AUS_HS_Handbook2016-17 rev 9.4.16


المتحدة مدرسة<br />

الكویت في الأمیركیة<br />

2016 - 20<strong>17</strong> HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK


Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................3<br />

Mission .........................................................................................................................................................................3<br />

Vision............................................................................................................................................................................. 3<br />

Our Guiding Principles .................................................................................................................................................. 3<br />

High School Core Values ............................................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Quick Facts .................................................................................................................................................................... 4<br />

Letter from the Principal............................................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Academics ...........................................................................................................................................................................<br />

Academic Integrity ........................................................................................................................................................ 7<br />

Core Courses ................................................................................................................................................................. 8<br />

Fine Arts and Technology.............................................................................................................................................. 8<br />

Enrichment Period ........................................................................................................................................................ 8<br />

Learning Support........................................................................................................................................................... 8<br />

Advisory......................................................................................................................................................................... 9<br />

Student Conduct ........................................................................................................................................................... 9<br />

Extra-Curricular Activities ........................................................................................................................................... 12<br />

Discipline Guidelines...................................................................................................................................................12<br />

Grading Policy ................................................................................................................................................................. 18<br />

Rationale..........................................................................................................................................................................18<br />

Grading Elements.............................................................................................................................................................18<br />

Reporting and Recording Grades......................................................................................................................................18<br />

Grading – Excused Absences........................................................................................................................................... 19<br />

Grading – Unexcused Absences........................................................................................................................................20<br />

Determining Final Grades.................................................................................................................................................20<br />

Grade Point Average (GPA) ..............................................................................................................................................22<br />

Report Cards ....................................................................................................................................................................23<br />

Parent Conferences..........................................................................................................................................................23<br />

Homework .......................................................................................................................................................................23<br />

High School Overview......................................................................................................................................................24<br />

APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................................................25<br />

2016 – 20<strong>17</strong> High School Academic Calendar.............................................................................................................25<br />



Mission<br />

The American United School is a co-educational private school, combining 21st century digital technology and traditional<br />

student-centered learning practices to ensure that students achieve academic success and social growth.<br />

Vision<br />

To provide an outstanding American education that enables students to be inspired lifelong learners and responsible<br />

global citizens.<br />

Our Guiding Principles<br />


At <strong>AUS</strong> we believe learning is not confined to a classroom or a campus—it should be available whe<strong>rev</strong>er and whenever the<br />

learner needs it<br />

∑ At <strong>AUS</strong> we continually demonstrate how to be a caring community of learners— our students, teachers, staff and<br />

families are committed to educating the whole child<br />

∑ Our School community acknowledges and recognizes the personal, cultural and social value of each individual<br />

∑ Technology is an integral part of students’ lives, expectations, and the future – this cannot be ignored but rather<br />

explored with a deep sense of intellectual inquiry<br />

∑ <strong>AUS</strong> is dedicated to the future global success for this planet which depends on having a diverse, well-educated<br />

workforce and citizenry.<br />


High School Core Values<br />

Core Value 1: Compassion, We Believe…<br />

∑ It is our responsibility to teach students that life is a calling of service to others.<br />

∑ The act of being through community service and humanitarian outreach enriches the lives of our students.<br />

∑ The act of being through community service and humanitarian outreach enriches the lives we serve.<br />

∑ Giving of oneself is more than a responsibility. It is a privilege.<br />

∑ Something larger than self, recognizes true potential, finding real happiness and fulfillment through service to others.<br />

Core Value 2: Respect, We Believe…<br />

∑ Embracing the diversity of our student population, staff, and community strengthens our community.<br />

∑ Always be aware of and honor others’ feelings, rights, and perspectives.<br />

∑ Every person has equal and inherent value.<br />

∑ Demonstrate concern and understanding for the growth and development of others.<br />

∑ Value and support everyone’s worth and dignity, being ready to learn from the guidance of adult and student leaders.<br />

Core Value 3: Integrity, We Believe…<br />

∑ Integrity and honesty are essential to ensuring a safe and secure learning environments.<br />

∑ Choose words and actions that are sincere, trustworthy, and honorable.<br />

∑ Be courageous, remain dedicated and self-controlled, even when challenged.<br />

∑ Be committed, disciplined, and resilient.<br />

Core Value 4: Responsibility, We Believe…<br />

∑ Everyone is responsible for their choices, being aware and careful of the decisions made.<br />

∑ Being helpful embraces opportunities to contribute and advance positive goals in family, school, and community.<br />

∑ Students take responsibility for their own actions.<br />

∑ Accountability, perseverance, and reliability are essential to life-long learning.<br />

∑ Practice ethical decision making proves others can depend on you.<br />

Core Value 5: Excellence, We Believe…<br />

∑ Striving for excellence is vital to our success.<br />

∑ Developing creative solutions and putting them into action.<br />

∑ Learn by continuously developing and deepening our knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities.<br />

∑ Achieve excellence through innovation, advanced use of technology, and establishing our self as… The Better Choice!<br />

To implement our High School Philosophy and to achieve our stated Core Values, we establish and promote:<br />

∑ Strong bonds established in Advisory.<br />

∑ Collaborative teams of teachers who meet regularly about student progress.<br />

∑ Ongoing teacher professional development.<br />

∑ Interdisciplinary and collaborative teaching.<br />

∑ Core values - teaching about, maintaining, and modeling<br />

∑ Facilities to meet the needs of middle school students.<br />

∑ Classrooms and spaces that facilitate active, collaborative learning.<br />

Quick Facts<br />

School Hours<br />

7:30 a.m.- 2:45 p.m.<br />

Founding Director<br />

Jennifer Beckwith, Ph.D<br /><br />

Principal<br />

Saroya N. Pendleton-Brown<br /><br />


Associate Director of Teaching & Learning<br />

Mona Fairley<br /><br />

Associate Director of Technology and Accountability<br />

Michael Wininger<br /><br />

American United School<br />

Sabah Al Salem Area, Block 1<br />

Intersection of 6th Ring Road & Fahaheel Expressway<br />

Telephone: (+965) 25530150<br />

Fax: (+965) 25530154<br />

Website:<br />

Letter from the Principal<br />

Dear Prospective <strong>AUS</strong> High School Students,<br />

Whether you are entering this school year as a ninth grader, rising 10 th grader, or coming in as a transfer student,<br />

