Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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5 Immobilization WJth<br />

yo.Jr acfversary lymg on t•rs<br />

face, kneel wrtll your nghr<br />

kneP o n hr s nght upper arm.<br />

rciiCil over hrs body nnd pass<br />

tlw rre stick<br />

under hrs chrn to the<br />

s1de of h1s w1ndprpe<br />

Step back w rtll your<br />

eft toot and turntng to<br />

vour left force hi'Tl to the<br />

ground<br />

3 S trrke ., rs u oper dr m<br />

and push with the pornt<br />

of the suck mto hrs face<br />

tust below the cheek<br />

bnne to rmmobrlrZfl hrrn<br />

This tP.chnrque cnn ;rl so<br />

he lrsed w hen ymr drc<br />

unarmed by us r n~J your<br />

thumb rnstead of the<br />

suck<br />

l Ob

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