Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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9<br />

Eda koppo<br />

"Attackmg the bones with a stick"<br />

..,.. 1 Adversary attacks w1th h1s left fist 2 Keep a f1rrn hotel of hiS hand and<br />

Parry h1s blow wtth your left hand and hold the st1ck as shown<br />

grasp h1s wnst. slide your hand to cover<br />

h s ftngers tncludtng the thumb At the<br />

Sdme ttme move to hts left Side and<br />

thrust to h1s nbs below the armp1t<br />

0/SCUSSION·----------------­<br />

F-rom ·r e pos1t1ons shown tn F1gs. 3. 5. 6 and 7. you can control<br />

your capt1ve and persuade him to walk forward. or you can force<br />

h1m to the ground and Immobilize h1m These two ways of holding<br />

the stick are full of poss1btltt1es. You should expertment agat nst<br />

d11forent parts of the body. both for striking and captu1 ing Pencils.<br />

bottles. cutlery. etc .. also provide suitable weapons for th1s type<br />

ot technique.<br />


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