I would like to welcome you and share this amazing <strong>HS</strong> Enrollment Handbook that will assist you in course selection and your<br />

high school journey. Think of this Enrollment Handbook as a guide to helping you not only select your courses but also<br />

chart your path through high school. The classes you take at <strong>AUS</strong> are very important as they play a major role in preparing you<br />

for college and life beyond high school. Like any comprehensive high school, <strong>AUS</strong> maintains a wide range of offerings<br />

that will help you to not only strengthen your academics but also discover your passion. We are proud of the courses described<br />

in this handbook and confident that we represent the very best of what a high school can offer. The policies and procedures in<br />

this handbook clearly aims to ensure an effective and productive partnership between students, parents and school personnel.<br />

Many of the choices you make will influence the options available to you in the future. At <strong>AUS</strong>, we always emphasize<br />

taking the most rigorous courses that will challenge you and improve learning opportunities. Such environments not only<br />

supports academic success and the physical well-being of students, but also supports their continued development into young<br />

adulthood, building good character and high self-esteem. Students have the opportunity and responsibility to participate in<br />

sports and/or student activities, and to follow rules of conduct and procedures stipulated in this handbook. We expect that all<br />

of us will treat one another fairly and with a deep concern for the positive values of our school community. It is imperative all<br />

students comply with all the safety precautions that have been established for this school year. Stated simply; school faculty,<br />

staff, and administrative members are charged by the <strong>AUS</strong> District with providing students with the most rigorous and<br />

comprehensive educational opportunities that available resources allow.<br />

Ultimately it is the <strong>AUS</strong> Core Values: Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Responsibility and Excellence, coupled with our<br />

commitment to a safe, respectful community underlying the written document that is of prime importance. It is this document<br />

which is the vehicle for guiding our interactions in regard to the policies and procedures contained in this handbook. At <strong>AUS</strong>, we<br />

are committed to meeting these important obligations for all <strong>AUS</strong> students. Therefore, I would be remiss if I failed to mention a<br />

priority issue and concern about attendance and tardiness. It is absolutely essential that students are at school on time and that<br />

they are in attendance for their classes; excessive absences or tardiness will seriously undermine their learning, their ability to<br />

successfully pass required <strong>AUS</strong> assessments, and/or affect their normal matriculation through high school.<br />

I hope and expect that you will invest a substantial amount of effort in your schoolwork. Students find that they become<br />

enthusiastic supporters of all programs by getting involved in our many extra-curricular activities. I implore you to take<br />

advantage of all the opportunities that are available to you, so that your experience in high school is rewarding!<br />

Finally, I encourage you to <strong>rev</strong>iew this handbook with your parents and to consult your counselor as to which path makes<br />

most sense for you. Being independent and taking ownership is what high school is all about, but it is important to know<br />

that experts are available when you need them. All the best to you and I look forward to meeting you when you arrive here at<br />

<strong>AUS</strong>… A Better Choice!<br />

Ms. Saroya N. Pendleton-Brown<br />

<strong>AUS</strong> High School Principal<br />



A complete list of academic courses offered can be found in the High School Course Description Guide. It is located under the<br />

ACADEMIC link on our website.<br />

Academic Integrity<br />

Students are expected to have integrity and self-discipline and to display respect for themselves, others,<br />

and the school. The school considers any incident of academic cheating or plagiarism very seriously.<br />

Examples include:<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

copying another student’s class work or homework;<br />

asking another student questions during a test or copying another student’s test answers;<br />

allowing a student to copy one’s own homework or giving another student test answers;<br />

turning in any material claimed as one’s own but coming from another source (for example, copying<br />

material from an online resource without crediting the source).<br />

These actions are dishonest and unacceptable. Academic dishonesty is one of the most serious violations<br />

of school expectations and may result in expulsion.<br />

Many colleges require the secondary school to report incidents of academic dishonesty to them when the<br />

student is applying to the college for acceptance.<br />

Acceptable Use Policy (Technology)<br />

Student are expected to read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). If they break the agreement, the<br />

consequences could include suspension of computer privileges and/or disciplinary action. Students are to<br />

understand that the school network and tablets are owned by American United School and that <strong>AUS</strong> has<br />

the right to access any of the information used through the mediums provided through the school at any<br />

time.<br />

Student and Parent Portal<br />

The Portal is provided to enhance school to home and home to school communication. The primary goal<br />

is to provide an opportunity for students to take responsibility for their own learning. The Parent’s role is<br />

to engage in conversations with their student about their progress and to prompt their student to work<br />

with their teachers regarding missing assignments, improving performance, and setting goals for the<br />

future. Students and Parents are expected to be on the Portal on a daily basis.<br />

Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)<br />

Each fall, winter and spring students in the High School will take the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)<br />

test for math, reading, and language usage. The MAP results allow teachers to get immediate feedback of<br />

their student’s areas of strength, as well as areas they need to focus their instruction. Taking the test at the<br />

beginning and end of the school year will also allow teachers and students to reflect upon student growth<br />

in these areas. More information the MAP test can be found at<br />

Drama/Theatre/Band<br />

All students at <strong>AUS</strong> High School have the opportunity to participate in a Drama, Theatre and Band<br />

permitting there is enough interest. If you play an instrument, or would like to, you can sign up for<br />

drama/theatre. The drama/theatre/band is involved in performances and other programs in and out of<br />

school.<br />


Study Trips<br />

In order for a student to take part in a study trip, trip permission slips must be signed by a parent before<br />

each trip, and up-to-date health and emergency forms must be on file in the high school office.<br />

Additionally, if a student will miss class, all teachers must be notified in advance. Students are expected to<br />

comply with the rules and regulations of the place they are visiting, as well as the rules of American United<br />

School. All students are to be in Formal school uniform (blazer) while participating in the Study Trip.<br />

Core Courses<br />

Core courses are the foundational learning program of the High School experience. Each student in the High School will learn in<br />

full year core courses in Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, and Arabic. Students of<br />

Islamic faith are required to learn the Quran in a full year course as well.<br />

Fine Arts and Technology<br />

Fine Arts courses are designed to expose high school students to visual arts, theater and music. These courses promote student<br />

creativity and develop deeper understanding of artistic concepts. In Grade 9 and 10, all students have an opportunity to select a<br />

variety of courses in art, drama, technology and music. These elective courses build on the overall foundational experience for<br />

student learning, assisting in developing more sophisticated skills and concepts in the arts and technology.<br />

Enrichment Period<br />

Enrichment Period was developed to give students 45 minutes of additional time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the<br />

school day for assistance in core classes in which they were experiencing academic problems. Math, English, Science, and Social<br />

Studies teachers are required to request students who have below a C average in their class to work with them during<br />

Enrichment Period. Enrichment Period was implemented at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year.<br />

