Hatsumi Masaaki - Stick fighting

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All martial arts can be both creative and destructive. Used as a means<br />

of aggression. they will eventually destroy the person who thus misuses<br />

them. Used correctly. they can provide a stimulating and pract1cal train­<br />

Ing. and at the same time they can be a means of education and discipline.<br />

All these th1ngs we must bear 1n mmd when we come to choose a<br />

weapon to defend ourselves with. It must be one that is incorporated mto<br />

comprehensive technique w1th trammg exerc1ses. It must allow us Lo disarm<br />

and control an assailant and. 1f the circumstances require it. to 1nfl1ct pain<br />

on h1m. without runnmg the risk of permanently injuring or killing him.<br />

In addition it is preferable that the weapon be commonly available or that<br />

objects similar to 1t are often at hand.<br />

The stick fulfills all these requirements. and while in the West there are<br />

no f1ghting systems based on il still extant. in the Far East we find a comprehensive<br />

select1on of techniques. for there the stick has held an honored<br />

place 1n f1ghting systems for many centuries. In fact. Japan's most famous<br />

swordsman. Miyamoto Musashi suffered his only defeat at the hands of<br />

Muso Gonnosuke. a master of the art of st1ck <strong>fighting</strong>.<br />

The techn 1ques descnbed 1n this book. which might be described as a<br />

basic manual of self-defense stick f1ghting. belong to the ryu("system")<br />

called Kukishin ryO. <strong>Masaaki</strong> <strong>Hatsumi</strong>. the Master of the ryD, has adapted<br />

the techn1ques so that they may be of practical value today.<br />

In Japan there are bas1cally three types of <strong>fighting</strong> stick: the b6 which<br />

IS 5 feet 11 1/2 1nches long and 1 1/16 inches in diameter. for which<br />

there are about 360 <strong>fighting</strong> styles: the ;6. wh 1ch is 4 feet 2 3/1 6 inches<br />

long and 7/8 inches in diameter. for which there are more than 70 f1ghting<br />

styles: and the hanb6. which is very often included among the }6 and is<br />

2 feet 11 3;4 1nches long. or "walking-stick" length The ways of us1ng<br />

these three lengths of stick are of course different. This book is mainly<br />

concerned with how to fight with a st1ck of walking-stick length Included<br />

here. however. are some techniques us1ng a very short stick about one<br />

foot long. The origm of this weapon and the techn1ques that are suitable<br />

to its length is the tessen. a tan of wh1ch the outer sides and the folding<br />

leaves were made of 1ron. S1nce the techniques have been class1f1ed<br />

according to method of attack. you will f1nd techniques of the very short<br />

st1ck Interspersed arbitrarily throughout the book This does not mean that<br />

that technique can only be used with tl1at length of stick. since often<br />

e1ther length can be employed. However. because leverage is tmportant.<br />

Tsuke iri is very difficult with a stick much less than 15 mches in length.<br />

as ts Gyaku ude garami S1milarly Eda kopp6 and Hiki taoshi become<br />

rather clumsy with the longer weapon<br />

We must think of a stick as anyth1ng that can be used as such. but it<br />

IS extremely Important to choose a technique to suit the weapon If you try<br />

Kyokotsu kudaki with an umbrella. all you will do is end up with a ben1<br />


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