />

Campbell Caird, Tom Colbourne, Micah Cousins, Blade Farrell,<br />

Meg Harraway, Michael Hey, Emily-Rose James, Amy Knight, Matt<br />

Molloy, Lili Peter, Kate Richards, Joel Suddaby, Max Swift, Adele<br />

Thomson, Jaimee Vink, Nevada Wolfgramm.<br />

RSI<br />

Moana Barnard, Fergus Brebner, Samantha Burke, Billea-Nova Chin-Nyika,<br />

Anna Glaeser, Noah Holmes, Barnaby Jackson, Kobi Maibach, Ben McNabb,<br />

Wesley Moore, Paige Murdoch, Stellar Nepia, Harry Seagar, Evie Simonsohn,<br />

Cedric Stephani, Abbey Swift, Erina Tamati, Nick Toepfer, Jesse Watkinson.<br />

Mr Euan Simpson<br />

RWT<br />

Mr Dean Sheppard<br />

Ellesse Andrews, Megan Blackley, Charlie Chisholm, Quinn<br />

Curtis, Samuel Davey, Avon Duke, Letitia Haig, Oliver Jarvie,<br />

Amy Jolly, Peta McKay, Ben O’Brien, Kate O’Brien, Abhishek<br />

Rameshanand, Noah Regan-Roach, Sam Richards, Ayla Smalls,<br />

Ines Stephani, Franz Stoeger, Ryan Summerell.<br />

RST<br />

Reilly Arnesen, Molly Barham, Johnny Brebner, Tyler Danielson, Luca<br />

Georgalli, Max Hall, Ryder Jefferson, Finlay Jones, Julie Konno, Chloe Larkin,<br />

Amber Makeham, Bridget O’Brien, Shenee Pryde, Mathew Schweizer, Maggie<br />

Stiven, Maddy Thompson, Levi Vink, Joseph Wilson.<br />

Mrs Ruth Stevens<br />

Mrs Kristin Sheppard<br />

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