Non-core teachers also have the opportunity to request students to work on various projects and performances. Priority is given<br />

to core subject teachers.<br />

Learning Support<br />

The American United School of Kuwait provides services for students who are identified as having mild learning<br />

differences. <strong>AUS</strong> does not have an expansive educational program for children with moderate or severe learning<br />

disabilities. The Student Support Team (SST) Program offered at <strong>AUS</strong>, has a qualified teacher who provides the<br />

classroom teachers with teaching strategies and accommodations (accommodations are changes in the teaching<br />

methods, environments, modalities) for all students who have been admitted into receiving learning support<br />

services. Students are admitted to receiving SST through the Student Review Team Meeting process, which takes<br />

place after a student has received identified and documented interventions from teachers. Modifications, changes in<br />

learning objectives according to the standards, are not included as part of the policy at this school. The High School<br />

SST program is primarily an inclusion service delivery model that provides three levels of academic support. Students<br />

are identified through the Student Review Team process and placed in the appropriate level of SST, based on<br />

entry/exit criteria.<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

The first level is High School Success class which promotes managing the middle school workload through<br />

developing study skills, test prep strategies, learning strategies, enhancing organizational management, goalsetting<br />

and self-advocacy.<br />

The second level involves teacher support inside the classrooms and/ or additional support during the school<br />

enrichment period. This inclusion environment involves accommodation, small group direct instruction, and<br />

co-teaching with opportunities for pre-teaching and re-teaching.<br />

Based on need, a student may qualify to receive a third level of support involving assignment to a<br />

Foundational Reading/ Math course or be required to attend the Extended Learning Program (ELP) held<br />

after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 2:45-3:30.<br />


Students who do not find success at the third level is assigned to the intervention teacher as case manager who will<br />

work collaboratively with the student’s classroom teachers and school administration to develop and implement the<br />

Student Action Plan.<br />

Advisory<br />

High school developers have widely promoted advisory programs as a way to strengthen connectedness at the High<br />

school level. Broadly defined, advisory programs are configurations in which an adult advisor meets regularly with a<br />

group of students to provide academic and social-emotional mentorship and support, to create personalization<br />

within the school, and to facilitate a small peer community of learners (Association of Middle & High School Level<br />

Education, 2009). In the <strong>HS</strong> Advisory Program, a small group of 10-13 students meet two times per week with an<br />

Advisory teacher from their grade level. These small, supportive groups’ help students check in with one another,<br />

gain information, get organized and successfully start their days. On Tuesday and Wednesday, grade-level Advisory<br />

groups meet for a 45-minute period in which teachers and students work together on a program designed around<br />

themes of development, service and community. Teachers use many resources in their program preparation, but our<br />

day to day interactions with students are guided by The Advisory Handbook (Linda Crawford, Origins Press, 2012).<br />

Student Conduct<br />

<strong>AUS</strong> High School Code of Conduct<br />

Expect the best! Celebrate success!<br />

Respect & Responsibility<br />

Organization & Order<br />

Caring<br />

Kindness<br />

ROCK Tickets can be given to any student who goes above and beyond what is expected. Students can<br />

exchange ROCK tickets throughout the year.<br />

Dress Code<br />

<strong>AUS</strong> High School students are to wear the school required uniform at school. The goal of the dress code is<br />

to create an environment in which all students, teachers, and staff feel comfortable; therefore, these<br />

guidelines should be taken seriously:<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

Uniform must be clean, tidy, and in good repair.<br />

Hats, sunglasses and visors are not permitted.<br />

Footwear is required at all times.<br />

Those who are not properly dressed or groomed will be asked to change clothes. Parents will be notified of<br />

dress code violations. Repeated violations may result in disciplinary measures.<br />

Health<br />

Students can receive first aid in the student health office located on the basement level 1. Automated<br />

external defibrillators (AEDs) can be found in the building on campus. No prescription or over-the-counter<br />

drugs are allowed on campus unless an authorization to administer medication form is on file in the health<br />

office. The form must be signed by a parent and provides the school with the name of the medication,<br />

prescribed dosage, and other vital instructions and information.<br />

Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking<br />


American United School strives to teach its students how to handle the problems of adolescence and<br />

society by setting, explaining, and maintaining standards. The school has clear policies on the use of drugs,<br />

alcohol, and tobacco products. It is essential that everyone involved with the life of the school community<br />

understand them. The use, sale, or possession of drugs or alcohol on campus or at any school function,<br />

including school-sponsored trips, even during vacation time, is prohibited. This includes attending any<br />

school function under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Breaking this rule may result in expulsion.<br />

Smoking and other tobacco use is not permitted on the campus, on the surrounding streets, on any school<br />

bus, or when students are representing the school in public. The possession of drugs by anyone and the<br />

purchase of alcohol or tobacco by minors are illegal and against school policy.<br />

Discipline Policy<br />

The school has the right to impose discipline and penalties for conduct occurring both on and off campus.<br />

The violation of certain rules in this handbook may occur in either context. In addition, off-campus<br />

behavior may be punished when it constitutes a major rules infraction, is a violation of the basic standards<br />

of ethics and morality, or constitutes a criminal offense (whether or not the student is charged with a<br />

crime).<br />

Multiple minor infractions may be treated cumulatively as a major infraction. A student who has<br />

committed multiple minor infractions is subject to all of the penalties in this handbook, including<br />

detention, loss of privilege, suspension, probation, and expulsion.<br />

Suspension<br />

Violation of school rules may result in suspension from school. Students must be prepared to turn in<br />

homework. Additionally, students who have assessments during days when they are suspended will take<br />

those assessments on the day they return to school. Suspended students who have assessments scheduled<br />

for the day they return will not be offered extensions.<br />

Probation<br />

Students whose behavior demonstrates serious or recurring disregard for the spirit of the rules and<br />

expectations of the American United School community will be placed on probation. During the specified<br />

length of time they are on disciplinary probation, students who commit a subsequent major rules violation<br />

are likely to be expelled from school.<br />

Expulsion<br />

The Administration of the middle school may recommend expulsion for a serious violation, even on the<br />

first offense, if a student’s continued presence is deleterious to American United School or to the student/s<br />

involved. When expulsion is recommended, a student is automatically suspended. During the suspension<br />

period, the Administration of the middle school will <strong>rev</strong>iew the matter with those involved before reaching<br />

a decision.<br />

Bullying<br />

Bullying behavior is defined as cruel or hostile behaviors involving a student who is the bully towards<br />

another child who is the victim. American United Schools has taken a strong stand on p<strong>rev</strong>enting bullying<br />

behaviors in our schools. Examples of physical bullies are those acts using physical aggression, or taking the<br />

victim’s property. Verbal bullies use words to hurt or humiliate another student, with the bully often<br />

saying, “I was only joking.” Relational bullies try to control relationships by persuading some students to<br />


eject others. Relational bullies commonly spread hurtful rumors. <strong>AUS</strong> High School has a zero tolerance<br />

policy regarding bullying behavior. Reporting bullying is a social responsibility and benefits the victim, the<br />

bully and the entire school community. There will be disciplinary measures taken towards acts of bullying<br />

at <strong>AUS</strong> High School.<br />

Assemblies<br />

Assemblies take place during the school year. Concerts, guest speakers, academic awards, etc. will be<br />

presented for the students’ educational and entertainment value. Student behavior is important to the<br />

success and value of our assemblies. All students are required to follow these guidelines for assemblies:<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

