Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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Tu111 to you1 lelt and tu rn his .11rn<br />

so that Ins h .111d IS palm 11 p Press W il l i<br />

tl1e po1nt of the slick 1nto 'l1S sl 1oulde1<br />

10 rt nnd force hm1 to :he gr011 11d<br />

G l mmob lize 111 •l11 s tHJ',IliOII 0 1 ho ld<br />

tl1 e S l iCk a:; •n T uc.: IHIICJtt f> 1\Jo 9 f g II<br />

ancl press 1t agam~ t 11'> t11ceps<br />

4 1 Alternat1vel~ from the posrt on<br />

m f g 4. tu•n h s hand away from you<br />

a'"ld press with tne s;1ck aga111st 1'11s<br />

triCCp to tl hl<br />

l i10ll l1d<br />

8 9 At thrs JJOtnt you may grasp hts<br />

sleeve at the elbow. sweop h1S left foot<br />

w1th your nght and throw h1m backwards<br />

to your r1ght<br />

10 ImmobilizatiOn Tw1st h1s lwnd<br />

awny trorn you. rush w1th vour knee<br />

against the st1ck m·d bOdr down w1th<br />

the st1ck on h s elbow

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