Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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SECTION 7<br />

Techniques against <strong>Stick</strong> Holding<br />

Th1s section is concerned with those s1tuat1ons 1n which your adversary<br />

grasps your st1ck w1th the purpose of d1sarmmg you or attack1ng you with<br />

h1s other fist. I he pr1mary object of these techn1qucs is to gain control<br />

of the stick and only secondar1ly to control your adversary. although 1n<br />

the process you will weaken l1is posture and should be able to apply an<br />

arresting technique If you me attempting to disarm an adversary armed<br />

wtth a stick it might be good strategy to pretend to be interested in wrestmg<br />

tho st1ck from h1s grasp but in fact apply some technique to h1s other<br />


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