Take your seat quickly and quietly.<br />

Be quiet when the speaker/performers speak.<br />

Give your full attention to the speaker/performers.<br />

Remain seated until dismissed.<br />

Follow teacher directions for dismissal.<br />

No whistling or other inappropriate behavior.<br />

Cafeteria<br />

Students may bring their lunches from home or they may choose from the many nutritional lunches that<br />

can be purchased in the cafeteria. Lunches must be purchased in advance through the registrar office. The<br />

following expectations apply in enjoying lunchroom privileges:<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

Deposit all trash in recycle bins.<br />

Leave the table and floor around you in a clean condition for others.<br />

When finished with lunch, students are to report to the designated area. Students are not to be in<br />

the hallways.<br />

Parents must sign in at the Receptionist before going to the cafeteria.<br />

There will be no "cutting" in the cafeteria lines. Students cutting, will be assigned to the end of the<br />

line.<br />

Any student violating the cafeteria rules will receive a consequence.<br />

Lunch Break<br />

During lunch break time, students are to adhere to the following rules/expectations:<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

No touch policy!<br />

No rough games<br />

No bullying<br />

No fighting<br />

No throwing items<br />

No food or drink allowed outside the cafeteria<br />

No defiance – all requests and directives made my adult supervisors must be adhered to.<br />

Campus Cleanliness<br />

Maintaining the attractive appearance of the campus is the joint responsibility of all members of the<br />

community. Everyone is responsible for disposing of litter properly, whether one’s own or someone else’s.<br />

To minimize the litter on campus, students should keep all personal property in their backpacks. All<br />

students have a responsibility to respect each other’s and the school’s property and, therefore, must<br />


efrain from writing on, marking, decorating, borrowing without permission, or otherwise defacing school<br />

property or the property of others.<br />

Gum Policy<br />

American United School is a NO gum school. We ask that all members of our school community refrain<br />

from chewing gum in the building. We also reserve the right to ask parties violating this policy to dispose of<br />

the gum appropriately.<br />

Extra-Curricular Activities<br />

Athletics<br />

To be eligible to participate in athletics, a student must be passing all courses and be regular in attendance.<br />

Students who repeat a grade in middle or high school for any reason will be ineligible to participate in<br />

athletics. All students must have a physical examination by a qualified physician prior to participation in<br />

athletics. To be eligible to participate in the first event, the student must have completed nine practices.<br />

Each student is responsible for athletic equipment issued to her/him.<br />

Student Council<br />

Student Council provides opportunities for students to exercise their willingness to serve the school<br />

community, both as representatives and as leaders.<br />

The responsibilities of Student Council are as follows:<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

Keep and uphold school rules, as well as set positive examples for other students.<br />

Work in collaboration with students, faculty, and administration to generate ideas to improve<br />

student life.<br />

Be active in overseeing, coordinating, planning, and attending middle school assemblies and<br />

activities (dances, spirit days, and so forth) under the supervision of the student council advisors,<br />

the deans, and the head of the middle school.<br />

Meet with the other STUCO members from all three grade levels to discuss events and issues<br />

related to Student Council, the school, and the larger community.<br />

Support the efforts of the community service program at the school through fund-raising and other<br />

outreach events.<br />

Student Council membership is a privilege, and students who do not meet their responsibilities may be<br />

asked to resign.<br />

Discipline Guidelines<br />

<strong>AUS</strong> Administration and Staff have set high expectations for academics and classroom behavior. It is<br />

understood that no student has the right to be disruptive to the degree that he or she may infringe upon<br />

the rights of other students.<br />

Serious violations will be reported immediately to the administration/security and handled with<br />

consideration of student supervision, student safety, respect, confidentiality, detailed and accurate<br />

reporting, and school policies and procedures.<br />

The following are general guidelines and procedures that <strong>AUS</strong> High School Staff will follow in addressing<br />

discipline. Extenuating or mitigating circumstances may result in consequences not listed. This document<br />

is not meant to be all-inclusive; however, it is designed to ensure consistency in our school wide policies<br />

and procedures. Issues not included here will be addressed in a fair and consistent manner.<br />


Student Action Definition Classification Staff Actions<br />

Administrative<br />

Action<br />

Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Further Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Caps, Fireworks,<br />

and Explosives<br />

Use and/or possess a<br />

firecracker/other<br />

explosives, use and or<br />

possess on school<br />

property<br />

Safety<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Student<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Referral to<br />

Principal<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />

Discriminatory<br />

Remarks/<br />

Inappropriate<br />

Comments<br />

The use of racially or<br />

culturally motivated<br />

hate language toward<br />

another individual OR<br />

comments that are<br />

considered sexual in<br />

nature<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to<br />

Counselor<br />

Counselor<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student Meeting<br />

with Counselor<br />

(who Informs<br />

Principal of<br />

Outcome)<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practices<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Refer to<br />

Principal<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- possible expulsion<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

Student Action Definition Classification Staff Actions<br />

Administrative<br />

Action<br />

Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Further Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Disruptive and/or<br />

Inappropriate<br />

Behavior(s)<br />

(3 rd Offense)<br />

Any behavior or<br />

purposeful action<br />

deemed disruptive or<br />

detrimental to the<br />

learning environment<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

(After 1 st and 2 nd<br />

Offense<br />

Intervention)<br />

Office Staff<br />

Notifies Parents;<br />

Student Meeting<br />

with Principal<br />

and/or Designee<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

-Parent and<br />

Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension-<br />

- Classroom<br />

Re-entry<br />

Conference<br />

with Parents,<br />

Principal, and<br />

Teacher<br />

Drug, Drug<br />

Paraphernalia,<br />

and/or Alcohol<br />

Possession/Use<br />

Alcohol and/or drugs<br />

and items that can be<br />

used to ingest<br />

unlawful substances<br />

not authorized by a<br />

physician’s<br />

prescription<br />

prohibited on school<br />

property, as well as<br />

the unlawful<br />

us/possession of such<br />

substances on or off<br />

school grounds<br />

Alcohol, Drug<br />

Violation -<br />

Unlawful<br />

Substance<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents,<br />

Student, and<br />

Principal<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />


Drug or Alcohol<br />

Distribution<br />

Alcohol or controlled<br />

substances which are<br />

not authorized by a<br />

physician’s<br />

prescription with<br />

intent to sell or<br />

distribute.<br />

Alcohol, Drug<br />

Violation -<br />

Unlawful<br />

Substance<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

and Counselor,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents,<br />

Student, and<br />

Counselor<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />

Electronic Device<br />

mis-use<br />

Using an<br />

unauthorized<br />

electronic device in<br />

class or in the school<br />

at a time not<br />

approved by a<br />

teacher or Admin.<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Contacts<br />

