Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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umbrella, whereas 1f you happen to be hold1ng an umb1ella any technique<br />

1n wh1ch you can use the ends of it would be suitable. Pens. rulers. cigarette<br />

lighters. table cutlery, etc .. are well su1ted to techniques like Eda<br />

kopp6. Uko arashi. or Nage kaesht. We must train ourselves to regard<br />

everything as a possible weapon and use our imagmat1on to find techniques<br />

that are suitable.<br />

It is not possible to include every eventuality, and 1t may be that in the<br />

course of practice you will find that your final position is different from<br />

that illustrated This may mean that you have not followed the descriptions<br />

or the pictures carefully enough. or it may be due to the fact that<br />

people react d1 fferen lly. With some experience and experimentation you<br />

should have little difficulty in adapt1ng your technique to meet the Situation<br />

The authors wish to express the1r gratitude to Tetsuji lshizuka for so<br />

uncomplainingly taking the part of the adversary, and to Atsuko Chambers<br />

for doing the sketches and for her invaluable assistance with problems of<br />

translation.<br />


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