Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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Introduction<br />

WE HAVE OFTEN wondered why the stick as a weapon has been so neglected<br />

in recent years Inevitab ly, traditional forms of hand to-hand combat were<br />

preJud iced by the increasing use o f firea rms. and yet, in spite of this.<br />

boxing, wrestling, fencing, and archery have all survived and even flour­<br />

IShed 1n their sport forms Until the early part of the nineteenth century in<br />

England, th e art of the quarter stave was an essential part of a man's<br />

education. and it con ti nued to be practiced until very recently by the Boy<br />

Scou ts. However. in general it is a forgotten art. and even among the<br />

pol1ce-the only people perm1tted by law to carry a sticl( as a weapon<br />

the standard of techn1que is lamentably primitive<br />

Someone may well object. "Why should st1ck f1ghting be revived?<br />

Surely there are enough weapons already Without remtroducing an art<br />

that has fallen 1nto d isuse 7" The answer I think is simple. In every soc1ety<br />

there are people who resort to v1olence to cheat and molest innocent<br />

VICtims. If you became such a victim. you would have no WISh to submit.<br />

and if you saw someone else being attacked. you would feel bound to<br />

go to his assistance<br />

If you are armed. of course. you will stand a much better chance. But<br />

wh1ch weapon would you choose 7 A gun is certamly effective. but it IS<br />

lethall y so. A kntfe IS undoubtedly expedient. but 1f you use one. you are<br />

forced to kill or maim. On the other hand. let us not go to the other ex treme<br />

and say of an armed assai lant that he is merely psychologically disturbed<br />

and th at we must avotd hurting him Our aim. then. ts to de fend ourselves<br />

adequately. and at the S

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