Parents;<br />

Conferences<br />

with Student<br />

Refers to<br />

Counselor<br />

Office<br />

Electronic device<br />

is confiscated<br />

until the end of<br />

the day and/or<br />

parent pickup of<br />

device.<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Student Action Definition Classification Staff Actions<br />

Administrative<br />

Action<br />

Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Further Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Fighting<br />

Physical<br />

Aggression<br />

Toward Staff<br />

Profanity and/or<br />

Obscenity (3 rd<br />

Offense)<br />

Participation in,<br />

instigating, and/or<br />

aiding a fight<br />

Physically<br />

assaulting/abusing<br />

and/or physically<br />

threatening staff<br />

member on or off<br />

school grounds<br />

and/or in conjunction<br />

w/ a school activity<br />

Continued use of any<br />

inappropriate<br />

language in classroom<br />

or school setting<br />

Assault<br />

Assault<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

(After 1 st and 2 nd<br />

Offense<br />

Interventions)<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student &<br />

Parents Meet<br />

with Counselor<br />

and Principal<br />

and/or Designee<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student-Parent-<br />

Principal<br />

Conference<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Office Staff<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Student,<br />

Notifies Principal<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practices<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

pending<br />

mediation/<br />

intensity)<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Mediation<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practice<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Referral to<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Expulsion<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Classroom<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

with Parents,<br />

Principal, and<br />

Teacher<br />


Profanity and/or<br />

Obscenity<br />

Directed Toward<br />

Staff (Including<br />

Gestures)<br />

Use of any<br />

inappropriate<br />

language directed<br />

toward staff<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Student Action Definition Classification Staff Actions<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Student Meeting<br />

with Principal<br />

and/or Designee<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Administrative<br />

Action<br />

Principal<br />

- Parent and<br />

Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent and<br />

Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practice<br />

Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

-Classroom and<br />

School<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

with Parents,<br />

Principal, and<br />

Teacher<br />

Further Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Safety Infraction<br />

Theft<br />

Any willful violation<br />

of safety procedures,<br />

such as classroom<br />

safety procedures, PE,<br />

and vocational safety<br />

guidelines, as well as<br />

willful violation of<br />

emergency protocols<br />

Stealing property<br />

belonging to another<br />

person and/or<br />

stealing property<br />

belonging to the<br />

school<br />

Behavior<br />

Theft<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to<br />

Counselor<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to<br />

Counselor<br />

Counselor<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student Meeting<br />

with Counselor<br />

(who Informs<br />

Principal of<br />

Outcome)<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Counselor<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student Meeting<br />

with Counselor<br />

(who Informs<br />

Principal of<br />

Outcome)<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practices<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Refer to<br />

Principal<br />

- Parent<br />

Conference<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Restitution<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practices<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Referral to<br />

Principal<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of Privileges<br />

- Restitution<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

Tobacco<br />

Possession/Use<br />

Tobacco<br />

Sale/Distribution<br />

The unlawful use of<br />

tobacco by a minor<br />

The unlawful sale or<br />

distribution of<br />

tobacco by a minor<br />

Tobacco -<br />

Unlawful<br />

Substance<br />

Tobacco -<br />

Unlawful<br />

Substance<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Counselor<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents and<br />

Students and<br />

Notifies Principal<br />

of Outcome<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

and Counselor,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents,<br />

Student, and<br />

Counselor<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />


Uniform<br />

Violation<br />

Students not wearing<br />

the designated school<br />

uniform.<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Contacts<br />

Parents;<br />

Conferences<br />

with Student<br />

Refers to<br />

Counselor<br />

Counselor<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents and<br />

Students and<br />

Notifies Principal<br />

of Outcome.<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

privileges<br />

- Referral to<br />

counselor<br />

Student Action Definition Classification Staff Actions<br />

Administrative<br />

Action<br />

Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Further Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Verbal Abuse<br />

and/or Verbal<br />

Threat/Intimidation<br />

NOT Directed<br />

at Staff (1 st<br />

Offense) –<br />

Includes Name<br />

Calling, Teasing,<br />

Taunting,<br />

Gesturing, or<br />

Cyberbullying<br />

Threatening,<br />

insulting, or any<br />

manner of written<br />

(electronic, paper)<br />

and/or verbal abuse<br />

or mistreatment of<br />

another person.<br />

Bullying/<br />

Intimidating<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Contacts<br />

Parents;<br />

Conferences<br />

with Student<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Verbal Abuse<br />

and/or Verbal<br />

Threat/Intimidation<br />

NOT Directed<br />

at Staff (2 nd<br />

Offense) –<br />

Includes Name<br />

Calling, Teasing,<br />

Taunting,<br />

Gesturing, or<br />

Cyberbullying<br />

Threatening,<br />

insulting, or any<br />

manner of written<br />

(electronic, paper)<br />

and/or verbal abuse<br />

or mistreatment of<br />

another person.<br />

Bullying/<br />

Intimidating<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to<br />

Counselor (After<br />

1 st Offense<br />

Intervention)<br />

Counselor<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student Meeting<br />

with Counselor<br />

(who Informs<br />

Principal of<br />

Outcome)<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practice<br />

Verbal Abuse<br />

and/or Verbal<br />

Threat/Intimidation<br />

NOT Directed<br />

at Staff (3 rd<br />

Offense) –<br />

Includes Name<br />

Calling, Teasing,<br />

Taunting,<br />

Gesturing, or<br />

Cyberbullying<br />

Threatening,<br />

insulting, or any<br />

manner of written<br />

(electronic, paper)<br />

and/or verbal abuse<br />

or mistreatment of<br />

another person.<br />

Bullying/<br />

Intimidating<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Conferences<br />

with Students<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Classroom<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

