Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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Glossary<br />

Arashi. n. storm.<br />

Ashr n leg.<br />

Awase. n. from awaseru. to meet together.<br />

Benkei.· n. inside of the shinbone.<br />

86: n. stick.<br />

Boku· n. troe.<br />

Do n. the trunk of the body.<br />

Dome: n. from tomeru. lo stop.<br />

Don or tori: n. from toru. to seize. catch.<br />

Eda. n. branch .<br />

Fir n wmd<br />

Gaeshi or kaeshl' n. from kaesu. to turn over. throw<br />

Gansekr n. a rock.<br />

Gartuni n. horn karamu. to entangle. entwine<br />

Gari: n. from karu. to reap.<br />

Gatame or kawme: n. from katameru. to trghten.<br />

Gyaku: adj. reverse.<br />

H1ji· n. elbow.<br />

Hiki: n. from hiku. to pull.<br />

Hira adj. flat<br />

Hon. adj true. principal. main. regular.<br />

H6 or p6 n. way. ru le.<br />

lchirnonji: tho character for "one" m Japanese.<br />

ln. n. from ha1ru, to enter.<br />


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