With Parents,<br />

Principal, and<br />

Teacher<br />


Verbal Abuse<br />

and/or Verbal<br />

Threat/Intimidati<br />

on Directed at<br />

Staff– Includes<br />

Name Calling,<br />

Teasing,<br />

Taunting,<br />

Gesturing, or<br />

Cyberbullying<br />

Use of any<br />

inappropriate<br />

language directed<br />

toward adults<br />

Behavior<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refer to Office<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

of Both Parties;<br />

Student-Parent-<br />

Principal<br />

Conference<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Mediation<br />

- Restorative<br />

Practice<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Classroom and<br />

School<br />

Reentry<br />

Conference<br />

With Parents,<br />

Principal, and<br />

Teacher<br />

Student Action Definition Classification Staff Actions<br />

Administrative<br />

Action<br />

Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Further Possible<br />

Interventions<br />

Vandalism and<br />

/or Graffiti<br />

The willful or<br />

unintended<br />

destruction and/or<br />

defacement of school<br />

property<br />

Vandalism<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Office Staff<br />

Notifies Parents<br />

and Sets Parent<br />

Conference with<br />

Principal<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- In-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Loss of<br />

Privileges<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Restitution<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />

- Restitution<br />

Weapons<br />

Weapons Replica,<br />

Makeshift<br />

Weapon<br />

Carrying, possessing,<br />

handling, using,<br />

and/or storing<br />

firearms, knives of a<br />

certain length, or any<br />

other implement<br />

which can be used in<br />

a dangerous or lethal<br />

way.<br />

Any item that appears<br />

to be a real weapon<br />

but is not considered<br />

a dangerous weapon<br />

which is not selfreported<br />

Weapon<br />

Weapon<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Teacher/Staff<br />

Refers to Office<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Law<br />

Enforcement and<br />

Counselor;<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents,<br />

Student, and<br />

Counselor<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

Principal<br />

Notifies Parents,<br />

Possibly Law<br />

Enforcement,<br />

and Counselor;<br />

Conferences<br />

with Parents,<br />

Student, and<br />

Counselor<br />

Completes<br />

Statement Form<br />

- Referral to<br />

School Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />

- Out-of-School<br />

Suspension<br />

- Behavior<br />

Contract<br />

- Referral to<br />

Counselor<br />

- Parent/Principal<br />

Conference<br />

- Loss of privilege<br />

- Referral to School<br />

Director<br />

- Expulsion<br />


School Bus Disciplinary Plan<br />

The principal/designee has the authority to suspend a student from the bus and to determine the<br />

length of the suspension.<br />

Disciplinary Plan<br />

When a principal/designee receives a school bus incident report, the administrator may use the<br />

following disciplinary plan:<br />

∑ 1st Offense: A warning to the student with a report to the parent/guardian will be issued. It is expected the<br />

parent/guardian will work with the student to help p<strong>rev</strong>ent a recurrence.<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

∑<br />

2nd Offense: Disciplinary action will be taken at the discretion of the principal, depending on the seriousness<br />

of the infraction. A report to the parent/guardian will be made.<br />

3rd Offense: Suspension of riding privileges will result. The length of suspension will depend on the<br />

seriousness of the infraction. A report to the parent/guardian will be made.<br />

Severe Disruption and Dangerous Behavior: will result in immediate suspension of transportation privileges.<br />

This may include, but is not limited to the following:<br />

Grading Policy<br />

1. Physical harm to any student.<br />

2. Physical harm to the driver/attendant.<br />

3. Physical harm to the bus.<br />

Rationale<br />

1. Grading and promotion within the American United School of Kuwait will be based upon the degree<br />

of success an individual student has achieved in completing the educational program designed to<br />

meet his/her unique needs.<br />

2. Every student will have the opportunity to earn grades that reflect his/her ability to demonstrate<br />

learning outcomes and be graded only in accordance with their achievement on material or<br />

information based on specified learning outcomes and approved curricula.<br />

3. The bell curve will not be used as a basis for determining student grades.<br />

Grading Elements<br />

The grading scale for high school at <strong>AUS</strong> consists of sections for letter grades, percent grades, 4.0 scales,<br />

and Advance Placement (AP) courses on a 5.0 scale.<br />

Reporting and Recording Grades<br />

1. Reporting<br />

a. In reporting to parents/guardians, a letter grade is used to indicate the performance of each<br />

student in relation to the attainment of learning outcomes and approved curricula.<br />

b. Letter grades will be used on report cards for all courses four times a year.<br />

c. Within the first fifteen (15) days of each course, teachers must communicate in writing the<br />

school grading procedures, grading factors, and weight assigned to each factor to students<br />

and parents.<br />

d. A student enrolled in a course for twenty-one (21) days or more after the start of the course<br />

must receive a letter grade for that grading period.<br />


2. Recording<br />

a. Teachers will maintain a record of each student’s work, progress, and attendance on a daily<br />

basis on Portal. Teachers are to update Portal by Wednesday of each week.<br />

b. Teachers must assess a variety of student performances such as written assignments,<br />

homework, projects, classroom participation/class work, quizzes, tests, and end of<br />

quarter/semester examinations. Teachers should consider such factors as preparation, daily<br />

work habits, quality, and completeness of assignments in evaluating student performance.<br />

The Administration will ensure that all teachers apply these procedures in determining<br />

grades.<br />

c. Teachers must record a minimum of two grades per week on Portal (depending on<br />

pedagogy framework of unit plans); more than three is highly recommended. If a class<br />

meets once per week, then only one grade per week minimum is required.<br />

d. Teachers must return graded papers and assignments in order to provide on-going, timely<br />

feedback to students and parents. A portfolio assessment of each student’s work is<br />

recommended as additional documentation of student performance.<br />

e. Teachers will grade and give a score for all student assignments.<br />

f. A student will receive a failing grade (“F”) for assignments, test, or quizzes when the<br />

following occurs:<br />

i. A student has cheated on a test, quiz, or assigned project.<br />

ii. A student fails to produce work within an assigned timeframe.<br />

iii. A student who has an excused absence fails to produce make-up work in a<br />

reasonable timeframe.<br />

iv. A student has an unexcused absence.<br />

v. A student does not demonstrate satisfactory progress at the level of instruction<br />

indicated. (Below 65%)<br />

vi. If a student does not work on the task/assessment, the teacher will assign a zero. If a<br />

teacher determines that the student did not attempt to meet the basic requirement<br />

of the task/assessment, the teacher may assign a zero. This does not preclude<br />

teachers from giving daily markdowns to give students every opportunity to<br />

complete an assignment before giving a zero for the assignment.<br />

vii.<br />

Late work will not be given full credit and teachers will reduce or deduct 10pts. off<br />

each day an assignment is late. Teachers have the discretion to determine the final<br />

mark.<br />

g. Grades will not include systemic assessments that are a part of benchmarking measures<br />

(MAP testing).<br />

h. In the event of extenuating circumstances occurring at the end of the semester, individual<br />

students may be exempted from final examinations upon the recommendation of the<br />

teacher and with the written approval of the Administration and the Director.<br />

Grading – Excused Absences<br />

1. Students who have an excused absence from a class will have the opportunity to make up missed<br />

assignments.<br />

2. Teachers are required to provide make-up work (within 2 school days) when requested for students<br />

who have an excused absence; including suspensions.<br />

3. For all suspensions, teachers are required to provide make-up work and assignments to all<br />

students, unless other educational alternatives are provided. It is the responsibility of the<br />

parent(s)/guardian(s) to contact the school and make arrangements.<br />

4. Students who have an excused absence may not be penalized for work requested but not provided<br />

by the school for periods of such excused absence.<br />


5. The number of days allowed to make up missed work will be equivalent to the number of days of<br />

excused absences. This timeline will begin when the teacher provides the student with the<br />

assignments within 2 school days of the return. Students who fail to complete missed assignments<br />

within the allotted time will receive 0 (zero) for each assignment.<br />

6. If students with excused absences return to school near the end of the quarter or semester and do<br />

not have sufficient time as described above to make up the missed work, and (“I”) grade will be<br />

assigned.<br />

a. The student’s average for the p<strong>rev</strong>ious quarter (the quarter in which the (“I”) grade was<br />

assigned) will be recalculated and changed on the report card by the next semester.<br />

7. In the second semester report card, if an (“I”) grade would otherwise have been assigned, teachers<br />

will use all existing grades to determine the student’s final grade at the administrator’s discretion.<br />

Grading – Unexcused Absences<br />

1. In High School, a student with unexcused absences will receive a “failing” grade for any day(s) of<br />

such absence(s). The failing grades will be averaged with other daily grades.<br />

Determining Final Grades<br />


American United School was founded on a basic principle. The American United School faculty, as well as<br />

the curriculum and instructional model have been designed to give the support and information to<br />

empower each student to find success, achievement and mastery of the skills, attitudes and objectives in<br />

order to move on to the next grade level. As an American school, mastery of Arabic and English is required<br />

for all students. The High School programs foster the development of confident, capable and responsible<br />

students. We achieve our goals collaboratively, by establishing rigorous standards, which engage learners<br />

in the thoughtful application of knowledge. American United School aspires to instill the necessity of<br />

lifelong learning in all of its students.<br />

1. Advanced Placement Courses:<br />

American United School participates in the Advanced Placement (AP) Program sponsored by College Board<br />

in the United States. These AP courses are equivalent to freshman year, one semester, university courses<br />

and are intended for students who have proven themselves able to handle the extra workload and study<br />

requirements.<br />

AP Students are required to take the AP exam from the College Board at the end of the year. These exams<br />

are scored with a 1-5 mark. Scores of three or higher can result in the American universities awarding<br />

credit, exemption from courses, or advanced standing. Students will be required to pay a fee for this exam.<br />

When selecting AP courses, students must carefully consider the extra time commitment to these<br />

courses. They are very demanding and may involve extensive homework and self-directed study. AP<br />

courses are offered based upon student interest. To enter an AP course, students must meet the <strong>AUS</strong><br />

criteria in the prerequisite course and receive recommendation by appropriate teacher.<br />

If a student chooses not to take the AP exam, the following steps apply:<br />

• They are still required to pay for the exam as it was ordered for them.<br />


• “AP” designation will be removed from their transcript.<br />

• The AP weighting of grades will be removed from their transcript.<br />

• The student will contact all universities they applied to and inform the school of their withdrawal<br />

from an AP course.<br />

• <strong>AUS</strong> will contact all schools the student applied to and inform the schools of the student’s withdrawal<br />

from an AP course.<br />

2. Prerequisites:<br />

A prerequisite involves information required before a course can be taken. This may involve an end of<br />

course or placement exam, MAP requirement skill level, minimum grade, experience, and teacher<br />

recommendation. Prerequisites are listed under the title of each course and should be noted by students<br />

when they select courses. Pre-requisites are typically required in AP-level or accelerated, higher level<br />

courses. Some courses require that a student meet a certain criteria in courses from grades 9 and 10. It is<br />

important to be aware of these requirements in order to plan ahead.<br />

3. Grading System:<br />

Grades are reported using a letter grade system based on the following conversion tables:<br />


97 – 100 A+ 4.0 5.0<br />

93 – 96 A 4.0 5.0<br />

90 – 92 A- 3.7 4.7<br />

87 – 89 B+ 3.3 4.3<br />

83 – 86 B 3.0 4.0<br />

80 – 82 B- 2.7 3.7<br />

77 – 79 C+ 2.3 3.3<br />

73 – 76 C 2.0 3.0<br />

70 – 72 C- 1.7 2.7<br />

67 – 69 D+ 1.3 2.3<br />

63 – 66 D 1.0 2.0<br />

60 - 62 D- 1.0 2.0<br />

59 and below F 0.0 0.0<br />

The letter grade (I) is assigned to the student not completing all the requirements of the course due to<br />

extra-ordinary reasons acceptable by the administration. A student must complete the missing<br />

requirements within the deadlines set by the administration. If the student fails to complete these<br />

requirements within the set deadline, the students may receive an F for the course.<br />

4. Evaluation and Reports:<br />

Assessments of student achievement is based on informal observation and supervision of class work and<br />

homework. In addition, formal assessments may include oral recitations, presentations, quizzes, announced<br />

tests, project and performance based assessments, reports, quarterly, and semester examinations.<br />


Students will receive a progress report four times per year (fall midterm, end of first semester, spring<br />

midterm and second semester). These reports give the results of the continuous assessment and help<br />

diagnose the student's progress. Parents are invited to meet their son’s/daughter’s teachers to find ways<br />

to help improve the student’s performance.<br />

The final promotion decision recorded on the final report card is issued in June.<br />

5. Course Work:<br />

Grades are based on student participation, quizzes, projects, reports, tests, observations, and other forms of<br />

formative and summative assessments.<br />

6. High School Diploma Requirements:<br />

To earn the American United High School Diploma, students must achieve the following:<br />

a. A record of regular attendance<br />

b. An acceptable behavior record<br />

c. The minimum number of credits required per the selected graduation tracks explained below:<br />

In averaging grades, the letter grades are translated to the traditional four-point scale if you are taking<br />

regular courses and a five-point scale for AP courses with a three or higher earned on the AP assessment.<br />

The average grade is computed by adding the numerical equivalent for all letter grades and dividing by the<br />

number of grading periods.<br />

Grade Point Average (GPA)<br />

1. The above mentioned numerical equivalents will be used in computing the GPA from report card<br />

letter grades.<br />

2. The following grades are not included in GPA calculations:<br />

a. (“I”)<br />

b. (“F”)<br />

Principal’s List/Honor Roll<br />

1. The purpose of the school wide principal’s list/honor roll program is to recognize and honor High<br />

School students who have attained outstanding academic success and to provide positive<br />

reinforcement that inspires all students to strive even harder and perform at their highest level in<br />

all subjects.<br />

2. The <strong>AUS</strong> High School will implement this honor roll system that recognizes students for high<br />

academic achievement at the end of each quarter during the school year. The school recognizes<br />

students’ for performance at two levels: Principal’s List and Honor Roll.<br />

3. Students’ qualifying for each level of honor roll will be identified based on grades entered on<br />

student report cards in High School. The following criteria will be used to identify students at each<br />

level:<br />

a. Principal’s List: Students with at least a 3.7+ GPA with no grade on the report card below an<br />

(“A”).<br />

b. Honor Roll: Students with a 3.3 - 3.6 GPA with no grade on the report card below a (“B”).<br />


Report Cards<br />

1. Report cards for High School will be distributed four times a year on a quarterly basis.<br />

2. Progress reports will be issued each mid-quarter.<br />

3. The following information will appear on the High School report card:<br />

a. School Name<br />

b. Academic Year<br />

c. Course Titles<br />

d. Course Grades Earned<br />

e. Student Grade Level<br />

f. Absences from School<br />

g. Tardiness from School<br />

h. Teacher’s Names<br />

i. Grade Point Average (GPA)<br />

j. Comments<br />

Parent Conferences<br />

1. By the end of the first semester, teachers in High School will conduct a conference with every<br />

parent to discuss every student’s achievement and school performance.<br />

2. Parent conferences are encouraged at any time during the school year if the conference will<br />

enhance a parent’s understanding of and support for their child’s schoolwork and school<br />

performance.<br />

Homework<br />

1. Homework is a school related assignment which requires time and effort outside the regular<br />

classroom.<br />

2. Homework shall be meaningful and have purpose aligned to Common Core Curriculum.<br />

3. Homework shall be prescriptive and differentiated to meet the needs of teachers’ diverse student<br />

populations.<br />

4. Assignments may vary upon subject, but need to be designed so students may do one or more of<br />

the following:<br />

a. Practice and reinforce fundamental skills to meet course objectives.<br />

b. Aid in processing needed information to demonstrate mastery.<br />

c. Provide an opportunity to increase their learning ability through independent experiences<br />

with resources found outside of a classroom setting.<br />

d. Develop regular study habits, responsibility, and self-discipline, which are needed skills to<br />

budget their time effectively and work independently.<br />

e. Engage in shared learning experiences with family.<br />

f. Enhance concepts taught in class and may reinforce real world applications.<br />

g. Late work will not be given full credit and teachers will reduce or deduct 10pts. off each day<br />

an assignment is late. Teachers have the discretion to determine the final mark.<br />

5. Communication between students and teachers should be established concerning individual<br />

circumstances that may exist within families. Students should be able to complete assignments<br />

independently.<br />


High School Overview<br />

1. The goal of grading and reporting is to provide the students with feedback that reflects their<br />

progress toward the mastery of the indicators and objectives found in the Common Core<br />

Curriculum Framework.<br />

Categories<br />

1. Formative (45%): Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process. When incorporated<br />

into classroom practice, it provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while<br />

they are happening, at a point when timely adjustments can be made. Formative assessment is<br />

student practice, student involvement, and teachers providing descriptive feedback.<br />

2. Summative (55%): Summative Assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point<br />

in time what students know and do not know, help evaluate the effectiveness of programs, school<br />

improvement goals, and/or student placement in specific programs. (Each QUARTER all students<br />

will take an End of Quarter Assessment, which will account for 15% of their Summative grade).<br />


WEIGHT<br />



This includes all work completed outside the classroom to be graded on<br />

its completion and student’s preparation for class (materials, supplies,<br />

10%<br />




BASED<br />








etc.) and other tasks as assigned.<br />

This includes all work completed in the classroom setting including:<br />

∑ Group participation<br />

∑ Notebooks<br />

∑ Warm-ups<br />

∑ Vocabulary<br />

∑ Group discussions<br />

∑ Active participation in projects<br />

∑ Completion of assignments<br />

∑ Other tasks as assigned<br />

This includes assessments that are written, oral, and performance based<br />

including:<br />

∑ Tests & quizzes<br />

∑ Portfolios<br />

∑ Research and/or projects<br />

∑ Oral Presentations<br />

∑ Other tasks as assigned<br />

This includes:<br />

∑ Unit assessments<br />

∑ Unit portfolios<br />

∑ Research and/or projects<br />

∑ Oral presentations<br />

∑ End-of-unit assessments<br />

∑ Chapter tests<br />

∑ End-of-semester exams<br />

∑ Other assessments as assigned<br />


(Will account for 15% of Summative Grade)<br />

35%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

*A minimum of three formative grades must be entered weekly (depending on framework of pedagogical lesson).<br />

**A minimum of one summative grade must be entered per Unit.<br />



2016 – 20<strong>17</strong> High School Academic Calendar<br />


Declaration of Reading the Handbook<br />

American United School of Kuwait<br />


High School Handbook<br />

Please read the <strong>AUS</strong> High School Handbook. After you have done so, please remove this page from the<br />

handbook, sign the following statement and turn it in to the main office.<br />

I have read, I understand and I agree to follow the guidelines set down in the American United High<br />

School Handbook.<br />

__________________________________<br />

Parent/s Signature<br />

______________________________<br />

Date (dd/mm/yy)<br />

__________________________________<br />

Parent/s Printed Name<br />

__________________________________<br />

Student Signature<br />

(All high school students must<br />

sign along with their parents)<br />

______________________________<br />

Student Printed Name<br />

__________________________________<br />

Additional Student in Same Family Signature<br />

______________________________<br />

Student Printed Name<br />

__________________________________<br />

Additional Student in Same Family Signature<br />

______________________________<br />

Student Printed Name<br />

Please remove this page and submit it to the <strong>AUS</strong> High School Office.<br />

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Office Use Only Date submitted<br />

______________________________<br />

dd/mm/yy<br />


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